Official memorabilia

Chapter 47 2 Letters

( ) two letters

Before Zhongshuiling Elementary School started school, at noon that day, Fan Yi was impatiently sitting in the yard, reading a book of "A Brief History of Western Philosophy" which was quite good for passing the time. Old Wang, the postman on the board, smiled and walked in slowly.

Fan Yi hurriedly got up and handed him a small stool, and poured another bowl of tea.Lao Wang first put down a stack of outdated newspapers, then took out two letters and handed them to Fan Yi.

One is a cowhide envelope, signed by Kangnan Ribao, and the other is a common white envelope with beautiful handwriting, which seems familiar, but it is signed by Xiao Ruoshi.Because of Lao Wang's presence, Fan Yi was not in a hurry to read the letter. He got tea for Lao Wang and talked with him for a while.

After sending Lao Wang away, Fan Yi couldn't wait to know the contents of these two letters. It can be said that apart from the university admission letter, this was the first time Fan Yi had received a letter in his life, and it was the first time that the two letters came together. seal up.

Immediately, Fan Yi opened Xiao Ruoshi's letter.

The letter was not long, with a total of two pages of letterhead, without any specific content. It just said that during the last phone call, Fan Yi said that he would go to the mountain village below to carry out poverty alleviation work. Then there was no news, and the phone could not be reached. I don’t know. What is the situation now?How is the situation in the village?Is it okay to come down?In good health or something.Between the lines is full of care and thoughtfulness. <Before the festival, just when Fan Yi knew that he was going to go to the village to help the poor, and on the night he talked with Yang Xiaoni on the phone, he unexpectedly received a call from Xiao Ruoshi. After the greetings were finished, both of them fell silent. They couldn't find anything to talk about, so Fan Yi casually told Xiao Ruoshi about his latest work arrangement. .

<Ji went to my home to celebrate the New Year together, but I was really timid in my heart.At that time, my parents asked me, how should I introduce Fan Yi? He's not a boyfriend, but a classmate?Will they believe it?Will you accept it?On such a day of family reunion, if there is an extra guest for no reason, will it make them unhappy because of the New Year's Eve?After so much hesitation, at the end, Xiao Rushi couldn't help but make the phone call, but in the end she didn't say the invitation.

Afterwards, Xiao Ruoshi was busy dealing with Pang Yongjian's harassment, and for a long time she didn't bother to contact Fan Yi.Recently, with the reduction of Pang Yongjian's harassment, her mood gradually improved, and she really wanted to talk to someone, so she thought of Fan Yi, but she couldn't get through the phone, and she didn't reply to her emails, which aroused her anxiety Out of curiosity, he found Sun Tao, Fan Yi's best friend.

Because Sun Tao and Fan Yi often hang out together, he met Xiao Ruoshi when he was in college, and he thought that no matter how hard he tried, he would never be able to catch up with this school beauty, so he just gave up. After a few years, On the contrary, he and Xiao Ruoshi became friends of the opposite sex, often talking and laughing.

Sun Tao said on the phone: "God, why are you so unfair? Fan Yi, why are you so attracted to women? Why are there so many beauties in such a remote place? "

Xiao Ruoshi scolded him for being young and poor, and quickly recruited Fan Yi's mailing address, and Sun Tao obeyed.

There is also a reason for Sun Tao's emotion. Just the day before Xiao Ruoshi called, Yang Xiaoni, the class belle in college, also asked him for Fan Yi's mailing address. In such a short period of two days, the two The beauty asked Fan Yi to herself one after another, can he not let him get angry?I really want to call and yell at Fan Yi, hey, this kid's phone is not in the service area, hey, this world!

After reading Xiao Ruoshi's letter, Fan Yi couldn't restrain his heart from moving. He understood that this was an opportunity. As long as he replied to the letter and asked some questions that the other party had to answer, he would soon be able to answer again. To hear from her again.

This back and forth...huh? !This is indeed heart-warming.

However, what I have to face in the future is Pang Yongqiang and his huge group, who are just like the sky in the sky. Can the dream come true in the end?It's still gone now.

Even if it is personal safety, whether it can be guaranteed in the end is still another matter.Think about it after the death of the parents, grandma raised herself up by herself, and at the same time took care of the grandpa who was barely able to get out of bed due to severe rheumatism. Life was hard, not to mention how difficult it was, this is Fan Yi never dreaming of a bright future , I don't even want to talk about the root cause of my girlfriend.

Responsibility is a man's responsibility. If there is no condition for taking responsibility, one should not enjoy the pleasure that rights may bring, even if it is just a little bit.

Fan Yi read Xiao Ruoshi's letter again and again, reluctant to put it down for a long time, held it tightly in his hand, and thought about it for a long time. Finally, he sighed, struck a match, and lit it.Seeing the white envelope and letter paper gradually turn into ashes in the flames, Fan Yi decided to call Xiao Ruoshi back when he arrived in town another day, just a phone call.


Next, with another kind of curiosity, Fan Yi opened the second letter.

This is from Yang Xiaoni. The letter is very short and only tells him one thing.The agency accepted the arrangement of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee and prepared to organize a batch of manuscripts describing the poverty alleviation work in the village.I have consulted the leaders of the agency. In the near future, I plan to go to Lafa Town, Qiudong County to do field interviews. When the time comes, I plan to stay in Zhongshuiling Village where Fan Yi lives for one night.Originally, I planned to inform Fan Yi by phone, but I couldn't get through the phone, so I had to write a letter instead.

Fan Yi counted the time seriously, and hey, it's this weekend, Yang Xiaoni should come down.Damn, this backward communication is killing people!

Fan Yi's first reaction was to go to the town and call Yang Xiaoni, telling her not to come to Zhongshuiling Village no matter what.

This little girl has no idea of ​​the actual situation below. Apart from other things, she will not be able to bear the living conditions that are close to semi-primitive conditions. At that time, don't make other troubles. How will it end !

On the day after reading the letter, Fan Yi couldn't sit still, and didn't dare to wait for the day to go to the fair, so he hurried all the way ahead of time, and rushed to the town out of breath.

He just went down the hill, and as soon as the mobile phone got a signal, he immediately called Yang Xiaoni and told her clearly not to come.

Yang Xiaoni also told him clearly that it was impossible not to come.Live in Zhongshuiling Village and take a look at it on the spot. This has been officially included in the interview plan of the agency, and has been reviewed and approved by the leaders. Up to now, it is impossible to make changes.

Before hanging up the phone, Yang Xiaoni said, you should think about how to receive this lady.

It turned out that yesterday afternoon, the working group officially received a phone call from the county, saying that a female reporter from the provincial newspaper would come to interview in the near future.

Early this morning, Feng Xiaoqiong just asked the town to find a way to invite a villager from Zhongshuiling Village who came to the ruins, and asked him to send a message to Fan Yi, asking him to come to the group tomorrow to discuss and discuss together How to receive this reporter, never thought, this afternoon, Fan Yi himself came to the door.

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