() Major case series (6)

According to the investigation, Fu Bin's boss reported that in the process of doing business with Fu Bin, he sometimes took in a few extra pigs, and he couldn't sell them for a while, and he couldn't keep them, so he had to kill them first, and then Fu Bin found them. Keep it refrigerated and resell it later.It also provided several places where Fu Bin often contacted to store pork.

Unfortunately, neither of the two lines went very smoothly. There was no progress in health and wealth, and the cold storage line was eliminated one by one, and the desired location was still not found.

During this period of time, everyone in the group was so busy that they were away from home all day long. Instead, there was only Dang Xiangjun. Mei Haiyang arranged for him to be in charge of reading the files in the group, and he was not allowed to interfere in other matters.

Every day, Dang Xiangjun could only be patient and start over and over again to concentrate on looking through the files of Gao Shulin's case and the materials of the "1.14" project. In addition to further confirming that Gao Shulin's body was moved after death, Except for traces of artificial forgery at the scene, no further breakthrough point was found.


"A man who weighed more than 100 kilograms died for several days, and then the body was removed, frozen, and then moved back to the fake scene without anyone noticing or knowing. This is too weird. Li, people come and go, isn’t the suspect afraid of being bumped into? This is unreasonable.”

Dang Xiangjun sat beside a pile of files, thinking blankly.

"There are two key points here. One is to have refrigerated storage equipment, and the other is to carry it as conveniently as possible without being easily noticed. What kind of location can satisfy the above two points at the same time? ... Yes Yes, the cafeteria of the university, there should be equipment for storing frozen items, and it is also convenient to Gao Shulin's house."

The more Dang Xiangjun thought about it, the more excited he became. He was nainai. After such an analysis, he still pointed the finger at Kangcai. It seems that there are really ghosts in Kangcai!He decided to go to Kangnan University of Finance and Economics immediately.


It is a pity that Dang Xiangjun carefully walked around the cafeterias of Kangnan University of Finance and Economics and found nothing unusual.

Could it be that my own judgment was wrong?Could it be a refrigerated truck that delivers fresh goods to the school cafeteria outside the school?

He thought hard.

Reluctantly, Dang Xiangjun had no choice but to shake hands with the school entourage to say goodbye, and walked slowly on the campus alone pushing his bicycle while thinking.


Before he knew it, Dang Xiangjun came downstairs to Gao Shulin's house again. Seeing that it was still early, he thought, he might as well go up to the next door to ask about the situation, but he had never visited these residents before.

So he saved the car, and Dang Xiangjun walked up slowly.

The young couple is not at home at work, and the old professor and his wife have not been able to talk about anything new. I wonder if Teacher Miao Zhaoxu will be in class at this time?Dang Xiangjun decided to try his luck.

As soon as he knocked on the door, the door opened from the inside. Dang Xiangjun showed his police officer certificate. After being stunned for a moment, Mr. Miao Zhaoxu enthusiastically let him into the room, which seemed a little messy.

"Sit casually, it's in a mess. I'm going to study in the United States in a few days. No, I'm packing up."

When Dang Xiangjun heard the words, he quickly congratulated him and sat down. Teacher Miao asked, "What would you like to drink?"

"Don't drink it. I just drank tea at Professor Fang's house, so I won't bother you."

"Then have a can of Coke, I usually drink this." As he spoke, Teacher Miao went to the refrigerator and opened the door to take a can of Coke.

It was the first time for Dang Xiangjun to see such a luxurious and magnificent refrigerator, and he couldn't help but praise: "Your refrigerator is so high-end!"

"Oh, it's made in Japan. It's rare in China now. I bought it from someone."

"Can I take a tour?" Dang Xiangjun asked with a thought.

"Just look at it." Teacher Miao wiped the Coke clean, opened it, and handed it to Dang Xiangjun.

Dang Xiangjun thanked him, stood up and took the Coke, and opened the refrigerator door to appreciate it carefully.

After praising him, Dang Xiangjun sat down again and talked with Mr. Miao about Gao Shulin's case.

Time passed by, and Dang Xiangjun finished his coke, but he didn't intend to leave. He took the initiative to ask for a glass of boiled water, drank and chatted unhurriedly.

Suddenly, Dang Xiangjun said: "Mr. Miao, did you know that Gao Shulin also drank Coke before he died, and he drank it from a glass cup. It's just that the glass was broken. The strange thing is, we were in his house. , but couldn’t find the same type of glass as the one that broke, isn’t it strange? Generally speaking, when a person buys a glass, he can’t just buy one, right? Teacher Miao.”

Teacher Miao was taken aback, and said, "Really?"

"How come I see that the broken glass is a bit like yours." Dang Xiangjun pinched the bottom of the glass with two fingers, held the glass up, and squinted his eyes to look at the glass intently.

"Oh, hehehe, it must be my cup. Once, he said that a friend came to the house and borrowed one from me, but he hasn't returned it yet. If you don't mention it, I'd forget it. Now look at it Come, you don’t have to pay it back.”

"Really? Does he always borrow things from the neighbor's next door?"

"That's not right! Every now and then, I keep borrowing, and I don't take it back."

"Oh, this habit is not good." Dang Xiangjun began to chat with Teacher Miao casually again.

Teacher Miao was going to go abroad soon, and there were too many things left to pack, so he couldn't help becoming a little impatient. Seeing that it was time for lunch, he took the opportunity to order to evict the guests and said: "The party police officers can eat here at noon, the school has a cafeteria , very convenient."

"No, thank you, next time." Dang Xiangjun drank the water in the cup, stood up and said goodbye, and then said casually: "Mr. Miao, can you lend me this cup, after all It's the same model as the broken one at Gao Shulin's house, I'll take it back and take a picture and send it back to you."

Teacher Miao was stunned for a moment, hesitated for a moment and said: "Okay. Since you are useful, you can take it. Hehehe, there is no need to send it back. Anyway, I am going abroad. I will buy a new one when I come back. You keep it. Take it slowly."


As soon as he got back to work, Dang Xiangjun hurriedly went to Mei Haiyang and reported: "Miao Zhaoxu's house has too many doubts. Especially the extra-large refrigerator, I observed it carefully. If all the partitions in the middle are removed, it will look like Gao Shulin Such a small person can be put in vertically. This can explain the reason why his body was frozen after his death. Moreover, the Miao and Gao families live next door, and one person is enough to move the body. The chances of finding it are extremely small.”

Mei Haiyang tried hard to recall the large refrigerator in Miao Zhaoxu's house that he had seen, and carefully savored what Dang Xiangjun said, and it was true.

Dang Xiangjun took out a plastic bag from the bag again, which contained a glass. He said: "This glass has the fingerprints of Miao Zhaoxu's left hand. I think that when a person unlocks the lock, he usually uses it." Hold the lock in your left hand and the key in your right. Team Mei, do you want to ask the comrades from the technical department to help you check your fingerprints?"

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