Warring States Eagle

Chapter 338 Forming the Cavalry

Sakamachi and Kyoto have gained a lot.First of all, he obtained the positions of Chikugo Guardian Dai and Zaemon Second Lieutenant, which not only improved the morale of the retainers, but also gave the Luo family the righteousness not to be controlled by others; I got to know retainers such as Isano Yuanmasa, Honda Toshimasa, and Honda Masanobu, and at the same time met celebrities such as Maeno Nagayasu, Hachisuka Masakatsu, Kaikawa Shaoki, Qu Naose Michizo, and Kuniyouhebei.

Of course, there are also disadvantages.First of all, he experienced a duel with the foreign master Long Yin, which made Zheng Liang feel the urgency to improve his own strength; secondly, although he secretly reached a good agreement with the Ouchi family, he was also put together by the Ouchi family. Became a thorn in the side of Otomo's family.

On the tenth day of the fourth month of the tenth year of Tianwen, Zheng Liang and others finally returned to the territory.In the meeting hall of Ye Gaoshan, all the retainers gathered together.

"Congratulations, Your Highness, for successfully obtaining an official position during this trip." Kakukuma Ishimune, the leader, congratulated first.Kakukuma Ishimune was the one who encouraged Masara the most when it came to obtaining an official position.

The rest of the retainers also expressed their congratulations.To be able to obtain positions such as Chikugo Guardian Dai and Zaemon Second Lieutenant is already a good position for the Luo family, and all the retainers are also very satisfied with this.

"Okay, calm down." Zheng Liang signaled all the retainers to be quiet, "Let's talk about the impact of getting the official position this time."

"Your Highness can order the scouts of our family to spread the word in the territory this time, which will greatly boost the morale of our family." Kakukuma Ishimune said, "Besides, in the future, our family will not be easily above righteousness Be controlled by others." During the Warring States period, if the neighbors and retainers below were to be loyal, one was to allow them to obtain great benefits, and the other was to convince them through this so-called righteousness.

"It's just that the Ouchi family stepped in this time to serve as the guardian of Chikugo, which was recommended by our family. It really has bad intentions." Kakukuma Ishimune said, "I'm afraid our family will never be able to compete with the Otomo family again." Done."

"Yes, the Ouchi family's plan is very vicious. It completely cut off the possibility of the main family swinging between the Ouchi family and the Ouchi family." Akabane Shinnosuke also said, "In this case, it is better for the main family to completely rely on the Ouchi family in order to Get the full support of Ouchi family.”

"The military division means to make the main family submit to the Ouchi family?" Togo Heiji said immediately.

"how can that be?"

When Dongxiang Heiji said this, all the vassals present immediately started talking and even disagreed.Some of the retainers think that it is not a bad thing to submit to the Ouchi family who is just like Ri Zhongtian. After all, this is a common thing in the Warring States Period, while the other part of the retainers hold opposing opinions.The Luo family has risen to become the number one power in Hizen in just one year, so they think.With the rising momentum of our family, there is absolutely no need to rely on others.

"Once you surrender to the Ouchi family, you will definitely be asked to send hostages to the Ouchi family. If the other party asks the Patriarch to go, what should we do?" Onishi Guozhi said loudly.

"It is expected that the Ouchi family will not make such an unreasonable request. The main family can temporarily surrender to the Ouchi family and then seek development secretly." Murakami Takashi also said.Takashi Murakami still has the idea of ​​reconnecting with the Ouchi family through the Luo family.

"Everyone, please calm down." Akabane Shinnosuke said loudly, "I'd like the Patriarch to decide this matter himself." He didn't expect it.Before he could finish a sentence, his colleagues started arguing.According to his thinking, he didn't actually submit to the Ouchi family.

"Ahem..." Zheng Liang waited until everyone had completely quieted down, and said, "I have my own opinion on the matter of cooperating with the eminent family, but I will definitely not submit to it. There is no need to discuss this matter for now." Soon the eminent The family will fall into a very long period of trough, and of course the Luo family cannot submit to the Ouchi family and be controlled by others at this time.Some retainers do not know the trend of history, so it is normal to raise the issue of surrender.

"Your Highness is wise." Akabane Shinnosuke immediately took the lead in complimenting.Zheng Liang's thoughts coincided with his own.

After the matter of cooperating with the Ouchi family came to an end, the subject of the review returned to the matter of official positions.

"Your Highness. Previously, the Shaoer family had summoned His Highness twice to go to Shifu Temple City with the righteousness of protection. This time His Highness got an official position, which made him lose the name of righteousness. It seems that the Shaoer family will find another way to deal with it." The family is gone." Kakukuma Ishimune analyzed.In the past, Zhengliang was still a white man, but now he has an official position. As a person with an official position, the Shaoer family has no reason to let Zhengliang go to Shifu Temple City.

"Well, pay close attention to the movement of Shaoyi's family, and report back immediately if there is any disturbance." Zheng Liang ordered, "At the same time, order the border areas of each territory to prepare a reserve of defense materials to prevent the other party from sneaking in."

Kizuo Shigetada, who was in charge of listening to information and conveying orders from the lord, took orders immediately.

"Everyone, this time our family has purchased a batch of war horses from the Kamiya family and Nawu. So I am going to form a cavalry team." After finishing the order, Zheng Liang took the initiative to mention the formation of the cavalry.

"I don't know how large a cavalry team His Highness plans to form." Togo Heiji asked immediately.Warhorse is a big food family. According to the owner's usual style, he came from a lord who has no mercy on money. Dongxiang Heiji was really worried that Zhengliang would bleed again.

"The first batch of fifty war horses will be delivered soon, and another fifty war horses will be delivered later," Zheng Liang said.

Sure enough?Dongxiang Heiji immediately broke out in sweat when he heard the words.

"Your Highness, plus the 150 horses already in the territory, there will be [-] horses in the territory soon." Dongxiang Heiji reminded in a low voice.Originally, Luo's family had fifteen war horses, but one of them, Zheng Liang, was injured and went crazy during the last attack on Matsuura County, and finally ran into the mountains and could not be found.


"Your Highness, not counting the cavalry's salaries and equipment, the consumption of just one horse is equivalent to the consumption of three standing ashigaru." Seeing that Zhengliang didn't respond, Togo Heiji had no choice but to remind him directly.

"What Heiji-sama said is true." Kakukuma Ishimune also said, "When I was at Otomo's house, I saw only a few hundred cavalry at Otomo's house. When the battle started, these cavalry were only used for charging. That's all."

"Not only that," Akabane Shinnosuke said, "Because there are many mountains in Kyushu and less flat land, in fact, cavalry is not the main force in combat. But it can be used for carrying and riding, which is convenient for the transportation of materials, and Rapid transfer of troops."

So, in the description of each retainer, you said something.Zheng Liang finally discovered a dumbfounding fact.The cavalry team didn't seem to be as powerful as he had imagined.

First of all, due to the huge consumption, in fact not all tyrants are capable of supporting cavalry.Moreover, it is necessary to equip additional breeders. For the Japanese Warring States Period when eating rice balls, the cost was very high.Think about it, the consumption of feeding a war horse is equivalent to feeding an ashigaru 2 times to 5 times.Such a huge consumption can only be supported by those rich and powerful.

Secondly, there is actually no real cavalry in this era, at best it is infantry on horseback.And the local war horses in Japan.Due to the long-term closed breeding of the stallion, the stallion is too short and has a shoulder height of 100-110cm, which is about the same height or basically the same as the Chinese fruit horse.Poor stamina and being able to run a hundred steps is considered a famous horse, so the combat power is limited.

In the end, due to the fact that there are many mountains and few flats in Japan, and the lack of many necessary skills for cavalry, it directly leads to the fact that cavalry is not the main force on the battlefield.

Hearing this, Zheng Liang suddenly realized a fact.Given that Japanese bows and arrows are generally more than two meters long, it is conceivable that a 1.5-meter ashigaru rides a war horse more than one meter high.The appearance of shooting with a two-meter long bow.This is really hard to imagine, and from this we can see what effect the so-called "riding she" can achieve.There is also the "Dragon Rider" of the Date family, which was famous in later generations in the late Warring States period. Is it really as powerful as it says?In Zhengliang's view, it is estimated that the power of this method of warfare is more reflected in its rapid movement and the power caused by the sound of the huge iron cannon.

But are cavalry really useless?

Not quite.The power of any type of arms depends more on the use of the general.

first.As the previous analysis said, war horses are a very suitable means of transportation for mountainous terrain. As the Luo family's strength continues to increase, the scale of the war must continue to increase.Relying solely on logistics farmers and soldiers pushing wheelbarrows cannot guarantee the logistics supply of war in a timely manner.The war horse just solved this problem.

Secondly, even if there is no cavalry team with combat power.As long as it appears at a specific moment on the battlefield, it will also intimidate the enemy deadly.Even when it is used to charge the formation, it can even disperse the enemy's formation.In fact, the cavalry is an assault, crushing the infantry, causing chaos, and defeating the opponent.As soon as the cavalry stopped their horses, they also became infantry. However, because the cavalry was a professional soldier, their combat awareness and ability were much stronger than those of the peasant soldiers.

Finally, there is another more important reason why the cavalry's combat power is not high, and that is that it is limited by its own equipment.Now it seems that the equipment of the cavalry is really simple.A horse, an ashigaru or samurai, and the last weapon constitute the cavalry.A good point is nothing more than wearing a good leather armor, nothing more.

"Well, I've made up my mind." Zheng Liang stopped the discussion among the retainers, "The dozen or so war horses in the original territory will continue to be used to convey information." Although flying feet are more commonly used to convey information now, Zheng Liang believes that there is no such thing at all. It is necessary to follow this norm reached between horse borrowers and warriors.

"Use the [-] horses bought this time to form a cavalry team, and first recruit [-] cavalry in the territory." Zheng Liang decided.War horses would be lost as the war progressed, so it was most suitable for Roche's actual situation to use fifty war horses as the main force and fifty war horses as the backup.

"Your Highness, even if a cavalry team is formed, the family lacks people who can train cavalry." Seeing that the Patriarch's decision has been made, Kakukuma Ishimune had no choice but to take the initiative to advise the Patriarch.Kakukuma Ishimune, who stayed at Otomo's house, is very aware of the gap in combat power between cavalry teams who know cavalry tactics and cavalry teams that don't know cavalry tactics.

"I've expected this for a long time." Zheng Liang responded with a smile, "Miyazawa Heihachi!"

"My subject is here." Hearing Masara called his name, Miyazawa Heihachi immediately bowed down and saluted.

"Now you are officially appointed as the cavalry general of our family, responsible for the training and command of this cavalry team." Zheng Liang said.It is recorded in history that Miyazawa Heihachi is best at assault in horseback riding tactics.In the Battle of Anegawa, Miyazawa Heihachi led the cavalry and broke through eleven of the thirteen tiers of the Oda Army below Sakai.


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