Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 123 Fat Monk Huilun

"Yuzhi, let's go, take Zhong Shao and me to see your father, I want to discuss with his old man how to deal with Li Fan and Li Shimin."

"Hey, who are you? You startled me by appearing so suddenly! Do you know how impolite your actions are, and how scary you look? Fortunately, I have a strong mind and super defensive power Strong, otherwise you will faint from fright. Even if you can't frighten me, but frighten the children, it's a heinous crime!"

"Tell me about you, did you skip the ideological and moral class? But seeing that you are so fat, with such a simple face, you probably can't do the skipping thing. You must have fallen asleep in class. Hey, you disobedient child , It must have caused your parents a headache! Don’t you know that it’s impolite to sleep in class, isn’t it? You should study hard and make progress every day, so that you can become a useful talent in the future and contribute to the prosperity of the motherland. Then you can The top is worthy of parents and ancestors, and the bottom is worthy of future generations."

In front of her, the face of a beautiful woman who looked like flowers and jade, who seemed to be angry and smiling, suddenly turned into a chubby, round face, and she was startled when she was happy, and almost screamed out loud.Annoyed in his heart, he pointed at the fat-faced master and spat out his saliva endlessly.

Such a lot of chattering remarks made the fat-faced owner dizzy for a while and rolled his eyes.He was happy but his face was full of pain, he smacked his lips, as if he still had something to say.Gao Xing took a breath, and was about to continue his lecture, when he suddenly noticed that the fat-faced owner was covered with pine cone-sized packets, and his face suddenly showed sympathy.

"Hey, you unlucky boy, it's really pitiful to see you being bullied by someone. And look at your face, why is it so swollen, how can you call it a sad reminder! Well, You are already like this, I want to blame you, doesn't it seem that I am very immeasurable? Tell me what is wrong with your injury, and I will help you find a place!" That fat face makes the eyes There was only one small slit left, and with the small bags all over her head, she shook her head happily.

"Amitabha, benefactor, thank you for your kindness. The poor monk was born like this, and he was not bullied by others." The fat-faced master clasped his hands together and said aloud, but his tone was a little stiff.

"Are you a monk? You were born this way? Then why are you blocking me? Where is my Yuzhi?" Gao Xing's eyes widened, his sympathy disappeared instantly, and he said annoyedly.

"Amitabha, benefactor, please forgive the poor monk for his ignorance, but the poor monk doesn't know who Yuzhi is." The fat-faced owner looked apologetic.

Gao Xing looked at the fat-faced monk with contempt and said, "Yuzhi is Song Yuzhi, the eldest lady of the Lingnan Song Clan, the daughter of Tiandao Song Que! You don't know such a famous person? It's scary to be uneducated!"

Just as the fat-faced monk was about to speak, he waved his hands impatiently when he was happy, and said, "It's none of your business here, so hurry up, I'm still looking for my Yuzhi!"

The fat-faced monk was angry for a while, and the fat on his face trembled. He thought to himself: How did the Buddha say that this person is the most devout believer?Why can't I see it at all!Could it be that my cultivation base is too low to see it?

Before the fat-faced monk could speak, he interrupted again when he was happy: "Okay, let me get out of the way. It's not convenient for you to move this tonnage, so just think of me as doing good deeds." As he said, he was about to move when he was happy.

"Wait a minute, benefactor!" The deep and generous voice pierced through the depths of his mind, Gao Xing trembled all over, stopped for a moment, and turned his suspicious eyes to the fat-faced monk.

The fat-faced monk said: "Benefactor, you are in a dream and you don't know it, but where are you going, and where are you going?"

"In a dream?" Gao Xing laughed, and said, "You monk is really funny. Could it be that you are confused in chanting? You said I was in a dream, how did you know, and how did you get into my dream?"

The fat-faced monk lowered his eyebrows and looked down, ignoring his happiness, and said to himself: "Benefactor, the poor monk is the Buddha's disciple Huilun. He is here to follow the Buddha's decree and help the benefactor achieve his wish."

"Buddha? Does Buddha really know what I want?" The happy and laughing expression disappeared instantly, and he became serious, looking at the fat-faced monk seriously.

The fat-faced monk nodded and said: "Yes." After speaking, he waved his hand, a golden light flashed, and a silver mirror appeared out of thin air on his hand.There are countless intricate patterns carved on the mirror, and the whole mirror exudes a dazzling silver light, which is very gorgeous.The mirror surface is smooth and bright, and there seems to be a complicated and beautiful world inside, which firmly attracts happy eyes.Looking carefully, I am happy but feel like looking at flowers in a fog, and I can't see them clearly.

"Benefactor, I will help you achieve your wish, go!" The fat-faced monk tilted the mirror, and suddenly shot a beam of bright white light from the mirror, covering the joy.

When Bai Guang came to his body, he was so happy that he suddenly felt refreshed and refreshed. His soul seemed to float up, and flew up to the soft clouds. For a moment, he lost himself and didn't know where he was.

Seeing the happy figure disappear into the white light, the fat-faced monk put the mirror away, with a relaxed smile on his face, "Phew... finally left, this noisy guy, what a trouble! You will definitely be satisfied with my arrangement !” After finishing speaking, he smiled treacherously, shaking the fat all over his body.

Suddenly, the fat-faced monk's laughter stopped abruptly, and the smile on his face froze instantly.Then his face changed wildly, he beat his chest and stomped his feet, and cried out in a weeping voice: "It's bad, why did I forget what the Buddha told me? What can I do! I should refrain from anger and anger. Extreme joy begets sorrow, and extreme joy begets sorrow! This The Buddhist precepts are indeed unbreakable!"

I am happy to remember that the last thing left in my mind is the sad face of the fat monk.

In his previous life, when he was happily wandering the streets, he was filled with ruffianism. Later, he joined the dragon group and danced on the tip of the knife all day long. These invisible appearances are the best disguise for his fragile heart.

Perhaps due to the influence of the new environment, or the personality factors left over from the previous ex-Xiao Xing, Xing Xing's personality has changed a lot.Without the oppression of the outside world, Gao Xing's learned scorn has disappeared. For the safety of his family and the success of his career, he has no choice but to behave calmly and calmly.

At this time, seeing this face in deep memory again, I was so happy that I couldn't help releasing a bit of my repressed character.

"Hey, fat monk, do you still recognize me?" Gao Xing greeted him with a smile, and stretched out his hand to pat the fat monk's generous shoulder like an old friend.

Although the fat monk looked stunned, he twisted his body inadvertently, stepped back slightly, and naturally dodged the happy palm.The fat monk clasped his hands together, bowed his body slightly, and his mellow voice came to happy ears through the wind and snow, "Benefactor, the poor monk is polite, what's the matter with you?"

"Huh? You don't recognize me?" Gao Xing looked at the fat monk in amazement, and his lost hand froze in the air.

The fat monk stared at Gao Xing carefully, and then said: "I'm sorry, benefactor, I'm afraid you have misidentified the person, the poor monk has never seen you before!"

"Monk Hui**, you are confused after shaving your hair!" Gao Xing really wanted to touch the fat monk's head to see if he was really sick.

The smile on the fat monk's face faded slightly, and he said with some displeasure: "The benefactor is joking, and monks don't lie. It is true that the poor monk does not know the benefactor, but the name of the poor monk is indeed Huilun."

"This is strange, how come you look exactly the same as an acquaintance of mine, even the eye movements are the same?" Gao Xing shrugged helplessly, said to himself, but stared at Fatty seriously. Monk, I hope you can see a hint of lying.

For the fat monk who sent himself to the Southern and Northern Dynasties, I am happy and really don't know whether to be grateful or complain.It is true that he has always hoped to break away from the modern society where interests are paramount and cannibalism, and to travel through ancient times to establish a new order as his ultimate ideal, but the era of the Northern and Southern Dynasties is not the era that he wants to choose the most.

I am happy not to like the era of the Three Kingdoms, the era of bloody struggle for hegemony, because that so-called era of heroes was actually a tragic and miserable era for the entire Chinese nation.Sun Cao and Liu Nai are all the way, and their purpose is to rule the world. As for saving the people from fire and water, that is absolutely nonsense. Those who want to stabilize the country, dare not treat the people well?

Although he is happy to dislike Li Shimin, he will not obliterate the great contribution this person has made in Chinese history, and cannot prevent him from having a preference for the history of the Sui and Tang Dynasties.Therefore, I am more happy to hope that I will travel to the end of the Sui Dynasty and the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, gallop the world on horseback, and create a dynasty that is stronger than the Tang Dynasty.

Moreover, in this, there is a little care in being happy, that is to capture Song Yuzhi's heart. Although this character is only made up by Huang Yi, Song Yuzhi's style of daring to love and hate, and his character with boyish habits are the best. Please like it.

It's a pity that Huilun failed to satisfy Happy's wish, so he was born decades earlier, destined to become Song Yuzhi's grandparents.Gao Xing changed from a young man in his 20s to a 13-year-old boy suddenly, which made him quite unaccustomed to it for a while. The most important thing is that Gao Xing failed to read "The Secret of Longevity" after practicing hard to the fifth level. The file is successful, and it starts from scratch.

"There are no wonders in the world, but they are skins facing each other, and there is nothing strange about it!" Huilun said so, and then stood with one hand on his chest, said "Amitabha" loudly, and said: "Almsgiver, if you are destined, you will meet yourself." See you, don't worry about it anymore!"

"You are right, but in terms of temperament, you are far from him!" Gao Xing said with a smile: "I am happy, you are polite!"

Huilun smiled peacefully, and performed a Buddha ceremony.

"I don't know where Master came from and where he is going. If there is anything I need, I may be able to help you if you are happy!" A warm smile appeared on Gao Xing's face, and his eyes were clear and peaceful.

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