My Goddess

Chapter 285

After dinner, Zhang Chao followed Su Yifan to the secret base. This was Su Yifan's first time receiving male guests, and he even bought a pair of slippers for Zhang Chao.

Zhang Chao didn't open the shoe cabinet, so he couldn't see those ladies' slippers in various styles and in large quantities, so naturally he didn't have the chance to further marvel at Su Yifan's femininity.

In fact, just seeing that = TV, Zhang Chao was about to pounce on it: "Damn it, you use this to play games? Dare you be happier?"

Su Yifan showed Zhang Chao game discs, all kinds of top masterpieces.The picture is gorgeous, the content of the game is deep, and it is very popular... Zhang Chao picked and picked a piece of "Street Fighter 4" and stuffed it in.

"Two rounds!"

Undoubtedly, Zhang Chao still prefers to fight against **, and he became excited after entering the selection interface.

"Are you really good at it?" Su Yifan asked, "Well, how about fried chicken cutlet once in a game?"

Zhang Chao, who had just received his salary, looked indifferent: "Whatever!"


Half an hour later, Zhang Chao asked Su Yifan pitifully, "I you have any work recently?"

"It's really possible." Su Yifan looked at the score difference of more than 30 rounds on the screen and said, "Be prepared, this also needs to be revised now."

Talking about this, Zhang Chao finally put down the handle, and in his opinion, things have priorities.

"I want to try to make a system setting, what do you think?"

Su Yifan also put down the handle: "What? Are you getting more and more interested in this?"

Zhang Chao smiled a little embarrassedly: "It's quite interesting, when will we be able to make this game well?"

"It's probably going to be summer vacation." Su Yifan had a headache, "It's a little more complicated than I imagined, it might be delayed for a few days."

"If you don't bounce tickets, you won't be applauding the game." Zhang Chao comforted Su Yifan and said, "Don't think about it, being the best is more important than anything else."

"I think so too." Su Yifan said, "By the way, are you going to study literature or science in your third year of high school?"

Zhang Chao didn't expect that besides his parents, Su Yifan, a brat who plays Dota together every day, would also ask this kind of question. He sighed and said, "I should be a science major...I want to major in computer science."

"It dead program coder?"

"Nonsense, of course I want to make games." Zhang Chao was a little depressed when he talked about it, "But people say that if you treat your hobbies as work, you will lose your hobbies in the future."

"Then develop new hobbies." Su Yifan laughed, "For example, raising flowers and walking birds."

"Fuck off, you're an old man, your whole family and community are all old!" Zhang Chao scolded with a smile, "You have to study liberal arts, right?"

Su Yifan nodded: "How did you guess that?"

"The relationship between you and Cheng Shuixin, you can study science?" Zhang Chao snorted, "The blind can see it, and you got what you wanted, right?"

Su Yifan sighed cooperatively: "Cheng Shuixin and Yang Bingbing..."

"Well, let's not talk about this." Zhang Chao thought of the fierce Yang Bingbing, and he was also shocked, "You have to appease these girls, you have also seen the end of dominating the two big girls..."

Su Yifan snorted: "It's really decided to major in computer science, which school do you want to go to?"

"I haven't thought about it yet." Zhang Chao sat up straight, and suddenly his expression became very serious, "How do you think I will enter the University of Science and Technology?"

Su Yifan was speechless: "I want to lie to you, but I think it's not good to do so after so many years of friendship..."

"..." Zhang Chao was actually very self-aware, and sighed, "Forget it, let's go to Nanjing University."

"Come on." Su Yifan punched Zhang Chao on the shoulder, "I'll give you another job for a few days, wait for my news."

"Success." Zhang Chao stood up, "After I made the game data, I don't enjoy playing games anymore. I'm going home first."

Su Yifan packed a bunch of snacks for Zhang Chao, took him away, and sent him downstairs.

The next afternoon, Su Yifan went to the student union office alone.

At the end of each term, the student union has a lot of things to do. After all, the graduation ceremony and theatrical performances must be attended by the student union to show its existence.The student union office, which moved the office from the activity building to the corner of the administrative building, is clean and simple, and it looks much more friendly than Zhai Yufei's time.As soon as Su Yifan entered the door, he saw Yu Zheng sitting on a very casual chair, talking with Luo Qina, the new Minister of Culture and Art.

The new minister of literature and art, Luo Qina, is a pretty girl who looks a bit like a doll. Her voice is soft and soft, and she is good at singing and dancing.The main reason why Cheng Shuixin is not as famous in school is because she has a boyfriend. It is said that her boyfriend is a high-achieving student of a certain university and a rich second generation.This kind of high-grade vase is out of reach for many boys, and they are too lazy to look at it from a distance.

After all, students nowadays are more realistic, and the only criterion for many people to rate girls is that they can get full marks but not zero points.

Seeing Su Yifan coming in, Yu Zheng said a few more words to Luo Qina, indicating that he had other matters here.This attitude caused Luo Qina to take another look at Su Yifan, and then left in a hurry without looking back.

"Why do you have time to come to my place?" Yu Zheng was playing with a beautiful and delicate fountain pen, and Su Yifan could tell that it seemed to be worth more than ten thousand yuan.

"Let's talk about work with you." Su Yifan tried not to talk about personal topics regarding Zheng's business-like attitude, "I already have a clue about the project you asked me to do."

Yu Zheng's eyes froze, Su Yifan's efficiency was higher than he imagined.It is said that Su Yifan, who is full of things, should also be a procrastinator, but he did not expect him to reply to himself so quickly.

"I'll make you some tea and talk slowly."

Su Yifan was not as polite as Yu Zheng, and waited for him to boil water and make tea.

The tea is good tea, and the water is also good. The only pity is that the water temperature of the water dispenser is not enough to bring out the full fragrance of the tea leaves.

"I heard you mean to make a game that conforms to mainstream values ​​and obtain special funds for support. At the same time, it should be more fun and have commercial benefits?"

Yu Zheng said seriously: "Yes."

Su Yifan didn't hide it, put down his teacup and said, "Actually, this problem is easy to solve. You can make an interactive social game with the theme of home building."

Yu Zheng frowned: "Isn't this too simple?"

"Simplicity does not mean monotony." Su Yifan said, "The current social values ​​are mainly focused on personal struggle. If you can make a game that conforms to this idea, the sales should be very good."

"Be more specific." Yu Zheng knew that he and Su Yifan were not at the same level of fighters in this field, so he simply asked him to continue talking.

Su Yifan grabbed a piece of paper, unceremoniously grabbed the pen from Zheng's hand, and drew a few circles on it.

"Individual, family, and society. Among these three concerns, social games in the past only focused on individuals, and all of them focused on personal experience. Now we want to break out of this circle."

Yu Zheng listened carefully, and when he analyzed the problem, the shy expression on his face disappeared, replaced by a more adult expression.

"We assume that the main character is a young man from a small city who is working in a big city." Su Yifan said, "There are many such people, and people can find a sense of identity. They can get started in various ways, such as normal income, unexpected income , and all kinds of speculative business.”

"Then what are these people's money used for? It is used to build their hometown. The city is named by itself, and the urban planning is also built by itself."

As expected of a serious and good boy, Yu Zheng asked, "Isn't there too much city building game?"

"So the specific difference between us is that our money is earned through personal efforts, and only after we succeed can we invest in the construction of our hometown." Su Yifan explained, "Of course you are bidding, and the content must be positive. This part is up to us. I'm sure, I think we can integrate some small games to make the fatigue of the overall game appear weaker."

Yu Zheng still felt unreliable: "It doesn't sound like there is anything outstanding..."

In this field, Yu Zheng's ingenuity is really not enough, Su Yifan continued: "The core system of the game is the workplace quiz, various knowledge quizzes, and there are themed activities every day. Then you can speculate in stocks, take a job, participate in One or two types of investment. Everyone aims to earn a lot of money, and then use the money to give back to the society. Giving back to the society can get a huge reputation, and then continue to make money through the reputation. This is a cycle, which is essentially SimCity The core part of the game is stripped out and placed in a social game."

"Is this a cottage?"

Su Yifan shook his head: "Everyone has the concept of building a city. If you do it well, you won't be considered a copycat. We can connect it with reality. Several types of cities cover the characteristics of most cities in China. Each type has its own characteristics. Buildings that don’t exist in other places. If you want the resources of other cities, you must develop the city to a certain extent, just like in reality, your city is not big enough to prevent McDonald’s from coming.”

"...It's kind of interesting." Yu Zheng felt that it would be embarrassing for him to be persuaded by Su Yifan in a few words, but he also knew that it would be pointless to insist, "Such a good idea, why don't you do it yourself?"

Su Yifan shrugged: "I don't have the daughter of the head of the high-tech development zone as my girlfriend."

After being satirized by Su Yifan, Yu Zheng really felt relieved: "Just do as you said, how long will it take to plan the system?"

Su Yifan said: "I'll arrange someone to talk to you about the system and numerical planning. I probably won't be able to give you a draft until after the exam. Is there time?"

"The bidding will start in late July." Yu Zheng counted the days, "It will be fine if there is no delay."

"I will compensate you for the delay." Su Yifan said, "But cooperation is cooperation, and you can't miss me in the advance payment."

In this regard, Yu Zheng was very happy: "Okay, I will pay for the first draft."

Su Yifan nodded: "That's it for now, I'm going back."

Yu Zheng had nothing to do with this business-like Su Yifan, who seemed a bit boring. He knew that it was his inherent impression that made Su Yifan slightly disgusted.But if he hadn't experienced those things, how could he re-evaluate Su Yifan's importance?

The cause and effect of many things in life is just so unclear.

Yu Zheng suddenly looked forward to it, he knew that Su Yifan was a serious person, and he really didn't know what would happen if such a person worked out with all his strength.


Work hard to code and continue to ask for tickets

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