Fighting Soul Clan Emperor

Chapter 352 Dead River

"Yes, brothers, watch."

Hun Xuzi looked into the distance, silently and solemnly, singing slowly.

"The river of death is coming! The dead are dancing, and the dead are singing..."

As Hun Xuzi's voice fell, the black flames swept across the ground, and figures rushed towards them frantically.

Everyone in the Yao clan looked extremely ugly, Gu Chen and Lei Yu's complexions also began to turn pale, and with the trembling sound getting louder and louder, all of them revealed their true emotions due to despair and uneasiness about an uncertain future.

On the other side of the black flame, one could hear the sound of countless groups smashing the ground and destroying all the precious medicinal materials painstakingly cultivated by the medicine clan, rushing towards here with a turbulent momentum.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, a figure appeared in the line of sight, followed by hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, millions... densely packed figures, all kinds of monsters, mighty direction from all directions Overwhelmed, a breath of dead silence, with a magnificent momentum, directly enveloped all the people here.

"My servant, obey my orders."

That dark, hell-like, extremely black figure was opening his hands, and he announced calmly, this is not fighting, but massacre, and devouring!So he just gives some thanks for the "food" that will be eaten, like a Christian prayer before eating.

"Dye all the plants and trees into pitch black. Flow all life into the river of death. Turn the world into nothingness."

Lao Xu's figure can even dim the stars and the sun, like a god.Looking at the coming despair and his posture, Xiao Yan could hardly feel any anger or pain, and everyone was stunned. Now all they had in their hearts was the fear of that overwhelming sense of majesty.

"In the name of nothingness, I grant you infinite peace, life, and salvation."

Lao Xu's deep voice fell, and one after another shrill and sharp screams resounded, and numerous figures like locusts frantically flocked towards the people of the Yao clan.


"Everyone, don't be afraid! Kill!"

"what is this!"

"Don't retreat! Attack!"

Facing the attack of this strange army of black flame creatures, the entire mountain range fell into chaos. Fierce battles erupted everywhere, and the screams were endless, and the scarlet blood dyed the earth red. .This terrifying move was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. Many strong medicine men were directly torn into pieces, and some brave men fought desperately to kill them, but facing the inexhaustible enemies, they quickly turned into dead a member of

The world was pitch black, and the living fled and struggled, but their ears were filled with the cries of the dead and the roars of dead beasts.Just like everything in the universe has become an existence to kill them.

Some people who are eroded by despair can't help but think, is this the scene of hell?Have you been dragged to hell alive?

"Die, die, die, die!"

"Ants and bugs! This is the strength of the soul race!"

"Hahahahaha, look at these poor little guys!"

"Kill everyone!"

The people of the medicine clan were submerged in the sea of ​​death. Countless jumping dead devoured the living, and the living turned into the dead...the cycle continued and grew stronger.The people of the soul clan watched with the same joy as watching the execution of ants surrounded by forest fire and burned alive, while cheering in a contemptuous tone.

"The so-called life can be represented by the soul. The soul is life, and the void swallows flames, which is exactly the case. It absorbs the soul continuously, and can release all these lives during the battle—" Hun Xuzi sighed: "This is the reason why you slaughtered the Stone Clan, the Spirit Clan, and the Soul Palace mercilessly while collecting information for us. The more dead, the stronger he will be."

Hearing his words, many people in the Soul Clan now understand the reason why the souls of the dead were brought to the Soul Clan in the past.

In mid-air, looking at the oncoming dead, Yaoxiang became extremely angry, and he shook the hundreds of dead who rushed to him to death with a palm, but he couldn't help roaring furiously: "The assassins of the Stone Race! The people of the tribe! And - the descendants of our medicine tribe! How many souls has this monster absorbed!!"

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly yelled: "Elder of the Yao Clan, self-destruct, destroy the space, we may perish, but we must leave blood seeds for the Yao Clan!"

Hearing Yao Dan's heart-piercing scream, many Yao clan powerhouses in the sky trembled, sadness and determination flashed across their faces, and they gave up resistance. , the body suddenly erupted with an extremely bright luster, and directly began a tragic self-destruction!

Countless dead were shattered in their self-destruction, but like scooping up a ladle of river water, one after another rushed up.

River of Death—As the name suggests, this is an endless river.

However, the strong members of the Yao family did not want to win, but to escape. Under the destructive self-destruct of their lives, finally, Lao Xu's spatial blockage loosened slightly.

Facing the dead river, you can only escape!Or, the lord who can defeat the dead river, the lord among the tens of millions of troops-the swallowing flame of nothingness.Gu Chen and Lei Yu also want to defeat each other, but there are also many strong people in the dead river.

"Ling Aotian of the Spirit Race!"

"The patriarch of the ancient clan!"

At this moment, dead people who were more powerful than those who had only activated part of the Dead River just now blocked their footsteps, many strong people who were killed by Lao Xu or not Lao Xu, Shi Dimu, Hasen, Ling Tao, the Shizu assassin group Luo, Lingya and others are all out, and there are many strong people such as the Patriarch of the Stone Clan!

The body of the Black Flame Dead is composed of black flames, and only has fighting instincts. His strength is weaker than before. People of the same strength can naturally win against the Black Flame Dead, but—how about three?What about ten?

There is no way to fight, no way to get close to Lao Xu, all I can feel is despair.

Watching the space channel gradually expand with cold eyes, Lao Xu just watched with cold eyes.Xiao Qing is dead, so Xiao Yan's value is still there. According to what Hun Xing Meng said, Lao Xu did not use the space blockade again.And more importantly—someone who could kill him, had arrived.

A passage was opened behind him, like a ray of light shining in the endless darkness, no one could react, those white palms like gold and stones tore the black flames of Lao Xu, and gently moved towards Lao Xu. Falsely pressed it up.

Lao Xu smiled, turned around, and punched!


Layers of space are broken, and time seems to stand still at this moment.

As soon as the two touched, an abyss as deep as a thousand feet was formed in an instant. Countless people were shocked and lost their minds. Several of them were even more stunned after seeing the comer clearly.

"Xiao Yan, this..."

Zi Yan tremblingly pointed at the woman in white who was covered by fog, Xiao Yan was stunned for a while, then nodded in affirmation.

"It's... Qing Niang!?"

ps: Thank you I love the world and China for your generous rewards! Saa12335 and Sanqian Naiheliu's tip!And your votes!

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