Official memorabilia

Chapter 34 Report


In Taiming City, a black Audi car slowly slid towards the majestic office building of the Provincial Public Security Department. Chief Wang Li got out of the car with his bag and got on the elevator by himself.Soon, he appeared directly in the office of Director Shao Yuanping of the Provincial Department.After the secretary skillfully made tea for the two leaders, he left the room and deliberately closed the door outside the suite before going out.

"Old Wang, what do you have to say to us two brothers today? No matter what aspect is involved, don't have any worries, you can talk about it openly. How about it? But let me say it first, I want to listen to the truth , To tell the truth." Director Shao handed Wang Li a cigarette, and said straight to the point.

"Director Shao, don't worry, I'll let you hear the dry stuff today!" After Wang Li finished speaking, the two of them burst into laughter.

"You are my old leader. I have some things to say. After much deliberation, I can only talk to you." Wang Liwei lit the fire for the two of them and said with a smile.

"Yeah, it's been 20 years since we started working together!"

"Well. It's only more, not less. It's really like a flick of a finger."

"Yes, yes, the deceased is like a husband! Old Wang, it has been more than a year since you worked in Taiming?"

"Yes, I have a lot of feelings, so I want to have a good chat with you today."

"Hey, good, good, let's talk about it."


In the past, Shao Yuanping and Wang Li had always had a relationship between seniors and subordinates. About ten years ago, Shao Yuanping left the public security system to develop in the Political and Legal Committee system. This step now seems to be the right one.In just ten years, when he returned to the public security system again, he was now the number one brother in the provincial public security system and became the vice-provincial director of the Provincial Public Security Department.And Wang Li, who was only half a level younger than him back then, is now completely different from him without knowing it.

Of course, this is only from the perspective of the administrative level. From the emotional point of view, the two people, the two families, still move around frequently and have a close relationship as always.

When Shao Yuanping was transferred back to the public security system from the position of deputy secretary of the provincial political and legal committee to become the head of the provincial department, the first person he thought of was Wang Li.The position of Taiming City Public Security Bureau Chief is too important. If there is no one who can rest assured to take up the position, how can he sleep well?

During the year he was just transferred, he endured it and did not move.After gaining a firm foothold, he worked patiently and meticulously, and at the cost of a deputy from the provincial department, he replaced Ma Youliang, the former director of Taiming City Public Security Bureau, and transferred Wang Li from Gyeongju City.

In his mind, Wang Li has always been a little brother who is two years younger than himself. During the years of working with the team, it can be said that basically he will fight wherever he points.Sometimes, even if he couldn't figure it out and was wronged, Wang Li could resolutely carry out his orders. Just because of this, Shao Yuanping was very satisfied with Wang Li.

As for work ability, in my opinion, Wang Li is certainly not excellent. In the whole province's public security system, in terms of professional ability, organizational ability, and coordination ability, he is more eye-catching than Wang Li. There are many people there.But at the very least, in terms of caring for oneself, in terms of listening to greetings, and in terms of being able to stand with oneself at critical moments, Wang Li must be the only one!

The so-called unity of people and the movement of Mount Tai, especially at present, Ma Youliang has been running the Taiming City Public Security System for many years, and his seniors are all in the top and bottom, and the team is even more responsive. It is not an exaggeration to describe it with one word.Although the Provincial Department is located in the same place as the Municipal Bureau, many times, people feel that the Taiming Municipal Bureau is an army of horsemen, impenetrable with needles and water, just like a kingdom.Not to mention the serious impact on his work, his authority as the top leader of the province's public security system is indeed facing a huge challenge.Therefore, it is necessary to exchange the king for the horse.

After Wang Li took office, he maintained a high degree of consistency with himself in terms of work pace, and the various work arrangements, deployments, opinions, and requirements of the provincial department were basically resolutely implemented.

The reason why I say basically is that although Ma Youliang has been raised, the cronies he has cultivated over the years are still there. The entire city bureau team, headed by Xiao Jianguo, still obeys Ma Youliang's words and bows to his ears. The difficulty of Wang Li's work.Not to mention the middle-level cadres below and the leadership teams of the county and district bureaus. In a word, they are all Ma Jiajun's team.There is an old Chinese saying that one courtier is one courtier. When you say it, everyone shouts and beats you, and everyone hates it. However, the emperor has changed. What's the point of being in front of the emperor?Therefore, in the end, we still have to go down this old path.

Shao Yuanping had considered for a long time about the adjustment of cadres and personnel in the public security system of the Municipal Bureau, and had actually sat down with Wang Li to study and discuss it many times.This time, Wang Li was asked to come over again, but before the overall plan was finalized, he wanted to finally determine the method and method, degree and strength of the adjustment. Should the adjustment start with the district and county bureaus below?Or should we start with the PUC team first?Or is it all done at once, all at once?

However, when Wang Li came here today, he had other considerations.


Wang Li quietly took a puff of cigarette, and was not in a hurry to report on the personnel work. He looked at Shao Yuanping, smacked his lips, and said hesitantly, "Director Shao, there is something else I want to report to you first. .”

Shao Yuanping had already prepared to listen to the final report on the personnel adjustment work. Hearing what Wang Li said now, he didn't feel the slightest displeasure. He smiled and said, "Old Wang, didn't you just say that, what? Anything can be said, said."

"Shao Ju." Wang Li was thinking, and unknowingly used the address he was used to before. Shao Yuanping listened, but felt very cordial in his heart.

Wang Li said: "Since this period of time, I have felt more and more, no, I am worried. A lot of work done by the Taiming Municipal Bureau is far from the requirements of the provincial department. If you don't go, it's not just a matter of personnel, in fact, there are also issues of principle, party spirit, party style, party discipline, and even violations of law and discipline."

"Oh, can you talk about it in detail?" Shao Yuanping also became serious.

"Shao Bureau, let's not talk about it, let me take the special work of rectifying social security carried out by the Municipal Bureau last year as an example, and talk about some of my personal views."

"Well, I've read the report on that work. Generally speaking, although no major results have been achieved, no big fish have been caught, and the social impact is not great, the achievements are not small."

"That's the problem." Wang Li took a puff of cigarette, and said with determination: "Judging from the report alone, the main problem seems to be that the big guys were not caught, and in the end only the flies were caught, but the tigers were not caught. The problem covered up behind is the reason why I can't be calm for a long time, and sometimes it can be said that it is the reason why I can't sleep or eat."

"Hey, keep talking, let's see what makes our old policeman feel so uneasy?"

"Shao Bureau, the entire special management work, on the whole, there are arrangements and arrangements at the beginning of the year, and results and achievements at the end of the year. On the surface, everything is normal, but now looking back and savoring it carefully, in the whole thing, Afterwards, I always felt that there was a trace of abnormality."

"First of all, it's the result you mentioned just now, which is a bit abnormal. In such a large city-wide unified operation, all the people who were caught were soldiers and crab generals. They were key figures who had registered with the Bureau in the past two years. No one was arrested! Based on my 30 years of experience in the Jing circle, there must be something wrong. This is the first. Second, in the entire governance operation, there are many mistakes and omissions, and mistakes are frequent. Every action, I can’t say it before I didn't do a lot of hard and meticulous intelligence collection and regular work, but the blame is that when it comes to closing the net, it can't always produce good results. Either it is empty, or it is not human beings. Occasionally, at most I can catch a few little guys who don't know anything and don't know anything about it. Third, many places, such as those high-end hotels, restaurants, and restaurants, are not allowed to enter because of provincial regulations. Carry out the necessary work, there is almost a law and order dead end, this is protecting crime!"

"Old Wang, don't get excited, don't worry, and speak slowly, but I want to remind you that you can talk about some things here, but don't talk nonsense when you go out."

Shao Yuanping said: "You are not allowed to casually go to high-end hotels for interrogation. This is a statement made by Secretary Liu of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee to support the province's investment promotion work. It is not just for your family in Taiming City. You don't want to be casual." Random comments and speeches, especially don't talk behind your back, will have a very bad influence."

"But, Director Shao..."

Shao Yuanping stopped him and said: "Since Secretary Liu has already stated his position, let's not enter high-end hotels. Under the current situation, unless there is a new formulation, we can only strictly enforce it. We are the law enforcement team. Well, discipline is the first priority. Although there are different opinions, orders and prohibitions must be strictly followed. Moreover, a good dancer must be good at dancing with shackles. You must learn to flick ten fingers at work For the piano, you need to find another way of thinking and thinking of ways, and don’t go into a dead end. Okay, okay, let’s not talk about this, talk about it again, what other ideas do you have?” Director Shao said, waving his hands.

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