Official memorabilia

Chapter 62 Closing


Gu Lai murmured and said: "A while ago, I made a special trip back to my hometown and sold the ancestral house. The 3000 yuan came from there. Don't worry, the money came clean and upright. , today, I will pay off the small one first."

"Comrade Fan, as for the kindness owed to you and Teacher Xing last time, I really can't pay it for a while now, can you let me take it easy? I...I want to use the money from selling the house to free it up first. Do some small business, and when the turnover is opened, you will definitely pay back the principal with interest."

Fan Yi laughed and said, "Old Gu, I haven't urged you, so don't worry. We'll talk about it when you're free."

Gu Lai let go of a heart that had always been on his mind, and said with a sigh of relief: "Comrade Fan, you are the benefactor of my Gu family. Don't worry, after today, I will definitely do something to make you happy." Take a look."

Immediately, he said mysteriously: "Recently, I paid homage to an expert. I am going to do business to support my family while studying hard with his old man. This time, I have made up my mind." Butt stabbing', no matter how hard or tired, for my wife, for my baby, and for you, I must make a comeback."

Fan Yi straightened his face, and said, "Old Gu, I want to remind you that you must walk the right path. What kind of expert? What does he do? It sounds mysterious, so don't try to do something oblique again." Crooked way! You should think more about your wife and children."

Gu Lai quickly explained: "No, no. Comrade Fan, you believe me, I will never follow the old path again. This time, I will definitely follow the right path, and I will definitely not break the law again. Don't worry."

After Fan Yi heard this, he was dubious, but he felt a little relieved. He smiled lightly and said, "What is there to worry about? It's just that you have to think about it carefully. How did you end up in the stock market last time? Don't make the same mistakes again. good."

Gu Zi said confidently: "In fact, I have carefully reflected on the problem that occurred last time. The main reason is that I failed to find a good teacher to guide me. At that time, I was in a hurry and went to the doctor. Asked, searched and searched, and found some small retail investors to ask for advice."

"Thinking about it now, if they can really achieve something, they don't need to spend all day in the retail hall. They don't have much in their heads. If I go to ask them, how much can I learn from him?"

"And, in the later stage, I was a little more anxious about strategy. The key point is that I am too greedy. I am crazy about money. Greed hurts people."

Fan Yi said: "That's a good saying, don't be too greedy in everything, or you will be finished sooner or later."

After chatting for a while, the Gulai family said goodbye and left.

Who is this tall man?doing what?Fan Yi asked once before, but Gu Lai carefully avoided it. After that, it was difficult for Fan Yi to continue asking.If Gu Lai is willing to talk about it, he has plenty of time, but unfortunately, after one night, Lao Gu didn't talk about it in the end.


When returning from the provincial capital, Fan Yi deliberately stopped in Qiudong County.

There are several things that Fan Yi has to deal with in the county as soon as possible.

He made a special trip to the county party committee to do a few things that Team Leader Song had told him to do. He went to the county cement factory to settle all the cement payments. Fan Yi paid out of his own pocket and went to the county supply and marketing cooperative to buy various fireworks and cannons worth nearly 6000 yuan. , the weight is not heavy, but the volume is not small. Put them together, and they are piled up in a large pile in his warehouse.

After going through other procedures and paying the fare, Fan Yi still hired a special-purpose truck from the supply and marketing cooperative to deliver the batch of fireworks and artillery directly to Rafah Town, and then notified the villagers to carry them back in batches. Went to Zhongshuiping Village.

All is ready except for the opportunity.The power-up day has finally arrived.

It is agreed that the official call will be made at six o'clock in the afternoon.Village head Wu made the decision to ask people to buy two goats from the money they earned for the village collective from the wild mushroom business last time, and hold a celebration banquet in the elementary school.

Many leaders of the town and all the comrades of the working group attended together, and more than a dozen people from the village also went to help, and to accompany guests.

In the elementary school, under Fan Yi's command, the colored flags bought in the county and a few large light bulbs of [-] watts were hung up early, and the mountain village elementary school will shine as soon as the electricity arrives.

Different from other villages, Fan Yi paid for it himself and specially invited a projection team from the county to hang a big white screen on one wall of the elementary school. Show two movies.

As the news spread, adults and children from several nearby villages, including Huayuan Village and Shangshuiling Village, couldn't sit still and rushed to Zhongshuiling Village one after another.Those who came early had no choice but to go to a relative's house to rest and wait for the school dinner to be over before entering the theater to watch a movie.

At six o'clock, silently, the lights suddenly came on.

Amid the cheers of everyone, Fan Yi waved his hand, and a group of elementary school students who had been waiting at the side set off firecrackers in a hurry.

All of a sudden, there was "crackling", yelling, and the campus was very lively.

After a little silence, Team Leader Song and the secretary of the town spoke on behalf of the working group and the town respectively, and the dinner officially began.

After toasting each other for more than an hour, Team Leader Song and a group of leaders from the town stood up and said goodbye to the villagers. They had to rush back to the town overnight, otherwise, it would be difficult for the village to arrange for so many people stay.

The big guys sent the leaders out together again, Team Leader Song shook Fan Yi's hand vigorously, and said, "Xiao Fan, the organization is very good, and you have done a good job."

According to a leader of the town later, on the way back, Team Leader Song commented through Jiuxing that among the three villages that the work team came down this time, Zhongshuiling Village was the best. Fan Yi, a young man, Very unusual.

After the school was cleaned up, the villagers who watched the movie came in one after another.Fan Yi saw that Tang Laobao's family from Huayuan Village also came here against the stool. During the last digging incident, Fan Yi also got to know Tang Laobao during the subsequent mediation.

Seeing Fan Yi, Mr. Tang blushed slightly, and then called softly on behalf of the whole family: "Comrade Fan."

Fan Yi said: "Here we come. Mr. Tang, you are also the ones who have contributed to the electrification of our Zhongshuiling Village. Come and sit in the middle."

Hearing what Fan Yi said, some villagers greeted him enthusiastically, and left a piece of land among the crowd for them.

Old Tang blushed, smiled and said, "No, no."

Before he finished speaking, he was dragged over by the villagers who had known him for a long time.He shouted loudly at Fan Yi: "Comrade Fan, thank you."

Fan Yi went into the house and dragged out several large cardboard boxes of fireworks. After repeatedly explaining the safety essentials, he asked the children in the village to set off to enjoy it. This was the first time in the history of Zhongshuiling Village that so many fireworks were set off at once. Adults and children were beaming and making a fuss.

Looking at the fireworks that bloomed in the sky one after another, Fan Yi suppressed the slight surge of alcohol in his chest, leaning against the wall and laughing.In his heart, he silently recited an old saying from the sage Mencius, "Which one is more joyful, the joy of being alone or the joy of others?"

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