Warring States Eagle

Chapter 216 Persuasion

"How is your progress?" Half an hour later, on the way back to the inn that Wang Hai had reserved, Zheng Liang asked Liu Le beside him in a low voice.

"Your Highness, I have already discussed with Qianmei," Liu Le replied, "Qianmei promised to send those orphans to her yard first."

"Well, this might not be a proper way to deal with it," Zheng Liang said with a nod.

"As for moving out of here, Qianmei still needs to think about it before making a decision," Liu Le continued to report.

"What do you mean?" Zheng Liang asked.Originally, Liu Le was determined to follow Zheng Liang to make a career, but now that he met his fiancée, it was a different matter.

"Your Highness, my follower's heart has never changed." Liu Le saluted quickly, "As for Qianmei... well, everything depends on God's will." Obviously, Liu Le's indecisive character is at work again.

"Hahaha, okay, don't worry, your sister Qian will follow you," Zheng Liang said with a big smile, afraid of Liu Le's shoulder.Zheng Liang has already made up his mind, once Zhang Qian is unwilling to follow Liu Le, Zheng Liang will also tie her to Japan.As for the relationship, it is entirely possible for Liu Le to develop it with her slowly in Japan.

"This..." Liu Le blushed when he heard Zheng Liang say 'your sister Qian'. For a literati who is full of words, Zheng Liang's words are too explicit.Liu Le's cowardly attitude made Zheng Liang laugh again.Mingfeng Xiuzheng, who was a few steps away, patted his head reluctantly when he saw this, and wondered to himself whether the Patriarch had a happy event today, and he laughed so heartily.Speaking of Mingfeng Xiuzheng's coming, it was really depressing. Since he couldn't understand Chinese at all, and he couldn't speak casually, so as not to reveal his identity, basically every time he stood behind Zhengliang like a puppet and dutifully guarded him. thing.

"By the way, you can go back to your Qianmei later," Zheng Liang said to Liu Le with a smile.

"No, Your Highness..." Liu Le was about to object.From his point of view, he and Zheng Liang came here this time because they had serious business to do, how could they abandon the Patriarch for the sake of their children's private relationship?But he wasn't done yet.Zheng Liang interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

"Xiuzheng, take 15 taels of silver and give it to Liu Le." Zheng Liang turned his head and said to Mingfeng Xiuzheng who was in charge of keeping the baggage.Mingfeng Xiuzheng immediately bowed to accept the order, and then took out an ingot of ten taels of silver and five taels of silver from the package to Liu Le.

"Your Highness, what's the reason?" Seeing that Zheng Liang asked him to go back to find his fiancée and send money again, Liu Le was puzzled.He even suspected that Zheng Liang was about to abandon him as a retainer.

"Hehe, don't worry. That's good for the money. Go back and do your father-in-law's funeral." It's almost the first seven days, and this matter can't be delayed any longer. At this moment, Liu Le's father-in-law's body is still hanging in the cemetery outside the city. Well, as a son-in-law, it is imperative, "After the funeral is over, you should stay there for the time being."

"Ah? Your Highness?" If it is necessary to handle the funeral of the father-in-law in person, then it is a bit unreasonable to stay with Zhang Qian after the funeral is over.

Zheng Liang waved his hand, signaling Liu Le to listen carefully, "After you stay there, you have three things to do immediately."

"Yes, Your Highness." Upon hearing that Zheng Liang kept him there for a purpose, Liu Le immediately bowed and listened.

"The first thing is to take good care of those orphans in Shitou. At the same time, ask Shitou to recruit more orphans from Ningbo or even outside the city. If there are too many orphans, please come and inform me immediately. I will ask Wang Hai to send someone to take some orphans first. The orphan was sent back to the cottage." Zheng Liang's expression became serious, "The second thing is to find a way to persuade Zhang Qian to follow you back to Japan." After all, the twisted melon is not sweet.Zheng Liang also didn't want to take the step of forcibly tying Zhang Qian to Japan.

Hearing Zheng Liang talk about his marriage again, Liu Le's ears turned red again.

"One last thing. It's especially important," Zheng Liang said in a raised voice.

As soon as Zheng Liang emphasized that the last thing is very important.Liu Le immediately turned serious.Listen attentively.

"Find a way to convince the artisans in that yard that they are willing to follow us back to Japan," Zheng Liang said.Just now when the middle-aged Uncle Zhang had doubts about Zheng Liang's identity, Zheng Liang did not shy away from it, and frankly admitted that there is such a paradise overseas, and he is the landlord of this paradise.And he solemnly promised everyone that what he said before is absolutely true.In the end, they were officially invited to settle down in the Luo family's territory.As long as the whole family goes to settle there, Zheng Liang is even willing to make written evidence to prove it.

Of course, Zheng Liang did not reveal his true identity.After all, the current Japanese pirates are really street rats and everyone shouts and beats them. Although he is not a Japanese pirate, he will be implicated as long as he is involved. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, Zheng Liang has not revealed his true identity for the time being.

Several people were clearly moved by Zheng Liang's invitation, but they didn't reply right away.After all, relocation of the whole family is really a big event, and for them, once they decide to follow Zheng Liang, they are tantamount to fleeing. Unless they hide in the mountains and settle down in the future, they will definitely not be able to escape the arrest of the government officials.The Ming Dynasty had very strict laws on the escape of craftsmen. Once they escaped, even those who knew about it and did not report it would be punished.

In order to further win over these people, Zheng Liang decided to send Liu Le into their interior to strengthen their confidence in following him.Besides, Zhengliang also has an extremely favorable advantage now. Seeing that the end of the year is approaching, these craftsmen will be forced to serve in Kyoto, so they have to make a decision in a short time, and then start to move out secretly.

"If they follow me, then you need to secretly cooperate with them to send your family members to the cottage first," Zheng Liang said in a low voice, "Okay, what you are going to do is very important to our family, so you can play Zhang Qian's role right now." .”

"Your Majesty understands, please rest assured, Your Majesty will definitely live up to His Majesty's expectations." Feeling that his mission is heavy, Liu Le bowed solemnly to Zheng Liang.

Zheng Liang waved his hand, indicating that there is no need to be polite, and at the same time indicating that he can go to carry out the task immediately.

Liu Le saluted Zheng Liang again, then resolutely turned around and rushed to Zhang Qian's residence with firm steps.

Looking at Liu Le's leaving back, Zheng Liang sighed slightly.In fact, there was another reason that Zheng Liang didn't mention for Liu Le to return to Zhang Qian's place.That is, what Zhengliang will do next may be dangerous, and it may be a bit sinister.Therefore, in order to prevent Liu Le, who has received Confucian education, from being difficult, he had to be dispatched. (To be continued..)


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