Official memorabilia

Chapter 30 Working Group

Working Group <After the festival, Fan Yi has been waiting for the official news of the provincial party committee's poverty alleviation work in the village, but there has been no movement for more than ten days.

Suddenly one day, the Personnel Department notified Fan Yi to attend a mobilization meeting, and the poverty alleviation work in the village was officially launched.

After that, several related meetings were held in succession. In mid-March, the working group was formally formed, and Fan Yi was included in the first group.The team leader is a lesbian from the provincial power grid company, Song Qinglan, who is about forty years old and is said to be a promising middle-level cadre in the company.There are four other team members including Fan Yi, namely: Feng Xiaoqiong, a little girl from a subsidiary company of the Provincial Power Grid Company; Kong Dongsheng, a section chief of the Provincial Labor and Personnel Bureau; Ma Guocai, a lecturer at the Provincial University of Technology.

The working group consists of three men and two women.

On the morning of March 3th, Fan Yi arrived at the office compound of the Provincial Party Committee on time with a simple bag of luggage. The square was already full of minibuses with red slogans such as "helping farmers" and "rich farmers".

Fan Yi found his own team, first stood up in groups, and then the provincial party committee and provincial government leaders gave speeches for a full hour, and finally the secretary of the provincial party committee personally announced to get on the car and set off.

With the sound of gongs, drums and firecrackers, more than a dozen minibuses drove out of the provincial party committee compound one by one, and soon merged into the rolling traffic on the street in the direction prescribed by them and disappeared.The bustle just now seemed like a soap bubble in the hands of a child, which had just begun to look a little bit, but disappeared when I turned my head to look closely.

On the road, there was a light rain, and after more than two hours of bumps—of course, if this is still bumps compared with the bumps later—the working group finally arrived at the guest house of the Qiudong County Party Committee.

After a relaxed lunch, the deputy secretary of the county party committee in charge of the reception took group leader Song and said that he had something to discuss, and the rest of the group members were free to do their own activities.

Team leader Song emphasized to the team members: "No matter what you arrange in the afternoon, you must return to the guest house before five o'clock. At 05:30, the county will hold a welcome dinner, so don't be late."

When Fan Yi came to Qiudong for the first time, he really wanted to go for a walk. Lao Kong and Lao Ma both had the habit of taking a nap, so they didn't want to go, but looked at Feng Xiaoqiong's sacred and inviolable demeanor , Fan Yi decided to go out for a walk by himself.

On the street, Fan Yi soon regretted that he really shouldn't have come out.

It had just rained in the morning, and there were puddles of sewage on the road. The briquettes used by the residents, and all kinds of household garbage from the house were all randomly piled up next to the trash cans on the side of the street.No one cleared it away in time, and after soaking in the rain, many of them turned into puddles of mud mixture, which flowed everywhere on the driveway and sidewalks, making it impossible to get down.Other rubbish such as broken plastic bags and rotten vegetable leaves can be seen everywhere.

Fan Yi bit the bullet and walked on the street for an hour, basically turning around the main city, and felt for the first time what is dirty and messy.

Back at the guest house and lying on the bed watching TV, I felt a sense of comfort out of thin air. Although the conditions here are far from those of a star-rated hotel, at least they are much cleaner and tidy than the outside.

It was almost five o'clock when someone knocked on the door. "Xiao Fan, are you there? I'm Ma Guocai." Fan Yi quickly got up and opened the door, saying, "Wait a minute, I'll come."

As soon as the door opened, Ma Guocai took a deep breath of the last cigarette, and flicked the cigarette butt outwards smartly. The cigarette butt drew a beautiful parabola and landed accurately in the courtyard downstairs.

Ma Guocai said: "Dinner is ready, come and have a seat." Fan Yi hurriedly let him into the room.

After sitting down, Ma Guocai first asked Fan Yi how many years had he worked?Which university did you graduate from?What kind of work are you in charge of in the unit and so on.From Fan Yi's ears, it felt more and more like he was being investigated, and he couldn't refuse sternly, so he could only deal with it casually.

After asking about Fan Yi's situation for a while, Ma Guocai brought the topic to the poverty alleviation work in this village, and said: "Xiao Fan, when it comes to me, I didn't plan to come here. Think about it, I'm a teacher. What's the use of asking me to come to the countryside? It's just a sham, and it can only be the number of people. Fortunately, the department promised me to solve the problem of associate professor for me when I go back, so, Strictly speaking, this is called equivalent exchange."

Seeing that Fan Yi didn't talk to him, Ma Guocai went on to say: "In our group, I have a clear understanding of the situation of the other people. Lao Song, that is the key target of the provincial power grid company. I heard that after returning It is intended to be reused. That little girl, Feng Xiaoqiong, is currently actively applying to join the party. She came here to organize an investigation of her, and more importantly, to be a companion for Lao Song, to be a "Xiaoyong", responsible for To take good care of Lao Song. As for Lao Kong, I know better, my classmates are in their bureau. After Lao Kong returns, he will definitely be promoted to deputy director. So, when we come down this time, that is 'Each village has its own tricks, and each village has its own considerations'. But, Xiao Fan, what about you after you go back?"

Listening to Ma Guocai's introduction, Fan Yi felt pain in his heart.I thought, so when they came down, they negotiated all kinds of conditions in advance, and I didn't mention any requirements, so I became a big enemy again?At that time, I really should have suggested that after I went back, I wanted to go to the business office to learn business, and of course it would be best to go to the Audit Bureau.It is estimated that Director Ni will be happy to let him go.

Hey, no combat experience!As a result, without saying anything, I just came down in such a dazed way. After passing through this village, I wonder if there will still be this shop?

Just as he was thinking about it, Ma Guocai urged him to ask again, so he had to say: "I, I won't get any treatment. I will come naked and go naked. I have nothing to worry about. I will go back to where I came from."

"No, Xiao Fan, you believe me, this is the first time our province has held such a big event. Look, before departure today, the secretary of the provincial party committee came to see him off in person. What is number one! Do you know? Xiao Fan, you have to eat shit first! After you go back, your bureau will definitely give you an explanation, trust me." Ma Guocai said solemnly.

While chatting, Lao Kong and Xiao Feng also came over and told them to go down for dinner together, and the four of them came to the banquet hall on the second floor together.

The leaders of the four major teams in the county were all present, and three tables were set up. All the comrades of the working group sat at the same table with the main leaders of the county.

During the banquet, Fan Yi hesitated, but still insisted on not drinking. A deputy county magistrate who came to toast said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "Little brother, if you work in the countryside, you will not be able to do your job well if you don't drink. Finally At least, the Peasant Brotherhood thinks that you are not of one mind with them, if this is the case, who will listen to what you say in the future, right?"

Fan Yi has heard people say this before.Before coming down, Zhang Shun specially set out wine for his farewell, and also mentioned this point, and advised him to learn how to drink a little.For example, when I went to the countryside to do sales, I happened to bump into a salesman from another company with a competitive relationship. In the evening, the village leader invited me to dinner. And the rice bowl is so dirty, it's right that I didn't see it.The other salesman couldn't take it anymore, and quietly took out the napkin on his body to wipe it off, but was still discovered by other people in the village. It was conceivable that he had won a big victory, and that person returned home in defeat.Therefore, Zhang Shun's conclusion is that in the countryside, the sanitation conditions are not good, even if you regard drinking as a way to disinfect your stomach, you should drink more or less, otherwise, how can you survive in the countryside?How else to work?

Fan Yi listened to those words, and tried to have a small drink that night. Zhang Shun laughed happily and said, "'Go your own way and listen to other people's advice'. Fan Er, you have a future."

Fan Yi thought to himself, I don't know what is so good about this wine?In addition to being spicy, it is still spicy. I really don't understand why so many people like to drink it?

I was there again today, and heard the same from the local leaders. Fan Yi thought about it, well, let's try to drink, so he also picked up the wine glass.Unexpectedly, after three glasses of wine, Fan Yi's head gradually sank and he lay down on the table.

After the dinner, there will be a welcome dance in the ballroom next door.Fan Yi was very dizzy, so he asked for leave and went back to rest.This was the first time in Fan Yiping's life that he was drunk, and he felt dizzy, not bad, and it was dawn when he woke up.

After breakfast, three cars were parked in the yard, two were off-road vehicles from the county party committee and county government, and one was a passenger and cargo vehicle, carrying the luggage and daily necessities prepared by the county for five people. This is a uniform requirement of the province.

The main leaders of the county all came to see them off, and they were accompanied by the deputy secretary of the county party committee to send them to the town.

Fan Yi rides in the same car with Lao Ma and Lao Kong.

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