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Chapter 1011 Meiyu's Night

Facing Lin Yonghui, Fan Wujin's heart skipped a beat. He is very knowledgeable in addressing people. Xiaolin or Yonghui, which one is better?After much deliberation, Fan Wujin felt that it would be better to call Xiao Lin, which is more official. For the Lin family princess in front of him, he did not dare to raise the banner to push the matter forward. Said: "Xiaolin!"

Xiaolin's voice is too flat and neutral, and there is no special tone when addressing him, which sounds tasteless at all.

"Let me tell you what you call people!" Lin Yonghui stared at Fan Wujin, "Looking at your fat body, you still have some characteristics, how can you call people so plain as water!"

Fan Wujin smiled embarrassedly: "Xiao Lin, I'm stupid, I don't know how to address people!"

"Stupid, stupid should not know how to ask for a wife!" Lin Yonghui turned his face away, "I don't think you are stupid, you are pretending to be serious in front of me, 'Xiaolin', the orthodox name of state cadres, you are quite pure in calling it! "

Fan Wujin was taken aback by Lin Yonghui's words, and what Lin Yonghui said was true, the unit Xiao Zhang, Xiao Wang, Xiao Li, Xiao Lin... can be called and affectionate, but if they are called too much, they have the same meaning, without any special meaning. It is obviously out of date for men and women to be alone in a room called "Xiao Lin".

Then again, Lin Yonghui's status is too powerful, she is not an ordinary woman at all, she is a princess, and a princess can be called whatever an ordinary man wants, not to mention what to do if she is wrong, it is called a princess. By the way, it also makes people sweat out of fear.

Fortunately, Lin Yonghui didn't look at him, and Fan Wujin was secretly lucky in his stomach.Then summon up courage: "Yonghui!"

Lin Yonghui moved his gaze over and looked Fan Wujin up and down: "You called me?"

Fan Wujin nodded hurriedly: "Yes."

"It seems that you still know how to call people!" Lin Yonghui said, "I love to listen!"

Fan Wujin was overjoyed: "I'll call you for the rest of my life!"

"I love to hear that. Wujin!" Lin Yonghui's eyes charmed Fan Wujin.

Wujin, the princess called me Wujin, and the princess’s eyes are still charming her, oh my god, the princess is also a woman, or a woman with pure love like water, Fan Wujin was ecstatic: "You called me Wujin. I I heard it, so refreshing and warm, Yonghui!"

"Five catties!" Lin Yonghui dragged his pleasant voice.The body tilted toward Fan Wujin.

Fan Wujin's heart stopped beating suddenly, and within a second, his heart came alive, and then it beat earth-shatteringly.He hurriedly opened his arms to welcome Lin Yonghui into his arms.At that moment, Fan Wujin was so happy that his whole body softened and he closed his eyes.

Fan Wujin felt something poking his chest, opened his eyes, and saw Lin Yonghui standing in front of his body with outstretched arms, poking his chest with two fingers outstretched, and staring at him.

"If you want me to throw yourself into your arms, there's no way!" Lin Yonghui said.It sounds like the sound of nature.

It's all like this, the princess is not willing to throw herself into her arms.Faced with such a situation, Fan Wujin's mind was running fast, either step back, the princess is still a princess; or step forward, embrace the princess in his arms and become his own woman.

Fan Wujin couldn't make up his mind.

Lin Yonghui continued to poke Fan Wujin's chest with her fingers. Her pretty face was slightly raised, her expression was haughty, her eyes were sharp, her body was motionless, and she seemed not to allow Fan Wujin to get close.

Fan Wujin's body froze. If you go in, it's hard to deal with the scene of annoyed princesses; if you go back, a man stops at a woman.Fan Wujin looked at Lin Yonghui, his eyes bulged, his face twitched, and his body trembled slightly.

Lin Yonghui looked at Fan Wujin and straightened his body forward, but Fan Wujin retreated involuntarily.Lin Yonghui straightened his body forward, Fan Wujin stood firm and looked at Lin Yonghui without moving his body.

When the four eyes meet, it is not entanglement, but war.What is war?In war, whoever meets the two armies wins!

All of a sudden, Fan Wujin became the God of War, damn the princess, the princess is also a woman, what is a woman, she is the target of a man's attack, the target of attack is close at hand, when not to attack again!

Fan Wujin didn't speak, he raised his arm and reached out to catch Lin Yonghui's wrist that was poking his body, and pulled it aside, Lin Yonghui's whole body was exposed in front of him, his other hand suddenly reached out to grab Lin Yonghui's slender waist, hard crossbow Pulling Lin Yonghui's body around like a strong bow and clinging to his body tightly, he kissed Lin Yonghui's slightly upturned face without hesitation!

The whole process took less than two seconds. The two bodies were tightly pressed together, the two mouths were kissed tightly, and the four eyes were wide open, as if they were not giving in to each other!

Fan Wujin used a lot of energy, using the energy of winning or losing with one move.Lin Yonghui's expression was astonished, the sheep that had been docile just now suddenly turned into a tiger and leopard!Fan Wujin hugged Lin Xiaohui fiercely with both arms, and kissed Lin Yonghui's mouth fiercely, as if Lin Yonghui was about to run away if he let go.

The two confront each other like a tug-of-war, ten seconds 20 seconds, 30 seconds 40 seconds, 50 seconds 60 seconds...

War is violence; violence is war!As a result of the war, the winner is king and the loser is bandit; as a result of rape, one either becomes a husband or becomes a criminal!

Lin Yonghui shook his head, his mouth left Fan Wujin's mouth, and softly called out, "Wujin, you hurt me!"

What a feminine voice, not a princess, but a woman, a woman as tender as water, a woman who makes people enchanted.

Fan Wujin said: "Yonghui, I am afraid that you will pass away from me, I must hold on to you tightly, I cannot live without you!"

"Five catties, ah! How could I easily lose in your hands, five catties!" Lin Yonghui's face was blurred, and he was desperate for life.

"Yonghui, we have waited for so many years, and finally met. We were arranged in the dark, how could we give up so easily!" Fan Wujin was eloquent, and as long as the words were nice, he would tell Lin Yonghui all the time.

Men like to coax their women with sweet words. Women know that men coax themselves but they just love to listen. Men and women often express their true hearts with lies, knowing it but being intoxicated.

"Your body is so soft and warm, Wujin, I'm drunk!" Lin Yonghui's body was soft in Fan Wujin's arms.

Fan's five catties of meat is not for nothing, every part has lethality to Lin Yonghui at critical moments: "Yonghui likes five catties of meat, five catties of meat is specially for Yonghui, warm in winter and cool in summer, natural Simmons silk, forever Hui looks happy and feels comfortable, sleeping is Yonghui's baby!"

"Five catties, your mouth is so sweet!" Lin Yonghui felt sinking, sinking into the clear water, her body slowly sank in the water, and slowly floated up again. She felt that she had no strength at all and was completely in control. Fan Wujin's control, although she can't help herself, is extremely wonderful. She has never had such an experience, and she wants to continue the experience.

At the age of 34, how many moments worth a thousand dollars have been lost, and Lin Yonghui can easily give up a rare moment of money!

"Five catties, hold me tight!" Lin Yonghui couldn't help himself.

Fan Wujin picked up Lin Yonghui like a victorious general holding a treasure, hesitated a little, and walked decisively to the bedroom.

I have grown up for 34 years, and I have an insight into the world. There are not so many flowers before and after the moon, and there are not so many love and affection. What I need is straightforward, what I need is bliss in the world, clothes are flying, the room is trembling, screaming, it is night, Lin Yonghui's room The bedroom is full of stormy scenes!


After two o'clock in the evening, Ou Yulian rushed home, entered the room with a cry, and flew into Qihao's arms.

Ou Yulian is too infatuated, heard that Qi Hao was at home and rushed back, how could she be so infatuated with her own woman, Qi Hao carried Ou Yulian to the bed, what tiredness, what grooming, the bliss in the world is the first, the two of you help me take off my coat , I'll help you pull your pants, how can you look like a human being, because of that, you are simply an irrational lunatic.

"Oh! Hao!" Ou Yulian hung her arms around Qi Hao's neck, and wrapped her body around Qi Hao's thighs. The bliss quickly spread from the crotch to the whole body, and one felt the suffocation of happiness.

Qi Hao understands that women follow him in pursuit of happiness, and women's happiness is his responsibility. Therefore, the woman he loves must not be false, and he must use all his strength to let his woman enter the world of bliss in life, and experience the joy of being a woman. The infinite beauty of love is unforgettable to men!

"Oh! Hao!" Ou Yulian cried out sadly, her body kept twisting and wriggling, meeting Qi Hao's impact, digging out the energy in Qi Hao's body, making Qi Hao's energy burst more violently, more fit and more beautiful!

The violent impact brings with it a violent shock. The two bodies are supported by the shock, encouraged by the shock, delighted by the shock, and sublimated by the shock, reaching the highest level of understanding of human life.

"Oh!" Ou Yulian hugged Qihao tightly, "Hao, I want to give birth to a son for you!"

Qi Hao became more majestic and passionate, and he hit the mountains and the seas, and the tigers and leopards descended: "Yulian, I want to plant twins for you, so that you can give me two big fat boys!"

"Oh! Hao, work hard, twins! Work hard, Hao, twins!" Ou Yulian entangled Qi Hao even tighter.


In the morning, Qi Hao's cell phone rang, Fan Wujin called Qi County Magistrate, his voice was so excited, Qi Hao knew that the old sister finally had a home, and this was a great event worth celebrating.

Qi Hao asked: "Miss, are you resting well?"

"Rest well, rest well, Magistrate Qi!" Fan Wujin replied.

Qi Hao said with a smile: "You want sister to rest for a long time!"

Fan Wujin was stunned, and said solemnly: "Major Qi, although I am a grassroots, I will do my best to make Yonghui happy for life!"

Qi Hao said: "Well said, I know that Fan Wujin is a manly man, and he will do what he says. I will temporarily hand over my sister to you on behalf of the Lin family. Since your wife just passed away, pay attention to the influence. Then I will discuss with my sister and go to Bai May I meet my father-in-law!"

Fan Wujin said in tears of gratitude: "Thank you, County Magistrate Qi, for your success, the great kindness will always be engraved in my heart!" (To be continued...)

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