Official memorabilia

Chapter 12 Party

get together

In the luxury private room of Taiyue Hotel in Taiming City, two people were sitting and two were standing.

On the huge dining table in front of Pang Yonggang's seat, it was empty, and only two cups of tea were served. Pang Yonggang blew on the steaming tea with his mouth, and sipped it.Opposite, sat a stout man, but he didn't touch the tea in front of him at all.

"Mr. Zhao, have a sip of tea and beat the fire." Pang Yonggang said leisurely.

"Damn your mother, I won't accept your tricks. Let you Boss Pang talk about it." The man said rudely, patting the table with his hands.

When Pang Yonggang heard the words, he wanted to throw the teacup directly in front of him. He endured and endured, and finally held back.

"Zhao Dapao, I asked you to talk today, just to give you enough face. I'll leave the words here. If the talk is finished today, what should I do in the future; From the moment the hotel gate opens, we'll start a war. I'd like to personally say, how many catties and taels does Zhao Dapao have?"

With a "snap", Zhao Tianyou swept the teacup in front of him to the ground, and roared: "Pang Lao Er, I was not scared of you when I was young, and I was afraid of you!" He stood up after speaking.

"Zhao Dapao, I'll make it clear today that in the private room of the hotel next door, Boss Luo is there. If you don't want to talk about it, please feel free. I will naturally talk to Luo Quanleg."

Is Luo Haikun next door?Zhao Tianyou had no bottom line in his heart. Hearing this, he hesitated, unable to decide whether he should leave without hesitation, or should stay and have a good talk.After thinking about it for a while, he turned around and asked, "Your mother! What's the matter with the fucking mad cow? You haven't shown up until now!" Cursing, he sat down again firmly.The younger brother who had been standing behind him hastily bowed and said, "Brother, we have been talking on the mobile phone, but he didn't turn it on. I don't know where he went."

"Zhao Dapao, I think, don't look for it anymore, the mad cow will definitely not come today." Pang Yonggang said calmly.Zhao Tianyou turned his head and stared at him firmly, feeling that there was something in his words.

"Mr. Zhao, since you are here for dinner today, let me show you a freshly made appetizer first." Pang Yonggang turned around and nodded at Hua Tsai who was standing behind him.Hua Tsai turned around knowingly and walked out from the side door. For a moment, holding a special tray for hotel restaurants with an obvious cover on it, he walked to the dining table step by step, put the tray on the turntable, and then started again. He retreated behind Pang Yonggang and stood still.

"Mr. Zhao, this is a side dish specially prepared for you by my brother. Well, I don't know if it's new or not. How about it? Please taste it slowly, Mr. Pang Yonggang." Pang Yonggang turned the turntable on the dining table with his wrist. , and suddenly turned the tray in front of Zhao Tianyou.

The little brother behind Zhao Tianyou took a step forward, saw Zhao Tian nodding, so he slowly lifted the lid.

As soon as the lid was opened, Zhao Tianyou stood up from the chair suddenly like an electric shock.The younger brother behind him let out an "ah" and took two steps back holding the lid.Inside the tray was a pair of severed palms of bloody people.

Without waiting for Zhao Tian to speak, Pang Yonggang gritted his teeth and said, "This is the stuff of a mad cow. This is called blood debt. One hand is the capital, and the other hand is the interest. Mr. Zhao, isn't it fair?"

This pair of palms was cut off from the mad cow's wrist by another of Pang Yongqiang's capable officers, Lao Gou, who led his men.

"I'm fucking! Call someone." Zhao Tianyou swung up his chair, took two steps forward, and stopped. Hua Zai held a pistol with a suppressor in his hand and pointed it steadily at his face.

"Brother, the door is locked from the outside and cannot be opened." The younger brother reported in horror.

"Mr. Zhao, don't be impulsive, sit down and talk." Pang Yonggang said confidently.


When he was about to leave work, Fan Yi received a call from Lao Xing, "Xiao Fan, what are your plans for tonight?"


"Just right, there is a party tonight, let's go together!"

"what is that?"

"It's a good thing, we'll talk about it when we meet. I'll take my car later. Goodbye."

Lao Xing's car was a bright red BMW. From the first time he saw it, Fan Yi wondered how a big man could drive such a car.

After getting in the car, Fan Yi finally had a chance to ask.

"Mr. Xing, is your car a little too colorful?"

Lao Xing smiled and said, "Xiao Fan, from now on, don't call me 'teacher' or 'teacher', just call me Lao Xing. You, understand?"

"Well, Teacher Xing." The two laughed.

"Speaking of this car, I used to buy it for my wife. I just drove it for a short time. No, after the immigration process, she went to the United States with my precious daughter, and she said she likes this color. No way. I’m selling it, and I want to open it when I return to China.”

"Xing...Old Xing, why don't you go?"

"I don't like it there, I don't understand the language, and I don't have any friends. It's better to be in the motherland."

"After all, the family still has to be reunited."

"Hey, we'll talk about it later. Well, go to my house for dinner first, and we'll go there after we're done."

It turned out that Lao Xing had a friend who was doing private equity. There was an investment recruitment meeting tonight, and he invited Lao Xing, and asked Lao Xing to make appointments with a few more people.Lao Xing thought that Fan Yi should have some strength to enter the big family room, so he invited him by the way.

Lao Xing's house is a two-and-a-half-storey villa with gardens at the front and back, which is really nice.When they entered the house, the auntie who worked part-time had already prepared the meals, and the two of them washed their hands and sat down to eat.

While eating, Fan Yi asked: "Old Xing, what happened last time?"

Lao Xing was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and said, "Oh, it's basically over. Director Li will give a major penalty, and the other parties will have minor penalties. It will probably be formally dealt with after a while. Hey, say Get up, Director Li thanked you very much, and kept saying that he would make a special trip to thank you some other day."

"Thank you for what! You should be thanking you."

Lao Xing smiled and said, "Thank you all. Eat the vegetables and eat the vegetables."

After eating and seeing that it was still early, Lao Xing led Fan Yi to visit his house.Outside the door of a room on the second floor, there is a teak-carved couplet hanging on both sides of the door: "Raising a lump of spring means supporting two poor bones."Fan Yi said with a smile: "Old Xing, you're a bit pretentious? Just you, you're still 'poor'. Look at the car you drive and the house you live in. I think you are the richest man in the bureau."

Lao Xing waved his hands and said, "It's far, far away, it's just that some people don't dare to reveal their wealth."

Fan Yi also said: "The two lines of Zeng Wenzhenggong's poems are very suitable for you, but I suggest, Lao Xing, why don't you just change him and 'support two rich bones', so what's the harm?" ?”

"Hahaha, Xiao Fan, you are still young and don't know the complexity of society. 'If you are sick, you should shout, if you have money, you should hide'. It is necessary to be low-key, low-key, and low-key. The fearless truth is often It will cost a lot.”

While talking, Lao Xing's cell phone rang, and Lao Xing looked at it and said, "Here, I'm urging us, let's go."


In a residential area, there is a teahouse, and tonight it put up a sign saying that it was undergoing interior renovation and closed its business.In a larger room on the second floor, computers, projectors and other equipment have been placed long ago. On the opposite side, a large screen is playing the brilliant achievements of a private equity fund over the years.

When Lao Xing and Fan Yi entered, there were already seven or eight people sitting in the room. Some were watching the projection, some were talking in low voices, and some waved hello to Lao Xing.

After another ten minutes or so, finally, the promotional film was over, and a young, capable lady walked in, leading a young man in his early 30s.

"This is Mr. Ye." The young lady introduced.

Everyone clapped their hands and said hello.

"Hi everyone, thank you all for taking the time to attend our investment presentation tonight. Many people here are actually old acquaintances, such as Mr. Li, Mr. Ouyang, and Mr. Xing." Lao Xing nodded at him. .

Then there is Mr. Ye's one-sided analysis of the current economic situation and stock trends.Finally, Mr. Ye said: "Thank you for your long-term support to us. I assure you that every penny you invest in our fund is absolutely safe. Judging from the current situation, there have been more than 30.00% Of course, we will still achieve better results in the next step and bring greater benefits to all investors sitting here.”

Everyone responded with warm applause.

Mr. Ye said: "Of course, the variety we recommend today still has risks. Compared with the varieties that you have done before, to be honest, the risk has indeed increased a lot. That's why I specially invite everyone to come here today. , and hold another meeting. However, high risks come with high returns. The expected returns of this product are definitely considerable, and the cycle is not long. According to our calculations, from the official cao order to the clearance and shipment, it will not exceed Three months. We expect, conservatively estimate, that the final profit should be more than [-]%, and if it is done well, it is not impossible to double it.”

"Mr. Ye, is the company you are cooperating with this time reliable?" An investor interrupted Mr. Ye's introduction and asked straightforwardly.

"Mr. Bai, it's like this. The market economy is [-]% reliable, but there is one thing. Hongxing Fund has built a lot of positions in batches in the early stage. Now it is suffering from no money at hand. If we don't intervene, it is estimated that They may fail this time, so they proposed to cooperate with us. The conditions for our cooperation with them, after preliminary negotiations, are very generous. We are a shareholder. In this way, the warehouse they built at low cost , we will also have a share, so the cost in the early stage will be very low, and now the overall market trend is trending upwards, and we will pull up with the trend, and the chances of winning will be great."

"Which stock can you tell us about?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, that's it, it's not convenient to tell everyone now."

"How big is the chance of winning?"

"We have carefully analyzed that it will not be lower than [-]%. Moreover, from the previous contact with the listed company, there are also people in the listed company who are willing to cooperate with us, and they will release appropriate news at the right time. In this way, the chances of winning It will continue to rise. It’s just that it has not been finalized yet, and it is necessary to let everyone know. We don’t want to deceive everyone.”

"If you want to join, how much capital is required for the entry threshold?"

"The minimum is 500 million. As for the time, it will end at [-]:[-] p.m. this week. Once the time is up, we will no longer accept capital investment. As always, we must be fair."


On the way back from the car, Lao Xing asked Fan Yi, "Do you want to buy something?"

Fan Yi smiled and said, "I only have 20 to [-] yuan in cash on hand, and the rest of the money has been bought into stocks. Besides, I think it's a bit illegal for them to do this."

Lao Xing laughed, and said: "There is an element of violation, and in the end, retail investors or other institutions must be recruited as a backstop. It seems that you have never experienced such a scene before. Hey, wait for the experience." After a while, I gradually got used to it. I also bought stocks now, and I don’t have any spare money, so I don’t have to worry about it. Hey, Xiao Fan, which one did you buy, can you tell me?”

"Yunnan Copper Industry."

"Oh, I haven't done much research on this ticket. However, generally speaking, for resources, there will be some fixed assets and ores placed there. It is considered a relatively safe type, and the risk should not be high. Hey, Xiao Fan, you You’re still young, but I think you can be a little more aggressive in terms of security. In this regard, you are inferior to me. I bought CITIC Securities. I judge that if the stock market is good, the securities companies will be the first to make profits, of course. Well, if, as some people say, the market is still going to break a thousand points, or even the stock market is going to start over, then I will be in a miserable situation compared to you."

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