Fighting Soul Clan Emperor

Chapter 378 Deathmatch

Hello folks~~~ I am upright, honest, dedicated, Lori-loving Daowunsong!I didn't take any medicine today, and I feel cute... Ahem, let me tell you about the war between the Soul Clan and the Ancient Clan for the inheritance of the Tuoshe Cave Mansion.

That year, the war between the Soul and Ancient Clans broke out in an all-round way. Compared with the previous battles in the chaotic Zhongzhou, they were all just warm-ups.In order to compete for the inheritance of the Dongfu, the two super heavyweight kings of Zhongzhou used all their strength without any reservations to start a life-and-death duel.I am Dao Wensong, and as a member of the Hall of Souls, I naturally also participated in this battle of the century.

In addition, I am responsible for intelligence work in the Soul Palace, and I have a good understanding of the forces of the Soul Clan and the Ancient Clan. The Soul Palace was originally a branch of the Soul Clan that was born for intelligence. The secrets that should be known, even how long the patriarch of the Thunder Clan can survive... Although I don't know the name of the Great Elder of the Soul Clan.

Of course, I have already handed in 450, and I have indeed saved my life, so I can speak freely here.

This battle seems to be evenly matched, the ancient clan and the soul clan were ranked first or second in the Douqi Continent back then.But from what I have seen and heard in the Intelligence Department of the Soul Palace for many years, it seems that there is already some imbalance in strength.

The Soul Clan faction that I belong to has wiped out three ancient families a few years before the decisive battle, and obtained extremely rich resources. The training of the older generation of high-level fighting saints may not be effective, but for the new generation of strong people, it can be said that There are several more than Gu, Yan, and Lei combined.

By the way, I was not strong at the time, and I didn’t even have the chance to watch the battles in the Tuoshe Cave Mansion in those advanced battlefields, so I can only talk about the battles of those who are of the same younger generation as me , at that time, I was not far from the top young powerhouses of the Soul Race.

Speaking of which, those few people were considered to be high-achieving students in the class of the Great Elder of the Soul Clan. These people were all related to the unnamed Great Elder of the Soul Clan, even the patriarch Hun Tiandi.All of them are brave and strategic, capable of treachery and deceit, insane, oppressing women and children, and capable of killing.When necessary, even killing fathers and brothers, killing wives and preaching is not a problem.

The only thing these guys can't do is probably be a good person.

However, several people like this also joined forces to besiege one person in this battle, because the patriarch of the ancient clan, Gu Yuan, was not bad, and he called his son-in-law——Xiao Yan to help out.

I know this guy Xiao Yan quite well, I have seen him face to face, and I escaped under his fire lotus.In the Hall of Souls, his information was about as tall as mine, and the level of strict supervision in the Hall of Souls was even ranked in the top [-] at that time.

Although I don't understand why this guy who used to only have Dou Zun was collected so closely, but from my point of view, he still stood out in the World War.

Someone asked me, wasn't he your enemy at the time, why did it seem like you still praised him?Brother you are so naive!At that time, he and I were enemies, but now I am a reporter loyal to the facts and only record the facts.


As the saying goes: Born in sorrow, die in peace.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for Xiao Yan to be able to defeat the five talented students of our soul clan.However, maybe it was the pain of losing a daughter, or maybe it was the threat of death, Xiao Yan insisted on bursting out with amazing potential under this crisis, I have to say: awesome.

————The final chapter of "Days of My Soul Palace"


In the snowstorm, every inch of skin and every pore on Xiao Yan's body was greedily absorbing the vitality between heaven and earth. Like lightning, he struck out palms and punches, and red lotus flames roared out. Every punch and every kick of Xiao Yan, who is a kind of strange fire, has unimaginable destructive power.

Just like looking in a mirror, fist to fist, palm to palm, Xiao Yan resisted the palm and fist attacks of Xiaoyixian and Ye Kan.The energy waves generated by the collision of the three fighting spirits compressed the space into a flat shape, and then exploded with a bang.

"boom boom"

In the blink of an eye, the three of them fought several more moves. Xiao Yan almost gave up all defenses, and actually chose the fiercest head-on method. Strange flames filled the air, quickly repairing Xiao Yan's injuries , to get rid of the toxins of the Little Doctor Immortal.The continuous attacks launched by the two attacking from the left and right together, Xiao Yan alone could not completely resist - since he couldn't stop it, he would fight recklessly.

"Yan Cheng!"

Almost in a flash, the tip of the gun appeared in front of Xiao Yan through the gap between Ye Kan and the Little Doctor Immortal. Yan Cheng's face was icy cold, and Senhan's gun tip poured down like a rainstorm, and all of them pointed at Xiao Yan fiercely. Booming hard, long lightning bolts were drawn out of the barrel of the gun in his hand, and they were thrown fiercely.

... With two bangs, Xiao Yan suddenly changed his move. With ferocious energy in his feet, he kicked the two of them viciously. His body was lying horizontally in the air, avoiding Yan Cheng. A fatal shot, and at the same time repelled Ye Kan and Little Doctor.

After succeeding, Xiao Yan's body didn't stay still, he stepped into the void again, the void shook, ripples opened up to a flower the size of an acre, with a flick of his finger, a fire lotus of destruction shot towards Yan directly like a shooting star Inheritance.

In the blink of an eye, Yan Cheng did not expect that Xiao Yan could change his moves at such a speed when he was fighting against the two of them in an instant.Counterattack, dodge, and counterattack again, in one go, facing the opponent's powerful attack, Yan Cheng was unwilling to dodge, there was no sign of retreat in his eyes, but a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and a terrifying light shone on the gun. The light directly greeted him.

The tip of the gun quickly hit the fire lotus, but miraculously, there was no sound. The tip of the gun became like countless sharp steel knives, cutting everything that existed in the space.

This fighting technique is called "Spearing the Universe", which makes the fighting energy wrapped around the spear tip rotate at a high speed. Once it touches the spear tip, it can annihilate everything in this space.

The swirling strong fighting spirit even whipped up gusts of wind, and the fire lotus showed no sign of exploding. The essence and fighting spirit of the strange fire were all smashed into nothingness at the moment of contact.

Before Xiao Yan could be surprised, Nalan Yanran's sword had already struck.

"Heaven-shattering invisible sword energy."

A burst of sword energy was shot out, like a lotus flower blooming, one, two, ten, hundred, thousand... In the blink of an eye, the entire front of Xiao Yan was filled with sword energy, layer by layer, like sword energy The sea was like a sea, directly enveloping Xiao Yan in it.

However, the most powerful killing move lies in the sword she holds in her hand. The light of the sword is like a lotus flower, and a flower bursts out. A completely different breath stabbed with the sword—the same unpretentious long sword, the same two people, as if they had returned to the three-year agreement.

"Huangquan refers to!"

With a slap of the palm, facing Nalan Yanran, facing such a terrifying attack, Xiao Yan had no choice but to take it hard.


A series of sword qi cut Xiao Yan's body into pieces of flesh and blood. Drops of blood shot up into the sky, and were blown away by the sword qi again, turning into blood mist.

Nalan Yanran was hit by a palm, and a mouthful of blood spewed out. The scorching and domineering strange fire grudge invaded her heart, causing her to suffer internal injuries.

And the most powerful and murderous long sword is still in the air at this moment.

Xiao Yan's palms stopped her sword!

ps: Fighting or something really consumes words, no wonder the original work can have thousands of chapters. ...

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