Law of the Wasteland

Chapter 120 With boss1

The skills of a mechanical gun expert, special speed shot, explosion, freezing, electromagnetic, guidance... the skills of an evolutionary jungle shooter, multiple arrows, tracking arrows, piercing arrows, continuous arrows... the skills of a mutation-type shooter , Blight spray, acid spray, toxin spray, bone spur spray...

In an instant, the dark jungle seemed to be flickering with neon lights, and auras of various colors emerged, colorful and gorgeous.

Before that, the nurse's stimulant, the doctor's group hypnosis and strengthening, the natural choice's enchantment and encouragement, the mutant healer's bloodworm power... various strengthening effects, or cover an area as early as possible, Or bless each character one by one.

However, just when the stormy attack was about to reach Luo Huaman's arms, something unexpected happened!

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!" Luohua sensed murderous intent in her heart, and her heart was full of alarms. She immediately launched a thrust, abandoned the boss, and slid past the bushes next to her. She was worthy of being an elite on the battlefield.

At the same time, "Boom! Boom!" Chen Kou on the other side of the boss turned his gun, and the rockets jumped continuously, arriving at the empty space that Luohuamanhuai had just vacated.

At this time, it is obviously too late to turn the gun and let the bullets, bows, and crossbows return from a distance.

So in an instant, Chen Kou's Shocking Dust and Splashing Snow was instantly killed!

In an instant, even Wei Bubing didn't have time to react, no matter Luohuamanhuai who was running like a hog wolf, or Wanlitou wolf who was commanding a large group of people in the distance.

So in an instant, the bright red luster covered every character under the command of Wanlitou Wolf.

This time, in order to prevent someone from being forced into the state of self-defense like last time, Wanlitou Wolf carefully divided the team into four teams. .

I never expected that the opponent's response would be so quick, and at the moment when one's own side focused their fire, they would switch positions...

You know, according to Wanlitou Wolf's design, the entire battle, at the very moment of the opening, was fought by everyone.

After killing Luohuamanhuai, the four teams will intersect and march, one team will be the main attacker, and the three teams will feint, forcing the opponent to resort to the combo tactics that end the game.

In this way, although one team will give up their legitimate defense because of the initiative to attack, the other three teams will definitely get the right to defend themselves during the explosion, and after that, they will cover up and charge to kill.

As a result, as soon as the game started, the building tilted and rumbled in a direction that the wolf of thousands of miles could not predict.

However, it wasn't just a thousand-mile wolf who was surprised and surprised.

Wei Bubing and Luo Huamanai on the opposite side were even more stunned: "What's going on?"

While in a daze, "Boom", the twin demons who had been blessed with the power of blood worms viciously bumped into Luo Huaman's body with one shoulder, causing her to vomit blood and fly backwards, rolling in the air.

On the other side, Wei Bubing was firmly caught by the blood-sucking touch protruding from the boss, and the red blood on the top of his head came out one after another, turning into the green blood on the boss's head.

"What else could be the reason? It must be that you two kept fighting and refused to listen. In a fit of rage, Sister Chen committed suicide." Sister Yiyi was the first to react and said angrily.

"No?!" Both of them were stunned.

Wei Bubing broke free from Cao and made a mistake, and continued to be entangled...

Luo Hua was full of power to block the frame, and was knocked into the air by the boss again...

"Yiyi, shut up!" At the resurrection point, Chen Kou twisted his nose when he saw the team's chat, "Am I that fragile?" He typed quickly and explained his plan.

Only then did Wei Bubing and Luo Huamanhuai suddenly realize.

"But this is a bit...too ruthless?" Wei Bubing finally got rid of the blood-sucking touch, and retreated as Chen Kou said, while pondering.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it really is the most poisonous woman's heart!" Luo Hua's expression was even more blatant, with a trick of Tieshan that knocked the boss away, took the opportunity to get rid of it, and turned around and burrowed into the jungle.

"Get out! You're talking like you're not a woman." Chen Kou was annoyed.

"I am..." Luo Hua sent a puzzled expression: "That's why I'm proud!"

At the resurrection point, Chen Kou burst into tears, it was so difficult to keep up with the thinking of these guys!

Not to mention Chen Kou's team, let's talk about the other side. After all, he has been in this business for a long time. Although Chen Kou's reaction was unexpected, he looked at the situation carefully and waved his hand: "Then don't use any tactics. Everyone leave the team and join the team. Come on, kill! Pay attention to keeping distance, keep vigilant, explore the way in close combat, suppress from long range, and maintain the blood line with treatment..."

A series of orders were issued, and when everyone frantically followed his instructions, organized a group and began to advance cautiously, the orders were obviously outdated.

It was completely different from last time, the enemy on the opposite side was arrogant and confronted head-on, the remaining three turned their heads and ran away neatly.

At first, I thought that Chen Kou's suicide and stained red contained some kind of sinister trick. After the three of them ran away for a while, Wanlitou Lang suddenly realized: Damn, the boss is now on his side!

With such a big gun poking there, there are only three people on the opposite side, can it be done without running?Even a professional master would not dare to play like that.

"Chasing! Chasing! Chasing!" Angrily, he swiped the screen and gave an order.

The subordinates also suddenly realized that they carried guns and rumbled after him.

The boss's pursuit is limited, it is impossible to chase the hatred target endlessly, the hatred created by the player, the boss's attachment to the lair, and the surrounding terrain, or the distribution of NPCs relevant.

In short, while the boss is still there, how much damage can be done!

One side was chasing, the other side was running away, making the silent forest wild for a while.

Facing the boss, Wei Bubing and Luo Huamanhuai ran wildly, the boss' hatred was of course locked on Luohuamanhuai, but as a long-range boss, from time to time, he would sao and harass Wei Bubing.

In addition to the boss, there are also small monsters wandering in the wild, which will be attracted when they pass by, and Wuyang Wuyang will follow him, and they will also be distracted, or hack and kill, or hang until the hatred disappears.

In addition to wild monsters, there are also chasing soldiers who have changed their weapons and have a super long range. Although they are not accurate enough, their guns shoot and roar randomly.

During the gallop, it was difficult for Yiyi to stop and add blood, so she had to use infusions, combat bandages and other skills that didn't have to stand still to cast spells to maintain the bloodline of the two of them.

It's good luck to get out of the dangerous situation several times, and survived the danger, tickling the teeth of the chasing soldiers behind.

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