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Chapter 972

There was a sudden reaction from Qihao, that year when he was drunk he had a good thing with Qin Li, could it be repeated this time... Men are just so virtuous, even if they have great ambitions, they still keep that thing in their blood!

Food color, sex too.

Delicious food is placed in front of you, as long as you are a normal person, you will have a passion for appetite when you see it.When Qi Hao saw Ye Zhilin standing by the bed, he became very excited. Fortunately, the quilt covered his body, otherwise he would have already revealed his fierce appearance.

Qi Hao asked: "Did I take off my clothes when I was brought here?"

Ye Zhilin pursed her lips: "Drunk like mud, and you can take off your clothes!"

Qi Hao smiled: "My body is so attractive, and it's such a good opportunity to show off, but it's placed in front of you like dead meat, it doesn't taste good!"

Ye Zhilin's eyes charmed Qi Hao: "You know that you are dead meat. Is this girl someone who can look up to dead meat? Now I'm feeling sick in my heart!"

Qi Hao said with a regretful expression: "If I had known this, I wouldn't have let you bring me home!"

Ye Zhilin smiled and said, "I've seen all kinds of ugliness, so don't pretend to be handsome in front of me from now on!"

"Why do you see me ugly?" Qi Hao looked surprised, "Tell me, there is a place that is so ugly that no one can see it. If you see it, how will I behave!"

"Get out of here!" Ye Zhilin scolded with a smile, "They only wipe your body, so they don't look at any ugly places!"

"That place is hard and sticky, unreasonable, you treat him well, but he pretends to kill someone!" Qi Hao looked at Ye Zhilin, drooling, "Did it not make you angry last night?"

Ye Zhilin stared at Qi Hao, turned around and walked out of the room door.

Qi Hao was sleeping on the bed.The sense of happiness wraps itself like a tide, and the boudoir is filled with a soul-stirring smell, which is warm, passionate and dreamy.Lying on the boudoir bed, who doesn't feel ecstatic?Qi Hao seemed to have a hand in his heart that was maddening, people couldn't help themselves.

Walking in after a while, Ye Zhilin came to the bedside with a bowl of soy milk and said, "Sit up and drink while it's hot!"

Qi Hao was thirsty, lifted the quilt and sat up all over, revealing his bronze-colored and strong upper body.Drank a bowl of soy milk like a bowl of cow drink, and fell asleep and got out of bed, with a body with clear bones and muscles.

Ye Zhilin stared blankly at Qi Hao's body.People look like their souls fly out of their bodies.

What a beauty stared at him blankly, Qi Hao stretched out his hand to hold Ye Zhilin.

Ye Zhilin's body trembled, his soul returned to his body, and he said calmly, "Hao, no."

Qi Hao let go of his hands with a sullen expression.He stared at Ye Zhilin's pretty face, which was full of greed.

Ye Zhilin blushed and avoided Qi Hao's gaze, and said, "The meal is ready, get up and eat while it's hot!"

Qi Hao just lay lazy on the bed: "I want to eat in the shop!"

Ye Zhilin smiled: "Aren't you still young, want to feed?"

Qi Hao didn't speak, he looked at Ye Zhilin and started laughing.

Ye Zhilin turned around and walked out of the room door.

The beauty in Qi Hao's heart, although a beauty is not close to him, but enjoying the comfort of being served by a beauty is also the life of a god.Drunk worth it!

Ye Zhilin walked into the room with a bowl of chicken soup and rice, there was a lot of chicken in it.Very fragrant.Qihao was hungry, he found that he was not only greedy for Ye Zhilin, but also for the delicious and nutritious food in Ye Zhilin's hand!

Food and sex, sex too!At this time, such a scene has a more perfect interpretation of "food and sex, sex!"

Qi Hao moved his body up and leaned against the back of the bed, facing the jade-like Ye Zhilin.

Ye Zhilin took a spoonful of soup, chicken, and rice and fed it to Qihao's mouth, and said with a motherly smile, "Hey, open your mouth, and you won't be hungry after eating!"

Qi Hao said sweetly: "No, I'm afraid it will be hot!"

Ye Zhilin handed the spoon to his mouth to blow, and then handed it to Qi Hao's mouth: "It's not hot anymore, eat obediently."

Qi Hao still didn't eat it, fearing it would be hot, Ye Zhilin took the spoon to his lips to stick it on again, and handed it to Qi Hao's mouth again: "It's not hot, be good, open your mouth, don't eat anymore, mom..."

"Why don't you keep talking?" Qi Hao got excited when he arrived, "What's the matter if you don't eat mom again, does it mean that mom won't give you food?"

"Get out!" Ye Zhilin scolded with a smile, "Eat or not, I'll take the food back!"

"If you want to eat, if you want to eat, look at me opening my mouth!" Qi Hao opened his mouth wide like a child, and made ahhh sounds.

Ye Zhilin quickly fanned the air with his hands, and said with a worried face, "The wine stinks, don't drink so much next time!"

Qi Hao swallowed the food in the spoon in one gulp, and said in a vague tone while chewing: "Yes, ma'am!"

Ye Zhilin stared at Qi Hao, and said coquettishly, "If you talk nonsense again, I will ignore you!"

Qi Hao ignored Ye Zhilin's words, and he really stopped being naughty. He acted obediently, Ye Zhilin scooped up a spoonful of food, and he quickly ate a spoonful of food, eating with gusto.

Just think about it, Qi Hao is 1.8 meters tall, weighing more than 150 kilograms, young and strong, with a strong digestive function. He only drank alcohol last night and did not eat food. Now he needs to supplement nutrition, so he eats big mouthfuls, Ye Zhilin The spoon can't keep up with it!

After eating one bowl of Qi Hao, he still needs to eat two bowls. Seeing Qi Hao eating deliciously, Ye Zhilin felt a sense of accomplishment spontaneously!

When eating the third bowl, the speed slowed down, and the two had time to talk again.

"I'm such a big person, how did you get me into your house?" Qihao actually cared about this issue from the moment he woke up from the wine, and with Ye Zhilin's delicate body, she couldn't handle a man who was completely incapacitated. Enter the house by yourself.

Ye Zhilin smiled and said, "I didn't make any effort at all, so just walk into my house obediently!"

"I came here by myself?" Qihao opened his eyes wide and asked with a surprised expression, "Why don't I have any impression?"

Ye Zhilin squinted at Qi Hao: "You're so drunk, can you go?"

Qi Hao really didn't understand, he asked: "Then how did I get here?"

Ye Zhilin said: "You told me that if you get drunk, take me back to my house, and I will pay attention not to drink much. Later, I thought that I couldn't do it if you were so drunk, and I couldn't take you to my house in front of everyone. So I went to the party school guest house and opened a room, and asked some motorcycle drivers to wait outside the restaurant. When I saw you passed out, I quickly went out and asked the waiting motorcycle drivers to come in, and got you to the room of the guest house, and called a waiter. Watching you, I will come back to drink with everyone."

Qi Hao said with a surprised expression: "You really don't show your face!"

Ye Zhilin smiled and said: "Minister Yu stopped drinking when you were drunk, and everyone couldn't persuade Minister Yu to drink, so the banquet was dismissed. Minister Yu asked how drunk you are, is there anyone looking after you, and is there anything wrong? Minister Yu He also said to send her to the hospital immediately if something happened. I told Minister Yu to rest assured that Qi Hao was resting in the guest house. She should be fine. If something happened, I would send her to the hospital immediately. After sending Minister Yu and the school leaders away, I hurried to the guest house and saw that you slept soundly. Quietly, so I called those motorcycle drivers to get you out of the guest house, took a taxi back to the community, and asked the community security to get you into the house!"

This little girl, there is really a way to get a man into the house!Qi Hao stretched out his hand and grabbed Ye Zhilin's hand: "Zhilin, thank you!"

"Don't drink so much in the future, it will hurt your body." Ye Zhilin said with an angry look.

"It's rare to get drunk once in life." Qi Hao looked at Ye Zhilin and said affectionately, "When Teacher Yu asked me to drink for him, I looked at you and decided to get drunk once. I really want to show you how drunk I want you to be." Serve me, I know it's not right, but that's what I think and what I do. I know you'll figure out how to put me right, if you do!"

Ye Zhilin lowered her head, with a shy face: "I brought you into the house, thinking that I would wake you up if I called you, but I couldn't wake you up no matter what, like a dead person. I call you, move you, you can't move." No movement, no reaction at all. At the beginning I calmed myself down, but then I couldn’t calm myself anymore. Seeing you lying quietly on the bed, I cried in fright, afraid that something was wrong with you. I felt that something was wrong with you. The sky is falling and the earth is falling, I will not live anymore, I will die with you!"

"Silly girl, you thought I would die so easily!" Qi Hao grabbed Ye Zhilin's hand tightly and found her body trembling.

"Hao, really, you looked scary at that time, I hugged you, afraid that something would happen to you, I was so scared to death!" Ye Zhilin's hand grabbed Qi Hao's hand and held it even tighter.

Hearing Ye Zhilin's words, Qihao finally understood what happened last night. A girl's house brought a man who was almost dead to her home. If you said it was scary, he said, "I'm sorry, Zhilin."

Lin Zhilin recalled her expression and said: "At first I didn't take you drunk seriously, but later I couldn't wake you up, I couldn't move you in the bed, so I panicked, there was really nothing I could do, I even looked for someone! "

"Looking for someone?" Qi Hao asked in surprise, "Who are you looking for?"

Ye Zhilin glanced at Qi Hao, lowered her head, pursed her lips and said, "Look for my dad!"

"Ah, your dad has been here?" Qi Hao panicked, "I've lost my ugliness!"

Ye Zhilin said coquettishly: "Who made you look ugly, my dad didn't come over!"

"Then how did you find him?" Qi Hao asked.

Ye Zhilin glared at Qi Hao: "At that time, I couldn't find anyone, so I found my dad!"

Xiao Nizi is also too courageous, she got a big man to enter the boudoir, and even asked her father for help directly, you know, Xiao Nizi's behavior in the past would have committed the serious crime of being submerged in water and buried alive!However, in order to save her husband, Xiao Nizi did not hesitate to expose her husband in her boudoir and lost Qingqing's life. Her righteous deed is truly epic!

Qi Hao laughed and said, "Your father knew I was lying on his daughter's boudoir bed, so he didn't come here and beat me to death!"

"You owe me so much debt, and my dad wants you to pay it back, so he won't just beat you to death like this!" Ye Zhilin said embarrassedly.

Qi Hao said with a smile: "Since this is the case, I will try my best to borrow money from the old man. If I borrow the old man's daughter, I won't worry about the old man wanting to beat someone!"

Seeing that Qi Hao's words were outrageous, Ye Zhilin said sternly, "I only know what to say, can you hear how I found my father!"

Qi Hao hurriedly said: "I want to listen, of course I want to listen!" (To be continued...)

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