The moment he spoke, the monster opposite immediately raised its head and turned to Matt's side.

damn it!It turns out that this monster finds its prey by hearing!At that moment, everyone also understood how this monster with no skull and no eyes found the target.

The monster shook its disgusting head slightly, as if to confirm the source of the sound. Wang Zongchao clearly saw that the monster's limbs, which were originally flat against the wall, stood upright, and the whole body leaned back, and the blood-red muscles tensed. The tight, dark red blood vessels and green tendons are more clearly revealed, like a terrifying totem. At this moment, the monster kicked hard with its hind legs,

With a sound of "Shua!", it flew towards Matt at a very fast speed.

Matt didn't expect the monster to be so fast at all, but his instinctive reaction was also very fast. The left index finger pulled the trigger of the shotgun quickly and smoothly:


A group of bright red flames spewed out from the black muzzle of the gun, and countless fiery small steel balls woven into a tight bullet net, covering the unprotected monster overwhelmingly.


The monster let out a sharp hiss, and was hit by the powerful force of the 12-gauge shotgun and flew back.

"Da da……"

At the same time, the submachine gun in Matthew's hand also fired, pouring the few remaining bullets on the monster.starter

The monster let out a frenzied hiss, fell to the ground, rolled and struggled, its body was hit like a honeycomb by the submachine gun, and disgusting reddish-brown blood splattered everywhere.

In less than two seconds, Matthew's submachine gun ran out of bullets. At this time, the monster was already lying on its back on the floor motionless.

Looking at the ferocious monster, everyone tensed up. Alice also pulled out the powerful Desert Eagle and pointed it at the monster. Until now, except for her gun, everyone else's gun has no bullets.

"It's not good, the monster's head is basically intact!" Wang Zongchao looked at the monster with a warning sign in his heart.


The lying monster suddenly turned straight forward, like an agile gymnast, its abdominal muscles and leg muscles have such a strong explosive force, without any guiding action, it instantly turned from the back to the ground. Lying turned into a prone position before attacking, and kicked the floor hard with its hind legs, leaving a few deep scratches on it. Its whole body has turned into a phantom, and with a strong wind, it shoots at Matt like an arrow. And to.

Matt fell down in a hurry, the monster rushed over his head immediately, but a slender dark red tongue shot out from the monster's mouth, wrapped around Matt's calf, and pulled it back violently , Matt was immediately and hastily pulled towards the monster.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Wang Zongchao rushed over quickly, with his palms upright like a knife, he slashed straight down, the power of his palms slashing in the air, as if there was really a big knife swinging in the air, making the ear-piercing sound of gold and iron vibrating.starter

One cut, one chop, one push, one drag, one pull on the long taut tongue of the licker.

Boom! ~

As if the sound of the strings snapping, Wang Zongchao's hand shook, and the monster's severed tongue snapped back into its mouth. The monster with its mouth full of blood howled in pain.

This kung fu is the dragging force of the Eight Diagrams hand knife. The four forces of chopping, pressing, dragging and pulling are twisted together in one go. Even a hard concrete floor can drag out deep grooves!Although the monster's physical strength is astonishing, its tongue is too slender, and it can't stand it even if it is collapsed too tightly.

But because of this, the monster transferred all its hatred to Wang Zongchao.I saw two machete-like armors popping out from the monster's forelimbs, which were hard and sharp, and rushed towards Wang Zongchao at once.

Unexpectedly, Wang Zongchao didn't retreat and dodge in the face of the monster's vicious momentum, but shook his whole body violently, like an old bear shaking lice, or like an eagle shaking its feathers.

The muscles and bones of the whole body rang together, and the explosions burst out one after another. Immediately, the air also shook, and an invisible strong wind spread out.

With this shake, Wang Zongchao stimulated the whole body's Qi and blood to accelerate the circulation, and stimulated all his potential. Immediately afterwards, he took a step forward, kicked a whirlwind, punched wind and thunder, and rushed straight towards the monster with unparalleled momentum.

The power and power of the two sides, the huge explosive power, made the other people present all change their colors.starter

For a long time, when Wang Zongchao dealt with zombies, he tried his best to preserve his physical strength due to the large number of opponents. Now, this is the second time he has done his best after the laser channel.


Just like sparks hitting the earth, the collision between the two sides was like a sudden explosion of a thunderbolt, shaking the entire empty platform echoing loudly.


It turned out that Wang Zongchao made a strange turn when the two sides were about to collide, as if he was piercing a willow, and squeezed in sideways from between the monster's claws without delay. However, he punched the monster's exposed brain with a force that could not be resisted.

However, at this moment, a stream of blood spurted out from his chest and back at the same time, and the monster's sharp claws still hurt him.

Wang Zongchao's fist would make a deep mark even if it was made of steel. The monster's exposed brain was almost shattered, white brain pulp and dark brown blood immediately flowed down.And the iron hook of Wang Zongchao's right hand reached its neck even worse, and dragged it again, leaving a deep bone groove on the back of its head.

But even with such serious injuries, monsters are still monsters.

"Aw..." The inhuman roar still rang in everyone's ears, and the monster rolled on the spot, kicked the ground, and rushed towards Wang Zongchao again.

Wang Zongchao's sudden punch had already released almost all of his spiritual energy, and he had suffered serious injuries. At this time, he no longer had the physical strength to directly confront the monster, so he could only shrink back. The monkey shrinks back again, and the donkey rolls around again. At the moment when the monster's claws are attached to its body, it escapes.That sharp claw dug out on the artificial marble floor, cutting out several deep grooves in the splashing sparks.starter

With a kick of its hind legs, the monster jumped up to a height of three meters, and swooped down in the direction where Wang Zongchao rolled out. ,

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