() A new official takes office

When Fan Yi lightly beat his forehead with his fist, got up and walked to the water dispenser, filled a large glass of pure water and poured it down in one breath, he knew clearly that now, he was really fighting alone .

A few days ago, Director Dai of the Personnel Department of the Provincial Bureau personally sent him to Baoyin County. This was another special case within the Provincial State Taxation Bureau system.Under normal circumstances, to send a cadre of Fan Yi's level, at most one deputy director of the personnel department will be sent.

Fan Yi has been working for less than three years, and now he is a department-level cadre, which can be said to be unique in the province's national tax system.What is an opportunity, this is it.

If there was no new system for the selection and appointment of the provincial party committee, and if Zhang Ziliang hadn't retreated from the battle, ten Fan Yis would not have had such an opportunity.

Fan Yi knew this very well.

It was precisely because of Zhang Ziliang's sudden pick-up that the provincial bureau was greatly passive. According to Director Wei's request, Director Dai would personally send a county bureau chief at the bureau level to serve in the local government.


When sitting on the rostrum for the first time in his life, facing the No. 50 cadres and workers of the county bureau below, Fan Yi was actually a little timid.

It's one thing to speak face-to-face with one person, quite another to speak face-to-face with dozens.Every small mistake or deficiency of oneself will be quickly magnified to the maximum value, and will eventually be passed on by everyone.

Fan Yi, who was sitting on the stage, felt a little nervous. At the same time, what made him even more frustrated was the attitude of the local party committee and government fu. Looking at the leaders sitting beside him who came to the scene, he could fully understand at this point.

There were only two leaders from the county who came to attend the global cadre and staff meeting to welcome Director Fan to his post. One represented zheng fu, who was Yang Zhengchang, the deputy county magistrate in charge of finance and taxation.

The other representative of the county party committee was very unreliable, and he turned out to be just a deputy director of the organization department.

Xie Huaxing, the deputy director in charge of personnel, also came to the State Taxation Bureau.

Originally there were seats for seven or eight people on the rostrum, but now it is empty, which is really ugly.Temporarily according to Director Dai's request, the other two bureau leaders in the county bureau team also sat on the rostrum together, one was Liu Huo, the deputy director of the bureau, and the other was Hua Zisheng, the leader of the discipline inspection team.

Fan Yi looked at the so-called all cadres and workers sitting sparsely in the audience, and the feeling of not being taken seriously was more than obvious.

The first row was full, and Fan Yi knew that it must be the main leaders of each department. From the second row onwards, the seats were sparsely populated, and the last three rows were full of people.

Judging from the personnel situation that Fan Yi has, there are more than 80 cadres and employees in the overall situation, but the total number of people present at the meeting today should not exceed 50 people. The employees actually greeted their new director in such a way. Fan Yi did not expect this.


In the next few days after the meeting, Fan Yi basically never entered the office.When I was sober, I was constantly drinking with various leaders in the county, and when I drank a lot, I would lie on the bed and get an IV.

It was not until noon today, after Director Dai and Deputy Director Xie were finally sent away, that Fan Yi officially entered his office for the first time.

The reason Director Dai stayed in Baoyin County for so many days was not because he had any special care for Fan Yi, but because he was waiting for someone, Liu Yaguang, the head of the county party committee.

This morning, Liu Yaguang finally came back from a business trip. The two talked for a whole morning. After lunch, Director Dai left Baoyin County. The one who returned immediately was the deputy director of the State Bureau, Xie Huaxing, who had always been with him.

It can be said that up to now, in Baoyin County, the person Fan Yi is most familiar with is Director Dai. When he left, Fan Yi suddenly felt empty.In the next step, he will suddenly face the dozens of strangers in the bureau alone.


He has been drinking for the past few days, but he drank less water. After sitting on the executive chair for a while, Fan Yi became thirsty again.

When he picked up the cup and walked towards the water machine again, Fan Yi felt his head still dizzy.While catching the water, Fan Yi suddenly felt dizzy, and hurriedly supported the water machine with his hands, thinking, is it so serious?It seems that in the near future, this wine can no longer be drunk like this.

He returned to his seat and sat down again, still dizzy so badly that he couldn't read the documents, so he kept beating his forehead with his hands.

Vaguely, I heard bursts of commotion coming in from outside.One side of his office faced the street, so the noise was unavoidable, but this time the movement seemed to be different from the usual noise.However, at this time, Fan Yi was unable to stand up and go to check, and just wanted to just lie back in the chair.

"Deng Deng Deng" Someone walked in quickly and said loudly: "Director Fan, there's an earthquake, do you want to go downstairs and take shelter?"

When Fan Yi looked intently, it was Yin Zhirong, the director of the office.So he asked, "Was it an earthquake just now? I thought it was because I drank too much."

Yin Zhirong said: "Many people ran to the street."

A large part of Kangnan Province is located in the Himalayan earthquake zone, and there are earthquakes from time to time, and everyone is used to it.

Fan Yi thought for a while and said, "Forget it, if it was a big earthquake, it would have been reimbursed a long time ago. Just don't worry about the small earthquake."

Yin Zhirong heard this, smiled and said, "That's true."

Rubbing his hands, he changed the subject and said, "Director Fan, just received a call from the county government office this morning, asking why we haven't reported our income analysis for last month?"


That night, the situation became clear. A devastating earthquake occurred in the Wenchuan area of ​​Sichuan.


At noon that day, Fan Yi came back from the Finance Bureau. Not long after he sat down, Director Yin hurried in and reported, "Director Fan, Su Jianguo and Deputy Director Liu are arguing."

Fan Yi motioned him to sit down and asked, "What's going on? Why are you so noisy?"

Director Yin said: "I just passed by the door of Deputy Director Liu's office, and I only heard a little bit about Su Jianguo's leave. If this is the case, I heard from Mr. Zhang from the Personnel Department yesterday that It is said that Su Jianguo wants to ask for 20 days of leave, but in fact, he only has [-] days of public leave a year, and Lao Zhang did not agree, so he asked the leader for instructions, maybe he is looking for Deputy Liu to discuss this matter."

"Director Fan, Su Jianguo is a bit difficult to deal with. He can't get along with the previous Directors Wu and Director Zhang. He has a very bad relationship with him. He is a well-known troublemaker. I guess, wait a while, maybe they will The two of them will come to you, do you want to avoid it?"

Fan Yi was slightly taken aback, thinking, what's the point?The head of the bureau still avoids the employees?

In fact, Fan Yi found out afterwards that Director Yin meant to ask him to avoid Deputy Director Liu Huo.

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