Infinite Road Warrior Road

Chapter 19 Detoxification

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Although Behemoth's body looked bulky, his speed was not slow. Amidst the sound of broken trees, he was already approaching Wang Zongchao rapidly.

Wang Zongchao ran in front, whenever he encountered a tree obstructing his way, he would immediately go around, jumping up and down, as fast as a snake and ape, running in the dense forest was much faster than ordinary people running on flat ground.

However, Bimon is like an invincible chariot, rushing straight, falling trees and rocks wherever he goes, full of devastation, chasing behind Wang Zongchao, even faster than Wang Zongchao, if it is not for Wang Zongchao's body skills Nimble, when the situation is not good, immediately use the terrain to roll and dodge, and has been overtaken long ago.

In the frantic running and dodging, Wang Zongchao could no longer grasp the direction of the way back.

While running, Wang Zongchao suddenly felt a sharp pain in his leg, and suddenly he staggered and fell to the ground. He had to roll over and dodge Beamon's sharp claws on the spot.

Taking the time to look down, he saw a colorful palm-sized spider on his right leg biting him tightly. In just a moment, his whole leg was numb.

Wang Zongchao gritted his teeth, let go of the metal box he was holding tightly, and slashed down his right leg with his vertical palm. With a crisp "snap", the spider's entire body was sent flying by this palm.starter

But Wang Zongchao's palm was soft, and the spider's silk was not damaged, but his body flew towards Beamon's head.

But just as soon as this palm came into contact with the spider, Wang Zongchao already felt another numb feeling coming from the edge of the palm. It can be seen that the poison of the spider is really incredible. I'm afraid he's already dead.

The spider was thrown to Beamon's left eye with a vomit-like wind, and with a "pop", the purple spider blood splashed everywhere, and Beamon immediately roared wildly, waving his claws, and his head swayed wildly, The spider's corpse was thrown away, but black poisonous blood flowed from its left eye, and its left eye was destroyed at the moment of contact.

Under normal circumstances, the rough-skinned and thick-skinned Behemoth wouldn't care about this poisonous spider at all, but Wang Zongchao's hand was so clever that he sent the spider to its most vulnerable eye in an instant.

Taking advantage of the gap in which Beamon was severely injured by the poisonous spider, Wang Zongchao bit the handle of the metal box, barely used his still good hands and feet, and climbed more than ten meters. There was a large lake in front of him. This was the only way he escaped. hoped.

At this time, he had already started to experience severe pain and itching all over his body. Except for the numb right leg, every muscle and every piece of skin in his body seemed to be enduring endless suffering, bitten by that unknown spider, Stimulated by the spider venom, the t-virus dormant in his body began to fully attack again.starter

There was another burst of Beamon's furious howls behind him, accompanied by the sound of trees breaking and falling, getting closer and closer. It seemed that after Beamon was seriously injured, he chased after him, the culprit.

With all his strength, Wang Zongchao jumped into the lake. For a while, he felt that his limbs and bones were almost scattered, and he didn't even have the strength to swim into the center of the lake.

Behemoth then rushed to the lake, but did not jump into the lake, but stared at Wang Zongchao around the lake, wandering and howling.

"Although judging from its size, it shouldn't be able to swim, but I'm not far from the shore now. With its height, it's still possible to go into the water and take two steps to catch me. So... is it afraid of something in the lake?"

Just as he was in doubt, a powerful force suddenly encircled Wang Zongchao's waist and dragged him to the depths of the lake.When Wang Zongchao looked back, God!A huge octopus that only existed in scary sea stories appeared in front of him!It seems that its length is about 15 meters, and its dark skin seems to bring him to the bottom of the deep, dark lake like a kind of hypnosis.A tentacle like an iron chain was tightly wrapped around Wang Zongchao's waist.

Although Wang Zongchao tried his best to pull the tentacles around his waist, those tentacles seemed to grow on him from birth, and they didn't move.The inhuman force is irresistible. In front of the giant octopus, no matter how long Wang Zongchao has practiced martial arts, any struggle and resistance is as ridiculous as a strong ant trying to compete with an anteater.starter

See the prey has no room to struggle, the opened stomach of the giant octopus!From there, some bright white liquid continued to emit, mixed with a pungent smell, welcoming Wang Zongchao.

Its intent couldn't be more obvious.Faced with such a wide open mouth, how does one feel at this moment? …, remember in two seconds: ? Bokon is the first launch for you, .4387263, help to recommend to your friends, .693934, free registration member reading points and prizes, immediately, .7053494Previous page 1☆

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