Official memorabilia

Chapter 18 World Cup

World Cup

The midsummer like fire, the World Cup like fire. The 2006 World Cup kicked off in full swing with the enthusiasm of hundreds of millions of fans.

Pang Yonggang strode excitedly into Pang Yongqiang's office.

"Boss, look at this. It's a good project."

Pang Yongqiang raised his head and looked at his second brother, and said in his heart, it is no problem for you to follow the plan made by others; what project do you develop yourself!For so many years, I have never heard of any successful examples.Thinking of this in my heart, I couldn't help but grabbed the plan that Pang Yonggang threw on the table with one hand.

Pang Yongqiang watched, and said in his mouth: "Let's talk first, I only give you 10 minutes, and Teacher Qin and Mr. Duan will come to talk about business soon."

Pang Yonggang curled his lips and said, "No problem, my matter is simple, and the plan is only two or three pages in total, you can read it first."

Secretary Huang handed Pang Yonggang a cup of freshly brewed coffee, bowed to Pang Yongqiang, smiled slightly at Pang Yonggang, turned around and walked gracefully to the door.

With a little effort from Pang Yonggang, the high-backed swivel chair silently turned backwards, allowing him just enough to see Secretary Huang's graceful and graceful back.I thought to myself, this Secretary Huang is getting more and more interesting, and I don't know what the boss thinks, after guarding such a beauty for so many years, it seems that I have never heard of anything out of the ordinary.This concentration is really the material to be the boss!

"Second brother, who is this person?" Pang Yongqiang gently tapped the name of the person on the last page of the proposal with a finger.

"Ah, that's an old ghost! Did you forget? We played baccarat in his venue once a few years ago. Think about it, in Cuiyun Villa."

"Oh, it's him, doesn't he run a casino? Why did he switch to gambling now?"

"He's still running the casino. It's just that the World Cup is about to start soon, so the focus is on gambling."

"Why does it sound a little unreliable to me? Does he understand football? Isn't he just a little bastard, and he still wants to cooperate with us to make this stuff?"

"Boss, you are old Huangli. The old ghost is still quite famous in the Jianghu. Especially in the past few years, he has been gambling. It can be said that in the whole Taiming City, he is the first Part, all leagues, whether they are domestic or foreign, including before, hey, what A, A B, what Serie A, Premier League, he is doing it all. This project, the profit is considerable, boss. A while ago, my boss and I Gou experienced it live in his place, one night, boss, do you know how much the bet amount is?"

Pang Yongqiang was silent and did not answer. Pang Yonggang continued excitedly: "It's just a small venue, and it can exceed one million in one night. After a year, it can be calculated in billions. If you open a few more venues, the profit will be counted." You can count until your hands cramp."

"Did he find you first, or did you find him first?"

Pang Yongqiang laughed and said: "I don't know him well, and we didn't find anyone. But he is familiar with Lao Gou. It should be that he talked with Lao Gou before Lao Gou mentioned it to me. Then, I went to experience it with Lao Gou. It’s really worth it.”

"Where's the old dog?" Pang Yongqiang asked.

"This project has something to do with gambling. Old Gou is afraid that you will scold him again, so he dare not come to see you, so..."

"Hey, this old dog. If you want to say that among us old brothers, the one who is the most willing to risk his life and is not afraid of death is the old dog. But you have also seen that after all these years, if I hadn't divided the annual You deducted part of his bonus, bought him shares in your own company, and asked you to sell him a duplex building at cost price. Otherwise, what does he have? He is basically a proletarian. Why? Is that the case? It’s because of this gambling. If you have any money, [-]% of it will be handed over to the casino sooner or later. This is the end of gambling.”

After a pause, Pang Yongqiang continued: "Besides, in our country, doing that kind of thing is not allowed by the law. We have such a big business and so many projects. Wait for Mr. Qin and the others to come and talk about it. How to reduce and merge in the future, how can we still have the energy to engage in these indiscriminate activities? I’m not talking about you, second child, we are now in the society, and we are well-known people. Take a look at Hong Kong and Macau Those big guys who have the same background as us, who are still doing these messy things? It’s not on the stage, and it’s illegal, and sooner or later, because of this mouse shit, a pot of soup will be ruined.”

Pang Yonggang thought to himself, who said others are not doing it?Not only have they done it, but they are still doing something special now. Otherwise, how could Macau become a paradise for gamblers?It's just that he still didn't have the courage to say these words in front of his eldest brother.

While talking, Pang Yongqiang picked up the proposal and shook it lightly, and said, "Gambling? After all, how profitable is this? Can it compare to the profits we made from selling fans in the past? We have not even sold money in our old business these years. Don’t do it anymore, why? Don’t you just want to reborn and start a new life? Why do I value Teacher Qin so much? Because only he is the most loyal to me, and only he can point out a right path for me, so that we can get out of the past completely. You know Is it? My second son, you are still talking about these shitty things to me, just for this point, you are not as smart as Lao Gou, at least he still knows how to avoid me in this kind of thing, knowing that I will definitely not treat you well What about you, Lianzuier? You are still so stupid as to want to find me to cooperate with some little bastard!"

"Boss, what I mean is that we are not the ones who actually gamble. We only provide venues and security. This is what the old ghost values ​​most. We only guarantee safety here, and we don't do anything specific. After that, we will come back every day." We will collect some money according to the turnover; we will be responsible for collecting and collecting the debts. If the police want to catch gambling in the future, it has nothing to do with us. Of course, for the sake of safety, we can even set up a few A leather bag company is responsible for helping old ghosts collect their bills, and if there is any trouble, it will just close, what risk will there be?"

Pang Yongqiang smiled and said, "It's a good thing you can still think of this step, but when something really happens, it's not like you say it's nothing to do with you, so it really doesn't matter. Those police officers are not all vegetarians."

Pang Yonggang still wanted to defend himself, but Pang Yongqiang waved his hands and said, "Okay, okay, second child, you just concentrate on doing your real estate well, and don't think about these small things in the future. Substitute a sentence for me to Lao Gou, Also let him gamble less."

While talking, an internal landline on the table rang. Pang Yongqiang pressed the call button, and Secretary Huang's sweet voice came in: "Mr. Pang, Mr. Qin and Mr. Duan are here."

"Invite them in."


Pang Yonggang had no choice but to put away the plan again, walked out resentfully, and greeted the two people who just came in perfunctorily.

Qin and Duan sat down, drank the coffee newly brewed by Secretary Huang, and waited for Pang Yongqiang to read the strategic plan.

Teacher Qin explained: "The general direction is still three points and one line, with real estate, mineral resources and commercial chain retail as the three support points, and the main line is to become bigger and stronger. Real estate is considered an offensive strategy, while mineral resources are Stability-seeking considerations, as for commercial chain retail, this is a consideration of both offense and defense, and it will become a scale in the future, and the cash flow provided every day will be incredible."

Pang Yongqiang flipped through it and asked, "Is it revised according to the meaning of the last discussion?"

Teacher Qin replied: "It's basically like that, but in the last section, I discussed with Lao Duan and decided to add a content." He helped Pang Yongqiang to find the relevant content with his hands, pointed and said: "We It means that there are many small companies under the giant. Through this adjustment, we suggest that most of them be disposed of. But there are also some that can be further transformed. The goal is to transform them into some peripheral areas that keep a considerable distance from us. Satellite companies. Moreover, while transforming, we especially need to strengthen the mix with state-owned capital. It is best to jointly build some peripheral satellite companies with state-owned capital. Let these companies eventually become our huge tentacles extending outward And the suction cup, when needed, can continuously deliver nutrients to the headquarters. When necessary, it can lose the car to keep the handsome, and give it up without hurting the head office. Look, it's necessary."

"Oh?" Pang Yongqiang was very interested, flipped through it, and saw that there were a lot of content involved in the planning book, and there were many mathematical models. He felt dizzy, so he said with a smile: "I guess I can't understand it, how about you guys?" Just tell me, both of you."

Teacher Qin looked at Duan Bingsheng with a smile. Duan Bingsheng understood, cleared his throat and said, "Actually, this is the most common practice in family businesses. Let me give you a simple example. The actual operation is of course much more complicated than this. For example , our head office is a, which is 51% controlled by us, then we can control the next company b with 51% of the equity, and then company b will control the company c with 51% of the equity, and so on, for example, to Company e, in this way, in fact, how much we invested in company e, we can get it with a simple calculation: ax51%x51%x51%x6.77%, the final result is only [-]%, that is to say, we It only needs to pay a small price, and it can pass through layers to control company e. When company a needs financial support, it can mobilize funds through company e. When company e has problems because of this, it can Cut it off with one knife and let it fend for itself, in this way, the interests and safety of company a can be ensured."

Pang Yongqiang asked: "However, we only hold 51% of the shares in each company. Don't we have to distribute a lot of profits to others?"

"I'm afraid so." Duan Bingsheng replied calmly: "This is the price that must be borne for safety."

Teacher Qin added: "Under the current system of our country, the development of private enterprises will inevitably encounter more and more invisible and tangible transparent glass doors. Every company, when it develops to a certain stage , are bound to face a choice. Either make small troubles and get a little richer, and of course you can get a little bit of peace if you do this; or you must choose to cooperate with state-owned capital or a joint venture to form a mixed economy. In the face of powerful In the state-owned economy, private capital can only advance and retreat freely and develop sustainably only if they always adhere to the position of cooperation rather than competition, supplementation rather than substitution, and subsidiary rather than arrogance. By making such a choice, we are also further strengthening the insurance for our own future. factor."

Pang Yongqiang fell into contemplation. Due to various reasons, the huge group he founded has already had a large number of shares held by others. He was thinking day and night, thinking about how to regain these shares. Wouldn't it be contrary to my original intention to engage in such layers of holdings again?Moreover, with the entry of state-owned capital, it will be hard to say who will control who.What's more, if you do this, you will be safe, but I don't need these now. I am already cautious enough now, and I have sufficient funds. It can be said that within three to five years, it is impossible to have any real money. A major event that could threaten the life and death of the company happened to me.Thinking of this, Pang Yongqiang had already sentenced the plan to death in his heart.


Pang Yonggang drove the car all the way on the street, very dissatisfied with the rejection of the genius plan he and Lao Gou came up with.

It seems that the boss has really lost his vigor over the years, and everything must be legal, legal, and if it is really legal, the gang of his subordinates don't have to go to the trouble of demolishing those nail-biting households at every turn!

No, it's all the meat on the lips, and I must not spit it back in vain!Thinking of this, he slowed down and took out his cell phone.

"Old Gou, the boss didn't agree to that matter, let me ask you, do you still want to do it?"

The other party had a talk, and Pang Yonggang said: "Since this is the case, let us do it quietly, and don't let the boss know. If you make an appointment with the old ghost at night, we can't suffer in terms of how to divide it."


The sixth issue of this year's "Information Feedback" was placed on the desk of Wang Li, deputy mayor of Taiming City and director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

This is a very internal compilation of grassroots information, questions and suggestions, usually the office is directly responsible for drafting, and it is only for the bureau leaders to refer to.

There is an article in it with a very straightforward title-"Beware of the Resurgence of Chaos in Football Gambling".

The content is probably that during a routine patrol during the recent World Cup, three men who were fighting at the entrance of a restaurant were found. Owing to their loan sharks, they were beaten, while the other two men refused to answer and said nothing.The strange thing is that the next day, the man retracted his confession, saying that he had a conflict with the two because he drank too much, and the other two also suddenly spoke, and the confession matched perfectly with the victim.Therefore, the author judged: [-]. There must be a force behind the matter controlling the matter, so that it can easily influence the testimony of the parties concerned; Third, betting on football will definitely not be an isolated case.Therefore, the author suggests: [-]. Increase the control over entertainment venues in the city, especially karaoke halls and wine bars, and quickly find out the truth about underground gambling.[-]. Purge the ranks of public security cadres and eliminate moths in the ranks.

To write an article that reflects the problem like this, the author is taking a lot of political and even legal risks. Once the content of the article is disseminated, among other things, the police station and intervening police involved will definitely seek him out for theory.The whole article is written in a very orderly, imposing manner, and with great courage. Although some places are unavoidable to be arbitrary, but dare to think and speak, not to be tabooed by the authorities, and not tabooed by the leaders. In Wang Li's mind, he felt the most precious.

After reading the article, Wang Li took a closer look at the inscription, Xishan Police Station, Xiguan District, Dangxiang Army.

Since he offended the deputy director last time, Dang Xiangjun was quickly transferred to this new position.


Like many fans, the World Cup is also Sun Tao's festival.Throughout June, he basically spent watching the game in Fan Yi's rented house.

At this time, Sun Tao used all the leave notes he had prepared in his hand, and sometimes even issued a hospital certificate to ask for sick leave, with only one purpose, which was to watch the football.In the morning, Fan Yi got up and he rested. In the evening, Fan Yi rested and he went to work. The two did not interfere with each other.After half a month, he has miraculously adapted to this life of upside-down black and white. He laughed at himself and said: "Now I just eat the wrong white and black. I eat black tablets during the day and sleep soundly, and I eat white tablets at night. Spirit."

Sun Tao's new girlfriend, Cai Wen, also loves football and is considered a quasi-fan.Speaking of girlfriends, after He Guobing came back from Hainan, he immediately introduced a cute and lovely female tour guide to everyone at a whirlwind speed. According to Sun Tao, it was before He Guobing went to Hainan. , the two had already "hooked up".For a while, he and Sun Tao took their girlfriends and went out together at Fan Yi's place. The hut that Fan Yi rented naturally became the best place for the four of them to often come to get together. What does it mean to act like no one else?What is pretentiousness?It really gave Fan Yi a taste of what it means to be marginalized, which made him dumbfounded.

When the game was coming to a climax, a general meeting of cadres and workers was held in the bureau.At the meeting, Director Wei read out a document to the effect that starting from the second half of this year, the provincial government agencies will implement sunshine wages. At that time, all bonuses and benefits will be suspended, and the canteens of the agencies will also implement paid meals. All cadres are invited Employees raised their awareness and responded positively.

After the meeting, some comrades said that this is a good thing. Once the salary is sunny, it will definitely rise, and bonuses and benefits cannot really be stopped. This is called double taking; The increase, but bonuses and benefits must be stopped. In the end, when the account is settled, I am afraid that I will suffer a loss.

The most fierce objection is Lao Shi, who has already retired. Bonuses and benefits have nothing to do with him. If the retirement salary also rises, then he thinks he deserves it. The key is that he has to pay for the restaurant in the future. Lao Shi After the meeting, I kept cursing non-stop.In the end, all the grievances were concentrated on the leadership of the provincial bureau.

Lao Shi said: "The surname Wei is really incompetent. There are so many government agencies and units, and other units don't engage in sunshine wages. Why do the provincial and State Taxation Bureau do it! Xiao Fan, I'm talking here. If the salary is sunshine, it must be the one who suffers. We ordinary people, those who are officials, how can their salaries be used? They have a lot of ways! Don’t think I don’t know, let’s just say that the bureau conducts cultural construction every year, and they sell dog meat under the guise of sheep. I don’t know how much manuscript fee I will get for a year! How much review fee I will get! And how many inexplicable film fees and processing fees I will be reimbursed! I’m afraid that these alone are more than what you and I earned for a year of hard work. I don’t know how many times higher the dry salary is! They should eat and drink all day long, but the ordinary people will be miserable. With such a dead salary, you must be forced to go to bed! It’s a pity, you want to go to bed There is no way out!"

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