Devil Fruit Ability

Chapter 146 The Betrayer

() Argus' plan succeeded, and the series of attacks not only spread over half of Europe, but also exhausted the army.

If there is anyone who is a little bit happy at this time, except for some lunatics and lunatics, I am afraid that there is only Koman on the stage.Thanks to the blessing, when the clothes are stripped down to the underwear, there is no need to be naked for thousands of viewers.

Of course, Koeman would never admit this when everyone was in a state of desperation.

"What the hell are those guys doing..." Katerina complained.

Yan Shao and Lesa glanced at each other, but couldn't guess the real intention.

At the end of the matter, I wish I could be used by ten people alone. Yan Shao and Katerina also took the plane to and from various places. In the end, even Lesa, who was still recovering from his injuries, had to go into battle with his injuries.

Just to prevent any conspiracy, the three of them did not act separately, but acted together.

After all, if the three of them were separated, it would be easy for them to be ambushed by the enemy, but if they met a few more members of the sect like Yi Ze, it would be very difficult to get out of the whole body.

And if that's the case, it's not worth the candle for both Yan Shao and the others.


From a certain point of view, Argus' plan went very smoothly, and his attention was indeed shifted to this series of attacks.

But there are some things that Argus did not expect, that is, there will be a 'traitor' within himself...

While some warlocks were happily celebrating the success of the attack, several warlocks were hiding in a dark corner and talking in angry tones.

"Not only Leri, but even Warsaw has been attacked..."

"Damn, and Linz, you know my aunt lives in Linz!!!"

The origin of the believers is very complicated, basically they can be found in any country, but considering that the current sphere of influence is mainly in Europe, with less involvement in Asia and the Americas, there are still more members in Europe.

Of course, these are nothing in normal times. After all, both NATO and the EU can play a role in uniting these people-although there have always been doubts in Europe about the role of the EU, and not every day I personally like the EU very much.

During the expansion, this source of confusion played a lot of roles, because many sect members can use their identities to mobilize more believers in their hometown, but now...

When it comes to retaliation, it seems a bit troublesome.

If it is just one or two cities alone, it may not be a problem, but after a large-scale retaliatory operation, some accidental injuries are always inevitable.

At this time, Argus also seems to have forgotten one thing, that is, the members of the sect come from all European countries, almost any country. Under such circumstances, a large-scale attack plan is launched, and some material losses may be caused by these people. I don't care, after all, it's just something outside of the body, and they have indeed gained a lot in the sect, but what about the family...

After all, not everyone is like Brother Monkey, jumping out of the stone without parents...

Each of them has relatives, and each has friends. This complicated relationship caused an imbalance in their hearts when they were attacked in their hometown...

At the same time, it also weakened their original unsteady loyalty to...

"What should we do now..." Glancing at the believers who were still celebrating, one of the red-robed warlocks said.

Another warlock said with a wry smile. "What else can we do? We can only sit here and watch our hometown be destroyed. After all, we all know the strength of Lord Argus. All resistance is futile..."

"Indeed..." Several other people also became depressed. Apparently, the strength that Argus showed during the "Great Purge" really made them despair.

But at this moment, in the farthest corner, a female believer in her teens opened her eyes wide and said through gritted teeth. "No, we still have a way out!"

Hearing what the female believer said, several other people turned their heads.

Just now, the female believer has received some news that her hometown has also been attacked—————— This is nothing, after all, she and her husband are both members of the Communist Party, but considering another issue It's very troublesome.

That is, her children and her parents are there...

But now, she doesn't even know their life or death...

"Ena, you have to think clearly, don't do stupid things..."

Seeing Ena's extremely extreme appearance, the warlock at the side began to persuade her.

The person who spoke was Eina's husband. Although his hometown was attacked and the news that his children and parents were alive or dead made him quite angry, the anger did not wash away his reason. He had to think about the fate of himself and his wife. Survival issues, which also makes him behave quite rationally, yes, rationally, because no one can keep calm in this situation...

And what he is most worried about now is that his wife will be irritated by anger when she may lose her child. In that case, a woman who loses her mind can do anything. To this point, Ena's husband can be said to be Quite well understood—————————— In the early years, his husband was considered a playboy, and even after marriage, he had a rather ridiculous life, especially after he joined and became a warlock, since he was able to summon the succubus , he hasn't been to Ena's room for a long time...

Then, ahem, anyway, after going mad for a while, Aina's husband couldn't bother anymore...

Although Aina's husband was very worried that his wife would be overwhelmed by anger, he obviously underestimated his wife, so after gritting his teeth, Aina spoke.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything, but if we don't do it, it doesn't mean that other people can't do it..."


Hearing what Eina said, the others all came together.

Brushing her hair, after paying attention to the surrounding environment, Ena said softly.

"Now I must not know about this series of attacks, just to divert their attention, so as not to notice the plan that is going on here, then, if they know..."

Obviously, if you know the ongoing plan and refer to what happened when you destroyed the branches in various places, then it is absolutely impossible to sit idly by and ignore what happened here...

"Tell the information to?"

Hearing what Eina said, not only the other warlocks, but even Eina's husband was shocked.

"If they tell the information, they can indeed turn their attention here, but what should we do then?"

After hesitating for a while, one of the warlocks spoke.

Indeed, if that's the case, I'm afraid the first to patronize here is the European Union's air force, and when necessary, even the US troops stationed in Europe may also be dispatched.At that time, Ena and the others who were near the altar might not end up much better than their relatives.

However, after hearing his words, Ena shook her head and said.

"At that time, we had already left here, and the following things naturally have nothing to do with us."

"Then? Will we be pardoned?" Another warlock asked while rubbing his chin.

From the beginning to the end, it is clear who the initiator of these attacks is, so it was not long after the attack in Amsterdam, and the true face of the 'terrorist' has been announced.

A cult...

After all, someone has to take responsibility for the huge casualties in Amsterdam, and it is indeed the real culprit of this series of events.

Although it is still not clear who the leader is, after announcing the truth, he surpassed the al-Qaeda organization that had caused the 'September Incident' in the early years and became the largest terrorist organization on earth—after all, it did not cause Terrorist attacks with tens of thousands of casualties...

And after less than half of European cities are frequently attacked, they are basically no different from street rats.Not only that, but there are even quite a few peripheral members of the sect who have chosen to leave the organization. After all, they joined in order to become powerful people like capable people...

They long to be like capable people, possessing power beyond ordinary people, but they don't want to become murderers for the sake of power, not to mention that they are no different from street rats now.

And if some of the original dark side of yin is still within their tolerance range, and can even make them feel irritated, then killing innocent people indiscriminately is not something they can accept...

Therefore, after a small half of Europe was attacked, a large number of peripheral members left the organization, and a considerable number of people told the "true face" to the...

It's just that in the end, these people are just writing about peripheral members. Not only do they not know who the main leader of the sect is, they don't even know about some ordinary matters, so the information they can provide is actually quite limited.

But even so, it's a good start.


For these people who already had an aversion to the sect, leaving the sect is not something that cannot be considered. The only thing that makes them worry is, will they be pardoned in the end?

They don't know that a considerable number of peripheral members have surrendered and have been pardoned——because the number of this group of personnel is not small, and they also think of a certain propaganda effect, of course these It is also very important that people basically have not committed any crimes.

Just because they don't know about this matter, they are very afraid that they will not let them go.

Although they are resentful of what the sect has done, if they have to pay the price of going to prison for this, they are absolutely unwilling-there is no death penalty in Europe, and even if it is a serious crime, it is only a few years prison.

It is up to the beholder to see whether it is good or not without the death penalty, but if it is in China, it is estimated that most people still insist on having the death penalty.

And some people are indeed suitable for the death penalty, such as Sweden's Anders?belin?Breivik was the perpetrator of the 20-year bombing and shooting in Norway on July 7, 22.In this terrorist attack, a car bomb was detonated near the prime minister's office in the center of Oslo, Norway, killing Cheng Ren and injuring 20 people.Subsequently, on the island of Utoya outside Oslo, Breivik attacked participants in the youth camp of the Norwegian Labor Party with guns, killing 0 people and wounding 69 others.As a result, Breivik carried out the worst serial shooting in history.

After killing dozens of people, Breivik received a sentence of 21 years in prison——————————Because in Norway, where there is no death penalty or life imprisonment, 2 years of imprisonment is already the maximum limit, and After 7 years, you can go out for weekends without monitoring, and after 4 years, you can be released on parole.

Breivik has lived in a small suite consisting of three rooms since he was imprisoned, with a total of about 0 ping.After he had breakfast early in the morning, he could use newspapers, a treadmill to exercise, and even use a computer, but in order to avoid communication with the outside world, the computer in the study was not accessible. The vast majority of people are better off.

In addition, after Breivik was imprisoned, he believed that his treatment in prison violated human rights.List all kinds of dissatisfaction, ranging from discomfort in daily life to more serious problems.For example, the milk provided by the prison is not enough to cover the bread, there is only cold coffee to drink, and there is no moisturizer in the cell. At the same time, the lack of decoration and no view of the cell makes him depressed.He also complained that the handcuffs he had to wear during the escort were too sharp and would dig into his wrists.

Obviously, the death penalty would be more appropriate for such a person, and it would not be a waste of taxpayer money.

Although there is no death penalty in Europe, they are not happy to spend a few years in prison, so after hearing Eina's words, the others hesitated.

However, before Eina could speak, her husband had already said affirmatively.

"Not to mention that we haven't made any mistakes at all, it's already a great achievement for us to tell this information to you. After all, we all know what the altar is for. If there are really powerful demons killed Summoning to this world, or even directly opening a channel with the earth, would be a catastrophe for us, so let alone punish us, I am afraid that we will be given a large bounty..."

When he said this, Ena's husband also showed a trace of regret on his face.

As a true believer in the world, he is still very loyal to the crescent-shaped symbol. In other words, he is still a devil worshiper, at least until now.

If it wasn't for Argus' actions that put his children and parents in danger, I'm afraid he never thought of betraying.

And even now, he doesn't think that the 'god' he believes in is wrong, only Argus is wrong...

"Hope the 'gods' don't blame me for my choices..."

After praying silently in his heart, Ena's husband asked the people around him...

Although they didn't care much about the bounties, these people were moved after hearing that they would never be punished.

After a short discussion, they decided to escape around the altar while they were on patrol...

"As long as we leave the mountains, we can use communication devices such as mobile phones. This will not only inform us of the situation here, but also allow us to be dispatched by means of transportation such as helicopters to pick us up from here..."


I'm afraid that even Argus himself didn't expect that someone among the core members of the sect would betray him.So when Aina and the others left, it was actually quite relaxed, which is not surprising. As an organization that has only been established for a few years, although the strength of this organization is quite strong, it is very weak in terms of organization and other aspects. As fragile as a newborn baby, this is probably one of the flaws in recruiting a lot of civilians...

Although the system of Ena and others is similar to that of ordinary humans, they are powerful magicians after all. In the process of patrolling, they must summon a few demons, so after riding on the backs of the demons, Ena Na and her party quickly left around the altar.

A patrol disappeared inexplicably, and it was very difficult not to be discovered, so more than half an hour after Ena and the others disappeared, the warlocks around the altar had already reported the news upwards.

After hearing the news, Argus himself was overwhelmed, and even sent a large number of people to join in the search. Unfortunately, just like Ena and the others, these people are just mortals with naked eyes, let alone flying. Even walking a few steps may take a breather, especially for those who can already summon succubi, no matter if they are male or female, the system is quite poor...

Well, I'm afraid women are worse...

So after Ena and the others fled, they still failed to catch up with Ena and the others...

Coupled with the fact that the Alps are quite precipitous, no one knows where they can hide, and in the end this search and hunt can only end without a problem.

At the same time, after leaving the range of the deep mountain, Ena took out her mobile phone...

After making some calls, a voice soon appeared on the phone...

"Hello, this is the Demo Town Police Station..." (to be continued. Please search,!)

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