
After the job training was over, Fan Yi immediately returned to the monotonous and dull ninth floor as soon as he returned to the Provincial Bureau.

Lao Shi also came to work on time every day, and Fan Yi soon discovered a pattern.Lao Shi's punctuality is only reflected in two time periods, breakfast and lunch.These two meals were provided free of charge by the Provincial Bureau to every serving cadre as employee benefits, and of course the retirees could not enjoy them, except for Lao Shi who was re-employed.

After lunch, Lao Shi would go out to search for information, find someone to understand the situation, etc. as an excuse to disappear in the world, and Fan Yi was often left guarding the door alone in the huge office.But, then again, only during this time is Fan Yi's personal time.As soon as Lao Shi left, Fan Yi would take over the phone on his desk, and then all kinds of calls would come rushing in. Of course, the most common ones were the hotlines with his classmates.

There are also profound reasons for concentrating on talking on the phone only in the afternoon.There is only one phone in the office, which is placed on Lao Shi's desk as a matter of course, and Lao Shi also regards it as his personal property. Every time Fan Yi uses it, Lao Shi seems to have been smoked. looked at him like blood.With Lao Shi around, Fan Yi couldn't take the initiative to use that phone unless it was absolutely necessary.And answering and calling the mobile phone in front of Lao Shi is undoubtedly asking for trouble. He will stare at you, listen to you, wait for you from the beginning to the end, or interrupt you suddenly, and ask you to come to the computer anxiously. Type a dispensable text.In short, he doesn't want others to make or answer any non-work-related calls during office hours, let alone talking on the phone.

In this way, it became a consensus between Fan Yi and several close friends in the class to talk on the phone after Lao Shi left in the afternoon.

Of course, oddities often appear when you don't expect them.This afternoon, Lao Shi unexpectedly did not leave, but chose to stay in the office and surf the Internet. The phone on the desk kept ringing, and every time, he was looking for Fan Yi.

Fan Yi had just put down the call from Sun Tao, who had been admitted to the Provincial Administration of Industry and Commerce and was in high spirits, and returned to his seat. Before he could sit still, the phone rang harshly again.

"I'm looking for you again." Lao Shi drawled his tone.

Fan Yi could only smile slightly apologetically, and said mockingly, "I don't even know what a good day today is, why there are so many calls!"

"Hello?" Fan Yi replied.

"Hello, is this Fan Yi?" A sweet and slightly familiar female voice came from the microphone.Fan Yi was stunned. Usually, he rarely interacts with girls.

"Yes, may I ask if you are..."

There was a moment of silence on the phone, and he said, "Yo, I can't hear it so soon."

"Ah, Xiao Ruoshi!"

Xiao Ruoshi smiled sweetly and said, "It's so dangerous, I almost became one of the forgotten ones."

"How can I! I'm too excited to recognize each other." Fan Yi hastily joked.

Xiao Ruoshi laughed again and said, "Okay, let me ask you something!" After a pause, she said, "Are you free the night after tomorrow?"

Fan Yi couldn't help but thumped in his heart.


Xiao Ruoshi is Fan Yi's classmate. She is in the same year but in a different department. She is a beauty majoring in graphic design in the computer department of Kangda University, and one of the four beauties of Kangnan University elected by many boys.

When he was in school, Fan Yi was recommended by his teacher to study and help in the Kangnan University Press. He was accidentally assigned to a group with Xiao Ruoshi. Their main job was actually proofreading. For the press, free As a student labor force, there is no need to use it in vain, and there are often endless texts waiting for the two of you.In addition, Xiao Ruoshi occasionally undertakes some layout or cover design work.

Xiao Ruoshi's beauty is eye-catching and breathtaking.She is definitely not the charming type, she is very precocious and has her own opinions.Due to having received professional dance training since she was a child, and persisted for a long time, her body is very hot, and the aura of a mature and mature woman exuding from her body is almost unstoppable, and many boys and men both inside and outside the school are attracted to it. dump.

From the appearance alone, Fan Yi can't be called handsome, but his figure is relatively well-proportioned, about 1 meters tall, because of his daily exercise, his muscles are firm and full, and his eight-pack abdominal muscles are neatly arranged, revealing With incomparably abundant energy all over his body.

This kind of hardware configuration, except in very few occasions such as swimming pools, usually does not have much lethality to female students.

Ever since meeting Xiao Ruoshi, in order to complete the proofreading, the two of them would sit together every now and then, whether they wanted it or not.In the face of such a lively and fragrant dream lover stunner, if Fan Yi had no idea, he would be deceiving himself.Several times, Fan Yi was on the verge of taking further measures recklessly, but in the end, he stopped abruptly.

Fan Yi warned himself again and again that he is a person with no future, a person whose future is full of variables, and a person who will easily cause great harm to those around him, and he must not do this !

It was probably since middle school, after he walked through the twilight of youth and gradually realized what xing is, after many times of daydreams and deliberation, he had to set an iron rule for himself: Never be with anyone Bisexuals develop any relationship that goes beyond the normal boundaries of friendship.In this way, he took the initiative to install a looming firewall between himself and the opposite sex in an extreme way of asceticism.

Since he was very young, because his parents died one after another, and he had to flee the land of right and wrong quickly, he was forced to be taken to Taiming City by his grandfather and grandmother to live together.Although his grandfather and grandmother loved him very much, the life without his parents made him unforgettable.It is also because of this that he knew from a young age what kind of situation a family would face without a man, and he also knew what would happen if a person had to live his life incognito. such a situation.My own future is still shrouded in a black mist, and I am confused at the same time. How far I can go has always been unknown.Under such circumstances, falling in love, talking about feelings, getting married and having children, starting a family and starting a business, all these are so far away, illusory and strange to me. It's fine to suffer, why bother to drag others?I really don't have the capital to live a normal family life.

Forget it, forget it, no matter how good Xiao Ruoshi is, even if she is a fairy, that was created by God for others and has nothing to do with her.Stop, stop, get down to business.Over and over, he advised himself.

After one semester, he miraculously adapted to the "normal" relationship with Xiao Ruoshi, and even deliberately kept a distance from her.


"That..." Facing the microphone, Fan Yi was struggling in his heart. He was still not sure why Xiao Ruoshi would ask himself such a sensitive question when talking to him on the phone for the first time after graduation. He didn't know how to do it. Respond appropriately.But immediately, Xiao Ruoshi giggled, obviously guessing his thoughts, and said, "What are you thinking? Teacher Wang wants to invite us to dinner." Teacher Wang is the deputy editor-in-chief of the publishing house.

Fan Yi let go of his tightly gripped heart, but after that, there was a little bit of melancholy.


Coming out of Teacher Wang's dinner, Xiao Ruoshi gently shook hands with Fan Yi to bid farewell, still insisting that no one would see her off as before, and she disappeared into the vast crowd like a beautiful phantom in a toffee car.Watching her going away, Fan Yi lightly slapped his cheeks twice, shook his head, and whispered, "Stop, brother, stop."

After graduating, Xiao Ruoshi joined the Taiming City Planning Bureau. Today, at the dinner, she took the initiative to leave Fan Yi's mobile phone number. In fact, it was the same number that she had been using since she was in college.Then, she said to Fan Yi in the same way: "The mobile phone is used to facilitate the communication between friends, and it should be kept open at all times." spoken.In fact, Fan Yi's cell phone ran out of battery early in the morning, and forgot to bring a charger, so it was always turned off.In this way, it took Xiao Ruoshi a lot of effort to ask the boss for his landline number after turning a corner.

Fan Yi actually kept the number that Xiao Ruoshi left in his school, but he didn’t save it in his phone. He thought that Xiao Ruoshi was a beautiful passer-by in his life. After graduating, it means that there will be no chance and no reason to gather with him.Unexpectedly, due to the arrangement of fate, the two met again and exchanged mobile phone numbers again.

Following the train of thought of telephones and mobile phones, Fan Yi couldn't help but think of the current office environment.This is not just a matter of being inconvenient to talk to classmates, it has even directly affected his operation of stocks.I don't know if civil servants can trade in stocks. At least, they won't allow it during working hours. If you want to use Lao Shi's computer, don't even think about it.No, starting tomorrow, it seems that two things have to be done quickly: one, I have to buy another laptop immediately, and the wireless Internet function must be activated immediately; the other, it seems that I have to merge and move my securities accounts up.

Fan Yi currently has 7 securities accounts in his hands. Except for one opened in his own name, the others were opened after successively buying ID cards from others. A once-a-year casual conversation with an account manager.

At that time, Fan Yi only had a stock account under his own name. One day after the market closed, he was walking out of the securities company when he bumped into his account manager, a woman in her early forties.She greeted Fan Yi excitedly and whispered: "Young man, you are really capable. For a while, I have let several other clients of mine operate with your account, and everyone has made a lot of money. Of course they don't know about me. You are the one who learned from you, and you keep thanking me." Immediately, a trace of unhappiness quietly rose from Fan Yi's heart.It can be said that the long-term anonymity has cultivated Fan Yi's extreme concern for personal privacy.For a long time, his family members have been covering up his background, and his personal history has never been mentioned to outsiders. When the account manager said this, it was the first time that Fan Yi was unknowingly raped by others. Peeping, or even the embarrassment of being spotlighted.He said a few perfunctory words, and then a thought popped up, that his own account would be used less in the future, and he had to open a few more accounts in other people's names.

After that incident, he found a way to open another six accounts one after another. In order to avoid the recurrence of the previous incident, he opened the accounts in different securities companies in the city.

After working, after a period of observation and comparison, Fan Yi found that there was a sales department of Dongdou Securities near the office building of the Provincial State Taxation Bureau. The sales department of Dou Securities.Fan Yi thought to himself, after I transfer some of my accounts to Dongdou Securities, if it is inconvenient to operate in the bureau, I can go to the sales department to operate at any time if necessary.


Just do what you say, and at lunch the next day, Fan Yi asked Lao Shi for leave because he had some personal business to do in the afternoon, and Lao Shi readily agreed.But when I asked at the securities business department, the procedures were very cumbersome, and the most important thing was that the owner of the account had to come forward to handle it in person. Those six accounts seemed to be useless.Fan Yi had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, and directly moved his account over to avoid being followed and monitored by the account manager.It's a pity that it will take a few more days to cancel the account. Fan Yi asked about all the procedures, and bid farewell to several staff members he knew from the former securities sales department. consider.

After such a delay, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon when Fan Yi left the securities business department.A while ago, for the convenience of going to work, he returned the rented house near Kangda University and rented a new two-bedroom apartment near the work unit.Seeing that it was already at this point today, I was too lazy to go back to work, so I took out my mobile phone and plugged in the earphone cable, called Sun Tao, and walked casually while chatting.

Walking and chatting, Fan Yi obviously felt that the earphone cable was pulled, "I'm sorry." At first feeling, Fan Yi thought that his earphone cable was caught on a pedestrian on the road, and apologized quickly.But in a daze, Fan Yi felt something was wrong again, why there was no sound in the earphones, "Hello, hello?" He called into the microphone on the earphones, then subconsciously touched the pocket of his coat, and found the mobile phone in the pocket It was gone, only the earphone cable was still hanging in my ear obediently.

Fan Yi raised his head and looked around. The pedestrians were as usual, but no one seemed to notice what happened here?He lowered his head to look around again, to see if his phone had just been ripped off and dropped on the surrounding ground.No, that's weird, he looked blank.

At this time, a pupil quietly tugged at the corner of Fan Yi's clothes and said softly, "Uncle, that person took it away." Following the direction of the pupil's finger, Fan Yi saw a young pregnant woman standing Not far from him, he put his hands on his hips and looked away as if nothing had happened.

Fan Yi strode over, grabbed her wrist, and said sharply, "Take out my phone!"

The pregnant woman pretended to be calm and yelled: "What, what are you doing?" It turned out to be a foreign accent.

"What are you doing? If you don't take it out, I will report to the police!"

"You hurt me, let go."

"Say it one last time, take it out! Otherwise, report to the police!"

The pregnant woman looked at Fan Yi viciously, struggled, thought for a while, and said, "Let go, I'll let them take it back."

Fan Yi loosened his hand slightly, but he did not let go, staring at the pregnant woman and urged, "Hurry up."

The pregnant woman raised her head and shouted into the distance, but Fan Yi couldn't understand what she was saying. Looking closely at the pregnant woman's appearance, Fan Yi immediately thought of a mysterious and beautiful western borderland in a sparsely populated area. place.Sure enough, after a while, another older woman appeared, who was basically the same type as a pregnant woman, and she casually stuffed a mobile phone into Fan Yi's hand.

The pregnant woman shouted again: "Take your broken mobile phone and get out! Let me go, let me go."

Fan Yi still did not let go, and carefully checked with the other hand to make sure it was his mobile phone.The woman who took the phone didn't know how to use this phone, and she couldn't even open the screen lock. Sun Tao's scolding came from the other end of the phone, "Speak, talk. Fan Yi, Fan Yi , Hey, hey, you're dumb..."

Fan Yi smiled wryly, and said loudly into the phone, "I'll call you later." Then he hung up.

At this moment, the two women became ruthless, and the other one stepped forward to break Fan Yi's fingers, yelling: "Fuck, let go, get your broken phone and get lost." Then he threatened: "Believe it or not!" I'll show you some color today!"

After the phone was retrieved, he was faced with two women again, one of whom was still pregnant, Fan Yi originally wanted to forget about it, but now seeing the two of them being so arrogant, he couldn't help feeling angry.

Another woman stretched out her leg and kicked Fan Yi's calf, cursing: "Little bastard, do you want to let go? Do you want to let go!" Fan Yi sideways dodged and shouted loudly: "What are you doing? I'm telling you, Don't be too arrogant!"

The pregnant woman yelled, "Ouch, Ouch, my hand is about to break."

On the sidewalk, some spectators were surrounded far away.

Fan Yi shouted to the crowd: "Everyone, come and see, these are two thieves, they are so rampant after stealing things!"

The other woman used both hands and feet to attack Fan Yi together.Fan Yi pulled the pregnant woman back, and at the same time simply dialed 110 with his mobile phone to report the police.

When the woman saw it, she waved her hand and started yelling outside the crowd.

Slowly walking in from the crowd, a man with curly hair who was about the same age as Fan Yi could tell from his appearance that he was the same type as those two women.

The man put one hand in his trouser pocket, pointed at Fan Yi with the other and ordered: "Let go of her, don't cause trouble!" The mandarin was very unfamiliar and not fluent.

Fan Yi looked at him, and saw that he was a little shorter than himself, and his body was not as strong as his.The man was also looking at Fan Yi, and for a moment he didn't decide whether to go forward or not.

Fan Yi looked at him with a slight smile, but his attention was mainly on the hand in his pocket, and he took time to look around to see if there were any of their accomplices.

The man slowly moved forward two more steps, and his tone became visibly more aggressive, saying, "Do you believe it or not? Don't cause trouble!"

Before Fan Yi could answer, the pregnant woman lowered her head and bit Fan Yi's hand that was holding her, and the other woman raised her foot and kicked Fan Yi again.At this time, the man also made a move, and he pulled out a bright folding sharp knife from his hand that had been hidden in his trouser bag, bounced it away, and pierced Fan Yi's lower abdomen, and the crowd screamed. Voice.

Fan Yi pulled the pregnant woman and dodged backwards, and the attack of the three fell through immediately.Before the man could make another move, Fan Yi flew up and kicked him on the hand. With a sound of "ah", the knife flew out, and the frightened crowd hurriedly gave way to the surroundings, but most of them didn't want to miss it. This good show just dissipated, and they gathered around again.

The woman turned around to pick up the knife. The man held his injured wrist with the other hand and gasped for breath. Fan Yi kicked him firmly in the face with his second kick. "Pa", "Oh", the man fell to the ground in response.The crowd fell silent, and burst into applause and cheers.

At this time, the police noticed.

One fat and one young, two police officers.The fat ones were slightly shy, and they got off the driver's seat unhurriedly, and the lesser ones had already reached the ground as the passenger door opened.Fan Yi turned his head to look, and couldn't help cheering secretly.This guy looks really handsome.Slightly taller than Fan Yi, the uniform seemed to be cut out according to his measurements, and the eyes of some women in the crowd straightened immediately.

Shuaijing inspected the man lying on the ground, poked his hand, looked back at Fan Yi and said, "What did you do?" Fan Yi grinned, as an admission.

"It's quite heavy." The handsome police officer looked at Fan Yi again and said, "Have you practiced?"

Fan Yi smiled slightly and said, "Practice blindly."

Soon, the police figured out the ins and outs of the matter, the man was also woken up, and a group of people were handcuffed and taken to the police car.The fat police officer looked around the crowd and said loudly: "Who witnessed the whole process just now, please cooperate with us to go back and make a record." The crowd dispersed with a loud sound.

The police were also very helpless and urged Fan Yi to get in the car.Fan Yi caught sight of the elementary school student standing not far away. The elementary school student timidly walked over and handed him a document bag, saying, "Uncle, you dropped this just now." It contained important items such as my ID card, shareholder certificate, bank card, etc., which had been tucked under my armpit all the time, and it was messed up just now. I guess it fell to the ground during a fight with them. Fortunately, this elementary school student helped pick it up, otherwise , Although the things in the bag are not cash, if they are lost, they need to be reissued, which is enough for me to work for several days.

Fan Yi took it, gave the child a thumbs up, and praised with a smile: "Little friend, you are awesome, what grade are you in?"

"fourth grade."

At this time, the fat police officer came over and urged Fan Yi to get in the car again. Fan Yi asked the child, "Would you like to go to the police station with your uncle and tell us about today's events?" Turning around and explaining the situation to the fat police officer, the fat police officer waved his hand and said, "Everyone get in the car, let's talk about it when we go back to the office."

On the way, Fan Yi asked the child: "What's your home phone number, I'll call your parents."

"I don't have a phone at home."

"What about your parents' mobile phones?"

"My parents don't have mobile phones."


After completing the transcript, it was almost 06:30 in the afternoon. Fan Yi decided to send the child home first. Just as he was about to walk out of the gate of the police station, the handsome policeman chased him out and said, "Wait a minute, I'll drive you off."

When taking notes just now, Fan Yi saw his party member publicity board, the name is: Dang Xiangjun.

Soon, the police car stopped on the street of a factory building not far from Fan Yi's unit. The child and Fan Yi got out of the car, and Dang Xiangjun waved at them and drove away.

The child's name is Pan Jinming. At the police station and along the way, Fan Yi has basically asked him about his situation. Xiaoming's family of three, father Pan Shengli and mother Feng Juan, all work in the Taiming City Textile Factory.

Turning around, Xiao Ming took Fan Yi to stop in front of a row of bungalows and said, "Uncle, my house is here." It was used, so each resident decided to build a kitchen outside, which looked like a three-bedroom house. In fact, there was no bathroom, so it was very difficult to live in.

Xiao Ming called "Mom" and opened the door to go in. The kitchen was dark, and a five-watt energy-saving lamp was lit outside.A woman came out from the back room and called out "Mingming." Fan Yi hurriedly said hello: "Sister-in-law".

The woman didn't expect that there would be other people, and was taken aback.Fan Yi hurriedly called his sister-in-law again, introduced himself first, and then briefly told Feng Juan what happened this afternoon.Just as I was talking, the door slammed, and a stout middle-aged man walked in with a bicycle on his back and said, "Xiaojuan, the child is not at school, maybe he went to play with a classmate."

When he looked up and saw Fan Yi, he was also taken aback for a moment, put down his bicycle, rubbed his hands and smiled honestly.

Fan Yi hurriedly introduced himself again, and told the story of the afternoon from the beginning.Lao Pan hugged Xiao Pan and sat quietly listening. Feng Juan poured a glass of boiled water, put it in front of Fan Yi, and sat next to Xiao Pan to listen.A family of three is so close!Fan Yi looked at it, and for some reason, a long-lost deep affection and affection surged in his heart.

After finishing speaking, Fan Yi asked: "Brother and sister-in-law, I think Xiao Ming's performance this afternoon is quite remarkable. I want to write a thank-you letter to the school. Do you take it?" Lao Pan and his wife waved their hands together and said: "No, No need." After a while of pushback, the topic turned to Lao Pan and his wife.It turned out that Lao Pan drove a bus in the factory, and Feng Juan was a worker.In the past few years, the efficiency of the factory has not been good, and now it can only pay a basic salary, and life is difficult.

While talking, the wall clock in the back room rang "dang, dang". Fan Yi took out his mobile phone and saw that it was eight o'clock, and hurriedly said: "Brother, sister-in-law, I don't think you have eaten, why don't we bring the children together?" Go out to eat." The couple waved their hands together again, but Lao Pan declined and said, "No, no, Brother Xiao Fan, why don't you eat at home." Feng Juan greeted enthusiastically, "Yes, yes, the food is in the pot It's hot inside."

Fan Yi took a while to say goodbye before leaving, leaving his contact information on purpose before leaving.

After walking a long distance, Fan Yi subconsciously turned his head and found that the three members of Lao Pan's family were still standing at the door looking at him. He hurriedly waved his hands again, and when he turned his head, Fan Yi felt infinite longing for this dilapidated hut in his heart.

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