Law of the Wasteland

Chapter 127 Still have the backbone! 【The second update on the shelves】

After sending off the gang of hanging boot ghosts like Wanlitou Lang, Chen Kou's team has entered the right track.

The various drops from boss fights, the continuous refreshing of the private auction page, and the "boss killer" certificates that have gradually accumulated to dozens of pieces... I won't list them one by one.

As more and more bosses are fought, the equipment on the group is becoming more and more luxurious. After all, they are fighting wild bosses like dungeon bosses!

The dungeon boss fights well, and the whole body can be blue and purple.This field boss not only has a higher drop quality, but also has a much higher drop quantity. After all, this is a boss prepared for a large group of dozens of people, and the drop is too small to be taken out.

So on the second day, the four of them basically popularized the orange outfits.In addition to considering attack, defense, blood volume, and skill level, other factors such as resistance to xing, resistance to abnormal states, movement speed, jumping, and blood recovery have gradually been enriched.

All attributes of the three-dimensional blood volume have been greatly improved.At first glance, everyone's metamorphosis is comparable to Luo Hua's full arms, the speed of advancement is faster, and it is more handy to fight the boss!

However, Wei Bubing summoned only one more pathfinding robot, reaching 18.The level of mechanical proficiency has only increased by one level, and the CD and the number of single summons have not changed.

Although the equipment Chen Kou chose for him at the beginning has everything from green, purple and blue, it has really reached the limit in terms of strengthening the flow of pathfinding robots, even if it is constantly changing and improving, it is very limited.

The open and secret struggle between Wei Bubing and Luo Huamanhuai is of course still going on...

The improvement of Wei Bubing's equipment further enhanced its advantages.However, after gradually getting used to Wei Bu's extremely quick nerve reflexes and the skill of dissipating murderous aura, Luo Hua is no longer purely one-sided.In addition to defending, he began to be able to counterattack one or two.The progress is rapid.After all, he is a military elite who has experienced life and death on the battlefield.

Not much gossip, anyway, this day is over.Chen Kou's team wiped out more than twenty bosses.At ten o'clock in the evening, a group of four people finally crossed the obstacles in the wild, and walked to another new city in the new district—New City No. 5 with just one pair of legs.

Although both are new towns, the layout of this city is quite different from that of No. 1 New City.

In the center of New City No. 1, there is a towering giant tree with a crown like a canopy, covering the whole new city tightly.The No. 5 new city is surrounded by seven or eight giant trees.Another river runs through the city.

The city wall is built on the back of giant trees, and the streets in the city follow the direction of the river, winding like a maze.

Moreover, because the giant trees with seven or eight pillars are entangled in the air, some buildings are directly built on the trunks of the giant trees, and then they are suspended in the air. The plane map provided by the system.Almost impossible to reference.

Walking on the street, I often hear greetings back and forth: "Hello, may I can I get to xxxx?" Many people shake their heads, but few nod.

There are also weird situations... "You are asking the right person, I just came over from there, follow me..." He is very enthusiastic and leads the way.Tens of seconds later, "Hey, why is the road you walked just now gone..." Scratching his ears and turning around in embarrassment, "Uh. That... where are we now?" "..."

Although the road is hard to find, there are many pedestrians coming and going on the road.

The time of the city's appearance.It was only a few hours later than No. 1 new city, and at this moment, the city and the outside of the city were almost covered by players' footsteps.

According to Chen Kou's original plan, he would never stay at the top of such a city, but there is no way, there are really many things that have to be dealt with in this city...


No. 5 Xincheng four o'clock gate.

It is called the Four O'clock Gate because this gate is located at the four o'clock direction on the city's big map, and the city has enough gates.

The Four Points Gate is one of the city's two relatively easily identifiable gates, the other being the Points Gate, which flows through the city's river, entering at Gate Number and flowing out at Gate Four.

A group of people asked for directions and chatted with the responders in the city. When they arrived at the gate of the city, suddenly a ragged, unkempt player rushed up to them: "It can be considered that I saw you, my relatives!" Tears Hengliu, weeping bitterly, threw himself on several people.

"Bang Dang!" Luo Huaman's eyes were sharp and his feet were quick, kicking this person to the ground, "Who is with your relatives?"

In the current world, people's hearts are not ancient. Someone actually brought a beggar into the game?Chen Kouwei and the others were stunned for a moment, thinking they had witnessed the birth of a new profession.

In the end, it was Yiyi who was careful, looked at it for a moment, and pulled Chen Kou's lapel: "It seems to be a little bird?"

Little bird?Everyone took a closer look and found that it wasn't a little bird. After two days, they couldn't recognize it.

But seeing him unkempt, withered, looking as depressed as a ghost.

"Come on, don't say I know you!" When he found out that it was a little bird, he threw his arms full of flowers at this guy, and kicked him a few times, and the kicked little bird rolled over and over again, covered in dust and mud, becoming more and more unbearable Eyes.

"You, how did you fall into this state?" Wei Bubing asked dumbfounded.

The others also looked the same, full of suspicion.

The matter is actually very simple to say, although Chen KouTeam's movement speed is amazing, which is unmatched by people, but... for a happy life with less wolves and more meat, and for the heavenly days with beautiful women day and night, Xiao Xiaoniao decided to fight!

However, carpooling is okay, where can I find someone to carpool with?

At the current stage, there is really no team or team that would do such a feat of walking across the main city, it would be too much of a waste of time!More importantly, you will miss the copy at night.

I can only go on the road alone, following in the footsteps of Chen Kou and others.

The wild monsters are dense.Although he is a t, he has high health and long blood, after all, he lacks the means to recover blood. If he is touched by a monster, he will lose blood. If he wants to recover, he can only wait and slowly recover as time goes by, or spend cheating money to buy healing potions... …

But even if you are willing to spend money, the healing potion is not a living healing system after all, it has CD.With weight, the effect is even more lackluster.

run all the way.He used up the healing potions on his back several times, and when he found that doing so was not as good as directly spending money to hire a healing department, it was already more than ten kilometers away.

He could only run back to the main city to seek treatment.

He took the treatment with him on the road, only to find that he might as well run alone...

After all, I am a professional, although my skill is incomparable with Luo Huamanhuai and Wei Bubing, I am better than Chen Kou.Maybe even stronger.Going into the wild environment, calculating the monster's range and field of vision, it is not too difficult to sneak through.Occasionally attracting monsters and pulling them to a secluded place to kill them is safe and sound, but when he got a short leg for treatment, he made mistakes again and again.

When there are few blames, you can still hit a dozen.If there are too many monsters, you can only run. The healer ran in a panic, and the more he ran, the more monsters he ran. The short-legged one went first, and then he followed closely.

After several times of death and life, the little bird finally knew.It can't go on like this.

It has to be said that Little Bird's IQ is far from that of Wanli Wolf, so he tossed back and forth like this, and didn't realize the tricks Wanli Wolf used until it was almost midnight.

this process.In fact, he has already relied on death, and unconsciously saved a lot of roads...

The reason for not doing so.It's because he's wearing purple and orange equipment, and he'll lose it when he dies!During the process, two pieces were lost, and he was so distressed that he wanted to die, and then he remembered that he could temporarily store all the equipment in the mailbox and replace it with tattered equipment.

However, if the upper body is tattered, it will be crispy.After death, it becomes weaker and more brittle.Running all the way, dying all the way, dying all the way, running all the way, just like this, life and death, life and death, life and death, really went through untold hardships, endured the bitterness of the world, and finally came to New City No. [-]!

After he died, he didn't even have the money to repair the equipment. Now his body is in tatters, that is, the durability of the equipment has exceeded the limit, and he has no attributes at all.

Although there is no attribute, the system can't let people run around naked, the default is this beggar look...

"It's so miserable!" Listening to the little bird talking and gesticulating, explaining the process with tears streaming down his face, his arms were full of flowers, his eyes were moist, and his heart couldn't bear it.Thinking back to when we first met, I even went into trouble and gave a few meeting gifts, "Come on, I'll give you a few thousand points, hurry up and repair the equipment."

Only Chen Kou put his hand on his forehead, and said with grief: "I've seen someone so stupid, but I've never seen someone so stupid as you...don't say I know you!"

"Martial artists of the evolution system have stealth and sprint, which can reduce the chance of people being discovered by monsters; jungle shooters of the evolution system have clone bait, which can temporarily attract the attention of monsters, and they also have out-of-light photo, which can be invisible after leaving the monster's sight ;In addition, the support of the three departments all have a large number of summons. After being discovered by the monster, they can let the summoner lure the monster away and take the opportunity to escape..."

"Even if it's healing, the evolution-type natural disciples can summon the spirit of the forest or enchantment? Suffering, attracting monsters for a while; the mutation-type healers have fog surges that can blind monsters' vision, and clone puppets that can attract monsters... so many professions It can be hired, why did you choose a dead end..."

"Gudong!" Before Chen Kou could finish speaking, the little bird foamed at the mouth and fell to the ground.

After a while of emergency rescue, Chen Kou looked at the little bird like Xianglin's sister-in-law pityingly: "You have such an IQ, it's better not to stay with us...I will arrange you to join another team."

The face of the little bird changed instantly.

Not only him, but everyone else also changed their expressions.

What Chen Kou said was too serious.

Listening to the little bird's narration, some sympathized, some disdained him, pushed him to the ground and stepped on him, and some thought he wasn't miserable enough, but it was all because he regarded him as one of his own.Joking, belittling, sarcasm, and cursing before my own people are not considered serious, it is an expression of intimacy, and it is not the same as Chen Kou.

The little bird slowly put away the sadness on his face. This tattered appearance is true, but is he really embarrassed to that extent?Inside the city gate, there is a mailbox, and there is equipment that he can change at any time, purple and orange, very cool.

This dress, three points of sympathy, seven points is funny, but it ended up with such a sentence?

"No need!" With a shake of the beggar's clothes, and a push of the money handed over by Luo Huaman, "My little bird has nothing else, but I still have a backbone! Farewell!"

"Hey..." Yiyi's girl, her bosom full of falling flowers, Wei Bubing stretched out his hand, but he didn't hold back, watching the little bird go away.

Just at this time, a large group of beautiful and beautiful female players came to play, chatting and laughing, ostentatiously and eye-catching.

While walking, the little bird involuntarily turned his head to look.It's not just him, the players coming and going, except for those with sexual orientation problems, all turned their heads like sunflowers.

Then, watching this group of women came to Chen Kou and Luo Huamanhuai, they greeted and exchanged pleasantries, chatting and laughing together.

"Dengdengdeng!" How did the little bird simply walk away, and how did the little bird turn back, "Hey, hey," he leaned forward and smiled shamelessly, "When did you know so many girls? Let me introduce you." How about an introduction?"

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