Devil Fruit Ability

Chapter 42 Hill Gay

In the urban area, the battle continued, and with the help of the ability users, the coalition forces continued to advance into the urban area.

However, in the face of the towering bone tower and the invincible infected, the coalition forces will pay a huge price for every step forward.


On the top floors of the urban buildings, the battle between capable users and mutants was also going on.


Just as the coalition soldiers were slowly advancing into the city under the cover of tanks and other armored vehicles, a black shadow suddenly fell from the top floor of a nearby building and fell hard to the ground.

" me..."

The ability user who fell to the ground didn't die, but he was almost dead, but he still struggled to ask for help from the coalition soldiers not far away.

Although the coalition soldiers in the distance thought so, after the capable user called for help, a squad of soldiers ran over, trying to drag him to a safe place.

But at this moment, a larger black shadow fell down, and then the soldiers saw a waist-thick foot appearing where the capable person's head should have been.And around the feet, not only a lot of blood splattered out, but also a lot of white things...

Beating the dog in the water, obviously even mutants understand this truth.

"Fire, fire quickly!!!"

Seeing the mutant suddenly appearing in front of his eyes, the squad leader ordered in a panic.

However, the weapons in the hands of these soldiers did not cause much damage to the mutant, but instead attracted the mutant's attention.

Seeing the mutants approaching step by step, the soldiers kept retreating. At this time, the coalition forces in the distance seemed to have noticed the situation here.One of the soldiers carrying a bazooka yelled 'down' to them, and then pointed the rpg in his hand at the mutant.

Hearing the voices of the soldiers, the strictly trained soldiers quickly fell to the ground.


After the rocket hit the mutant, it exploded soon after.

The rpg, which was powerful enough to destroy armored vehicles and even old-fashioned tanks, blew a big hole in the mutant body. It seemed that it could penetrate the entire body just a little bit, but the mutant crawled up from the ground unknowingly.

Perhaps the rockets are not useless to him, but the key to these mutants is in the head, otherwise it would be useless to blow them up in the middle.

Those coalition soldiers seemed to be quite used to this, so they were not surprised by the scene before them, but called the group of soldiers to come back quickly.But at this time, the mutant seemed to be enraged, and rushed up after roaring.

Seeing that this group of soldiers was likely to be slaughtered like this, a figure suddenly flashed in front of everyone, and when the mutant's fist was about to fall on the soldier, he pressed his hand on the mutant's head, and then people There was a flash in front of his eyes, and after his vision recovered, half of the mutant's body had become scorched black.

When the mutant fell to the ground like a puppet that lost its string, the visitor had already jumped to the top floor of the building and joined the battle between the capable user and the mutant.


"How many times is this..."

After learning about the mutant just now, Yan Shao said silently in his heart.

Since arriving in Patna by plane, Yan Shao has been fighting almost every day. How many mutants and infected people have died in his hands, even he himself can't tell.

Even so, the war is still going on.

Now the city is like a black hole, swallowing thousands of lives every day.

"Hey, Yan, come and help!!!"

Seeing Yan Shao coming up, a capable person shouted loudly.

During this period of time in Patna, Yan Shao's popularity among ability users has increased a lot, and now many people know that there is a very strong ability user from China.

After rushing into the battle group, Yan Shao continued to control the electric current to attack the enemy.

After the ability is improved, ordinary mutants are no longer Yan Shao's opponents. With Yan Shao's help, these ability users quickly eliminated their opponents.


When the last mutant also fell, the ability user panted heavily and thanked, and the rest of the ability users also sat on the ground to rest.Yan Shao wasn't very tired, but he didn't mind if he could take the opportunity to be lazy.And the current location is also very good, you can easily observe the battle situation in the surrounding area.

But before they rested for a few minutes, a new order had already been sent.

"Damn it, can't you let us rest for a while..."

Looking at the new instructions, a capable person complained loudly.

"Yeah, this commission is really tiring..."

"Losing money..."

Several other ability users also echoed, but although they were dissatisfied, they had accepted the entrustment after all, no matter how dissatisfied they were, they could only follow the orders of their employers.So after complaining a few words, several people got up and rushed towards the area designated by the order.

But before leaving, the ability user spoke to Yan Shao just now.

"Yan, do you want to go with us?"

Different from these ability users whose highest is only c-level, Yan Shao's strength is relatively strong, so the next task is 'guerrilla', that is, where he needs to go, he has a lot of freedom.

Yan Shao really wanted to agree, but at this moment his communicator rang.

After glancing at the communicator, Yan Shao could only say regretfully.

"Sorry, someone asked for help..."

It was a command post at the front that requested support, and it seemed that it was raided by mutants. Although Yan Shao hated those guys, they were his benefactors after all.If it is normal, you can pretend to ignore it, but since the distress signal has been sent, Yan Shao has no choice but to go, after all, it is better not to offend the donor or something.

But Yan Shaodao didn't worry too much, because he had just come out from there not long ago, and he was very aware of the defense forces there. In his opinion, the distress signal was just that those officials were afraid of death.

"So..." shrugged. "Then you are busy first, let's go first..."

Hearing that Yan Shao would not go, the other people were also full of regrets. After all, when carrying out the entrustment, they had a stronger companion by their side, and their safety could be guaranteed to some extent.Otherwise, it will be like that unlucky guy just now, the body is quite complete, only the head is gone...

But they also knew that Yan Shao and their tasks were different, so they didn't force him to stay...

After waving at them, Yan Shao looked at the electronic map.

"This direction..."

Just when he was about to leave, he found that those people had returned.

"How about you?"

Yan Shao thought they wanted him to accompany them, and he was already thinking about how to refuse, after all, he had just received the task.

But at this time, those people smiled wryly and pointed at the communicator.

"The order has changed, I'm afraid we're going to go with you..."

"Strange, why did the order change so quickly..."

Although it was strange, Yan Shao didn't care too much.The distress signal sounded several times on the road, but it was interrupted not long after. Yan Shao only thought that the attack had been repelled.But when he arrived at the command post, he realized why the signal was interrupted...

The former forward headquarters is now a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

And on top of the corpse, there was still a person standing...



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