Fighting Soul Clan Emperor

Chapter 350 Encounter and Death

——1000 years ago——

Xiao Xuan, the genius representative of the Xiao Clan, became the new patriarch. Naturally, with such a major event, coupled with the tyranny of the Xiao Clan back then, all forces sent representatives to the Xiao Realm to congratulate——

"People from the soul clan?"

When Hun Xingmeng came to the Xiao Realm, he didn't have any warm welcome, and some even had contempt and hatred in his eyes. He knew the reason, the Xiao Hun clan had always had the worst relationship, but they showed it so nakedly, It showed that Xiao Xuan didn't even want to do some contrived welcome gestures, so he, as the congratulatory envoy of the Soul Clan, naturally became a target.

This is also the reason why Emperor Huntian and others asked him to come here. With Xiao Xuan's personality, he would kill the person sent by the Hun clan if he was not sure. If it was the soul star Menglai, ten Xiao Xuan would be helpless he.

However, Xiao Xuan's actions made Hun Xingmeng very happy and despised - according to him, this was an expression of lack of grace, and it was also an expression of unintentional intentions.Such people are often the best to deal with.

"Yes, by the way, can I look around?"

Any high-ranking position must be extremely cumbersome, and the Xiao Clan is no exception, but the Dou Qi Continent is atheistic, and what they want to worship is not the gods of heaven and earth, but their ancestors.Before that, the preparations were complicated, and it was torture for Hun Xingmeng to face this old man so old that his wrinkles covered his facial features for an hour.


The elder of the Xiao Clan answered in this way, his expression was quite unnatural, just as Hun Xing Meng turned around, he spit on the ground, and Hun Xing Meng heard him murmur unhappily: It's just a half saint, It's like pulling two to five to eighty thousand...

Too lazy to pay attention to this old man, Soul Star Meng turned left and right, and came to the place where those in the "strong class" in the Xiao world lived.

There was a loud noise in the distance, and Hun Xingmeng couldn't help but walk forward curiously. It has to be said that there is nothing unusual in the daily life of Doupa Continent, which makes him gossip even more...

"Where is the tomb over there? I heard that the Xiao clan also has a space cemetery."

It was seen that a large family was digging a pit, with a small coffin on one side. It was supposed to be a funeral?Hun Xingmeng asked the people around him.

"Oh, that's a child who just died, a child who didn't even become a fighter, so naturally he can't be buried in the space cemetery, what a pity, that child is a good child, he often divides himself, he is a leader despite his age. Temperamental child." An old man shook his head and sighed.

"Yes, he is very nice. He often brings us something to eat. I heard that he died the day before yesterday. When he found out in the morning, his body was already frozen." The old man's grandson's eyes were red and swollen, as if he had just cried.


Hun Xingmeng's heart suddenly moved slightly, and he didn't speak. He stood here and watched the funeral silently until everyone dispersed.

In the crowd, a young girl walked by Hun Xingmeng, Hunxingmeng who had stood silently for a while suddenly moved, reaching out to grab the little girl's hand.

The girl's hands are slender and fair. Her immature outline is about ten years old, and her skin is white and crystal clear. For a little girl, she is a little too beautiful.

The little girl who was held by someone blinked her cute eyes and stared at Hun Xingmeng.

"What a beautiful hand..." Hun Xingmeng knelt down on one knee, staring at the girl's hand, and said in a tone of self-talk: "You are well dressed, you are from a rich family... you often talk to that girl. Playing with the children?...I see."

"Did you kill that child?" Hun Xingmeng said suddenly.


Many pedestrians walked past indifferently, and beside the two of them, it seemed that all movements were cut off.

"Don't worry, only you who are holding my hand can hear you." Looking from the girl's hand to her fair and beautiful face, Soul Xing Meng said lightly: "At the funeral, some people mourned for her, and some people were absent-minded... But it's just you, you're observing other people, you're observing their reactions, and imitating their's your friend, but you don't respond to his death at all, why did you do that?"

The girl didn't speak, she just laughed, maybe the word was wrong, but she really looked like a Virgin.

"Hey, hey, is that so? Don't you like it? Do you hate that kid's pretending to be righteous? His kindness."

Looking at the girl, Hun Xingmeng became in a good mood, shining innocently and joyfully like a child observing an ant nest.

"It's very interesting, you are very interesting, this is very rare, if others find out, they will call you 'evil'. But...Compared to those Xiao clan guys, you are the most dazzling person I have ever seen."

Hun Xingmeng put his hands on the girl's shoulders and looked straight at her: "It's really exciting, the day when you grow up... No, it's a pity, you are from the Xiao clan, probably you can't wait for that day gone."

With some regret, he let go of his hand, and Hun Xingmeng, who stood up, asked, "What's your name?"

There was no answer, and the girl's smile became deeper. She turned around, jumped away happily, took a few steps, and then turned her head slightly.

"Uncle, there is one thing you guessed wrong. What about that child...not my friend."

Her smile became very evil, and a wild look appeared in the girl's eyes.

"He's my brother."

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ——

With the heart as the center, the swelling heat burned the whole body, thinking that she was going to die here, Xiao Qing screamed because of the severe pain and fear, but soon she couldn't make a sound, and the black flame swallowed her throat.

Hei Yan had the most severe pain in her life. Hei Yan fed on her meridian fighting energy and crazily bit her whole body. The endless pain would never stop, and only death could be the relief.

If you do that, you will die. You will die when you saw your brother and Yao Fang just now. Absolutely not.

Don't, don't, don't, don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't——!

— want to live.

After experiencing countless pains and betrayals and despairing of life, she never gave up the hope of living, but when she is about to welcome the light, is she going to die at this moment?

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!"

Xiao Yan and Yao Fang also screamed at this moment, Xiao Yan grabbed Xiao Qing's hand, fighting qi surged in frantically, trying to use the power of different fires to suppress nothingness swallowing flames; No sign of going out.

"Are you kidding! Don't die! Don't die! Kill me!"

Yao Fang, whose skin and flesh were burning under the swallowing flames of nothingness, shouted with his only voice, he just hugged Xiao Qing's body and let the flames burn all over his body, his back was slightly hunched, looking extremely desolate.

The young girl did not know how much suffering she had experienced in her life, so that she didn't even have much blood. At this moment, her hand gently clenched Xiao Yan's, and with the other hand, she gently hugged the young man who gave up everything for her. What are you reluctant to do?Or do you want to feel the warmth of people because of the cold life?

Feeling as if his heart had been cut off by a knife, Xiao Yan looked at his sister trembling and fearful—is he going to watch his family members die in front of him again and be powerless?

Life passed by in seconds, and Xiao Qing, who had lost even the strength to struggle, could only move his eyes slowly, from the dark sky to her dearest brother and her only friend Yaofang, the originally cloudy eyes Restored the previous Qingling.

Although I don't quite understand, is this "family affection" and "love"?She couldn't help thinking of Xiao Qing.

I remember that the soul clan said that before a person dies, the past will slide by like a slide.Xiao Qing felt that the words of that big liar were right, because at this time, many pictures flashed in her mind, and the pictures passed like the speed of light, and finally - stopped a few years ago, when she was still on the sick bed .

The dim light, the scent of flowers filling the room, the occasional visiting mother, the always silent mother, and the brother who is only in my imagination.

At that time, everything was beautiful, even if she couldn't move, she could only watch everything on the bed, but at least in her world, there was no fighting, no dirty, no ugliness, no pain, no darkness.

Yes, since the arrival of that person, my life has been full of deception and despair, darkness and pain.But he gave himself a life that was luxurious enough to cover everything up.

If there is no one to bring me out, maybe at that time, the self who died with hope would be happier than now?However, seeing my brother twice and living for so many years, what is there to be dissatisfied with?

It seemed that the last question in her life had been answered, Xiao Qing slowly burst into a smile, this was the happiest smile in her life, afterward, her consciousness was swallowed by endless darkness,

Yao Fang felt Xiao Qing's life disappear, he didn't let go of his hand, and let Hei Yan burn him to death without struggling, just like after coaxing a child to sleep, he was also tired and just wanted to spend time with her go to sleep.

The two turned into a cold nothingness. The girl who tried her best to survive was finally freed.

ps: I seem to have forgotten to put up an advertisement for someone else. My sister is naked... um no, it's the cover of "Can't You Let Me Fall in Love" by the great god Meiluo.It's definitely not the same as in this book, hanging on Ma Po and ending up as Dou Po...Huh?Am I blackmailing myself?

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