Fighting Soul Clan Emperor

Chapter 129 Let the Soul Clan Fly

"The first strange fire... Void Swallowing Flame is already the second strange fire. In that case, it is not surprising that the first strange fire has the strength of a fighting emperor." Soul Realm asked. Although this fact is shocking, it is not the same as letting go of that Xiao Xiao. What does Yan Yima have to do with it?

Facing the problem of the soul state, Xiao Xingmeng nodded without hesitation and said: "It's very important, the ancient emperor Tuoshe has now turned into a stone statue of the ancient emperor in the cave, even a nine-star fighting saint can't shake him at all; but if you wait After I become Emperor Dou, even if I break him, he will only be wiped out. The only way to absorb him is to let Emperor Tuoshe win a Saint Dou first, this is the only way to draw him out."

"This... just needs us to let a Dou Sheng go, and that Xiao Yan is not a Dou Sheng."

"This is the troublesome part." Xiao Xingmeng said helplessly: "Not everyone succeeds. If one is not careful, he will just be backlashed and end up in ashes. As the ancient emperor Tuoshe, only Only those who are close to the different fire can succeed. In addition, the kung fu practiced by Xiao Yan is exactly the "Fenjue" that I have been looking for after the disappearance of the ancient emperor Tuoshe. In my opinion, Xiao Yan and the different Huo is extremely close, so letting Xiao Yan go has the greatest success rate."

"Of course, it doesn't take much effort for me to collect the strange fire myself. The problem is that the "friendship" between me and Emperor Tuoshe is impossible for him to pass it on to me if his brain is flooded!"

However, Xiao Xingmeng's greatest confidence in being able to get the inheritance of Ancient Emperor Tuoshe is because he has read the original script. After taking the ancient jade of the Xiao family from Xun'er that day, the two pieces of ancient Emperor Tuoshe jade were put together. Although the soul resonance is weak, it cannot be hidden from Xiao Xingmeng, the "old enemy". The small soul induction has already shown that the soul of Emperor Tuoshe is still there.

Knowing that the old opponent is still there, Xiao Xingmeng covets the first strange fire, coupled with the time-accelerated fighting skills.Immediately decided to take advantage of the fact that Xiao Yan was favored by the strange fire, and pull out ancient emperor Tuoshe for him, as well as get ancient emperor Tuoshe's "Fen Jue".Because in order to get the inheritance of the ancient emperor Tuoshe, Xiao Yan himself has to become a fighting saint to be qualified, and he happened to use his handsome, cool and explosive personality to expand the power of the soul clan and the opportunity to defeat the six clans. A few birds with one stone.

Now the plan is generally smooth, if Xiao Yan fails at the ancient emperor Tuoshe... then I am really sorry, cousin, I have to let you rest in peace next to the ancient emperor Tuoshe, and wait for me to find another person to teach "Fen Jue" ", and then I will visit you when I help him upgrade to Fighting Saint.

But his mother Xiao Qin is really an unexpected trouble, Xiao Xingmeng can't figure out how she can hide it from him now, and she hides it too well. I also know a lot about the internal situation of the clan, but unfortunately there is still no trace of her.

"But now you can put aside that Xiao Yan first. I will take charge of this matter personally. Listen to Xiaoba's words, the ancient clan will never let go of the matter of the Sige meeting. Next, the Soul Palace, the Yao clan , how should the ancients deal with it? What's your opinion?"

After all, Xiao Xingmeng's eyes were fixed on Emperor Hun Tiandi who was the patriarch. As the boss, of course he had to have his own opinion.

Tapping the table with his fingers, Emperor Huntian pondered for a moment, and said, "Teacher, you know me. According to my personality, don't you and Gu Yuan know each other? We must both attack the Yao tribe, each fighting his own way. Confiscated the Yao clan's home, and we will decide the outcome later."

"Hmm..." Xiao Xingmeng was noncommittal, and turned to look at the other apprentices.Said: "You also talk about it."

"Teacher, you know me well. Apart from refining medicine, I don't know about it..." Hun Ruowen raised her hand to speak first, and found an excuse to hide.

"Teacher, you know me well. I never do bullying..." Hun Minyue's Qingwan voice sounded, "I like to be passive... to fight back. You are more familiar with this kind of active attack."

"Teacher, you know me well. I, Hun Mulong, don't ask for anything! He beats his, we beat ours, let the Gu tribe fight, we don't care." The honest man Hun Mulong didn't want to think too much about the ancient enemy. See.

"Teacher, you know me well. If I were to do it... No one from those two families would be alive." Hun Chaoming sneered.

"Teacher, you know me well. I just took Jiu Shimei's elixir last week. Now... I only have half of my fighting spirit, and I feel powerless even if I want to fight." Hun Yao's voice was a little crying.

"Teacher, you know me well. According to the habit of my brother and I, whatever the teacher says is what the teacher says. The key point is your thoughts." The two brothers Hun Yuantian and Hun Shengtian are also cunning, so they just use a panacea. statement.

"Don't look at me, teacher. I...I've been using the way of thinking of the ancient race recently. You asked me to think of the way of the soul race suddenly. I can't tell for a while." Hun苼Feng replied.


"Well, I can tell, all of you...have a lot of tricks." Xiao Xingmeng lightly rubbed his forehead, feeling a little headache. He taught them that they must be cunning, and this was reported to him.

"Do you remember the story of the Warring States that I told you before? Today's Soul Clan is already like the Qin Kingdom, and its actual strength has already surpassed the six clans, while the Ancient Clan is the only wall blocking us, just like the Zhao Kingdom that is an eyesore. Do you still remember how Qin defeated Zhao and then ate up the six kingdoms one by one?"

As a time traveler who loves historical novels, Xiao Xingmeng has a good understanding of Chinese history, and told these stories to these little kids back then. The current situation, where the seven clans are fighting for supremacy, is quite similar to the Warring States period.

Emperor Huntian pondered for a while, and said: "Isolate the relationship between the ancient race and other ancient races, and at the same time coerce the medicine tribe like Korea. Now that the medicine tribe has offended the ancient tribe, the only hope is us."

"Don't look at Xiao Jiu's words that made the ancient clan furious and how noisy the movement is. Gu Yuan is not an idiot, and he will never wipe out the medicine clan because of this matter. What I did was to take this opportunity to bury the gap between the six clans. If you take this opportunity to blackmail the medicine clan, their medicine refining skills are still a good thing. Before we destroy them, bring some back and give it to Xiaojiu to play with. , and by the way, don’t let her research the Dan Fang to poison her own people.”

"Alas..." Hun Yao wailed after hearing this, why didn't you do this earlier, teacher?

"The alchemy techniques and pills of the Yao family..." Hun Ruowen's eyes showed a frenzy.

"Just like this, step by step, bite by bite, the stubborn Thunder Clan and Stone Clan will be wiped out quickly, and those who are stronger than the Ancient Clan will be isolated and then wiped out... To wipe out the six clans, we The soul race wants to gain the most with the least loss."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Xingmeng stopped first, exhaled lightly, looked up at the ceiling carved with dragons and phoenixes, and soon fell into deep thought.

It is not an easy matter to destroy six races with a history similar to that of the Soul Race at once, but Xiao Xingmeng is still determined to solve all of them before entering the cave of Ancient Emperor Tuoshe, at least half of them, and then defeat Ancient Emperor Tuoshe.The reason is very simple. According to the original work, not long after entering the cave, Doudi's origin qi will appear in large numbers again in the Douqi Continent. At that time, there may not be a few Doudi.In order to avoid this situation, Xiao Xingmeng decided to wipe out all the strong enemies in one go before the Doudi Origin Qi appeared.

From then on, only the soul clan has Doudi in the world!The world's fighting emperor, don't come from the soul clan.How awesome would this be?

And Ancient Emperor Tuoshe, since you are longing for resurrection.I will offer Xiao Yan as a sacrifice, and then... I will devour you. As the number one different fire, how far can you make my "Tai Yi Jue" evolve?Is it against the heavens?or stronger?No matter what, your ability to speed up time will be obtained by me!

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