Devil Fruit Ability

Chapter 81 Reality

"Are you kidding, how did we join forces with those troublesome guys?"

Yuka glanced at the [Guardian of Time] not far away with disgust, and then leaned her back against the railing of the passenger ship.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that there would be a day of cooperation with them, but doesn't this just show how much trouble we are facing..."

Speaking of which, Beirut smiled and nodded towards the guardians on the opposite side, but just like Yuga, the people on the opposite side looked disgusted when they looked at them. If it wasn't for someone on the deck to isolate them, I am afraid that the two groups of people have already started fighting.

"I said, can you really count on these two groups of people?"

After seeing the behavior of the two groups of people, Yan Shao looked at Minov helplessly.

"At that time, maybe they will fight first..."


Minov also felt that this might not be a good move, but there was no other way, who was short of people...

As a brand new race, even the newly born members can fully mature in a very short period of time, and they also have extremely strong individual combat ability and not low fertility. In the evaluation of the United Nations, this is a status that can seriously affect the status of human beings. An entirely new species of threat.Besides, it is also a race that cannot tolerate existence, because their main diet is human beings...

And after occupying Sumatra and beginning to expand the hunting range to Java, the Sunda Strait had to be closed for this reason.If these ants expand their hunting range to the Malay Peninsula and eventually lead to the closure of the Strait of Malacca, the economic turmoil it causes may even be greater than the incident in India...

Especially for Huaxia, 85% of Huaxia's oil needs to be transported by water, and a large part of it needs to pass through the Strait of Malacca. Japan even calls the Strait of Malacca a "lifeline". If this strait is cut off, it will cause huge turmoil in both China and Japan.

If that is the case, I am afraid that the world economy will be shaken. After all, whether it is China, which ranks second in gdp in the world, or Japan, which ranks third, they are by no means ranked tenth below Brazil, Italy and Russia. India is comparable.

And if the Lombok Strait between Bali and Lombok is also cut off near the island of Java, I am afraid that the whole of Southeast Asia will have to follow suit.

Of course, apart from the economic and species aspects, the most important reason is...


Walking in front of Yan Shao, a black-haired young man stretched out his right hand.

"Hi, I'm the coordinator from the United Nations, Yang Hua..."

Speaking of a name that is quite common in online novels, Yang Hua showed a bright smile.

As the saying goes, stretch out your hand and don't hit people with smiles. Yan Shao also doesn't have this habit. Besides, he also has some affection for this young man from his hometown, so in the end Yan Shao also stretched out his hand.

"Hello, Yan Shao, by the way, the king you just mentioned..."

Yan Shao is absolutely no stranger to this word, because he has also heard this word from the mouth of ants he has come into contact with, and reported this problem to the association after the battle, but the association has not given any reply.

"Actually, 'King' is also something we only confirmed recently..."

After getting to the point, Yang Hua lost his smile and became a little serious.

"According to the intelligence analysis we obtained from some witnesses, that is, ability users who have been in contact with these ants, this should be a race that has a lot of similarities with ants, but the biggest difference is that this race can not only swallow DNA from other species to create a new species, and although ants have queens like ants, they are different from ants in that they not only have queens, but also kings..."

"Ant king?"

Yan Shao looked at Minov.

"Among ants there is only a queen, just like bees..."

Seeing Yan Shao looking over, Minov explained from the side.

"I know this too, so, is this ant king very powerful?"

"Very powerful?" Apart from Yang Hua, Minov and several other A-level ability users who belonged to Zheng Fu also smiled wryly. "The soldier ants responsible for hunting and defending the ant nest are already so powerful. How strong do you think the king who rules the entire ant nest will be, and the most worrying thing is not this..."

"Yan, do you think those ants really need a 'king' just to give birth to a ruler?"

"Is not it?"

"As far as the ruler is concerned, isn't the current ant queen the same, and if it is to obtain a strong combat power, there is no need to lift it to the height of the king. So the experts and consultants in the world government made a very bad It is speculated that this king spread his race by sowing seeds..."

Hearing this, Yan Shao's expression finally changed.

"what do you mean?"

"In other words, the king's mission is to mate with females of other races to give birth to more ant kings or queens, and these newly born ant kings and ant queens will regenerate the ant colony. Once spread, repeated, if this is the case, I am afraid that our human status will disappear in a short time..."

When Yang Hua said this, both he and Minov's faces became ugly. After all, they are high-level ability users who belong to the government, so it is impossible not to inform them of the seriousness of the matter.

"But, it may not really be like this..."

Although his face became as ugly as Minov and the others, Yan Shao still had a glimmer of hope.

"Maybe it's not as bad as they speculated..."

"Maybe, but it's always better to be mentally prepared, and those experts have always been good and bad, so it's really hard to say. If it wasn't like this, you think the bureaucrats of the United Nations would Will people from [Star Beacon] also accept it?"

As he said that, Minov pointed at Yuka and his party who were killing each other with their eyes.

Although the [Guardian of Time] is the one with the most friction, the fundamental purpose of [Star Beacon] is to shake the order of the entire world, which also poses a challenge to the maintainers of the world order and the biggest vested interests. The reason why they will strongly support [Guardian of Time] and even assist [Guardian of Time] to attack [Star Beacon].

But it's hard to say, no matter how strong the [Star Beacon] is, as an organization that has just been established for only three years, it is impossible to fight against [World Zheng Fu] and [Guardian of Time] at the same time. The internal [Star Beacon] also has supporters.

It's very simple, since some people want to maintain order, there will naturally be people who will be dissatisfied with the existing order.Although they may not want the world to become chaotic, it would be a great thing if they could take advantage of the chaos to pull down the top few countries.

As for which countries, after excluding the top five countries, the remaining countries are basically suspicious, and even the top five countries may not be clean...

This is politics, this is reality...


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