Official memorabilia

Chapter 99 The Final Battle

() Final Battle (4)

Thinking of this, Fan Yi made a decisive decision, poured a full glass of wine, respected County Magistrate Dou, and said, "County Dou, if you can really do what Mr. Wang said, please count us as a part of the National Taxation Bureau. We are also willing to contract A piece of barren hills, contribute a little to the county."

Magistrate Dou laughed loudly and said: "It seems that the key to anything is to have the right thinking. If the thinking is right, there will naturally be a solution."

Everyone toasted each other, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

Seeing that it was almost eight o'clock, Fan Yi quietly switched the TV channel hanging on the opposite wall to the county station of Baoyin County, waiting to watch the news of Baoyin County.

Usually in the county, few people watch this kind of program, firstly because the production level is really not high, and secondly because the news in the county is limited after all. The messages will be broadcast for at least a few days in a row.Over time, apart from a few people in the officialdom and parties concerned, few people paid attention to it.

As the clip ended, a mandarin-speaking male host began to broadcast the news, and Fan Yi pretended to watch casually.

Sure enough, the meeting scene appeared on the screen, but everyone in the private room was not thinking about it, they were still busy persuading each other to drink.

Fan Yi took the time to pay respects to Mr. Wang again.

At this time, a vice president of the power company said "Hey", grabbed the remote control and turned up the volume, saying, "Director Fan, this news seems to be about the National Taxation Bureau."

Everyone turned their heads to look at it together, and sure enough, it was the scene of Xia Zhenguo leading a team to check the situation of the disabled workers in the coking plant in the afternoon.

Voice-over: "... Judging from today's inspection, the on-duty rate of disabled employees is less than 18%. The reporter learned that in the previous spot checks conducted by the county tax bureau, the on-duty rate of disabled employees in the Baoyin County Coking Plant was also low. Both are less than 20%. This is a serious violation of the relevant state regulations on tax rebates for civil welfare enterprises, and is suspected of defrauding state taxes..."

Fan Yi turned his head to look at County Magistrate Dou without losing the opportunity, and said: "County Dou, this coking plant is too rampant. We have reminded it face to face and told it repeatedly, and it never changes! Once the TV station exposed it this time, it seems that next year The tax refund eligibility for them will definitely be lost. This is good, we have to let them pay some taxes honestly and make some contributions to our county."

Magistrate Dou asked, "Didn't they pay taxes before?"

Fan Yi replied vaguely: "Pay is paid, just go in with the left hand and go out with the right hand, and most of them just pass by our place."

This is half-truth and half-false. The real side is that the civil affairs welfare enterprises did enjoy the national tax rebate policy in the end; Instead, tax refunds are based on the number of disabled employees, which is why such enterprises often overreport the number of disabled employees.

Fan Yi's answer in this way can easily make people think that the company does not pay a penny of taxes.

Through the experience of working for a period of time, Fan Yi analyzed that in the minds of local chief executives, only enterprises that can truly bring GDP and tax revenue to the local area should be regarded as the first choice. Those companies that only eat but don't sell should not have too much position.

Sure enough, hearing what he said really touched County Magistrate Dou. He nodded and said, "You have to cheat for not paying taxes for so many years! Not enough greed! You will die if you do many unrighteous actions." There is another sentence On the edge of his mouth, Magistrate Dou swallowed it back abruptly, that is: "It's better to have fewer welfare enterprises like this."

The next piece of news was related to the power company. It was about a township blackout caused by aging circuits.

County Magistrate Dou asked, "Mr. Wang, how far has your power grid transformation project progressed?"

Mr. Wang said: "The plan has already been reported to the provincial power grid company, but it has been delayed for a long time, and I don't know where it got stuck."

"Have you coordinated? Who is in charge of the power grid company?"

"Mr. Gu of our state company has traveled to the province several times specifically for this matter. Up to now, I can't remember how many times I went, but I just can't get through. I heard that the power grid company has recently hired a new deputy. I'm always catching up on this matter, I heard that she is also very difficult to speak, even Mr. Gu is scared!"

"Well, it's hard to talk but you have to talk. It's not good to be so old! When are you ready to prepare, I will go for a run with you. If you can't run, you will always be passive. What's the name of their vice president?"

"My surname is Song, and my name is Song Qinglan. She's a lesbian."

When Fan Yi heard this, his heart moved.


Returning to the dormitory at night, checking that the time was almost up, Fan Yi changed his phone card back, and when he turned on the phone, countless text messages sounded.

It kept ringing for quite a while before returning to calm. Fan Yi took it easy and looked through one by one.These text messages were basically urging him to call back quickly. Among them, of course, some of them asked him what happened to the coking plant directly through text messages.After thinking about it, he began to call back in an orderly manner.

"Qiu Bureau, I'm sorry, I went out to eat with the county magistrate at night, and my phone ran out of battery." Fan Yi made the first call to the deputy director of the state bureau, Qiu.


Deputy Director Qiu had actually been looking for Fan Yi for a long time.

Since the management sub-bureau mobilized almost all in the afternoon and drove into the coking plant vigorously, the factory manager on duty immediately called Diao Yuhan to report, but for some unknown reason, the phone was not connected until dinner.

When Diao Yuhan heard about this, he was not panicked, and entrusted the matter to Deputy Director Qiu without any hassle, until Deputy Director Qiu told him that he could not find Fan Yi's person, and that he was responsible for overfilling the number of people. Serious consequences made him a little anxious, and he called many leaders in the county in one breath, asking them to help find Fan Yi, but they all replied that they could not find anyone, and they had to wait until tomorrow.

Since the person who made the film was a staff member of the office of the County State Taxation Bureau, Diao Yuhan waited until night before he heard that the county TV station had broadcast relevant news, and only then did he know that there were still TV stations involved in it. Unfortunately, at this time, It was too late to do work, so he scolded the factory manager on duty angrily: "You grew up eating shit, and there is a TV station here, why didn't you say it earlier?"

The factory manager was very aggrieved and said: "At that time, there were too many people from the National Taxation Bureau, and the scene was a bit chaotic. I only saw someone using a video camera to take pictures. I also asked Director Xia of the National Taxation Bureau, and he said that it was someone from their office to help. The person collecting the evidence didn’t say that there were people from the TV station present.”


That is, shortly after the news program was broadcast, Deputy Director Qiu also got the news, so he decided to stop immediately, not even sending text messages.

Never thought that it was so late, but Fan Yi called himself back. After thinking for a while, he answered the belated call.

"Oh, it's Director Fan. It's nothing serious. It's just that the state bureau arranged a cross-check last time. At first they told me that they didn't receive your summary report. I just called you a few times and sent you I sent a few text messages, trying to remind me. Then they reported it to me again, saying that it was a mistake, and you had already reported it. Look, the work is sloppy, and how much confusion has been caused."

Fan Yi knew that cross-checks and summary reports were all nonsense!He, Qiu, just understood that once the news of the coking plant was exposed by the TV station, he might not be able to cover it up if he wanted to, so he wanted to get out of the way.

Indeed, openness is undoubtedly the best preservative.

From this point of view, Xia Zhenguo found a TV station to broadcast this trick in the form of news, which saved himself a lot of trouble.

The key point is that the evidence that the coking plant falsified the number of disabled employees that had to be prepared because of worrying about not being able to win the coking plant, should not be used anymore.

Now that the matter has come to this point, I don't know if Diao Yuhan will really understand that what he should be most grateful for is actually the disabled workers in his factory.

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