Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 106 The Tragedy of Fenhe


Gao Xing returned to his house, half-lyed on the comfortable chair, and let out a long breath.To save Qin Qiong, he had unleashed a very powerful force in a very short period of time, but now he felt a little tired.

"My lord, you drink tea!" The powder box He Qiao smiled sweetly and slowly came to Gao Xing with a steaming cup of tea, her voice was soft and delicate, warm and soft, very pleasant to hear.

Smiling happily, feeling that his mouth was indeed a little dry, he picked up the tea cup and drank most of it in one gulp.

"My lord, be careful!" Fenhe's face was shocked, but before she could stop her, Gao Xing had already drank half a cup of hot tea in one gulp, but there was no discomfort on her face, on the contrary, she closed her eyes comfortably, her eyebrows furrowed. Showed a little tiredness.

Fen He opened her mouth, but couldn't say anything, she walked slowly behind Gao Xing, and gently massaged his shoulders.

"Fanhe, thank you, you have a heart!" Happy to enjoy Fenhe's gentle and considerate service, and praised in a gentle tone.

"This is what a servant girl should do!" The powder box has nothing else to do except take care of happy daily life.She had heard rumors in Yecheng that Gao Xing and Wang Yan were playboys for a long time, but in her heart, Gao Xing was by no means a scum like Gao Ajunfeng.

Although Fen He never knew what was going on in the young master's heart, she knew that under the young master's handsome, thin, playful and lazy appearance, there was definitely a great ambition and lofty ambition.These can be seen from the occasional frown and sadness on the face, as well as the study room that is often lit until midnight.

Whenever she sees the happy frowns and the sad and tired expression on her face, Fenhe's heart aches, but she knows that she is just a little maid with low ability, all she can do is to be extremely gentle and considerate Take good care of happy daily life.

"My lord, the streets are under martial law, do you know?" Fen He's delicate fingers pressed gently on Gao Xing's temples, suddenly remembered something, and asked Gao Xing curiously.

"Well, there is such a thing." Gao Xing snorted softly, the comfort from his head made him drowsy, and he softly instructed: "Try to go out as little as possible these days to avoid any danger!"

"Yes." Fen He's heart warmed up, a flower-like smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she asked softly, "Then, do you know why the martial law is imposed?"

"I heard that a man in black with very strong martial arts appeared in the city. He not only offended Hu Jun, but also killed many members of the Dulong Gang!" He replied happily, but said in his heart, the man in black is right there with you In front of you!

"The Poisonous Dragon Gang has been doing harm for a long time, good job!" Fen He said viciously after her hands stopped.

Feeling the anger and sadness in Fen He's tone, Gao Xing turned his head curiously. When he saw the powder box's silver teeth clenched tightly, the original beautiful eyes were filled with flames of hatred and sadness, and he couldn't help asking with concern: "Fen He, What's wrong with you, does the Poison Dragon Gang have enmity with you?"

Fen He didn't speak, but crystal clear tears fell down like pearls on a short string.

Seeing Fen He's performance, he was happy to know that his guess was right.Looking at the frail appearance of Fenhe Lihua with rain, Gao Xing couldn't help but feel distressed, and became even more disgusted with the Dulong Gang and Dulong.Grabbing Fen He's little hand with joy and compassion, let her sit on the chair beside him, then took out the brocade handkerchief in his arms, and while gently wiping the tears from the corners of Fen He's eyes, said softly: "Powder don't cry , if you have any difficulties, tell the young master, the young master will make the decision for you!"

"Young Master!" Fen He cried out sadly, and suddenly threw herself into Happy's arms, hugged Happy's neck tightly, and burst into tears, the trembling crying was full of grievances and helplessness.

Gao Xing hugged Fen He tightly, and gently stroked her back, allowing her to completely release the sadness in her heart.

After a long time, Fen He's crying gradually subsided, her happy skirt was wet, and her own eyes seemed to be two red peaches.

"Ah, young master, I..." Finding myself in Happy's arms, Fen He jumped out of Happy's arms like a frightened deer, rubbing her corners in a panic, not knowing what to say.

"Fen He, it's okay, sit down!" Gao Xing waved his hands indifferently, and smiled gently to let Fen He sit down.

Seeing that Happiness's eyes were full of gentleness, without the slightest hint of blame, Fen He's heart began to sink.Fen He, who was sitting on the chair, remembered how many times she had encountered the situation in her dreams when she had intimate contact with the young master just now!There was a flurry of shame in her heart, and at the same time, there was a sweetness of secret joy quietly diffused, her pretty face was blushing, and the downcast eyes were less sad, and more joyful and shy .

"Fen He, what's the matter with you, just say it, the young master is in charge of you!" Seeing that Fen He's mood calmed down a lot, he asked.

Fen He's body trembled slightly, and the shyness and sweetness in her heart dissipated in an instant.She raised her head, and there was heart-wrenching sadness in her eyes that still had teardrops, as well as deep helplessness and fear.

"Two years ago, the slaves' parents were still alive..." Fen He's eyes were a little blurred, her pretty face was full of nostalgic sadness, and the things that had been pressing on her heart for a long time were slowly narrated in her sad voice stand up.

The tragedy that happened to Fen He is actually very simple, but it is just the epitome of a corner of this sad world.

Fen He was born in an ordinary peasant family and has a sister who is two years older than her.Their family of four has been living in the outskirts of Yecheng. Although life is a bit difficult, they are still harmonious and happy.However, all of this was ruined one day two years ago.

Early that morning, Fen He sneaked into Ye City full of joy, without telling her parents, because this day was her 13th birthday.The pure Fenhe didn't understand that there were some potential dangers hidden in this chaotic world, she just wandered around Yecheng curiously, this was her first visit to Yecheng.

Fen He was originally handsome and cute, but after careful grooming, she was even more beautiful, and attracted countless eyes on the street, among them was the notorious poisonous dragon.At that time, the poisonous dragon gang had just started, and it was far from being as strong as it is now.

In troubled times, being beautiful is really a sin, especially when one does not have the ability to protect this beauty.Fen He's beauty aroused Du Long's covetousness, but he did not use force in Yecheng, but sent someone to follow Fen He quietly.

As soon as Fen He came home, her father felt that a catastrophe was imminent.Sure enough, after only two hours passed, Du Long visited and proposed marriage to Fen He's father, Gao A Junfeng.

How could Fen He's father be willing to marry his daughter to a notorious son-in-law, but he was powerless to refuse.At this moment, Fen He's sister stepped forward, and she agreed to serve Gao Ajunfeng as his concubine, and only asked Du Long to spare her family.

Du Long readily agreed and took Fen He's sister into Yecheng, but he broke his promise that night and killed Fen He's parents.Because Fen He's father was afraid that the poisonous dragon would go and return, he let Fen He hide in the cellar. Because of this, Fen He survived.

The blood of her parents finally let Fen He know the cruelty of the world, but she is a weak woman who is powerless to resist the tragic fate.Fen He sold herself to bury her parents, and entered the mansion as a servant girl. Because of the blood lesson, Fen He knew that her appearance would cause disaster, so she kept dressing very ordinary.It wasn't until Xing Xing took over and Fen He discovered that Xing Xing had no intention of possessing or bullying her, only then did she reveal her originally delicate face.

After listening to Fen He's narration, I was happy and silent for a while, my heart was a little dull, and I felt that my shoulders were getting heavier. For the first time, I felt anxious about the so-called timing.He wanted to desperately wait for Gao Wei to return and enter the palace to take his life, but he knew that this was an extremely unwise approach, so he endured it.

At this time, the sky was gradually darkening, and the silent Yecheng made people feel inexplicably cold and lonely.After sending the exhausted Fen He down to rest, he happily left the front hall, asked about the Hong Bing mansion, and left the mansion happily.

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