My Goddess

Chapter 424 Contempt

Cai Yan's arrival brought Cheng Shuixin a lot of difficulties, even a little danger.Cheng Shuixin feels that since Cai Yan can be attacked on the street, it is not very safe for her to sit here and drink coffee with Cai Yan.

But since knowing Neil's real identity, Cheng Shuixin feels that her mentality has changed a lot.It seems that the habit of not wanting to get into trouble in the past is gone, but now Cheng Shuixin feels that it would be more interesting if she could encounter a little big disturbance.

If you do too many small challenges, you naturally desire higher difficulty.Cheng Shuixin hopes that she can also deal with some of the dangers that Su Yifan said, she feels that she can become that kind of person.

Now that Cai Yan was sitting in front of her, Cheng Shuixin carefully asked about the details of the sudden attack that day, and then asked Cai Yan who in the family she was more suspicious of.

Cai Yan briefly told Cheng Shuixin about her family's situation, and she was willing to talk about anything that didn't involve commercial secrets.

"You know about my father's house. The main reason is that his grades are relatively good. Now the heavy industry has grown to a large scale, and he has a good relationship with several uncles." Cai Yan started from his own family, "The most important thing is Four brothers were separated from my grandfather, you know where my grandfather is now... the other people, each of them has a lot of resources..."

Cheng Shuixin listened very carefully. She had seen this kind of old-fashioned family with four generations living under the same roof before, but only after hearing Cai Yan's intricate chain of interests did she realize that she was tender after all.The second generation of the Cai family is led by Cai Yan's father, and is unique in the business world.In the generation of Cai Yan's grandfather, Cai Kaixuan, Cai Yan's grandfather, had a special status and had a strong political imprint.The prosperity of the Cai family is more or less related to Cai Kaixuan. He has promoted many Cai family children, who are arranged in various departments, but most of them still have their own properties.

Generally speaking, the Cai family is a commercial Cai family, and the political aspect has been weakened a lot.This is also the policy formulated by the old man back then. He believes that standing in the team will make a difference sooner or later, it is better to focus on making money.It is really to the extent that it can affect the structure of the industry, as long as you don't make too much trouble, the prosperity and wealth of generations will always be inevitable.

It's a pity that this kind of thinking seems old-fashioned to the younger generation. Cai Yan's father followed the old teachings and did a lot in business.Today's Cai family has serious differences, and the relationship between each house is not very good.Because Cai Yadong can provide a lot of funds, he has at least gained the respect of most people on the surface.

The ones who really have a bad relationship with Cai Yadong are the third master's son, Cai Yitian, and the fourth master, Cai Bafang.

The names of the four old men of the Cai family are all very strange, of course it is because of the specific age, and everyone can't help it.On the contrary, Cai Yitian changed his name after he became an adult, it is said that it was to make himself more smooth.Cai Yan hated this self-proclaimed uncle very much. He often gave himself a lot of truths when he appeared, and then stared at his niece's beautiful figure with lewd eyes.

Cai Yitian is in the export business, and he sold some food to his old neighbors across the sea with great brains, earning a lot of money.Later, Cai Yitian worked in logistics and real estate, and gradually rose in popular industries, which meant that he wanted to keep pace with Cai Yadong.

Compared with Cai Yadong, who is at least superficially gentle, Cai Yitian is very good at doing things, and often thinks that radicalism is the way for the Cai family to develop.In this aspect, Cai Yitian, who has the opposite opinion to Cai Yadong, has often publicly opposed Cai Yadong's opinions recently, and the two brothers have a strong intention to fight.

On the contrary, the fourth master Cai Bafang simply doesn't like Cai Yadong, and he never liked him since he was a child.The age gap between Cai Yan's four grandparents is not small. The fourth son, Cai Bafang, is already more than ten years behind his eldest brother, but he is somewhat similar in age to the younger generation.This age difference and Cai Bafang's fiery temper have made him have a bad relationship with Cai Yadong, who has always been moody.After Cai Yadong established his own company and finally successfully entered the heavy industry industry, Cai Bafang disliked this sudden emergence of the younger generation even more.

As for the rest of the Cai family, Cai Yan reluctantly talked about them, but she didn't have a deep impression of them, nor were they very good.Thinking about it now, everyone is hiding behind a profit, and everyone actually has a reason to do it.

After hearing Cai Yan's introduction, Cheng Shuixin didn't make a sound, stirred the cold coffee, and said in a low voice, "Actually, have you thought about it? What if the people who want to do this want the Cai family to split up out of the attitude of not being able to destroy or establish? "

Cai Yan was stunned: "If it can't be broken, it can't be built?"

"My family's dissatisfaction should basically be based on dissatisfaction with the interest structure." Cheng Shuixin said casually, "People who are dissatisfied will probably think 'I don't get as much as you, why do you get so much' and the like Thoughts?"

Cai Yan admitted: "It seems to be the case."

"To gain benefits again, you don't have to be in power, it can also be to split the Cai family." Cheng Shuixin said, "There is a chance to have a chance."

"I don't think anyone is that crazy, right?" Cai Yan couldn't believe it. "Now the Cai family is a big tree. It really split up. The harm outweighs the benefit."

Cheng Shuixin is an outsider, of course she will not have any subjective and emotional inclinations towards this matter, she just laughed and said: "Of course the Cai family is united as one externally, internally reshuffle the cards, whoever is most beneficial will be the most suspicious .”

Cai Yan is also a person who has experienced some business struggles. After hearing Cheng Shuixin's words, her eyes changed instantly.

It wasn't that he immediately thought of who was most suspected, but he didn't expect that things could be considered from this perspective.

Of course, Cai Yan has to consider more factors, such as the person who did it doesn't mind angering Su Xiaoqing, does this mean he wants to use Su Xiaoqing's hand to attack the Cai family?

Who on earth could have such great ambitions?

Cai Yan thought about it for a long time but couldn't come up with a clue. The most suspicious person would not jump out and admit it just because he thought about it. On the contrary, Cheng Shuixin started to read the movie review again, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Under the current situation, although Cai Yan was very anxious about Su Yifan's whereabouts, he still couldn't express too much emotion towards Cheng Shuixin, so he could only worry: "It seems that I have to ask my father about this matter."

Cheng Shuixin smiled slightly: "I don't know about the big family, but human nature is common, you should think about it."

Cai Yan, who really just sat there and thought for a while, got up to say goodbye, and thanked Cheng Shuixin: "Thank you very much, you let me see myself more clearly."

"It's nothing." Cheng Shuixin replied politely and with distance, "Seeing you, I also have a reference."

In fact, Cai Yan wanted to continue to drag Cheng Shuixin to accompany her around Binhai, but she felt restless when she thought that there was another big man in Binhai.After saying goodbye, he asked Jeff to drive him to the parking lot near Su Yifan's house, and stared at Su Yifan's parking space in a daze.

Speaking of which, Cai Yan really didn't have the courage to contact Su Xiaoqing directly, she just wanted to give herself a little more courage here, so that she could take the initiative to make a phone call that was considered taboo.

If Su Yifan was still here, perhaps none of these problems would have arisen...



Watching Cai Yan leave in the car, the calm expression on Cheng Shuixin's face disappeared immediately. She almost took out her mobile phone as fast as she could and called Su Xiaoqing.

The call was quickly connected, and Su Xiaoqing's voice over there was very clear: "What's the matter?"

Cheng Shuixin took a deep breath and said to Su Xiaoqing: "Miss Qing, I think Su Yifan might be missing..."

Su Xiaoqing's heart skipped a beat. She who knew the most truth among all the people never thought that it was Cheng Shuixin who called and told her first. She thought it could be Cai Yan.

"Oh? Why do you think so?" Su Xiaoqing was also quite curious, "Has Su Yifan traveled with his classmates?"

Cheng Shuixin tried to take a deep breath to calm herself down, so that she didn't hear the curiosity and playfulness in Su Xiaoqing's tone, and said in a low voice: "Cai Yan came to me today and told me that she was almost seems true. She wants me to help her with ideas."

"Then?" Su Xiaoqing asked in a calmer tone, "What did you see?"

Cheng Shuixin said with a "huh": "I found that Cai Yan was absent-minded when talking to me, and she was very easily depressed. I thought it was a natural reaction to encounter such a thing, but later I found something wrong."

"What's wrong?"

Cheng Shuixin said seriously: "Cai Yan told me the whole process of her being kidnapped. Although the details are perfect... But I can still hear that she was shocked that she would be missed."

Su Xiaoqing said: "It's normal for a girl from a family like Cai Yan to be missed."

"I don't think so." Cheng Shuixin said firmly, "When Cai Yan mentioned you and Su Yifan, her emotions were rather strange, her eyes flickered, and she made many small movements. I guess she actually wanted to express a meaning, that's why When Su Yifan was present, someone dared to attack her."

"Is this your reasoning?" Su Xiaoqing was really admiring, "If you have any questions, I'll just ask Cai Yan."

Cheng Shuixin said anxiously: "Miss Qing, I'm worried about Su Yifan! If something happens to him, I really don't know what to do..."

Listening to the little girl's sincere voice, Su Xiaoqing felt a faint pride in her heart.Among these girls, Cheng Shuixin is the most independent and the most selfish in her heart. Now that Su Yifan is so missed by her, I am afraid that people who have been in contact with him a lot will be infected by that charm.

"Don't be in a hurry." Su Xiao softly comforted, "I know best if Su Yifan is okay. Tell me what Cai Yan told you."

Cheng Shuixin repeated what she said to Cai Yan just now, Su Xiaoqing didn't speak immediately after listening, and said after a few seconds of silence: "You don't have to worry about this, Su Yifan should be safe now."

Cheng Shuixin believed in Su Xiaoqing's omnipotence, and asked in surprise, "Miss Qing, you know everything?"

Su Xiao smiled lightly: "Maybe not all of them, but the most important thing is definitely known. Cai Yan didn't come to Binhai to look for you, but actually came to look for me."

"Then what are you going to do, miss?"

After asking this sentence, Cheng Shuixin regretted it. She felt that she shouldn't ask Su Xiaoqing such a question. Su Xiaoqing must have her own plan.

"Let's see." Su Xiao said contemptuously, "Since Cai Yan wants to come to see me, I'll ask her why she has the nerve to come to see me."


The red ticket is finally [-], keep asking!

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