Just as Masara was busy in Kyushu receiving the territory of Hatata on Iki Island and preparing to unify the Kitakyushu area, in the distant country of Owari, Oda Nobunaga will usher in the biggest turning point in his life.

On this day, Oda Nobunaga's teacher, Hirate Masahide, went to Wansong Temple to visit Monk Dayun.When Monk Dayun saw Zhengxiu, he first smiled and said, "You look unwell, are you worried about your lord's funeral?"


No wonder Hirate Masahide wasn't worried.Since the funeral of Oda Nobunaga, Shibata Gonroku and Sakumaemon have frequently traveled between the veterans of the Oda family, using Oda Nobunaga's absurd behavior on the day of the funeral as a new excuse.Quan Liu and Sakuma acted like this, not out of selfishness, they were actually thinking about the future of the Oda family.They believe that if Nobunaga is allowed to take charge of the Oda family, it will definitely bring disaster to Owari.There is no shortage of precedents for similar things in history.Considering their respective interests, Shingen, the son of Takeda Nobutora, and Yoshimoto Imagawa, the son-in-law of Kai Takeda Nobutora, conspired and finally imprisoned the brutal Nobutora in Junfu.Quanliu, Sakuma and Hayashi Sado agreed that Nobunaga's brutality was worse than Nobutora's, so their attacks were very fierce.They believe that they are the real "loyal ministers" of the Oda family.According to the development of this trend, they will urgently put Nobunaga's retirement on the agenda soon.

On Nobunaga's side, since he won over Narumasa Sasao, Hidetaka Kawajiri and others, his influence is not small.And based on Hirate Masahide's understanding of Nobunaga, Nobunaga is definitely not someone who just sits and waits to die.Besides, he also supports Nobunaga in his heart, but his son seems to have gotten quite close to Shibata Gonroku, Sakumaemon and other anti-Nobunaga forces recently.Thinking of this, he felt irritable, and couldn't help worrying about the future of the Oda family and his own family.

The monk smiled.Make tea yourself.Submit it to Zhengxiu. "But I think that the time to worry you is long gone."

"So, the master also thinks that the successor must belong to faith and deeds?"

"His stamina is completely different from Mr. Shang Zongjie." Dayun shook his head lightly.

Zhengxiu couldn't help staring at Monk Dayun closely, "Master, is there still a good show to watch?"

"As expected of Mr. Zhengxiu, his eyes are sharp. But this son, no one in the world can see through it."

"Master also thinks that the young master is an extraordinary person?"

Dayun reprimanded: "At this time, if you still doubt and hesitate, you are disloyal to the lord."

"My lord?"

"Master Wansongin (that is, Oda Nobuhide) who has just ascended to heaven." Zhengxiu remained silent.It turns out that there is also a confidant here... A warm current surged in his chest.

"Master Shang Zongjie has seen an out-of-the-way way."

"A way out of the way?"

"He has stepped into the Buddhist world where everything is safe with one foot. The spirit shown in front of his father's tablet is truly great wisdom and courage. To admit everything new is to destroy everything old..." Speaking of this, Monk Dayun smiled, "Therefore, the assistants should also swear to follow. If the assistants move slowly, it will be difficult for Mr. Shang Zongjie to do anything. Do you understand?"

Hirate Masahide suddenly realized. "Thank you for your enlightenment!" He thanked solemnly and left.After returning to the mansion, Zhengxiu took out the paper, ink, brush and inkstone, and sat down quietly in front of the desk.

"If the assistant is slow to move, it will be difficult for the chief executive to do anything." Monk Dayun's words firmly grabbed Hirate Masahide's heart.Dayun not only said that "assistants should also swear to follow" but also said, "At this time, doubt and hesitation. It is disloyal to the lord."

In terms of secular blood relationship, Monk Dayun is Xinxiu's uncle.Although his words and deeds are gentle and euphemistic.In fact, he is aggressive, and his spirit is by no means inferior to Xinxiu.His status in the Oda clan is quite similar to that of Zen Master Xuezhai in the Imagawa clan.The difference is that Xuezhai often assists Yiyuan in front of others, while Monk Dayun only gives advice behind the scenes.Last time, Nobuhide was still hesitant about whether to donate money to restore the imperial palace and whether to enshrine the two shrines of Ise and Atsuta, so he went to ask Monk Dayun for advice.Therefore, Xinxiu and Zhengxiu often discussed with Monk Dayun, regardless of strategy and tactics, or the details of politics.

Today, Monk Dayun gave Zhengxiu a very ironic slap in the face: "The Nobunaga you have cultivated by yourself has stepped into a realm that even this master can't understand." Even so, Zhengxiu did not take Dayun's words as mere words. As irony, it is not only a full affirmation of Nobunaga, but also the meaning of motivating Zhengxiu.

Hirate Masahide sat at the table, closed his eyes, and fell into deep thought.At this time, he thought of his three sons again.

Among his three sons, the second and third sons were not convinced.The eldest son Jianwu, who has already taken Yuanfu, does not have a good impression of Nobunaga.It is said that Nobunaga once took a fancy to a strong horse of the supervisor, but the supervisor refused to give it to him.Later, when the supervisor changed his mind and wanted to give the horse to Nobunaga, he was severely reprimanded by Nobunaga.Since then, he has both feared and hated Nobunaga.Originally, he wanted to find some time in the future to mediate the conflict between his eldest son and Nobunaga. After all, after his death, the position of family governor was still inherited by the eldest son.If the eldest son and Nobunaga do not get along, then the family will be in danger of decline.

But to his surprise, Shibata Gonroku and Sakumaemon took the opportunity to win over their eldest son.He once scolded his eldest son for this, but the eldest son quarreled with him for this.It can be seen that his eldest son is already very dissatisfied with Nobunaga.

After thinking about this, Zhengxiu closed his eyes again.Outside the window, the sky is getting dark.The shadow of the candles in the room flickered, and his shadow kept shaking on the window paper.

"Lord Wansongyuan..." After a while, Zhengxiu spit out these words, calling for the deceased lord. "Among all your retainers, Zhengxiu is the one you trust the most..." His closed eyes were moist.

"Please forgive me... How could Zhengxiu live up to your trust, please forgive me!" He said sadly to himself, as if Xinxiu was right in front of him.

"I'm just making a bet with Master Ji. If Master Ji can successfully inherit the throne and include all of Owari and the entire Kinki, as his master, I will do my duty... But it seems a bit wishful thinking... No, Jung Soo is not crying because of sadness, but because of joy..."

Hirate Masahide looked up after crying heartily.At this moment, there was no trace of sadness on his face.He looked around, took the inkstone with a smile, and slowly grinded the ink.Life has its own joys and sorrows.From the first time he read and practiced calligraphy, he often played Liange games with Zongmu, Xinxiu and others.The elegant times of the past come to mind unconsciously.Everything in the past seemed to be for today, and even reading and practicing calligraphy at that time was preparing for writing this suicide note today, but can it be called elegant this time?Zhengxiu couldn't help but burst into a wry smile.

After studying the ink, Zhengxiu picked up the lamp and twisted it.The surroundings suddenly brightened, and the paper seemed to emit a fragrance.Lifting the pen, the nib slowly fell on the paper.The family members have probably rested, and the house is silent.Zhengxiu wrote the word "remonstration book" at the beginning, and immersed himself in the fragrance of ink.

Once he made up his mind, Zhengxiu suddenly felt relaxed, as if he was wandering in a free world without obstacles, without fetters or worries:

"Repeatedly speaking but not accepted, Zhengxiu felt incompetent and decided to die. If the lord thinks that going to death is a bad strategy, I implore the lord to listen to the saints from now on. If the lord can follow the advice, then I will go to Jiuquan Under the circumstances, I should also be deeply relieved."

"First of all, my lord, please stop your grotesque behavior. If you still wear a straw rope around your waist and your hair is disheveled, I will be very sad. It goes without saying that you can go out without wearing a hakama, and it will definitely make Owari feel naked. The people of the country sigh deeply." After writing this, Zhengxiu gently closed his eyes again.Yesterday, he was indeed still having a headache for Nobunaga.Riding the Owari No.1 horse, but eating persimmons and chestnuts without restraint, strutting through the market, spitting out fruit shells, playing and dancing with the people, he is just like a hopeless jerk.But today, everything has changed.Zhengxiu finally realized that Nobunaga's sincere and exciting emotions were hidden behind that weird behavior...

After writing the suicide note, it was already late at night, and the surrounding air was chilling.Zhengxiu is very fortunate that his family has never been surprised by his habit of writing all night.He solemnly placed the letter of advice on the table.

"It's over, Lord Manshoin." Zhengxiu stood up slowly, and calmly rolled up the two layers of matting on the tatami.Then, he took the short knife from the knife holder, sat down at the table, and slowly looked around.

A cock crowed in the distance.Zhengxiu smiled with satisfaction.He doesn't think that his death can stop Nobunaga's grotesque behavior, but many people around Nobunaga have been left far behind by Nobunaga.As long as his death can make Nobunaga realize this, he will be satisfied.

The quiet air made Zhengxiu feel the warmth and comfort of spring, and now he was no longer sad or hesitant.He stroked his stomach lightly, marveling at the new wrinkles. "It's great to be alive today." He sighed, picked up the knife, threw away the scabbard, and wiped the tip of the knife with paper.

"The First Master..." He murmured, made up his mind, and closed his eyes.He believes that the last prayer in life will be transformed into the soul and will that will remain in the world forever.

"Please bless Nobunaga! Please let me always be by Nobunaga's side! Nobunaga...Nobunaga..."

Zhengxiu sharply pointed the tip of the knife at his abdomen.

Because of the pain, his wrist trembled slightly. He opened his eyes wide and prayed desperately facing the void, like a ghost with a stern expression.

"Please let me accompany Nobunaga!" Zhengxiu broke out.The tip of the knife had already scratched the right rib, and the intestines protruded out.He pulled the knife out of his stomach and fell down on the tatami.In front of my eyes, Venus danced wildly, like a dazzling rainbow.He suddenly pointed the tip of the knife at his neck, and his body rushed forward.Blood gushed out, and strange rainbows shone in the dark night.He struggled, making a dying sound, but it was so faint it was barely audible.Zhengxiu left this world with the wish to be with Nobunaga forever.

In October of the 22nd year of Tianwen (much later than the time recorded in history), Hirate Masahide, one of Nobunaga's teachers, persuaded Oda Nobunaga at the cost of his death for the sake of the Oda family and the Hirate family.Oda Nobunaga, who was staggering forward, thus lost a powerful arm after his father. (To be continued..)

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