Official memorabilia

Chapter 37 That Incident

() that thing (2)

Half a year after the start of the special rectification work, perhaps Pang Yongqiang felt that the public security organs had not really caught any clues against him, and wanted to find an opportunity to end this cat-and-mouse game as soon as possible. Perhaps Pang Yongqiang felt the pressure and wanted to ease the atmosphere. Suddenly one day , he proposed to treat Director Wang Li to dinner.

But in the past six months, as far as Biyuan County is concerned, after a lot of energy has been invested, there has been little effect. Except for a few sporadic arrests of people from other provinces crossing the border to hide and transport drugs, they have achieved little.

Director Zhou of the Municipal Bureau is quite satisfied. He said that although no major case has been solved, since the launch of the special rectification work, the number of drug-related cases in Xinyang District has dropped significantly. Satisfied, several times, and praised the Municipal Bureau in public.

Of course, the fly in the ointment, Director Zhou said, is to find a way to get a big fish as soon as possible.Wang Li knew who this big fish was, so Wang Li politely declined Pang Yongqiang's invitation.

But the real situation at that time was that the deployment of the Municipal Bureau happened to hit Pang Yongqiang's seven inches.


Pang Yongqiang has had business dealings with overseas drug criminals for many years.In the past, he had always used Longjiang County as the main gathering and distributing place for drugs. Unfortunately, because he was too short-sighted in the initial stage, he did something that he regretted for the rest of his life.

While selling drugs in large quantities to other counties and even other provinces through Longjiang County, he didn't even consider that even rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests, let alone humans.At that time, for the sake of some immediate benefits, without even thinking about it, the group of them also sold drugs locally.

Of course, a lot of money was earned, and immediately, the reputation among the local people was greatly affected by it. Even Longjiang County was listed as one of the key counties for cracking down on drug crimes by the relevant departments at the provincial and municipal levels. one.

This is the end of the matter, and it is too late to regret.Although Pang Yongqiang later invested several times the money he took away in his hometown and did some good deeds, unfortunately, his reputation among the local people has never been reversed.

In desperation, Pang Yongqiang had to give up Longjiang and focus on managing Biyuan.

This time, he learned his lesson. On the one hand, he made great efforts to improve the relationship with the local party committee and government, especially the local public security department. Donating bicycles is one example; Death order, from now on, not even one gram of drugs is allowed to be traded in Biyuan County.

You want to smoke, you want to ship, I don't care, I will do it all in other counties.Here, Biyuan County, can only be a transfer station, a clean gathering place.

For this reason, he even did not hesitate to fight several times with his colleagues, thereby eradicating and annexing some small gangs and consolidating his dominance in the drug industry. Of course, this also contributed to Bi Yuan's "non-drug County" reputation.

After Pang Yongqiang straightened out everything, a win-win situation emerged in Biyuan.

zheng fu is very satisfied, there is no problem of drug flooding in other border counties in his jurisdiction; the common people are very satisfied, the poison that has not been cured for many years has been greatly improved, not to mention, because a lot of Jing can be freed up for public security prevention in this county, the entire county Internal security cases have dropped sharply, and residents' sense of security has suddenly increased by several percentage points; the County Public Security Bureau has been rated as the most satisfactory unit by the people every year, and has been commended by the county, city, and even the province.Various foreign investors are also becoming more interested in Bi Yuan, and the county finance has greatly benefited.


Now, the focus of the work of the public security organs has shifted, and Pang Yongqiang knows it. After getting accurate information just now, he sensitively and timely ordered his subordinates to completely stop and quiet down.However, in his opinion, after a few months, at most half a year, the public security organs will stop when they get bored and tired.Dozens of numbers are scattered outside every day, not to mention suffering, it is very expensive.Who has nothing to do and always loves to engage in projects that only see input but no output!The same is true for doing business, and the same is true for engaging in revolutionary work.

His calculations were accurate, and he did the calculations, but he missed one person, Wang Li.

Wang Li is the kind of master who resolutely obeys the orders of his superiors.The tasks of the Municipal Bureau must be carried out meticulously.

So, after half a year, Pang Yongqiang couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to talk to Wang Li.It is not extravagant to hope that a good result can be reached through a single conversation. At the very least, get to know the bottom line, test the tone, or, if possible, exert some influence on it.

These possibilities are all there.Because he had heard people say that Wang Li was never expected to be a top leader, and he had no backbone. He just listened to Director Shao Yuanping's words and followed suit like a follower. That's why he became the director.

He still has some confidence in taking down Wang Li.Unexpectedly, after several appointments, Wang Li refused to show face at all, which was beyond his expectation. However, since he had a lot of cards in his hand, he was not worried.

Another week passed, and a retired old leader of the county who had been in charge of the public security system took the initiative to call and asked Wang Li to have dinner. At the same time, another deputy director of the county bureau was also invited. In the eyes of an old leader, this deputy director is just the "little devil" he has been watching grow up.

After drinking for three rounds, the old leader took out a stack of photocopies from the coat hanging on the back of the chair, trembling for a long time, and handed it over to Wang Li to see.

This is a letter written to the main leaders of the county in the name of grassroots cadres.The letter was not signed, and the names of the county leaders involved in the letter had been smeared with black pen, so it was impossible to tell who it was.

The general meaning is still very clear: over the past six months or so, a large amount of jing power in the county has been mobilized for the so-called anti-drug struggle.Not to mention the lack of results, the comprehensive social security situation in Biyuan County has been greatly reduced.The policemen have been squatting on the border and traffic lines for a long time, not to mention that they have achieved little effect, and the family has not been taken care of. It can be described as physically and mentally exhausted.

In the letter, the police officer strongly demanded that the county and county bureaus should readjust their work thinking, put the interests of the people first, put the safety of the people first, and put the happiness of the people first, and put an end to this so-called "struggle that wastes money and people" as soon as possible. ".

At the end of the letter, the police officer wrote: "I am a police officer, and I am an ordinary citizen in Biyuan County. I am also the father of my child and the husband of my wife. I am not living in a vacuum. Children need fathers, wives need husbands, old people need sons, and I need to live a normal life. If some people ignore the normal needs of hundreds of elites for their own political achievements and self-government. Then, such a leader, Such a 'fairy', let him go to hell."

After reading the letter, Wang Li handed it over to the deputy director who was sitting on the other side of the old leader.

The old leader asked: "I would like to ask the two leaders sitting here, what do you think?"

The deputy director smiled and said first: "Old leader, Bureau Wang, to tell you the truth, there is a lot of enthusiasm for the police below. Regarding the work arrangement of the Municipal Bureau, we can't say that we haven't seriously implemented it, but after half a year Yes, everyone can see it, the effect is very little! It can be said that if you want results but no results, and you want results but no results, who will not hold your breath?"

"Besides, for a long time, because we have been wearing the hat of a 'drug-free county', the city bureau has been in close contact with other county bureaus in the allocation of funds, in the distribution of precision equipment, and in the handling of many key issues. Bi, that's not even 01:30."

"For example, last month, we received a tip-off that a drug truck was going to pass by us. The county's police force was unprecedentedly tense because of the need for special treatment. No, in the end, even the traffic police were on the road. Afterwards, I heard that a cop said at the time: "Fortunately, I didn't meet a drug criminal. If we did, we didn't even have a bulletproof vest, so how could we win with the police baton in our hands?" People? I was standing on the side of the road, but my calf was shaking all the time. If you continue like this, you will have to change careers.'”

After listening to the deputy director's vivid performance, the old leader smiled and said, "Director Wang, I think you are clear about the situation. It should be said that our County Public Security Bureau has done its best in the past six months and has already I put all my strength into it, and for the Municipal Bureau, I personally think it makes sense."

"But it's just like what this grassroots police officer said. Police officers are also human beings, and they also have emotions. As leaders, you should take the initiative to care for them and love them. Moreover, we all have seen that over the past six months, In this county town, ah, fights, brawls, drunkenness, and even robbery that haven’t been seen for many years, oh, and rape, all come out, and people are almost dead.”

"Director Wang, what does this mean? It means that our work focus needs to be adjusted. If we follow the way of their city bureau, the only people who will suffer will be the people of Biyuan. It can only be our own police officers, and the one who suffers must be you, Wang Li!"

(Going home to eat zongzi, see you on Thursday. Happy Zongzi Festival everyone!)

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