I am the carpenter king

Chapter 641 Pulling the Thorn

Suddenly a look of surprise flashed across Emperor Tianqi's face, he looked back at Xu Guangqi, and said in a deep voice, "Xu Aiqing, where is this shooting?"

Xu Guangqi was taken aback when he heard the gunshot, but Song Yingxing on the side knew what happened.Seeing Emperor Tianqi asking Xu Guangqi, he quickly walked to Xu Guangqi's side and whispered in his ear.

"My Majesty, the gunshots came from the firearms supervisor. Bi Maokang has been trial-producing a new musket for the past few days. The gunshot should be an experimental gunshot." Xu Guangqi wiped the sweat from his forehead. It's all right to come to pick him up, but when Emperor Tianqi came, there was a gunshot.

Slowly nodded, Emperor Tianqi suddenly became interested, and said with a smile: "Bi Aiqing actually made such a discovery? It's really not easy, take me to take a look!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Seeing that Emperor Tianqi's face remained unchanged, Xu Guangqi finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, please go this way."

When Emperor Apocalypse was inspecting the firearms factory, the Battle of Landing on Penghu Island finally began!

Qi Jiguang stood on the bow of the ship with a serious expression on his face, turned his head and said: "All warships move forward at full speed, pay attention to avoiding shells, we must rush up in the shortest time!"

Yu Zigao in the back also had an excited look on his face, and he ordered loudly: "Concentrate all the artillery fire and bombard their beach battery for me, don't be afraid of wasting shells!"

The battle started very quickly. It was a battle without any suspense. It lasted less than two hours before the battle ended.There were no warships in Penghu, and the remaining ships were sunk in the bay before they could move.Because there is no one to command, although there is resistance on the shore, it is useless to be too fierce.

When Yu Zigao set foot on the Penghu Islands, the resistance had been wiped out, the entire battlefield was filled with gunpowder, and the Ming army had already begun to clean up the battlefield.

"General, general. I got some news!" Xu Xinsu excitedly ran to Yu Zigao's side, with an unconcealable excitement on his face. .

He frowned slightly, he didn't like Xu Xinsu very much, but his uncle Zhang Yukun valued him very much.He glanced at Xu Xinsu.Yu Zigao said blankly: "What's the matter? Tell me as soon as possible!"

On the other hand, Fujian governor Nan Juyi laughed. He had been dealing with Xu Xinsu for not a day or two, and he knew this person very well.Xu Xinsu can be regarded as quite a wealthy person, if it is not a big event, she will definitely not be so excited.

"Xu Xinsu, it seems that you have discovered something important. Tell me quickly, don't be tempting!" Because the battle went smoothly, Nan Juyi's mood improved a lot, and his tone of voice to Xu Xinsu eased a lot.

"My lord, I just heard the news that half of the Dutch fleet is not on Penghu Island. If it weren't for this, we wouldn't have captured Penghu so easily." Xu Xinsu said a piece of news that no one thought of. The expression is very excited, this is a great opportunity.

Yu Zigao was slightly taken aback.But it quickly reflected, and said with a serious face: "Then where did they go?"

"Back to the general, they joined forces with Zheng Zhilong from Yizhou to attack the Spaniards! But I don't know how the war is going, but there is no news yet!" Xu Xinsu very much hoped that the Ming army would go directly to Taiwan and take Zheng Zhilong's lair directly. It's all right, but some things are not what he should say.It's not something he can say.

Yu Zigao on one side glanced at Qi Jin, then turned his gaze to Zhang Yukun on the other side, and said in a deep voice, "Master, what do you think we should do?"

"Take a rest in Penghu for a day, and then leave some people and boats to Master Nan, and we will leave the affairs here to Master Nan. We will take the rest of the people and go directly to the pirate lair in Yizhou. While they are empty, we must Annihilate them all in one fell swoop." Zhang Yukun turned his gaze to Nan Juyi and asked, "I don't know what Master Nan thinks?"

Although Nan Juyi didn't want to stay in Penghu, there was indeed no one more suitable than him!Think about it.The purpose of going to sea by myself has been achieved, and it is indeed superfluous to mix it up.Slowly nodded, Nan Juyi said with a smile: "This proposal is very good, if that's the case, I'll stay!"

At this time on Taiwan Island, the siege battle had finally come to an end. Zheng Zhilong stood on the top of the city with no expression on his face.However, Waite's expression on one side was a little lost, with unconcealable resentment on his face.

The Dutch lost a lot in this battle. Five warships were lost and one-third of the personnel were lost.The goal of weakening Zheng Zhilong was not achieved, which made Waite very unwilling.On the contrary, compared with Zheng Zhilong's loss, it was really much smaller.Thinking of the combat power item to be given to Zheng Zhilong, Waite felt a pain in his heart.

But at this time, Waite didn't dare to turn against Zheng Zhilong. If they really fought, they might be swallowed up by Zheng Zhilong.Zheng Zhilong also didn't want to attack the Dutch at this time. After all, even if Waite's fleet was wiped out, his losses would be too great, and the Dutch's power in the Taiwan Strait could not be wiped out directly.

However, no matter whether it was Waite or Zheng Zhilong, neither of them would have thought that the navy of the Ming Dynasty had already started war against them.The Penghu of the Dutch has been lost, and Zheng Zhilong's hometown is also in jeopardy.

"Your Excellency, Commander Waite, the matter here has been dealt with almost. If there is nothing else, I thought of taking people back!" Zheng Zhoulong glanced at the warship that was loading the spoils, and turned to Wei Wei on the other side with a blank expression. Te said.

Turning his head away, he glanced at Zheng Zhilong, Waite said with a smile: "Master Zheng, we have nothing to do, why are you in such a hurry?"

Neither of the two said anything about the future cooperation, because both of them knew that the cooperation would be terminated at this point.What follows is war, a war between each other, and a war for power in the Taiwan Strait.

At this moment, Waite will never let Zheng Zhilong leave here first. If there is an ambush on the way, Waiter will never be surprised.But before that, I also had comfort, presumably Farley should have arrived at the agreed place.

Zheng Zhilong naturally knew what Waiter was planning, but he could only say that Waiter guessed right!I really wanted to kill Waite halfway, keeping him would always be a scourge, and could weaken the strength of the Dutch, Zheng Zhilong would definitely do it.

Gently putting down the memorial in his hand, Emperor Tianqi breathed a sigh of relief. Although he had confidence in his navy, he had never fought a war before!Now that everything is going well, Emperor Tianqi can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Your Majesty, is there any happy event? Can you tell the servants? Let the servants be happy too!" Seeing the relieved expression of Emperor Tianqi, Wang Chengen immediately laughed and said.

"Fujian governor Nan Juyi's good news, the Taiwan Strait war is going well! Yu Zigao and Qi Jin have expelled the Dutch, Penghu has also been brought back, and now they are preparing to attack the pirates entrenched in Taiwan!" Emperor Tianqi stood slowly Standing up, I stretched a little.

Ever since crossing over, Emperor Tianqi felt as if a mountain was pressing on him. At this time, he finally felt that the mountain was about to be moved away!I feel a lot more relaxed physically and mentally, and my state has also changed. Now I can deal with everything calmly.

"This is good news! Your Majesty Gongxi, Your Majesty Congratulations!" Wang Chengen quickly fell to his knees and shouted loudly.Since this period of time, Emperor Tianqi has been worrying about this matter, and Wang Chengen knows this.It can be said that the mood of Emperor Tianqi is the barometer of the entire palace.Now that the matter is settled, and Emperor Tianqi's expression has improved, it means that the rain has passed and the sky has cleared up!

With a wave of his hand, Emperor Tianqi motioned for Wang Chengen to follow, and walked to the gate by himself.Looking at the blue sky outside, he took a deep breath of relief, as if exhaling all the stale air that was suppressed in his heart at once.

"Wang Chengen, go to Dongchang and Jinyiwei later, and bring back all the secret documents related to Shanxi and Shaanxi! Things are almost over there, and it's time to collect the net!" Emperor Tianqi stretched his body. , Said to Wang Chengen on the side.

Now that I have the ability, all the foundations have been laid, and I believe that with time and fame, I will definitely be able to soar into the sky.What I have to do now is to remove the best obstacles, Northwest and Liaodong, it's time to do it!

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Although Wang Chengen didn't know what Emperor Tianqi was talking about, but he had been by Emperor Tianqi's side for so many years, and just by hearing Emperor Tianqi's voice, he knew that this time the matter must be serious.

After pondering for a while, Emperor Tianqi said again: "Is there any news from Cao Huachun?"

"Return to the emperor, not in the past two months!" Wang Chengen was slightly taken aback, but still said respectfully.Regarding this matter, Wang Chengen was one of the few who knew the inside story and what Cao Huachun was up to.

Nodding his head slowly, Emperor Tianqi said in a deep voice: "Send someone to remind Cao Huachun and ask him how things are going. If it hasn't been done yet, ask him if he can still do it!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Seeing Emperor Tianqi's face darken again, Wang Chengen couldn't help but curse Cao Huachun in his heart.There was some happy event, but the emperor's face finally looks good, because you have changed back again!

But Wang Chengen naturally didn't understand that Emperor Tianqi was worried about his side, Shaanxi and Shanxi, these two places were a thorn in Emperor Tianqi's heart.Compared with Taiwan Strait and Liaodong, this thorn made Emperor Tianqi feel more distressed.Now that he has this strength, if he decides to pull out the thorn, it is natural to start from the most painful place.

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