Devil Fruit Ability

Chapter 40 Recuperation


In the barracks outside the city of Ara, a Mi-171 helicopter was slowly descending.

After the helicopter landed firmly on the ground, a crew member on board opened the hatch.

"Who is the wounded person who is going to be sent to the hospital!"

The occupants had to yell loudly because of the engine and suspenseful noises.

The soldiers over there didn't answer, but just carried the stretcher over. At this time, Yan Shao was lying on it with a slightly pale face.

After checking his identity, the crew member nodded and helped the soldiers carry Yan Shao onto the helicopter.But Yan Shao, who was being carried, smiled wryly, because he never thought that he had to go back not long after he left the hospital.

However, there was no way to do it. After preliminary diagnosis and treatment in the field hospital of the military camp, the doctors in the hospital confirmed one thing, that is, Yan Shao's ribs were indeed broken.

After taking a chest X-ray and confirming that there was no abnormality in the chest cavity, the doctor determined that Yan Shao's injury was not very serious.In other words, there is no need for surgery, just fix it locally with an elastic chest strap.

Knowing the doctor's diagnosis, Yan Shao was naturally overjoyed. After all, he had only been lying on the hospital bed for more than half a month not long ago, and he couldn't stand letting him lie down for such a long time.But it didn't take long for the doctor's words to beat him back to his original shape. Although Yan Shao's injury didn't require surgery, it didn't mean he didn't need to recuperate.

Generally speaking, if the rib is broken, if the injury is not very serious, it is almost enough to fix it with a chest strap for four weeks.However, Yan Shao's situation is quite special, because he is an ability user, and he is a high-level ability user, and his resilience is much stronger than ordinary people. If an ordinary person takes four weeks, he only needs one to two weeks.

One to two weeks, in other words, in the end he still has to lie in bed for half a month...

Although the hospital is not without beds, the field hospital located near the battlefield is obviously not suitable for recuperation, so the Indian army arranged for a helicopter to send Yan Shao to the rear.

Naturally, Yan Shao would not object to this arrangement, after all, everyone hopes that the environment of the place where they recuperate can be better.Moreover, the original task of [-] million US dollars was completed after he came back alive from Bihar, and the [-] million US dollars has been transferred into Yan Shao's bank account very smoothly. Scattered commissions.

In the case that the money has been earned enough, naturally there is no problem...


Life in the hospital is relatively leisurely. After all, this is New Delhi, the capital of India. Although it is chaotic, it is not something ordinary enemies dare to attack.Especially after Silga suffered a loss here last time, it is even more difficult for anything to happen.

But on the other hand, Yan Shao's staying here is a bit boring...

In the park of the hospital, Yan Shao was lying on a chair basking in the sun, at this moment, a burst of tender laughter suddenly came.


An Indian actress in a sexy dress was running forward while smiling, and behind her, a white man in his early thirties followed with a sinister smile on his face...

Seeing these two people, Yan Shao already understood what was going on...

As I said before, most capable people are rich people, and people like Yan Shao can basically earn hundreds of thousands of dollars in one entrustment.If it is a larger commission, such as the last time the group was formed, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions is not impossible.

But on the other hand, these commissions are definitely not easy, especially when the intelligence department of the Ability Users Association often makes mistakes, these commissions are even more dangerous...

Under such circumstances, many capable people live a life of luxury and spending money like water.

What life?

Naturally, eating, drinking and gambling...

Especially in today's India, after the incident of the infected person, I don't know how many families have been destroyed and displaced, living a life without a meal.Let the Indian government solve their problems?The war with the infected has almost caused the financial collapse of the Indian government, and now they have no time to manage those families who are ruined...

In this case, these people can only use other methods to obtain the capital to survive, such as stealing, robbing, or...

And in the hospital in New Delhi, it was almost full of ability users who were sent back due to injuries.

When the two meet like this, it is like dry wood meeting raging fire...

The hospital where Yan Shao is recuperating now has become even more similar to Yin's den...

Almost every night, some disturbing voices would keep ringing, and sometimes even during the day, which really made Yan Shao unbearable.

Of course, this doesn't mean that Yan Shao is an upright gentleman, they say that a man has money and that's it, ahem...

Back then, Yan Shao was also an honest baby, but after becoming a capable person, he received several hundreds of thousands or millions of commissions, so the amount of money is naturally enough, ahem...

In addition, there have been setbacks in several missions, and even one time because of the betrayal of teammates, they almost died in the bliss of the West Paradise, so naturally they need some consolation...

So Yan Shao will not be like some moral gentleman in this regard, but Yan Shao has read some materials, India is the most prevalent country in the world with AIDS.Although the resilience of capable people is stronger than ordinary people, and their resistance is far superior to strong people, but after all, it has only been three years since this world, and no one knows whether it is also useful for AIDS...

Although Yan Shao's current job is somewhat similar to that of a mercenary, it doesn't mean that he doesn't want to live a long life. Naturally, he has to stay away from this aspect--of course this is only one of the reasons, and the other is The reason is that those women outside are not Yan Shao's favorite.

While Yan Shao was convalescing in that place where he didn't know whether it should be called the vagina or the hospital, the outside war was still going on.In addition to Yan Shao who killed Bridge in Ala, other ability users employed by the Indian government or sent by other countries also killed many advanced mutants, and soon the battle line was pushed to Bart Under the city.

Of course, the casualties of the coalition forces are definitely not small. After all, under the control of Hilgay and North, these infected people are definitely not afraid of death, but even so, the coalition forces are still in sight of victory.

A week after Yan Shao was admitted to the hospital, the vanguard of the coalition forces could already see several bone towers outside Patna.However, just when those troops who arrived at the city of Patna first were about to take the first place, these vanguard troops had a bloody encounter outside the city...


Ask for collection, please recommend tickets~~~

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