Official memorabilia

Chapter 82 Contest

() Contest (4)

Director Huang came here to disrupt the situation early this morning when he heard that Director Fan of the National Taxation Bureau was going to report to County Magistrate Dou about the tax determination of the coal industry. In fact, he was not fully prepared. Said: "It will affect at least 500 million, maybe even 600 million."

For a poor county with only a few hundred million dollars in annual revenue, this is obviously not a small amount of money. No wonder County Magistrate Dou is very upset.

Originally, there was a work disagreement between departments, which could be discussed in advance, but the coal bureau directly brought the conflict to the county magistrate by means of a complaint. Since you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unrighteous!Fan Yi decided to show Director Huang some color.

Fan Yi turned around and said to County Magistrate Dou: "County Dou, I think it's probably that Director Huang and the others have misunderstood. Our general taxpayer identification is not just for the coal industry, but treats all industries equally. .

"Oh, so you don't think there's enough movement?" Magistrate Dou asked in a drawn out tone.

"That's right, County Magistrate Dou. This work itself is a request from the State Administration of Taxation, not our own unilateral idea. The whole country is the same. Moreover, I can assure County Magistrate Dou that as the work progresses The implementation will not only not affect the county's financial revenue, but will greatly improve the county's financial level." As he spoke, Fan Yi took out a printed document from his briefcase and handed it to County Magistrate Dou.

This material was revised and completed overnight by the bureau office and the management branch yesterday. The analysis of the identification work is reasonable and the policy is also very clear. There is only one core, that is, once the re-identification work is completed, the county A value-added tax of 3000 million yuan can be collected from the coal industry alone in one year.

After careful calculation during this period of time, in fact, Fan Yi has gradually gained confidence in his mind. If this work can be carried out in place, the increase in income for the year will be more than 3000 million!I'm afraid it's more than 6000 million, and the coal tax will quickly become one of the most important financial pillars of Baoyin County.But right now, I don't dare to say too much, so I only reported 3000 million.

At the beginning, Magistrate Dou was angry, so he just read it quickly, and then carefully started from the beginning one by one, and read it carefully. Fan Yi waited patiently, but Director Huang couldn't sit still. , the body kept twisting on the sofa.

Even according to the report of the National Taxation Bureau, the newly added value-added tax of 3000 million yuan that year is calculated, and then calculated according to the fiscal share ratio between central yang and local governments, the tax revenue obtained by the county will greatly exceed that of the coal bureau. The amount of lost fees, not to mention the increased income tax revenue and annual transfer payments, etc. Calculated in this way, the county's finances will greatly improve to a new level.

Of course, county magistrate Dou can count on this account.

About ten minutes later, Magistrate Dou looked up at Director Huang and said, "Old Huang, the situation you said is very different from the situation reflected in the materials of the National Taxation Bureau! Where did you get the data from? "

Director Huang opened his mouth, thought for a while, and faltered a few words, but in the end he didn't say anything.

The information he got was given by Liu Huo, deputy director of the National Taxation Bureau.

On the phone, Liu Huo only told him that the National Taxation Bureau is already preparing to deal with coal taxation. This will definitely greatly affect the coal bureau's fee income.As for the specific situation, in fact, Liu Huo didn't say much, because Liu Huo himself did not participate in the drafting of the materials, basically it was all done by the management sub-bureau and the bureau office. He only heard the news at the last moment, so he first Time to call Director Huang to inform him.

Director Huang was still on his way to the county government, and he impromptu compiled an interrogation to the National Taxation Bureau. How could he weave it perfectly in such a short period of time!At this moment, County Magistrate Dou asked him, how could he say that this was news from Deputy Director Liu Huo of the County State Taxation Bureau, and it was none of my business!

County Magistrate Dou continued: "Just now I said that the National Taxation Bureau does not care about the overall situation. It seems that I was wrong. Director Fan, I apologize to you."

Fan Yi hurriedly said: "Where, where, it's because we didn't take the initiative and didn't report in time.

County Magistrate Dou looked at Director Huang and said, "Director Huang, in my opinion, your Coal Bureau is the one who should talk about the overall situation. You can't affect or even resist the collection of national taxes because of the fee income. This is illegal, you know. Is it? You must not mess around, and cooperate with the work of the Internal Revenue Service."

"Also, what information does the National Taxation Bureau need, and it must be provided in a timely manner. I don't want to hear that because of your Coal Bureau's lack of cooperation, it will eventually affect the tax revenue increase of our county's coal industry, okay? Director Huang?"

Director Huang nodded awkwardly and said, "Okay, okay, definitely, definitely."


After several days of preparation, the next step is to face to face with the coal bosses in the county.

In the first step, Fan Yi decided to hold a small-scale meeting in the Bureau to unify the understanding in the Bureau, which seemed necessary.

However, at this time, a very specific question that he had never thought of before was put before him - what kind of meeting should be held?

Fan Yi was at a loss.In government agencies, meetings are also very particular. It can be said that there are many types, such as staff meetings, party members meetings, party group meetings, bureau affairs meetings, office meetings, symposiums, contact meetings, coordination meetings... In short, we hold whatever meetings we do. There must be no confusion at all. If you make a mistake, you will make a joke.On this point, Fan Yi deeply felt that there was an obvious shortcoming in the dispatching of the Provincial Bureau. At the very least, there should be some job training!

In the end, Fan Yi solved it like this.He directly notified the office to hold a meeting, and they would arrange the specific meeting according to the situation. In this way, at ten o'clock in the morning, the bureau's office meeting was held in the small conference room on time.

Before the meeting, Fan Yi specially called Xia Zhenguo, pointed to a list and asked, "Have you confirmed the coal bosses of these big companies? Are they all in the county recently?"

The list was provided by Xia Zhenguo, he nodded and said, "They are all here."

Fan Yi said with satisfaction: "Well, I can inform them later to have a meeting in the afternoon. I have asked the office to order a meal outside. After the meeting in the afternoon, you can go to a few more people in the bureau and have a drink with them."

Xia Zhenguo looked at Fan Yi hesitantly and said, "Director Fan, I'm worried they won't come."

Whether to come or not, this is the key to the first confrontation with the coal bosses.

Fan Yi smiled slightly and asked, "Lao Xia, do you know game theory?" Xia Zhenguo smiled slightly and said, "I've heard of it, but I can't tell you the specifics."

Fan Yi nodded and explained: "Two suspects were arrested by the police, one surnamed Zhang and the other surnamed Li. The police told them respectively that if one recruited and the other did not, the recruited They will be released immediately, and those who do not recruit will be imprisoned for 10 years; if both are not recruited, both will be imprisoned for 1 year; if both are recruited, both will be imprisoned for 8 years. Tell me, Are they recruiting or not?"

Xia Zhenguo scratched his head and said, "If you confess, you will be lenient, and you will be imprisoned. You must not be recruited."

Fan Yi laughed loudly and said: "A meeting, a meeting." After finishing speaking, he called Xia Zhenguo to get up and walk to the meeting room together.

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