Devil Fruit Ability

Chapter 246 The Unlucky American

() Victory, although this victory may not be in everyone's mind, but victory is victory.

When Agares fell under the siege of Yan Shao and others, almost everyone cheered.

When the army from outside also came in, those ability users and soldiers who came in by helicopter almost cheered around Yan Shao and the others.

From a certain point of view, the atmosphere is actually good.

Still, there are a few things to discuss...

"Next, how should we deal with these guys?"

Looking at Yan Shao and the others surrounded by soldiers and ability users cheering on the screen, an old man in the conference room of the world government said with a wry smile.

Although the old man was not in the conference room at this time, perhaps because of the good screen, the expression on the old man's face was clearly restored.

"Process? Can we still talk about processing now..."

Looking at the location where the gate of time and space was originally, the other old man was somewhat rejoiced while being indignant.

"I thought it would be a good thing, but I didn't expect it to almost kill everyone. Fortunately..."

"Yeah, fortunately that door was closed, otherwise, we would have to choose between a nuclear strike and a bitter war. If the former is the case, the political lives of the five of us and the following group of people will end, and the latter If you don’t want to talk about the cost of the hard fight, whether you can win or not is also a question.”

"It's the same now. Although the gate of time and space has been forcibly closed, what's the difference between New York and being hit by a nuclear attack?!"

"The difference is, at least we didn't level the city ourselves!"

Indeed, although the city is still destroyed in the end, there is still a big difference between being destroyed by others and being destroyed by oneself.

It's just like the Huayuankou back then.

The Huayuankou embankment breach was the first catastrophic incident in which the national government used the Yellow River to break during the flood season in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War.Its purpose is to implement a scorched-earth policy, causing flooding in the area east of the Ping-Han Railway, in an attempt to prevent the overwhelmingly superior Japanese mechanized troops from advancing westward along the Yellow River.

According to the post-event statistics of the National Government, a total of 38 people died between 1938 and 1947, including the number of direct and indirect deaths and missing persons caused by floods, droughts, locust plagues and wind disasters during the nine years.And this statistic not only includes the Chinese civilians who died in the Sino-Japanese tug-of-war in the Yellow Flood Area, but also a statistical item. It may be that the government counted the 9 flood and the 1939 locust disaster as the victims of the Yellow River. However, they believed that the drought in 1942 had nothing to do with the flood, so they were not included in the "1943 people". The data from Japan also showed that the death toll was 38+.

The breach of Huayuankou did slow down the actions of the Japanese army. The problem is...

The consequences of doing so are obviously more generous than the results of the battle.

Moreover, this kind of thing that caused the death of tens of thousands of people, if Japan himself did it, it would naturally be the anger of man and god, and the subordinate generals would do it, which would be the most unforgivable thing, but if the government of a country does this, what is it...

The same goes for New York.

If New York is destroyed by demons, then the actions of these demons are naturally outraged by humans and gods. If it is destroyed by Rengar, the anger will not be so much.Firstly, it was a personal act, and secondly, there were very few people alive in New York at that time, even close to none. It didn’t matter even if the city was destroyed. After all, Rengar also dragged hundreds of thousands of demons down together. hell.

But if it is done by the world government, it would be a heinous crime...

After all, the devil is a foreign race, and it is an evil race. In the eyes of the world, the devil is dedicated to doing evil things. If they do evil things, it is actually a very normal thing.

Rengar is a person, and has nothing to do with the government, just like the Nordic man who shot and killed dozens of people back then, no one would think that this is a problem with the local government.

But if the world government does this, even if it can save the world, it will be condemned afterwards.


The world government is also relieved to be able to save the world by leveling the city without nuclear bombs, but...

"Don't you just let those guys go like this?" An old man sitting in the upper left corner said dissatisfiedly. "Even if things are really as they said, even if they really saved the world, it is true that they violated the orders of the world government. Moreover, they also caused a large number of soldiers and soldiers in the process of breaking into the camp. Casualties of construction workers, can this matter just be ignored?"

"Then what do you want to do?" Another old man obviously had a different idea from the previous one who spoke. "Is it possible that you want to send someone to arrest them now? Or do you want to send an order to those soldiers who have been fighting for a long time, telling them to turn against [Lei Qing] right now?"

"Yeah, even if those guys are so bold that they dare to fight against Zheng Fu, they have done a lot after all, and the whole world has been saved because of them, so it's okay to just let it go..." Another old man also said Well, anyway, those who died at that time were all Americans, so he didn't feel very distressed.

Having said that, the other two old men also expressed their opinions one after another, mostly with an attitude of calming down the matter.

It's not that they are timid and afraid of getting into trouble, but that it is really inappropriate to have any disputes now.

After all, Sefilia and the others did have a lot of credit, and as I said before...

"Now it's not that they please us, but we need to please them..."

Saying so, an old man smiled wryly.

"After all, no one thought that what that [Shenyan] said would be true, that the gate of time and space actually led to the twisting void, and we should bear at least half of the responsibility for the devil's invasion, and time The guardian once issued a warning to us. Even in the world government, many people know about it, let alone the outside world. Now outside, some people have begun to discuss the matter of holding us accountable. After all, it is because we do not obey The warning of the time guardians will cause this to happen, as for the time guardians, they are only responsible for stopping our mistakes..."

"Yeah, it's not them who are in trouble now, but us..."

Hearing such weak words from the other four elders, the American was a little dissatisfied.

After all, the United States has paid too much this time.

It was agreed to establish the Gate of Time and Space at the beginning because the energy in the heart is likely to exist in the new world, and as long as there is new energy, the current situation of energy shortage faced by human beings can be alleviated to a large extent.

Of course, these have nothing to do with the United States.

He would agree, and he strongly demanded to build the gate of time and space in the United States, in order to get the moon first.

As long as the gate of time and space is built in the United States, the United States, as a local country, will naturally be the first to enjoy the benefits brought by the gate of time and space, and the benefits it receives are definitely more than any other country.

In this way, the United States, which has already shown signs of decline, will be able to gain new support.

It is not out of the question that even American hegemony can be revived...

The reason why the U.S. dollar became the world's currency was not only because the U.S. was the world's largest economy at that time, but also because the U.S. dollar was linked to oil, a global energy source.

As long as human beings still need oil as the main energy source, then the US dollar will be able to circulate around the world, because as long as you buy oil, you need to use US dollars to pay for it.

In particular, those oil-rich countries in the Middle East stand with the United States one by one.

Of course, there are times when we don't stand together.

That is the Fourth Middle East War, also known as the Atonement Ri War...

The Atonement War took place from October 1973th to October 10th, 6.It originated when Egypt and Syria attacked the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights, which were occupied by Israel six years ago, respectively.The Egyptian-Syrian alliance had the upper hand in the first one or two days of the war, but the situation has since reversed.By the second week, the Syrian army withdrew from the Golan Heights.In Sinai, the Israeli army attacked between the two armies and crossed the Suez Canal.By the time the United Nations ceasefire came into effect, a group of Egyptian troops had been wiped out.

The war had a profound impact on many countries. Compared with the disastrous defeat of the Egypt-Syria-York alliance in the Six-Day War, the Arab world feels psychologically comforted by the early progress of the war.This mentality paves the way for future peace processes as well as Egypt's open door policy. The "Camp David Peace Treaty" normalized the relationship between Israel and Egypt, and Egypt became the first Arab country to recognize Israel. At the same time, Egypt almost completely broke away from the sphere of influence of the Soviet Union.

In the Yom Kippur War, the United States supported Israel to a large extent, which is also one of the reasons why Israel was able to win in the end.

The initial offensives of Egypt and Syria caused the Israeli army to suffer a lot of battle damage. Israel urgently needs to supply arms and weapons, otherwise the war situation will face collapse.In addition to the damage to equipment and the parts that need to be replenished, Israel's national ammunition reserves have also dropped to a very dangerous level.Israel has gone through many wars and has good experience in the amount of ammunition storage required, but the consumption of this battle is much higher than any previous battle, and the various artillery ammunition used by Israel is in the At that time, the production capacity was not yet available, and the supply of ammunition would face a crisis of running out.Before the start of the transportation in the United States, the storage of 105mm ammunition in Israel dropped to only 48 hours.In addition, the situation at the time of the war and the psychological pressure and panic caused by the consumption exceeding expectations were also one of the reasons why Israel actively requested assistance from the United States.

On October 10, Prime Minister Meir appealed to the international community for assistance, but all European countries refused. Only US President Nixon agreed to support Israel—especially when the Soviet Union also began to support Arab countries with arms.The United States contacted many commercial airlines, hoping to help carry arms to Israel, but the airlines were afraid of being boycotted by Arab countries after the war, so they all refused.Only Elal, the national airline listed in Israel, was willing to assist, and began to carry them from October 9th. However, the passenger planes of Eiai simply did not have enough carrying energy to transport the large amount of munitions needed in time.In addition, these commercial aircraft cannot transport large equipment, such as artillery or tanks.The efficiency of loading and unloading is also far inferior to that of military transport planes. Even so, these transports still barely buy a little more time for Israel's operations.

By October 10th, Nixon decided that the aid could not be delayed any longer and ordered the USAF to "fly everything that could fly to Israel. The -14 transport planes had already begun flying to Israel.

On the Portugal-Israel route, transport planes fly across the Mediterranean along an extremely precise route, with enemy Arab countries to the south and European countries refusing to open their airspace to the north. Any aircraft that deviate, especially Entering the airspace of Egypt, there is no guarantee that it will not be shot down, so escort is necessary. The US Sixth Fleet and Israeli fighter jets will jointly serve as escort until the transport plane safely arrives at Israel's Ben Gurion International Airport.Although there were many reports of contact with Arab fighter jets, none of the transport planes were disturbed until the end of the war.

The munitions that reached Israel were quickly unloaded and sent directly to the front line. Some ammunition was even cold when fired.The United States is very worried about any incalculable losses caused by any attack on any transport aircraft on the ground or any munitions within the airport range. However, during this period of time, no expected attack occurred, and no transport aircraft was attacked and lost.

Not all munitions are sent to Israel by transport planes.In the first few days of the war, the Israeli Air Force lost a large number of fighter planes and was shot down or injured by various surface-to-air missiles deployed by Arab countries.Therefore, Israel bought 36 F-4 ghost fighter jets from the United States. These fighters originally belonged to the US military. battlefield.

In addition to supplementing the equipment and ammunition consumed by Israel, the United States also provided Israel with some new equipment: Maverick missiles, Morasse missiles, and towed missiles. Egypt accused the U.S. Air Force pilots of directly intervening in the use of the Morrator missiles. war.

Until the end of the war on October 10, this operation allowed Israel to quickly replenish the equipment lost in the early stage at a critical juncture of the war. Therefore, this operation is sometimes called "the operation that saved Israel's life."

It was with the help of the Americans that Israel won the Atonement War.

For the Arab countries, the sense of defeat they have endured since the Six-Day War has been overcome, allowing them to negotiate with Israel on an equal footing.However, during the war, Egypt only gained a small portion of land on the Sinai front, while Israel gained more land in the Golan Heights and the west bank of the canal. This war made Arab countries understand that they could not defeat Israel militarily, Therefore, the peace between Yi and Ah can be unfolded.

This war shocked the whole of Israel. The victory of the previous six-day war made the Israeli army overconfident, always thinking that Israel had superior military strength in the Middle East.The defeat at the beginning of the war caused psychological panic in Israel. However, at that time, the Israelis also realized that "Under the surprise attacks of a large number of enemy troops on both fronts, Israel has not yet mobilized. In an emergency , Israel still quickly gained a foothold in one day, and within two weeks it launched a counterattack that directly threatened the capitals of the two countries." Leo can do it."However, Israel also suffered a very high proportion of casualties. In terms of population ratio, Israel suffered the proportion of casualties of the United States in the ten-year Vietnam War within three weeks.

In order to retaliate against the U.S. support for Israel, the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries, the Arab countries in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, led by Saudi Arabia, decided to reduce oil production by 10 per month on October 17 and threatened a complete embargo.However, Nixon still requested the U.S. Congress on October 5 to provide Israel with 10 billion yuan in arms.Libya immediately announced an oil embargo against the United States. On October 18, Saudi Arabia announced an oil embargo against the United States, followed by other Arab oil-producing countries, and expanded to the Netherlands and other countries that supported Israel, resulting in the 22 oil crisis.

The 1973 oil crisis lasted from 1973 to 1974, also known as the first oil crisis. Due to the outbreak of the Fourth Middle East War in October 1973, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries fought against Israel and supported Israel. The country announced an oil embargo and suspended exports, causing oil prices to rise.At that time, the price of crude oil rose from less than US$10 per barrel in 1973 to more than US$13. This was one of the three major oil crises in the second half of the 20th century.

The soaring price of crude oil has caused economic recession in developed western countries. It is estimated that the GDP growth rate of the United States has dropped by 4.7 points, that of Europe as a whole has dropped by 2.5 points, and that of Japan has dropped by 7 points.

After the first oil crisis, there have been two oil crises, but the second one was because of the Iran bombing, and the third one was because of the Gulf War, and the impact of the Gulf War was much smaller than the previous two up.

It is precisely because of the alluring charm of energy that the Americans will carry out projects similar to Stargate, such as the Gate of Time and Space, under tremendous pressure.

Mastering energy is equivalent to mastering the world. For the United States, which has dominated the world for decades by relying on the dollar and oil, it definitely understands this sentence more than any other country. It is also for this reason that they will Choose a project to support this time.

However, after investing a huge amount of money, not only did they not reap any benefits, but instead led to the invasion of demons, which only happens in fantasy novels, and caused the destruction of New York, the most prosperous financial city in the United States, And millions more died.

Of course, if the gate of time and space can really be opened, and the United States can really get a lot of benefits from it, then all this is not unbearable. The problem is, they didn't get anything...

In the case of not getting anything, paying so much price is definitely not something Americans can afford.

In this matter, someone must stand up and be blamed, and the five people present all know this.


After all, what happened this time happened in the United States, not in other countries. In other words, the other four countries and the remaining countries do not need to bear too much responsibility, and neither domestic nor international public opinion Impossible to compare with Americans.

As far as domestic public opinion is concerned, as the president of the United States, he must pay the price for the destruction of New York and the sacrifice of millions of people.

This kind of price may not even be solved by stepping down.

It is precisely for this reason that he thought of pulling some people to go to hell with him—even if he blamed others, even Yan Shao and others, this kind of thing is simply impossible Yes, because the Time Guardian once reported the matter to the world government, and it has already been spread. In other words, many people have already known about this matter. Someone will believe it.

So, what he thinks now is not how to protect himself, but just drag others to hell.


He is not interested in what he can pull down together, and he may not be able to pull down what he wants to pull down.


Looking at the appearance of the American, the other four people also looked sympathetic. They knew very well what his future fate would be...

Millions of casualties, and the destruction of one of the nation's largest financial cities...

I remember a few years ago, a criminal was sentenced to 1000 years in prison in the United States for the crime of imprisoning a woman, and of course everything that happened during the imprisonment, such as forced sex or something...

As for the President of the United States and others...

I'm afraid 1000 years is definitely not enough, we need to emulate the 40000-year sentence in Spain not long ago...


"Just the death penalty..."

While pondering how many years the Americans would be sentenced, the British Prime Minister accidentally dropped the words.

Although there is only such a continuous sentence, but considering the current situation, almost everyone knows exactly what he is thinking.

"I've already started thinking about this before I'm dead!"

Thinking of this, the American gave him a hard look.

The United States is not without the death penalty, but the laws of each state are different, so some states have it, and some states do not.

Three-eighth of the states in the United States retain the death penalty, among which 12 states have completely abolished the death penalty, and 38 states retain the death penalty.Among the states that retain the death penalty, some states have kept the death penalty in reserve and have not executed it for a long time, and the vast majority of states stipulate that only serious murder can be sentenced to death.

The 12 states that have abolished the death penalty are Michigan, Wisconsin, Maine, Minnesota, North Dakota, Hawaii, Alaska, Iowa, West Virginia, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, and the rest of the states all retain the death penalty.

The location of the incident is New York State, and the place where he works is Washington, DC.

In other words, both the place where the incident happened and the place where he worked had the death penalty.


If the responsibility is really entirely on him, and just stepping down cannot satisfy the anger of the public, then what greets him will definitely not be closed for tens of thousands of years, but directly sentenced to death—— ——Although it has been closed for tens of thousands of years, it is actually not much different from being sentenced to death.


Other people also have some understanding of the current situation in the United States, and they are very clear about the fate that Americans will face, so when they look at Americans, they are almost the same as looking at dead people.

In the ensuing discussion, although the American wanted to drag a few people he hated the most, unfortunately, the remaining four people did not agree to do so.

For one thing, the remaining individuals are just the ones they need to please. Furthermore, even if they really want to be scapegoated for them, they may not be willing to bear the blame, and if they don’t, they will take the blame. There is no way to punish others.

After all, after the appearance of ability users, the strength of many ability users is no less than that of an entire country.

Seeing the ashen look of the Americans, the rest of the people seemed to be too impatient. After a while, the British finally spoke.

"Don't pay too much attention to it, maybe it's just stepping down..."

Cough, if it was in the past, just saying step down might have been enough to anger the other party. After all, for a politician, stepping down is already a very serious matter, because it means the end of a person's political life.

But in the current situation, just stepping down would be the best result—at least compared to being locked up for tens of thousands of years.

Of course, the British Prime Minister will persuade, on the one hand, because he can't bear it, and on the other hand, there is actually a bit of flattery in it.

Although everyone here is very clear that the person in front of them will disappear in front of them forever in a few days --- in a few days, it is possible to see something in newspapers or on TV. what news.

But, no matter what, the other party is still the president of the United States after all, and the boss of the most powerful country in the world...

Even if this person is about to go down, before he goes down, the power in his hands is stronger than everyone present, at least much stronger than the British.

If he remembered this matter and used his power before he was judged to make something happen for the British side, the British would definitely be in trouble early.

This is also one of the reasons why he chooses to please.

Although it is said that if such a public revenge is made, the responsibility will definitely be investigated afterwards, but no matter how great the responsibility is right now, it cannot be more responsible than the destruction of the entire New York.

And since it is very likely that he will be sentenced to tens of thousands of years, then even if he is sentenced to another few hundred years, it seems that it is nothing...

Moreover, at this moment, this American seems to think so in his heart...


It seemed that they had noticed this too, and the British changed their countenance.

Not only him, but also other people. Although on the surface, what will happen next is just a public and private revenge, but in fact, after the revenge occurs, the aftermath will definitely affect other countries.

After all, the two countries involved this time, one is the most powerful country in the world, and the other is one of the top five countries————————————————————————————————————— It doesn't take much time to eliminate this country in the top five.

If it is really because of a careless statement by the British that other countries also suffer from Chiyu, it would be meaningless, so after rolling his eyes, the Frenchman changed the subject.

"Now, let's discuss about the Star Beacon. After all, compared with the Guardians of Time, they are the ones who violate the interests of the world government..."

Saying this, the Frenchman is still content with his wit.

Anyway, now the Americans just want to find someone to vent their anger on, Yan Shao and the others, just because they overturned all the crimes with a victory, but he, as the president, needs to take full responsibility for what happened in New York .

Since you just want to find someone to vent your anger on, then things are simple.

Because the Star Beacon is just a good punching bag.

Moreover, as a choice, the Star Beacon is also quite suitable. After all, because of the African affairs, the Star Beacon has already deeply offended the world government.Even if it is not used to vent their anger, the world government will definitely take action to deal with them————The huge Africa, whether it falls into the hands of a country or an organization, is definitely not acceptable to the world government of.

What's more, almost all of the countries present here have profound interests in Africa.

If there is one less Africa, it is tantamount to harming the interests of all the countries present.

"Star Beacon..." Hearing what the Frenchman said, the old man also nodded. "Then deal with them first..."

In the case of being full of anger, he just wanted to find a target to vent his anger on.

However, some things are really not as good as man's calculation...


In the Battle of New York, many demons died in the hands of Yan Shao and others, but this battle also made Yan Shao understand one thing, that is, among the demons in the Twisting Void, except for the Lord of the Abyss, basically there is nothing left It is his opponent, even the doomsday guards who were once very difficult——— Yan Shao at this time is still not aware of the existence of the demon king Sargeras. In fact, other demons, including the captured Those, did not dare to mention Sargeras' name at all.

Because for many demons, Sargeras is not only their king, but also their god...

In fact, Sargeras is indeed a god, and the most powerful one, but he has fallen...

However, even if he fell into the Twisting Nether, Sargeras is still a god. If Sargeras's name is mentioned, it will attract Sargeras' attention. At that time, if Sargeras finds out that these demons have betrayed him, Then the end will definitely be uglier than death...

On the other hand, after dealing with many demons, even though most of them were not their opponents, there were still many wounds on their bodies.

Especially Yan Shao, who had sustained the explosion and severely injured Byrne during the intensive missile attack, his body was covered in many wounds like a torn sack.

Fortunately, capable users are all physically strong, especially those of Yan Shao's level, so these injuries are only superficial injuries.

"It's just a skin trauma, if not treated well, it will become a serious injury..."

After learning that she had won, Eleanor quickly followed the others to the battlefield in a helicopter. When she saw Yan Shao who looked like a torn sack, she kept complaining as she hurriedly stepped forward to check the wound.

"Don't worry, isn't the military doctor already treating me..."

Pointing to a female doctor next to him who was bandaging his wound, Yan Shao laughed.

It's just that while laughing, he accidentally involved the wound on his body, making Yan Shao grin his teeth.

There is no way, even if the body is strong and can withstand many attacks, it does not mean that it will not be afraid of pain after being injured.And it just so happens that Yan Shao belongs to the kind who is not afraid of death, only afraid of pain...

When it’s not moving, it doesn’t matter because it won’t involve the wound, but as long as it moves, it really hurts...


Seeing Yan Shao like this, Eleanor also laughed.

Beside, Katerina and Lesa were also lying on the hospital bed.

Their injuries are not very serious, they are skin traumas like Yan Shao, and they also smiled lightly after hearing what Elaine said.

"Yeah, who told this guy to be a hero, and actually went to single-handedly challenge the abyss lord..."

While speaking, Katerina even touched Yan Shao's wound with her fingers, making Yan Shao almost jump up from the bed.

No wonder Yan Shao behaved like this, but Katerina almost stuck her finger into the wound.

Seeing that Yan Shao seemed to be in pain, Katerina also looked a little embarrassed, and finally curled her lips and said.

"I can't bear this injury, is he still a man..."

Wiping the cold sweat off his forehead, Yan Shao complained.

"Sister, what's the difference between you and giving me a knife..."

At this time, Sephilia came in from the outside.

Unlike the people here, although Sephilia brought Katerina and Lacey together to confront Shakes head-on, and most of the time, Sephilia alone bears most of the attacks, but perhaps It was because of her rich combat experience, or because Sefilia was very suitable for fighting, so her injury was the lightest among all the people present, not to mention the broken sack like Yan Shao.

"Just finished the battle, so stop making trouble..." Sefilia sat on Katerina's bed as she said. "How are you feeling?"

"No problem, such a small injury is much worse than when I was doing missions in the past..."

Saying so, Katerina waved her arms in protest.

Yan Shao had no choice but to smile wryly...

"That's good…"

Saying so, Sefilia looked at Yan Shao and the others.

"You all pay attention, it won't be long, maybe something will happen..."


Hearing what Sefilia said, the others were stunned for a moment.

"It's almost resolved, what else will happen?"

Reza said in a daze.

It was Eleanor who seemed to react.

"You mean, the world government?"

"That's right..." Sephilia nodded. "Don't forget, we have offended the world government this time..."

"But we also saved the world, and the matter is the same as what we said, now all the responsibility lies with the world government..."

"But the world government may not think so, and because of this incident, the entire population of New York and most of New York were burned to ashes by magma. Americans not only need someone to stand up and take the blame, but also need someone to take responsibility for it, even , and will anger many people, at this time, we are very conspicuous, after all, we broke in without authorization, and killed many soldiers in the process of breaking in..."

"You mean, the Americans are likely to find a way to arrest us?"

Hearing what Sephilia said, Yan Shao narrowed his eyes and sat up directly from the hospital bed, as if his injuries had healed.

"It may not be the case, but it's always good to be careful." Saying this, Sefilia spoke again. "At least the news from my friend is so..."

"A friend of that ability user of yours?" Lesa asked curiously.

At the beginning, Lesa would stand up to help, on the one hand because the matter was said to be serious by Sefilia, and on the other hand because of her trust in Sefilia.Although the Time Guardian was established for a short time, only a few years, but in the past, Lesa, who worked in MI[-], rarely heard of any bad things the Time Guardian had done, even if it was Yes, most of them are counterfeit, only one or two cases are real, before the world government can go up and ask for accountability, the Time Guardian has already dealt with it by itself.

It was precisely because of these that Lesa finally chose to help. Of course, one of the reasons was that Yan Shao and Katerina had already helped.

But to be honest, although he has already helped, at least before the gate of time and space really leads to the twisting void, in fact, Lesa still doesn't believe what his friend Sephilia said, and he feels a little bit in his heart. Reliable.

But now, after the gate of time and space has indeed turned into a disaster gate leading to the twisting void as that friend said, Lesa has quite believed it.

"However, is that friend of yours male or female..."

After chanting the name Kinnaruo again, Yan Shao said curiously.

Kinnara is a small god in Indian mythology, who is the singer and musician of the gods.Buddhism also absorbed this god as one of the Eight Dragons.

Regarding the origin of Jinnaruo, one says that they were born from the toes of Brahma, and the other says that they are the children of the Lord Kasyapa.The image of Kinnara is usually half-man and half-horse; or the body of a centaur, or the body of a horse, often with a single horn on his forehead.The male Kinnaruo is good at music, and the female Kinnaruo is beautiful and good at dancing.They live in Kubera's Paradise on Mount Jiluosa and are the companion gods of Kubera.In the Indianized countries of Southeast Asia, kinnaras are usually half-human, half-bird.

Precisely because the male has a horse's head, while the female has a dignified appearance and a beautiful voice, the name Kinnara can be used by both men and women.

In other words, it is possible for Sephilia's friend to be male or female.


Hearing Reza's question, Sefilia also seemed a little embarrassed.

"Actually, I'm not very clear, because when I knew him, I didn't see his appearance..."


Hearing Sefilia say this, the others were also a little embarrassed.

"Anyway, it's good to be careful and prepare..."

After embarrassment, Yan Shao said righteously.

It seems that he has never believed in the world government, and after saving the world, the world government will come forward and wipe out everyone, which seems to fit the plot in some movies.

Hearing what Yan Shao said, everyone else nodded, and only Lin sat by a bed and watched TV alone.

As the most powerful person in the battle in New York, but also the one who contributed the most, Lin's injury was the lightest among all of them.

On Lin's body, not to mention deep bone injuries like those on Yan Shao and others, even some skin injuries are very rare, so after asking the doctor for a few bottles of spray, it was very difficult for Lin who was dealing with the wound alone. It popped up again soon.

"That child is still so withdrawn..."

Seeing Lin like this, Yan Shao smiled wryly.


Because of Sephilia's warning, Yan Shao and the others still acted cautiously in the next period of time, even though things had progressed to the point of reconstruction, and they never even acted alone Action, especially Elaine, because she is the weakest of all the people present, and she is also the one who is most likely to be taken hostage, and then threaten Yan Shao and others, so don't talk about falling asleep at night, or even taking a bath Yan Shao would stand outside the door while chatting and waiting——but after noticing this, the other people looked at the two people very strangely, as if they thought they were taking a bath Sometimes, they are playing some shameful things...

The conscience of heaven and earth, Yan Shao has never done this before. Of course, this does not mean that he does not want to, but he has to wait for his injuries to heal before talking about it...


Things seemed to change a bit later, not only did the people of the world government not bother them, but also because of what happened in New York, those five old men, especially the one in the United States, looked like they were in danger.

In this case, it seems that they don't have the energy to control Yan Shao and others.

At least…

After this matter is settled...

"African things..."

Seeing Sephilia and Katerina appearing in front of him, Yan Shao, Lesa and Eleanor who were playing Landlords there raised their heads at the same time, as for Lin...

Perhaps because she doesn't like this kind of game, Lin is still watching TV there...

In fact, Yan Shao and Elaine also invited her, but because of the relationship between the four of them, they invited her to play mahjong.


got rejected…

As if she didn't care about anything...

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