Official ladder

Chapter 970 Happy Graduation Ceremony

Minister Yu walked into the festively decorated graduation ceremony hall. He didn't see the leaders of the party school. He looked at Secretary Xiao Li with a suspicious expression: "Why haven't they come yet, Xiao Li, give them a call and hurry up!"

They were referring to the comrades of the party school. Vice Minister Yu knew that since the young cadre class sent invitations to himself, they must also send invitations to the leaders of the party school. Qi Hao would not ignore this common sense issue.

Secretary Xiao Li responded, and walked out of the graduation ceremony hall to make a phone call.

Ye Zhilin immediately arranged for the squad leader to lead someone to meet him outside the gate.

Now there is no need to worry that the school leaders will not come to visit. It is no wonder that Minister Yu is here, one by one running around, but Ye Zhilin dare not neglect the leaders. At this time, the etiquette is very important, and the leaders must be given enough face.

Sure enough, the school's party and government leaders heard the news and moved. After a while, the school's party secretary, deputy secretary, executive vice president and a group of vice presidents rushed over, and even the relevant middle-level leading cadres were not absent.Minister Yu of the provincial ruling party organization department and the principal of the provincial party school came in person, who dared to give his position to Minister Yu to compete.

The graduation ceremony of the young cadre class was attended by Minister Yu himself, and the scene was too big. When the school leaders arrived, they couldn't help showing a look of astonishment.

The school leaders made out with Minister Yu for a while, and Ye Zhilin and the squad leader were greeted to their seats according to the arranged positions, and the graduation ceremony of the young cadre class officially began.

The ceremony was presided over by Ye Zhilin, secretary of the branch of the young cadre class. Ye Zhilin said: "First of all, the green cadre class welcomes Minister Yu, school leaders, teachers, and counselors with the warmest applause!"

Immediately there was thunderous applause in the ceremony hall, and the applause lasted for a long time.One by one, it was a good shot, and it showed the welcome of Minister Yu and all his leading comrades

The voice of arrival.

Minister Yu came to the graduation ceremony in person, this is the best opportunity to get close to the minister.The students are all talented, and Minister Yu is in charge of the leadership. Everyone knows that it is very important. What I did not expect after three months of study is that the most outstanding moment is actually at the graduation ceremony!

Ye Zhilin intentionally asked everyone to slap their hands as they wished, then made a pause gesture, and said with a smile, "I enjoyed the slap today!"

Everyone laughed friendly.Smile with a happy expression.

Ye Zhilin raised his voice excitedly and said, "Everyone is so happy, let's ask Principal Yu to issue a certificate of completion, okay?"

"Okay! Please issue a certificate of completion to the principal!" The students shouted from the bottom of their hearts.

Minister Yu walked onto the stage with a smile.Looking at the school leaders and teachers, he said humorously: "The teachers have worked so hard to pass the knowledge to the students, and I will issue a certificate of completion. It seems unreasonable!"

The school leader and the teacher hurriedly said: "Minister Yu is the principal. The school operates according to the principal's school-running ideas. It is time to issue a certificate of completion."

Minister Yu said harmoniously: "In this way, I can issue a certificate of completion?"

School leaders, middle-level cadres, and teachers all scrambled to say loudly: "Minister Yu personally issues certificates of completion to the students, which has effectively promoted the education work of the Party School. It is what all the staff and students of the Party School desire!"

Then Minister Yu looked at the big red certificate of completion on the table, and said with a smile: "Students, what does the certificate of completion mean? The students have mastered the characteristic theory. This has improved the level of governance and enhanced the ability to govern! The students are all leading cadres of the department and department. Theoretical cultivation is particularly important. I hope that after you leave school, you will combine theory with practice in the great practice of characteristic socialism. Push forward the cause of reform and opening up..."

The applause was thunderous and the cheers were like waves. The students did not need to direct, and they correctly grasped the rhythm and tone of Minister Yu's speech, so that the graduation ceremony was always exciting.

"...the Party school is not only a place to cultivate talents, but also a place where the experience gained in the students' practice is promoted to theory, which in turn is used to guide practice. Therefore, the Party school is different from a class of universities. The general university teachers are the indoctrination Students are recipients of knowledge. In addition to the relationship between indoctrination and recipients, there is an exchange process between theory and practice between teachers and students in party schools. That is to say, students with practical experience come to the party school in batches This enriches the theory of the teacher, and the theory taught by the teacher to the students enriches the ability of the students to guide practice with theory..."

The applause sounded at the right time, and Minister Yu looked at everyone with a smile and nodded his respects.

"...I heard that the youth cadre class has conducted public elections for branch secretaries and squad leaders. Over the years of reform and opening up, the election of grassroots organizations can only be regarded as a trivial matter, or a normal event, but it is considered a major event in the party school! The party school is a place where discipline, principles, concentration, and organization are emphasized. As far as I know, the election of the young cadre class is unprecedented! Everyone elected without approval, and even elected the only one in the class. There is no precedent in the party school, but don't underestimate this election, it is like a stone thrown into a pond, causing ripples!"

Minister Yu didn't speak, and the venue was completely silent. The mention of public elections was taboo, and everyone knew that slapping is not allowed.

"Why don't you clap your hands, clap!" Minister Yu said humorously.

The students laughed, but they didn't clap their hands. There were so many vice-principals and school leaders sitting there. They regarded the election of the young cadre class as a scourge. The clapping was obviously a slap in the face. , You have to give the school leaders face.

"It's fine if you don't clap your hands!" Minister Yu continued, "It seems that the students are not afraid of me, but the leaders of the party school here. With a certain amount of theoretical knowledge, practical experience, and short-term training courses composed of leading comrades from departments and departments that have been trained and educated by the party for many years, can’t they be allowed to engage in self-government?”

Silence, collective silence!This is a trivial matter, but after so many years of reform and opening up, no one thought of making a breakthrough, and even if they thought of it, they dared not rush to make a breakthrough. Minister Yu asked rhetorically, and the collective silence.

If you don't explain it, you don't understand it, but once you explain it, you can understand that the people's self-selected organizations are not afraid of Fantian, but the self-selected party school of the youth cadre class formed by the department and department is afraid of Fantian?

"Today, I see that the ceremony was held well, and I was very happy. I made a bunch of fallacies here, so don't take it as a big deal. As students, you should go back and combine theory with practice, how to use more flexible methods to improve economic construction and promote various fields. The development of social undertakings; as a party school, can the management form combine theory with practice to form a management form with party school characteristics!"

Crash la la la la, the applause sounded like rain, and all the students in the young cadre class almost didn't say long live!

Then the executive vice-principal of the party school gave a speech. He didn't dare to talk in a grand manner. He talked about encouraging the students, talking about the school's education work, and at the same time talking about reflection, in a very low-key tone.

Of course, the counselor teacher also had to say a few words. He said that he was proud of being able to lead the young cadre class, especially after listening to Minister Yu’s speech, he benefited a lot. He said that in his future work, he would use Minister Yu’s speech to guide himself. Under the leadership of the school party committee and school administration, outstanding students are brought out!

Ye Zhilin was the host, and she said excitedly: "Three months of study time passed in a blink of an eye, and I can't forget the teachers who taught us carefully, the counselors and teachers who cared for us, and the school leaders who gave us education and training. , I can’t forget the sincere friendship among the classmates, and what’s more, Minister Yu’s speech is not only a spur to us, but also an encouragement to us. What should we do? Here, on behalf of all the students in the youth cadre class, I express, We must use the theoretical knowledge we learned at the Party School and Minister Yu’s graduation speech to work hard, create achievements, and show our magnificent life!"

The applause sounded like thunder!

Ye Zhilin announced: "Next, Minister Yu will issue a certificate of completion!"

The music of "Spring Water Ding Dong" and "Sweet Career" alternated, the sound was soft and sweet, and the venue was full of joy when Minister Yu issued the certificate of completion.

As for a certificate of completion of three months of theoretical study, no one seems to understand what the so-called theory is used for, but what is valuable is that the certificate of completion is issued by the head of the organization. This is like the Whampoa Military Academy, where Lao Jiang is the principal. The students are the students of Lao Jiang. What are the students of Lao Jiang? They are the direct descendants of Lao Jiang. Reasoning like this, the direct descendants of Minister Yu have a bright future!

Every time the counselor teacher called a student's name, the student walked up in high spirits, bowed deeply to Minister Yu, took the certificate of completion with both hands, and said thank you to Principal Yu for his education!Yu bowed deeply and retreated to his seat with an extremely excited expression.

The Minister of Organization issued a certificate of completion to a short-term training class. This was something that had never happened before in a party school. When the young cadre class appeared, the gold content of the certificate of completion of this short-term training class suddenly increased, and all the students were extremely excited.

Of course, Sun Zhongming and the other three students couldn't be excited. The thesis cheating incident has been written into the file, and it will be dealt with after returning to the original unit. The completion certificate that was originally paid for gold has now become a hot potato. Some go to heaven, some go to hell.

Minister Yu issued the completion certificate, Ye Zhilin announced a dinner party, and the students started together, setting up six large round tables and a circle of dining stools around the round table.

Ye Zhilin arranged for Minister Yu and the school leaders to sit down, then asked the students to sit down, and raised their glasses: "It is my honor to invite Minister Yu and all the school leaders to attend the graduation ceremony of the young cadre class. All the students in the young cadre class are very excited. And all the school leaders!"

All the students left their seats and stood up, raised their wine glasses high, and shouted, a toast to the minister and all school leaders!

Minister Yu and all the school leaders stood up from their seats and responded, thanking the students and wishing the students return to their posts to make greater achievements!

The students and leaders toasted at the same time, cheers, and the banquet entered into a warm atmosphere from the very beginning. (To be continued..)

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