Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 116 You are not benevolent, I am not righteous

Huaiyin Prince's Mansion, in Gao'a Junfeng's house.

"What did you say, say it again!" Gao Ajunfeng held a delicate ceramic vase tightly in his hands, his small eyes were wide open, staring fixedly at Feng Da and Feng Er standing in front of him.

"Wang, lord, Miss Zhao has gone, Mr. Gao's residence." Feng Da lowered his head and said with difficulty.His voice trembled, showing the tension and fear in his heart. After speaking, his volume gradually became lower.

Feng Dafeng Er is not only ordered to secretly protect Zhao Jing, but also has the meaning of monitoring.When Zhao Jing stepped into the Happy Mansion, the two hurried back to report to Gao Ajunfeng.

For the first time in history, Gao Junfeng was very happy to get Zhao Jing's sincere smile.Although Gao Junfeng has slept with countless women, Zhao Jing gave him a completely different feeling. Her calm and watery temperament always fascinated Gao Junfeng, and he longed in his heart to seduce that beautiful woman. Take it for yourself.

However, King Xiang wanted to, but Goddess was ruthless.Every time Gao Ajunfeng flattered Zhao Jing, he always returned angrily.Not long ago, he begged his father Gao Anagong to go to Yiyang Prince's Mansion to propose a marriage, but Zhao Yanshen refused. This made Gao Ajunfeng feel more depressed and yearn for Zhao Jing even more.

Today, although Gao Junfeng was slapped, he didn't care, because Zhao Jing smiled at him, not the kind of distant and perfunctory smile, but a heartfelt gratitude and a trace of guilt.This made Gao Junfeng as happy as eating candied fruit. After he arranged for Feng Dafeng Er to protect and monitor Zhao Jing, he went back to Fuzhong to be happy.

However, when Gao A Junfeng was playing with a precious porcelain collected by Gao Anak, Feng Da and Feng Er came back, and brought a news that made him very angry. Zhao Jing dressed up and went to Gao Xing's mansion.

Gao Ajunfeng knew that Zhao Jing usually would not deliberately put on makeup, but today he dressed up and went to the Happy Mansion. Gao Ajunfeng did not dare to imagine the purpose.For a moment, jealousy burned and burned his reason in an instant.


A crisp sound of the vase breaking reached Feng Da and Feng Er's ears, no less than a thunderclap, making their bodies tremble involuntarily.Looking at the originally exquisite vase under their feet, it has now become messy fragments, and the delicate luster on it made the two of them tremble with fear. They did not dare to breathe out, but just lowered their heads as much as possible.

"Why? Why? Why!" Gao Junfeng roared angrily, his eyes were red, his breath was heavy, the fat on his face couldn't help shaking violently, his distorted face was extremely ferocious, like an angry beast.

Feng Da and Feng Er kept silent like cicadas, and between the two trembles, the clothes on the back were soaked in cold sweat.They couldn't stop praying in their hearts, and sincerely prayed that Gao Junfeng would allow the two of them to leave, so as not to become his discouragement bucket.

However, despite the prosperity of Buddhism in Yecheng, the Buddha still did not hear the prayers of the two, or the two committed too many sins on a daily basis, and the Buddha refused to forgive their mistakes.


Feng Da was chanting "Amitabha" in his heart, the burning pain on his face and the fishy sweetness in his mouth made him have to let go of the luck in his heart.

"Damn it, damn it! Be happy, Wang Yan, you all should die, all of you should die!" Gao Ajunfeng roared madly, his two fat and short arms burst out with unprecedented potential, swiping like lightning Xiang Feng Da and Feng II.

The sound of "crackling" is like rain hitting plantains, dense and crisp, but Feng Da and Feng Er dare not make the slightest evasive action, they can only close their eyes tightly, grit their teeth, and silently endure Gao Ajunfeng's violent wind A torrential beating.

"Hoo, hoo--" Finally, Gao Junfeng lost his strength and stopped his sloppy movements. He rested his hands on his knees and gasped violently. Hang a cruel pleasure.

When Gao Ajunfeng stopped, Feng Da and Feng Er relaxed and fell to the ground in unison.At this time, the clothes on the two of them were all in tatters, and the exposed skin was covered with shocking bruises, and the face that Gao Ajunfeng took care of was already swollen to the point of being unable to distinguish its original appearance. The blood gurgling from the nose and mouth glowed with a strange red light, such a miserable appearance witnessed the cruel torture they had suffered in the past half an hour.

"Hehe, Zhao Jing, since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous! Be happy, I want you to die!" Gao Junfeng gasped for a while, and finally regained his calm, but his eyes were full of viciousness and deep killing. meaning.Taking another casual glance at Feng Dafeng Er on the ground, Gao Ajunfeng's face flashed with joy, and he stepped out of the room.

"Master Gao, I wonder if you can agree to the little girl's request?" In the living room of Xing Xing's mansion, Zhao Jing stared at Xing Xing closely, her beautiful eyes full of eager anticipation.

Smiling happily, she said, "Miss Zhao, although you are a girl, you have extraordinary attainments in calligraphy. Countless literati in Yecheng admire you very much, and Xing is no exception. Xing's calligraphy is simply not on the table. , I’m afraid I can’t help you!”

The purpose of Zhao Jing's coming to find Xing Xing was to ask for calligraphy lessons, and planned to prepare a gift for Zhao Yanshen's birthday in the near future.

"Young Master Gao is absurdly praised!" Zhao Jing's face did not show the joy of being praised, and he looked at the joy with calm eyes, and asked softly: "Mr. Have you heard of it?"

"Slim muscles? I have heard a little bit!" Nodding happily.

"Zhao Jing came to visit Mr. Gao today, the purpose is to ask for advice on this type of font."

I was surprised for a moment, and then said with a wry smile: "Miss Zhao may be disappointed. Although I have practiced this type of font in private, I still don't know the essence of it, so I gave up already."

"Really?" Zhao Jing looked at the happy face with burning eyes, as if wanting to see through his heart, "This type of font appeared for the first time, but it was because of Mr. Gao!"

Happily smiled, looked at Zhao Jing calmly and said, "Didn't Miss Xing say that last time I borrowed a folding fan from Xing, Xing got those two folding fans by chance from a wandering and down-and-out scholar, but Xing didn't know his name?" Who. But that folding fan is really a good thing, it made Xinghe Wang Yan Wang a lot of money!"

This reason is happy to have been prepared to perfunctory the person who asked.

Zhao Jing's face darkened leisurely when he heard the words, and there was a touch of sadness and resentment, as well as deep disappointment, in his bright eyes.She said softly: "Does Mr. Gao hate Zhao Jing very much? Why don't you want to tell the truth that you are the founder of 'Slim Body', and why don't you want to help Zhao Jing to fulfill the filial piety of a granddaughter?"

"Miss Zhao, why did you say that, Xingjue didn't mean it!" Looking at the sadness and resentment in Zhao Jing's eyes, her heart skipped a beat for no reason.

"Then Mr. Gao, you agreed to Zhao Jing's request?" Zhao Jing's eyes flashed brightly.

"This..." Happiness couldn't help hesitating.

"Since Mr. Gao doesn't want to help, Zhao Jing can't force it, so let's take my leave!" Zhao Jing stood up, gave a slight salute, turned around and left without calling Xiaolu.


A low and resentful sigh came, and his happy body trembled slightly. Looking at Zhao Jing's originally thin and beautiful back, now covered with a layer of deep loneliness and loss, his heart unconsciously surged up. With a touch of pity, a strange feeling rose up.

"Huh!" Xiaolu saw that the young lady was in a daze, and hated Gao Xing even more in her heart. She snorted angrily at him and followed Zhao Jing's footsteps and walked out.

"Miss Zhao stay put, Xing promises it!" Looking at Zhao Jing's lonely and thin back who was about to walk out the door, Xing couldn't help blurting out the authentic words.

"Sir, are you serious?" Zhao Jing paused, then suddenly turned around, a touch of surprise covered her beautiful face.

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