() Major case series (3)

The task force immediately became excited. It can be said that this is in line with the old saying: There is no place to find when you step through iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it!

After asking the guard on duty for the past few days, I know that Zhao Xiaodong has been driving around the back mountain with his companion these days, and no one knows exactly what he is doing.

Mei Haiyang decided to convene a meeting that night to analyze the case together and decide on the direction of the next step in the investigation.


That night, in a large meeting of the Xiguan District Bureau, the lights were brightly lit.

The participants sat around a large oval conference table. Due to the large number of people, there were not enough seats, so some chairs were found outside to sit down.

Dang Xiangjun is the police officer of the local police station, and he is quite familiar with this chemical plant. He represented the police station to attend the meeting as a non-voting delegate, and would introduce some basic information about the factory if necessary.

The atmosphere of the meeting was very enthusiastic, and everyone seemed to have seen the exposure that the "1.14 major case" was about to be solved.

The speeches at the meeting were very positive and enthusiastic, and gradually, the opinions became relatively concentrated.Most people believe that, judging from the evidence currently available, it is possible to boldly make such a conjecture: Zhao Xiaodong, Gao Shulin, and another deceased person, Fu Bin, conspired to create the "1.14" burglary and homicide case.

Afterwards, Zhao Xiaodong and Fu Bin poisoned Gao Shulin for a conflict of interests or for other reasons.

Later, in order to hide the stolen money, the two chose to hide the stolen money by burying it somewhere in the mountain behind the chemical plant.

Afterwards, after returning to Zhao Xiaodong's dormitory, the two had their own ulterior motives, and they tried to poison each other at the same time, not wanting to kill both of them, and reap the consequences for themselves.

The key to the next step is to organize manpower to go up the mountain to search as soon as possible. As long as the stolen money is found, the case will be solved.

Comrades who hold the same point of view cite a large number of irrefutable evidence in support of their own formulation.

The main ones are: First, the envelope with the name of Hongye Real Estate Company and the red envelope with the name of the migrant worker appeared in Zhao Xiaodong's car, indicating that they were directly related to the robbery of the stolen money.

Second, when Gao Shulin was murdered, the poison in him was exactly the same as that detected in Fu Bin's body, which was cyanide.Among the three, only Zhao Xiaodong had the opportunity to obtain such items. After on-site investigation, a small half bottle of cyanide was found in the metal cabinet used as a cupboard in Zhao Xiaodong's dormitory, which was used to poison the other two people. kind.

Third, a small plastic bag containing arsenic was also found on Fu Bin, and a large amount of arsenic was found in a jar of traditional Chinese medicine that Zhao Xiaodong drank frequently in the past two days. Poisoned to death by arsenic.

Fourth, according to the clues provided by Mr. Miao Zhaoxu last time, in the surveillance video of Kangnan University of Finance and Economics, we found records of Zhao Xiaodong's vehicles entering and leaving the university in recent days.Especially on the day when Gao Shulin was poisoned and killed, the car did have a record of having been to the University of Finance and Economics.

... All kinds of evidence show that it was these three people who committed the crime in a gang, and then the dog bit the dog and killed each other and died together.

A complete chain of evidence seems to have been presented to everyone, and the case has gradually become clear.

Faced with a large amount of evidence, dissenting voices are becoming less and less, and there seems to be a consensus of views in the entire venue.

Mei Haiyang didn't say a word, just listened silently, smoking one cigarette after another.

Seeing that everyone gradually stopped talking, Mei Haiyang stubbed out the cigarette butts, and asked, "Do you have any different opinions?" Everyone looked at me and I looked at you relaxedly, without saying a word.

Mei Haiyang said: "Today is a case analysis meeting, a discussion meeting. Since it is a discussion, it is not drawing conclusions, but just brainstorming and providing more angles and ideas for analyzing the case. Don't worry about it, you can say anything you think of. , It doesn’t matter if you say something wrong, let’s learn from each other. Look, let’s talk about it, who else didn’t speak just now?”

Everyone in the venue looked at each other again, and there was some buzzing.

At this time, those who are willing to speak have already spoken, and those who are unwilling to speak quickly wave their hands, saying that there is nothing more to say.

Mei Haiyang cleared his throat and said, "Ask again one last time. If you have something to say, tell me quickly. After passing this village, there is no such shop."

Everyone burst into laughter, waiting for him to give a conclusion, so that they can go home and rest quickly, and work hard tomorrow.

At this time, a hand was slowly raised against the wall in the back row.

Mei Haiyang saw it and said, "I'll just say it! Who is that, tell me."

Dang Xiangjun put down his hands, straightened his body, and said, "I am from the Xishan Police Station, and my name is Dang Xiangjun."

Someone in the crowd murmured softly: "It's all Jinger, what's the trouble here!"

Dang Xiangjun ignored the man, his face was a little hot, he simply stood up and said, "Captain Mei, can I have a word?"

"It's ok. Didn't I just say that everyone can express their own opinions. Say it."

"Well, let me talk about some of my questions. If I am wrong, please criticize and correct me."

Then, Dang Xiangjun opened his notebook and began to say: "This afternoon, I received a report from the police at the institute and rushed to the scene as soon as possible. Because the distance is relatively short, it can be said that I was the first to arrive during the afternoon police investigation." ..."

Someone in the crowd said slyly, "Now is not the time to show off your grades, so why worry!"

Mei Haiyang stopped immediately and said: "Who is talking nonsense! Stand up and say something." Since then, no one interfered with Dangxiang Jun's speech, and Mei Haiyang signaled Dangxiang Jun to continue talking.

"When I arrived at the scene, my main task was actually to protect the scene. At the same time, I also saw some situations, and what I want to talk about now is this."

"At that time, when Zhao Xiaodong and Fu Bin died, they should have been eating. I noticed that the dining table was full of food. My first impression was that there was enough food for three or four people. .”

"At the same time, I saw that the pads the two of them used to pick up the leftover bones were actually torn a disposable paper lunch box in half from the middle, and used the lid of the paper box as a bone plate. At that time , I noticed that there seemed to be words printed on the lid of the paper lunch box, so I picked it up and looked at it, and sure enough there were the words 'Brother's Restaurant' and the order number written on it."

"After closing the team, I made a special trip to Brother's Restaurant. Actually it's not far away. It's on the side of a road not far from the chemical plant. The business there has always been good. In our place, this restaurant is considered a little famous. Everyone basically knows."

"The boss told me that at noon that day, Zhao Xiaodong and one of his friends drove over and ordered a few dishes, mostly cold dishes and stewed dishes, and a roast chicken, all of which were packed and taken away."

"This made me feel even more strange, because from the scene, the dishes that Zhao Xiaodong and Fu Bin ate were served on plates, so where did those packaging boxes go? I went upstairs and downstairs, and even searched carefully in the trash can near the factory gate, but there was nothing there.”

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