As the saying goes, if there is a loss, there must be a gain.The drought this time led to the widespread use of waterwheels, a tool that had not been promoted before, in the Luo family's territory.

After so many years of development, the water wheel is no longer limited to farming applications. In fact, in some territories of the Hizen Kingdom, it has become a power tool for mills.In workshops such as the cement workshop of the Luo family, the water wheel has also become a source of power.

But even so, the application of the waterwheel has not been popularized in the Luo family's territory.In fact, due to the high purchase cost, the water wheel was only widely used in farming in various parts of the Hizen country before (the main reason is that when it was promoted in the Hizen country, it was basically added by the Luo family for free. delivered locally).After seeing the great effect of Hizen country's application of waterwheels, the local people of Chikugo country and Higo country adjacent to Hizen country also purchased some of them from the cabinet of the Luo family for trial use.However, it has not been widely used locally.As for the Chikuzen country, Bungo country, Buzen country, and Nagato country, these areas need to be promoted even more.

Even Roche's family "loan" method allows the local people to take the water tanker back to the local area for installation and use, and then repay the debt one by one within a few years.But still little effect.

The main reason for this is that it involves the distribution of interests of the citizens in each area where the waterwheel is used.After all, after the waterwheel is bought back and put into use, its water supply area is naturally limited, which leads to the limitation of its irrigation benefit area.So at this time, it is natural that the closer the field is to the waterwheel, the greater the benefit will be.

then.This situation raises two questions.One is where the waterwheel should be installed after it is bought back.The local people naturally think that it is most suitable to install it near their own fields.So there will inevitably be disputes.Second, when starting to raise money to buy a water tanker, who should pay how much will be a disputed issue.Villages and towns all over the country are basically delayed because of such problems. When encountering such a situation, unless an internal affairs expert like Zhengliang personally steps in, ordinary villages and towns will be at a loss what to do.

Some people may say, since it is so troublesome, then let the citizens buy it independently.

There is indeed such a situation, that is, as a local lord, he buys water wheels for the local people free of charge out of his own pocket.Especially those retainer lords who worked in the Luo family.After learning about the role of these waterwheels in increasing the income of the territory, they will spend money to buy some.But after all, this is only a small part of the area. Spreading these waterwheels on the Luo family's current territory is almost a drop in the bucket, and the overall effect it plays is extremely small.

As for ordinary citizens, at this stage most families cannot afford the cost of a water truck.Even if a small number of leading households already have the financial resources, but in this era when small farmers are in power, they would rather use the extra money to buy more grain and store it at home, rather than buy it as food that cannot be eaten of the waterwheel.Even if you run up to him and tell him that the waterwheel will greatly increase the harvest of their fields in the future.They won't listen to you either.

Maybe someone will say, that's the case.Then simply provide water trucks for free or at a reduced price.

This is also undesirable, and even dangerous.The first is the issue of the fiscal health of the territory.If the Luo family is still a small wealthy family, in charge of a small territory, there is no problem at all in implementing free compensation and price reduction strategies. This is equivalent to implementing a pilot on a small piece of land within a huge territory. That's all.But if this strategy is implemented on all the territories of the Luo family today, it will be completely different.

Perhaps, the cost of a small waterwheel is really nothing to the income of such a huge territory of the Luo family, but when the cost of waterwheels in all the territories adds up, it is definitely a huge cost consumption up.This will cause the territory's overall finances to suffer losses, or even collapse.Imagine the situation where billions of people in China are throwing a coin at you at the same time, and you will understand the seriousness of the situation.Therefore, even Zheng Liang, who has always been adventurous, did not dare to implement such a strategy when the consequences could not be predicted.

Of course, the Luo family can also gradually promote it in various regions for free, or use a pilot method to promote it for free, just like the original policy for the Hizen country.The answer is impossible.

Because in the past few years, the Luo's family has spent on various more important things such as land reclamation, marching road construction, water conservancy facility repairs, daily organization operations, foreign wars and other more important things, which have almost dried up the territory's finances.There is simply no extra money and food for free promotion, even if you can barely squeeze out a little money and food for promotion.With such a speed and scope of promotion, it will take at least several years for waterwheels to be widely used in the territory.

At the same time, this free promotion strategy also ignores the understanding of the thoughts of the local people.The ideological realm of ordinary citizens in this period is still in the realm of ignorance and selfishness (this is an indisputable fact, after all, this is the background of the times).The typical manifestation is that it is extremely easy to be confused by the so-called gods and Buddhas, and it is also extremely easy to believe in general rumors.For these people, as long as you let them get enough benefits, they will become extremely easy to get along with and will support you; but if they are misunderstood, then these lovely people will become "troublemakers" ", to trouble you.

In this situation, once a region receives free waterwheel supply, the people in other nearby areas that do not receive waterwheel supply will complain.It will only arouse their dissatisfaction if you have to charge them for water trucks in the future.This then creates instability in the territory.In the end, an event that was supposed to be good will turn into a bad event (I have encountered such a situation in the promotion of Hizen Country before).

In general, it is precisely because of the above-mentioned reasons that waterwheels cannot be widely used in the territory.But this time the drought provided an opportunity for this.

Under the current situation of natural disasters, the local people in various places had to abandon their previously scrupled interests. After discovering the great role played by the waterwheel in coping with the drought, they all united to buy waterwheels from the Cabinet.

The waterwheel, which had received a cold reception, suddenly became the hottest farming tool in the Luo family's territory.Due to the huge demand, the Luo family's general woodworking workshop located in the Notakayama Gorge in Matsuura County, Hizen Province had to rely on the order of the Cabinet to gather craftsmen from all registered and reliable woodworking workshops in the Luo family's territory. The workshop on the high mountain came from the gorge, and then manufactured waterwheels day and night according to the assembly line and the way of working in shifts.The manufactured waterwheels were continuously transported from Yegao Mountain to various places of Luo's family, thus giving birth to many "walking houses" specially responsible for transporting goods.

It accelerated the widespread application of waterwheels on the Luo family's territory, and spawned some commercial industries. This was the first benefit that this drought brought to the Luo family.

The second benefit is to speed up the integration of the four eastern counties of the Chikuzen Kingdom, the five counties of the Buzen Junior High School, and the Toyoura of the Nagato Kingdom into the Luo family's ruling system.

Why do you say that?

Since the original water conservancy facilities in these areas are not perfect, it will inevitably affect the spring plowing and autumn harvest in these areas this year.At that time, in order to help the citizens in these areas, the Luo family will inevitably carry out large-scale paid corvee labor such as reclaiming fields, repairing water conservancy facilities, and building marching roads. In addition to greatly speeding up the construction of local infrastructure, it will also Let the people in these areas realize the benefits of being the Luo family's people, and quickly transform into loyal people who completely support the Luo family.With these foundations, the progress and depth of the Luo family's rule over the local area will naturally be accelerated.

In the end, this severe drought also provided a rare opportunity for the Luo family to conquer the areas in the southeast of Bungo Kingdom that are still maintained by the Sugi family and other wealthy families, and the areas in the northeast of Bungo Country that are controlled by the Otomo family.

(Thanks to "Smoke of God" for becoming a fan of this book.) (To be continued...)

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