Devil Fruit Ability

Chapter 251 Accident

() No matter who it is, when they know that they are going to die, they will try their best to save themselves—even if this person already knows that he is hopeless. <-"

In fact, except for those who really have nothing to love in life, basically everyone will want to save themselves.

So did the President of the United States...

Even though he has been sentenced to death, and even the method of death penalty has been chosen, he still tries his best to save his own life—don't worry about tens of thousands of years of imprisonment, as long as he doesn't die immediately, Then he at least has a chance to come out alive, even if not, he can arrange a very good prison environment for himself...

The original Norwegian murderer, Breivik, killed more than 70 people and was sentenced to 21 years in prison. He was imprisoned in Ira Prison in Norway and lived in a small suite consisting of three rooms. A total of about 10 pings.After he had breakfast early in the morning, he could read newspapers, have a treadmill to exercise, and even use a computer, but in order to avoid communication with the outside world, the computer in the study room was not connected to the Internet.

In addition, after Breivik was imprisoned, he believed that his treatment in prison "violated human rights."List all kinds of dissatisfaction, ranging from discomfort in daily life to more serious problems.For example, the milk provided by the prison is not enough to cover the bread, there is only cold coffee to drink, and there is no moisturizer in the cell. At the same time, the lack of decoration and no view of the cell makes him depressed.He also complained that the handcuffs he had to wear during the escort were too sharp and would "get into his wrists" or something...

Cough, if this kind of prison is replaced by other countries, at least half of the people will want to sit in it...

Moreover, even such a damned person can enjoy such good treatment, so Americans who can only bear certain responsibilities can also enjoy some treatment, not to mention that he is not young, even if he enjoys some treatment, I believe No one would dare to gossip.

This is why after being sentenced, the American still tried to save his life.


Although he only needs to bear part of the responsibility, there are millions of people who died in New York, even if it is [-]% of the responsibility, it is enough for him to shoot more than ten times...

So, even though he had thought of many ways, in the end...


Of course, although the American deserved what he deserved, as the former president of the United States, he did not use a public method when executing the death penalty—in fact, it was difficult to make it public.

What's more, even in the United States, there are many people who are against the death penalty. Under such circumstances, it is even more impossible to pass the public execution. Although the families of millions of New Yorkers hope that the death penalty can be executed, public…

On the other hand, after being invited by the world government, Yan Shao, Lin and others also agreed to fly to a new destination...


Greenland is the largest island in the world and belongs to the continental island. It is located in the northeast of North America, between the Arctic Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. It faces the Canadian Arctic Islands across Baffin Bay and Davis Strait to the west, and faces Iceland to the east across the Denmark Strait.Due to its size, Greenland is often referred to as the Greenlandic Subcontinent.About four-fifths of the island is within the Arctic Circle.

Greenland has the largest area of ​​glaciers on the continent after Antarctica.The entire area is covered by ice caps, and only the extreme north of the island and the narrow strips on the east and west sides are exposed because the air in these areas is extremely dry and snow is difficult to form.Also because the central region has been under the pressure of ice and snow for a long time, the central region will be lower than the island fringe if the snow cap is removed.The highest altitude of the island is 3300 meters in the east-central part, and the edge area is about 1000 to 2000 meters above sea level.If all the ice and snow in Greenland were to be melted away, it would appear as an archipelago under the influence of glacial erosion.At the same time, the sea level will rise by 7 meters.

Greenland is 10 times the size of the British Isles and about a quarter the size of the United States.It covers an area of ​​2 square kilometers, with a distance of 189 kilometers from Pilly in the north to Cape Fawell in the south, and about 837 kilometers at its widest point.The island's most impressive feature is its massive ice cap, which in some places is 2574 meters thick...

In such a huge place, there are only more than 5 people living there. Is there anything more suitable for experiments than here?

What's more, Denmark is only a small country, and Greenland is only an autonomous region of Denmark, so if you choose to conduct experiments here, Denmark's resistance is not very big, but Australia...

Australia is much stronger than Denmark, and after learning from New York's experience, Australians also have considerable resistance to deploying the Gate of Time and Space on Australia's mainland. In this case, Greenland naturally It became the best choice.


In the air en route to Greenland, a Boeing plane is in flight.

Although at this time, Huaxia's c-919 airliner has been officially put into use, but the time is still too short after all, not to mention that Boeing and Airbus have too large a market share, so except in China and a few limited countries, basically It's rare to see a plane like this...

What's more, the c919 can hardly be called a large aircraft...

Generally speaking, the so-called large aircraft refers to those with a take-off weight of more than 200 tons—the standards are different in each period. In the early years, more than ten tons were considered large aircraft. Now, 200 tons is already a very Conservative figures.

As for the c919, the take-off weight is only over 70 tons, which seems a bit...

But everything is difficult at the beginning, and this is only the first step, and it will naturally follow in the future.

As for the foreign parts on the plane, it is also a helpless thing, because China did not have any manufacturers of related equipment in the past. If you wait for many parts to be produced now, it may take many years to delay, and naturally they can only be used by foreigners. I bought it ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— from the book, that it will be troublesome.

On the other hand, Huaxia is also carrying out a real large-scale transportation project, the Y-200 with a take-off weight of more than 20 tons...

Huaxia is naturally unwilling to buy parts from abroad. In fact, Huaxia is also carrying out related production projects, but the large passenger aircraft is a civilian project after all. A part that has never been used by anyone, even if you make it, there may not be anyone. Dare to use it, not to mention the airworthiness certificate and other requirements, so a large transport aircraft such as the Yun-20 is equivalent to a touchstone, and the produced things can be tested on it, and the results can be obtained. The components required for those large aircraft, It can also be produced because of the needs of the Y-20———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————, to replace imported...

"How long will it take to get to Greenland..."

Yan Shao, who was burying his head in the computer and playing a game he had just downloaded, raised his head and complained.

The distance between the United States and Greenland is not too far, so it will naturally take longer.

Of course, these are nothing to those with abilities, but Yan Shao is a person who can't sit still, so he naturally feels a little unbearable...

"Okay, there are still a few minutes left, and it will be here..."

Looking at the time, Elaine persuaded.

In fact, Eleanor somewhat understands Yan Shao's problem...

However, just as the plane was about to arrive at the airport, the plane suddenly vibrated violently...

Yan Shao and Elaine were on a civil aviation passenger plane, besides Yan Shao and Elaine, there were also many ordinary passengers on board...

Ordinary passengers are, to some extent, equivalent to ordinary people...

Ordinary people face such a situation, what will happen is very simple...

Hearing the ear-piercing screams, Yan Shao had the urge to strangle everyone around him to death, but unfortunately he couldn't...

On the other hand, since Yan Shao was sitting on the window, he could clearly see that the plane was flying towards the ground——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

"What should we do now?"

Noticing that the plane was crashing towards the ground, Eleanor said with some concern.

To a certain extent, a capable person is actually no different from a superman, at least, compared to ordinary people, a capable person is a superhuman, but there are many things that a capable person cannot do, such as...

I fell from a height of several thousand meters, but nothing happened...

At least, Eleanor couldn't do it...


Pulling off the belt that was tied to his body, Yan Shao muttered.

"Was it an accident, or was it intentional..." Yan Shao said to Elaine after standing up from his seat. "Sit here, I'll finish things in a while..."

Having said that, Yan Shao has already jumped out from Elaine, and then walked directly towards the exit.

"Passenger, please return to your seat immediately..."

This is a dedicated flight attendant. Even at this time, she is still carrying out her duties. On the other hand, the face of this flight attendant can also be called beautiful, but it is a pity that because of fear, she His expression is quite distorted...

"I said, it's true if you sit down first!" Saying this, Yan Shao grabbed the flight attendant's collar and threw it towards a seat at the rear of the plane. , causing the stewardess to fall on the seat, and her posture was ugly.

"It's not my fault, it's a problem with the plane..."

Seeing the flight attendant's appearance, Yan Shao shrugged.

He was also doing it for the good of the stewardess, because he was going to pull the door open next time. If that was the case, the stewardess who was half squatting on the aisle would definitely be sucked out of the plane, and might even be sucked into the engine. , and then minced meat or something, and finally caused an engine damage, and then the plane fell to the ground blah blah blah blah blah...


"Then, let me be a Superman too..."

Saying so, Yan Shao kicked the cabin door out!

Leaving aside how to open the hatch, anyway, Yan Shao’s kick can fly even a tank, so a hatch is naturally not a problem...

The moment the cabin door was kicked away, many debris flew out of the plane.

Even Yan Shao himself, his clothes were whirring.

"The wind is really strong..."

Yan Shao, who was motionless, jumped out of the plane after signaling Elaine to continue sitting where he was.

Seeing this scene, many people screamed, only Elaine remained calm—not only because she believed in Yan Shao’s strength, but more importantly, she remembered that Yan Shao could fly …

It can fly, and in this case it's obviously a lot of cheap...

On the other hand, although the flying speed was not very fast, Yan Shao still flew to the direction of the nose, and just like in the American movies, he supported the nose with both hands, trying to stop the plane...

If it is only a few hundred tons of aircraft, Yan Shao may not be able to lift it later.

But now Yan Shao obviously can't, because it is an attack method, if it is really used, it will be difficult not to affect the passengers and flight attendants in the plane——————————Although there are a lot of capable people now, at least this flight Most of the passengers are just ordinary people. If Elaine and the others can still withstand some electric shocks, then even a little bit of these ordinary people is deadly enough...

And if there is no help, then it is obviously not an easy task to lift a Boeing aircraft, not to mention the inertial force when the aircraft falls to the ground now.

It's not a matter of 11 being 2...

Fortunately, Yan Shao came out to imitate Superman this time, not really unprepared, at least he still has one ability that can come in handy...

As a capable person, Yan Shao can easily control the magnetic force. Basically, it’s hard to say anything else, but the current plane is definitely under Yan Shao’s jurisdiction...

Even Yan Shao himself is now under the jurisdiction of Magnetic Force...

Although under the magnetic force, Yan Shao's power alone is difficult to prevent the plane from crashing—————————Although the capable person is a superman, he is not a superhuman after all. At least, he has no ability to navigate the universe. Similarly, he It's not as perverted as Superman, wearing reverse underwear or something...


Anyway, Yan Shao still has at least one skill to use when the plane is on the way to crash.

After using it, the plane that was still falling was suddenly shaken, and then the people in the plane shook for a while, and they clearly felt that the falling speed of the plane slowed down a lot.

On the other hand, Yan Shao is also doing his best to slow down the crash of the plane.

Yan Shao at this time, apart from not having a cloak, basically everything he does now is really no different from Superman.

Under Yan Shao's control, the plane is slowly descending...

Basically, it looks like the situation is rosy, but...

Seeing that the situation has been brought under control, Yan Shao felt as if something was staring at him...

After a while...


Yan Shao, who was supporting the plane, turned his head violently, and a bullet-like thing happened to appear near Yan Shao's head.

The reason why it is called nearby is because the bullet is not far from Yan Shao's head, and...

If Yan Shao hadn't tilted his head just now, I'm afraid this one would have hit Yan Shao naturally.

"It seems that what happened this time is really not an accident..."

Continuing to drive the plane to the ground, Yan Shao murmured in his heart...

The bullet just now shot quite fast, at least it is impossible for ordinary nature to have this speed, so although it was only a blink of an eye, Yan Shao still recognized that the bullet was actually fired by a she...

"Electromagnetic gun, this is not something ordinary people or organizations can touch..."

If it wasn't for Yan Shao's ability to try to control the bullet when he was far away, he might have been shot by now.

Of course, even if he was shot by a bullet, Yan Shao might not die, but at the speed of more than ten times the speed of sound, even Yan Shao would be injured.

Even, it is very likely that they will lose consciousness for a short time. In that case, let alone the injured plane, who knows if the other party has a backup.

"Fortunately, my ability user is still useful. The most important thing is that the bullet's inertia is not good enough. If the speed is faster, maybe even I can't stop it..."


At this point, Yan Shao can also guess that the accident of the plane is mostly man-made. As for why it happened when it was about to arrive at the destination, instead of on the sea...

"Probably because if you do this at sea, the target is too obvious, and even if you want to escape, you may not be able to escape. But if you are on land, although the population of Greenland is quite small, there are still a few Ten thousand people, even if things really fail, at least there are places to hide, and the terrain of Greenland is still a bit complicated, at least more complicated than the sea, just find a place to hide, at least you can hide people..."

Thinking in this way, Yan Shao continued to drop the plane to the ground.

On the ground, the airport had already known about this situation, so when Yan Shao put the plane on the runway of the airport, it was almost emptied.

However, when putting it on the ground, Yan Shao obviously couldn't be as gentle as Superman—in fact, he couldn't ask his head like that, because he didn't have the strength of Superman.

So when the plane landed on the ground, the violent vibration even caused many passengers to break free from the seat belts on the seats, and the whole people jumped up, and some people's heads even hit the top of the plane. Having seatbelts acted as a buffer, and that might have been enough to kill a lot of people...

At the same time, in a hidden corner in the distance, a young voice also spoke.

"Look, I've said it long ago, even if that guy's hands and feet are bound, he can't be hurt by ordinary weapons, at least, unless a laser cannon is brought in..."

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