Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 126

Gao Xing hangs far behind the man in black, and runs wildly with him in the empty street.In this snowy night, the man in black did not deliberately hide his figure, but there were not many people who could catch him, and Gao Xing happened to be one of them.

Gradually, Gao Xing couldn't help but feel suspicious. The direction the man in black is heading is the palace.If you want to say how happy you have never been to Yecheng, the first is the imperial palace.

In an unfamiliar environment, especially an unfamiliar and dangerous environment, exploring the surrounding environment is the basic skill of a well-trained agent.Although it can't be said that everyone knows all the places in Ye City except the imperial palace, he is very clear about how many streets there are in Ye City, where the defense is weak, and where they can easily break through.

But the Imperial Palace, happy to come here to receive the reward last time, came in once under the leadership of the guards, but really never came for the second time.

The Imperial Palace represented the power of the Northern Qi Dynasty, and even more so, the majesty of the royal family. Its guards were strictly beyond people's imagination.Although Gao Xing is confident that he can sneak into the Huaiyin Palace at leisure, he can't guarantee that he can escape unscathed in the palace, let alone come and go freely.

The dark moon kills the night, the wind is high and the sky is set on fire.Tonight, it is windy and snowy, and the sky is cold and the ground is shaking, but it is a good time to do some shady jobs.

In fact, working in the imperial palace is really a miserable thing. Countless flowery maids shuttle back and forth in front of you, but you can only be excited and unable to act. For the ancient people who did not have any rich entertainment and leisure activities, Especially a torment.

Thinking of Gao Wei holding Concubine Feng Shu's body as soft as white jade at this time, making clouds and rain in the warm room behind him, while he had to brave the cold wind and heavy snow, holding a cold gun, he could only keep thinking about Obsessed with the court lady he likes, Xu Changsheng, who was guarding outside the imperial study room, felt that his boss was not in a good mood.

People are more popular than others, and they have to be thrown away when they compare goods.

Xu Changsheng often felt so emotional, just talk about himself, he is definitely a good-looking and handsome man, tall and healthy, more than a star and a half stronger than Gao Wei's weak and fair scholar.But it is not Xiao Wuding but Gao Wei who sits on the emperor's golden dragon chair. It is Gao Wei who can make Concubine Feng Shu smile sweetly, and is also the one who pleases her in every possible way.

If Gao Wei was a wise and virtuous king, Xu Changsheng would never dare to slander him, and would go through fire and water for him, no matter what.But Gao Wei has no morals and incompetence, he is simply the second generation of Liu Adou, maybe even worse than Adou, after all, A Dou does not have Gao Wei's special hobbies.

Since the imperial study was enthroned, the number of times it has been here can be counted on one's fingers, and it is too much to suffer here in the middle of the night.

Xu Changsheng used to be a low-level gangster in Yecheng, but now he is an ordinary Yulin soldier, able to work in the palace, thanks to the fact that his natal uncle, who runs a small business, bought him such a position with money.In today's world, it is difficult for poor people to eat, and it is even more difficult to get married and have children, and to pass on the family line.

When Xu Changsheng came to the palace, it was purely for the sake of having enough to eat, some money for drinking and drinking, and hoping to save some money for his wife.After all, if you have to pay for the ecstasy with the women in the building, your own wife has the right to use it forever.

Just in Xu Changsheng's mind, he fantasized about the delicate and charming Xiao Hong taking the initiative to express love to him, and shyly took off the pink and lotus court lady's attire, revealing her white and alluring body, and panting heavily, he pushed her away. Pressed under his body, when he was about to pamper him, a crisp "pop" interrupted Xu Changsheng's lust.

"Who is it?" This is the voice of Commander Wang, and the beautiful woman in front of him disappeared in an instant, replaced by the heavy snow and the dark night.

"Xu Changsheng, Zhang Sanhe, go over there and see if something unusual happened?" Just as Xu Changsheng resented the voice of interrupting his good deeds, Commander Wang Feng's order came.

"Yes, General!" Xu Changsheng and Zhang Sanhe agreed, and immediately walked towards the place where the sound came from, holding their weapons tightly.

The abnormal sound seemed to come from the sound of stones hitting wood, and the place where the sound came from was nearly 30 meters away from the entrance of the imperial study.There are full of pine trees, the view is not very wide, and the environment is very quiet.

If you let me know who is pregnant with me, I will definitely not let him have a good time!Xu Changsheng thought so, and approached the place where the sound came from with his comrades, Xu Changsheng felt ruthless in his heart.

The dark night can cover up people's shyness, but it will amplify your fear virtually.

For some reason, Xu Changsheng suddenly remembered a saying that was widely circulated in the palace.It is said that Emperor Wenxuan Gao Yang loved killing, and countless court ladies and eunuchs in the palace died in vain because of his habit.After they died, they were buried under the flowers and trees and turned into nutrients.People who died in vain have too much resentment in their hearts. They linger in the place where they died, unwilling to leave, let alone reincarnated.They will tell the world what they have suffered, and they will pass these disasters on to others.

Although holding a burning butter torch in his hand, looking at the dark place not far away, the monotonous "creaking" sound of his feet resounded in the empty night, and occasionally a cold wind poured into his neck Xu Changsheng couldn't help but shuddered, and suddenly felt inexplicable fear.

He was afraid that a ferocious ghost would suddenly jump out from behind the pine tree and lock his life away.If you can walk resolutely and sit upright, you will have a sense of righteousness in your body, and you will not be afraid of ghosts at all.But Xu Changsheng used to roam the streets, cheated, cheated, and stole a lot of things. At this moment, he suddenly felt guilty.

Xu Changsheng stared closely at the dark place, while tightly holding the palm of the spear, and walked forward cautiously.Emotions are sometimes easier to spread than diseases. Seeing Xu Changsheng shrink back so much, Xu Changsheng's companion Zhang Sanhe also became a little trembling.

"What are you dawdling about? Hurry up!" The commander Wang Feng yelled dissatisfiedly behind him, Xu Changsheng trembled all over, gritted his teeth, and shouted "I'm afraid of a ball" in his heart, then put on a serious face, a heroic sacrifice With a straight posture, he strode around the corner.

"Huh—" After waiting for three breaths of time, when no ghost appeared, Xu Changsheng heaved a sigh of relief, lit a torch in one hand, and carefully inspected the surrounding environment with the spear in the other.

Under the flickering light of the torch, Xu Changsheng took a closer look, only to find that there was half an ice edge stuck in the snow, maybe the icicles on the eaves couldn't bear it and fell down again, it's nothing serious, it was just a false alarm.

"Oh, I was so nervous for nothing!" Xu Changsheng glanced at his companion Zhang Sanhe, and complained, "It's such a cold day, I can't let you stop for a while, this annoying weather!"

"Eating the king's salary, sharing your worries for the king, even if you complain, it's pointless!" Zhang Sanhe shrank his neck, and comforted Xu Changsheng with some emotion.

"If there was a beauty like Concubine Feng Shu to accompany me, I would be willing to endure the weather ten times colder than this!" Xu Changsheng lowered his voice, with longing and longing on his face.

"Wake up, it would be great if you can find a woman like Boss Cai's daughter!" Zhang Sanhe just slapped Xu Changsheng with a smile, and then prepared to cross the gap between the pine trees and return to his command.

Suddenly, Zhang Sanhe felt a fierce and murderous wind coming from behind, he stopped abruptly, turned around quickly, and at the same time held the spear in his hand horizontally in front of his chest.

"Ding", a crisp sound sounded, and the next moment, Zhang Sanhe's body staggered back three meters away before standing still.

"Who is your Excellency and what is your purpose?" Seeing the masked man in black suddenly appearing in front of him, Zhang Sanhe was shocked in his heart, but his face was calm, and asked in a deep voice.

"Knowing that it's not good for you, you'd better take a rest here obediently!" The voice of the masked man in black was clear and gentle, but very young.As he said that, the masked man in black dream approached Zhang Sanhe and Xu Changsheng, and at the same time showed a pale and slender palm.

"What are you doing? This is the imperial palace. If you dare to mess around, His Majesty will definitely punish you!" Xu Changsheng pointed his gun at the man in black's nose, carefully watching his every move.

"You talk too much!"

As soon as the word "Le" fell to the ground, the figure of the man in black was like a black lightning bolt, and he quickly rushed to Zhang Sanhe and Xu Chang. Watching their bodies slowly fall to the ground.

Wang Feng waited for a while, but he didn't see Xu Changsheng and Zhang Sanhe coming back. He couldn't help feeling worried and anxious, so he sent three people again, and told them to sound the alarm first when they encountered anything.

When the three people who went to investigate again never returned like meat buns beating dogs, Wang Feng couldn't hold back any longer and left a few people to guard the palace, while he took the rest of the dozens of officers and soldiers to search carefully. The place where Changsheng and others disappeared.

"General, look!" As soon as Wang Feng turned around the corner, he saw five people lying on the ground, they were the five people who were sent here earlier.The five people didn't have any scars on their bodies, but they were temporarily lethargic due to the force on the back of their heads.

Wang Feng's mind relaxed at first, and then tightened up.It is definitely not Yi Yu who can bring down the five without a sound. Whether he is a member of the palace or sneaked into the palace is not important, what is important is the safety of the emperor.

"Quick, go back, the culprit may be trying to divert the tiger away from the mountain!" Thinking of this, Wang Feng couldn't help shouting anxiously, and he rushed to the previous place first, praying for the blessings of gods and Buddhas in the sky.If something happened to Gao Wei, not only his life, but even the whole family would be spared.

Fortunately, nothing that worried Wang Feng happened, and the soldiers who stayed behind were still standing firmly, patrolling around vigilantly.

Although nothing happened, Wang Feng was still worried, so he began to arrange soldiers to investigate carefully.Nearly [-] soldiers began to move, lighting torches, and searched for the thief's movements around the imperial study room little by little.

But Wang Feng himself began to knock on the door, calling the eunuch on duty in the imperial study, wanting to enter to search for the trace of the thief.

Wang Feng didn't know that on the eaves of the imperial study, a masked man in black was looking at him with a smile on his face, and on a building nearly 50 meters away from the man in black, Gao Xing in white was looking at him with great interest. looked at the man in black.

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