Official ladder

Chapter 944

Director Xie said: "At noon, I went to the guest house to discuss the termination of the lease contract of the office building. At first they did not agree. At the office meeting, I insisted on obeying the overall situation, criticized the leading comrades who were disregarding the overall situation, and finally annulled the original contract, and from now on, the conference building will be handed over to Director Qi for arrangement!"

Qi Hao smiled and said: "For the location of the headquarters office, Director Xie has done a terrific job, Qi Hao thank you!"

"No thanks, no thanks!" Director Xie said politely, "For the construction of the expressway, it should be!"

"Just because Director Xie made the phone call in person, I should be thankful!" Qi Hao thought of Director Xie's face, very shameless, he said, "This fully shows that Director Xie is a good leader who is serious and responsible!"

Director Xie said in a flattering tone: "At today's meeting, I have already talked about Director Qi's confidence, determination and overall plan to build the expressway, so that comrades can see the bright future of the traffic front. Follow the dispatch command of the expressway construction headquarters, work hard and sweat, and make your own contribution to the expressway construction!"

"Director Xie still has work experience!" Qi Hao said with emotion, "The work has not yet fully started, unification of thinking and publicity work first, compared with Director Xie, my working method is far from that, so I have an idea, After the Expressway Construction Headquarters was stationed in the Department of Communications, the Headquarters and the Department of Communications re-integrated their forces and worked together. Forming a joint force has become a strong fortress for the provincial ruling party and the provincial government's front-line command of expressway construction!"

Director Xie was holding the phone in his hand with a blank expression, he heard clearly the key sentence Qi Hao said.Joint Office!Qi Hao has not yet reported to the Communications Department, and some in the Communications Department openly turned against him, and some openly confronted him, but no one listened to him. If he really wanted to work together, Qihao might take the little bit of power in his hands. clean and dry.

Director Xie hates that in his heart, but what can he do, he is the governor's son-in-law.Hate still has to be swallowed.

Qi Hao talked about his opinion, Director Xie had no choice but to express his opinion, he said.Director Qi's suggestion is very good and practical. We will seriously study and discuss it at the next meeting...the phone is silent, and Director Xie knows it.Qi Hao's phone has been connected.

Under the command of Director Qiu.I am still busy building prefabricated houses, and I have no intention of stopping at all.

Director Xie stood blankly at the scene.

Fan Yu came back in a hurry, and said a few words to Director Qiu when he came back. Director Qiu immediately stopped the construction of the prefabricated house, and directed the prefabricated boards to be dismantled and loaded onto a large truck.The backyard is still busy, but the difference is that it was erected before, but now it is dismantled, and Director Qiu is directing it alone.

Director Xie turned around and was about to leave the scene.Seeing many people coming out of the office building, it was already past the off-duty time.No one left, they all hid behind the windows of their respective offices and watched Director Xie's jokes. Director Xie understood that his glorious glory with everyone's response was over, and he had to find another way to change his unfavorable situation.

As the director of the department, Director Xie knew that his position was not easy to come by. Last time his son Keng Laozi yelled "My father is Xie Gang", the media was overwhelmingly exaggerating, but Secretary Zhuge ignored him, and a gust of wind blew past him unscathed.He was not blown away without a trace in the typhoon of category [-]. Director Xie understands that as long as my father sits firmly on the Diaoyutai, there is always hope for his son's affairs. Therefore, Director Xie decided that as long as there is a chance, he will hit Qihao boy hard. There is still hope, he realized that it is winter now, no matter how powerful the snake is, only hibernation will not harm the body.

Dormant, Director Xie set a big plan for himself, and everything revolves around the big plan.

Qi Hao and Director Xie put off the phone, smiled, he could imagine the expression on Director Xie's face, his own people betrayed, he couldn't call his own people, his own people did things to him, and the key person in the department still looked at him. He joked, Qi Hao knew what Director Xie felt in the face of reality.

Qi Hao dialed the phone number of Vice Governor Gu: "Hello, Uncle Gu, the two tasks assigned by Uncle Gu have been dealt with!"

Although Qi Hao's words were relaxed, Vice Governor Gu was still not at ease: "Xiao Jiang, you didn't offend me?"

Qi Hao said: "Not only did he not offend Uncle Gu, he was also the first to invest 10 billion yuan for the start-up capital of expressway construction!"

Deputy Governor Gu knew that the expressway construction headquarters had set up a shelf, and the work arrangements were also made. Now everything is in place and only Dongfeng is owed, but Dongfeng is in RMB, and now the expressway headquarters has no money in its account. No matter how loudly a project without a penny is called, the project cannot be implemented in the end.

Deputy Governor Gu heard Qi Hao say that Lin Xiaojiang invested 10 billion yuan, and felt that he should not avoid Lin Xiaojiang. Lin Xiaojiang is the son of the Lin family, and the Lin family is kind to him. Should I thank Mr. Lin?"

Qi Hao said: "Thank you, on behalf of Uncle Gu, I will thank Brother Xiaojiang for his timely help!"

Vice Governor Gu said worriedly: "One billion yuan won't do much, Qi Hao, you must pay close attention to financing."

Qi Hao said: "I've been working on this for the past two days, and I'm going to hold a discussion meeting, and invite relevant companies to participate. Uncle Gu will be the host."

Vice Governor Gu knew Qi Hao well, and if there was no prospect of financing, he would not ask himself to go, and asked, "What is the financing target this time?"

Qi Hao said: "Strive for 50 billion."

Vice Governor Gu silently calculated that if he could raise 50 billion yuan and add Lin Xiaojiang's one billion yuan, there would be no major problem with the funding for expressway construction this year. He asked, "Are you sure?"

Qi Hao said with a smile: "It depends on what kind of reassuring soup Uncle Gu will give everyone at the meeting."

Vice Governor Gu felt relieved: "Don't talk about this, kid, I only want the 50 billion you just quoted!"

Qi Hao knew that Uncle Gu expressed his satisfaction by scolding you as a kid, he said, "Uncle Gu, why do I feel that when did you start to measure me with money?"

Vice Governor Gu said: "You need money to do what you have toiled about. Of course I will use money to measure you!"

Qi Hao said: "If I had known that I would fight the world, I would not have done it!"

Vice Governor Gu said in a serious tone: "I haven't reported the second matter yet!"

Qi Hao said: "In the afternoon, I sent someone to pull the door of the prefabricated house to the traffic hall to build a prefab house. It was almost half built. Director Xie finally came out and handed over the conference building. The decoration will be organized tomorrow!"

If Vice Governor Gu can say hello to Director Xie and ask him to take out the conference building, Director Xie dare not not take it out. The crux of the problem is that Director Xie reported this matter to Secretary Zhuge Where to go, if Secretary Zhuge misunderstood, it would be difficult for Vice Governor Gu to explain. Now that Qi Hao has dealt with it, there will be more room for Secretary Zhuge to deal with matters in the future.

"Time waits for no one, can the decoration be completed in a month!" Governor Gu asked.

Qi Hao said: "I plan for 20 days!"

"Okay, I'll remember, I'll ask you for more than 20 days!"

"Uncle Gu, I'm almost on the verge of whipping my horse, why do you still want to question me!"

"It's called Drum and Heavy Hammer!"

"I just found out now that Uncle Gu doesn't give me any free time as the commander-in-chief. If I knew this, I would arrange more work for the girl when I was at home, so that the girl can't be tired!"

It was the first time that Qi Hao brought Gu Qiong into it as a joke when speaking to Vice Governor Gu. He couldn't guarantee that Vice Governor Gu would be angry. Some seedlings!

"Hmph, oh, piss," Vice Governor Gu spoke several times in a row, "You ran away and left all the work to the girl. You also said that you didn't arrange more work for the girl. Next time the girl comes back, I will sue her and ask her to scold you too." you!"

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, Vice Governor Gu actually kicked the girl back as a joke, Qi Hao couldn't stand it anymore, and hurriedly said, goodbye, Uncle Gu!The phone is disconnected.

Vice Governor Gu looked at his mobile phone and smiled: "This kid, you can run fast!"

Xu Yanran looked at Vice Governor Gu, and said with a smile, "It looks like he's scolding him, but I like that kid very much in my heart!"

Vice Governor Gu laughed and said, "This kid is quite capable!"

"Of course," Xu Yanran said, "Young lady pretends to be your son-in-law with him, of course things will happen!"

"Hmm, hum!" Deputy Governor Gu showed embarrassment, "It's nothing!"

Xu Yanran said with a smile: "Your facial expressions have told me, there is no such thing!"

Vice Governor Gu just smiled, with a naive expression.When a man is attacked by a woman who can't stand him, he often pretends to be naive. Only in this way can the strong offensive of a woman be reduced to zero.

Xu Yanran looked at Vice Governor Gu: "You, you still don't admit the matter right there!"

Deputy Governor Gu said awkwardly: "The boy is a ghost, he just wants to take advantage of my family!"

Xu Yanran squinted at the deputy governor: "Girls are not afraid of taking advantage, but you are, I see you deserve it!"

Vice Governor Gu couldn't stand it anymore, he looked at Xu Yanran's begging expression and said, "Stop talking about this, okay!"

Xu Yanran had a regretful expression on her face: "Actually, the girl is really a good match for him!"

Governor Gu said: "Why not, who told the girl to know the boy later!"

The two sighed for a while. There are many regrets in life, and God will not let people live smoothly.

The two walked out of the villa, went for a walk in the mountain stream, and breathed fresh air.

Vice Minister Gu avoided Lin Xiaojiang, and Xu Yanran left her work to accompany Minister Gu to Fangyuan Mountain.

To go to Fangyuan Mountain, the first thing is to go to Master Xie. The master saw the expression of Vice Governor Gu and said: "The benefactor's house has a kind heart, and the happy event has arrived ahead of time. Let's celebrate!"

Vice Governor Gu said: "Master's foresight, I am very grateful!"

The master said: "The benefactor is dedicated to the people, and the recent actions have reached the heavens and the hearts of the people. He will soon become famous. The future of the benefactor is limitless!" (To be continued...)

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