Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 130 1 The entrance to the palace is as deep as the sea

When the Yulin army rushed in, Wushun felt nervous and worried for no reason, because of the man next to him who almost killed her. As for the reason, even she herself didn't know.Maybe it's because he doesn't want this beautiful face to disappear, or because of the tenderness and sincerity in his eyes looking at him, or because he is unconsciously afraid of this murderous man.

No matter the reason, Wu Shun never wanted to expose Gao Xing's thoughts from the beginning to the end, she let Gao Xing hold her arm tightly, watching everything happen nervously, the clothes on her back were soaked with sweat.After Wu Zhengzhong left, Wu Shun relaxed his mind, and felt that his last bit of strength had been taken away, and he couldn't help leaning on Gao Xing.

There is a faint masculine smell coming from the nose, not the strong smell of sweat that makes people frown, it is different from the woman's quiet body fragrance, but it is very refreshing and makes people close.Wu Shun's heart gradually felt a little strange, her pretty face was hot, which made her a little nervous when she just relaxed, she wanted to straighten up, but felt her body was a little weak, and she couldn't use the strength.

"elder sister."

Just when Wu Shun's breathing was a little short, a happy voice came from above his head.Wu Shun was startled suddenly, straightened up like a frightened deer, but suddenly his face turned pale and he jumped to the ground with an exclamation.It was Wu Shun who was too nervous and didn't pay attention to his feet. He stepped on the ground, lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground.

Seeing that Wushun was about to fall to the ground, a powerful arm wrapped around her slender waist behind him.After a slight pause, Wu Shun's body fell into a warm embrace led by that arm, and Wu Shun's blushing and heartbeating masculine breath instantly rushed into her nose and even into her heart.

"Sister, be careful." Gao Xing let go of Wu Shun, let her sit on the bed, and said warmly.

When leaving that warm embrace, Wu Shun couldn't help but feel a little lost in his heart.

"Sister, when did you enter the palace? What are you doing in the palace?" Gao Xing came to the table and sat down, looking at Wu Shun with his head down slightly, feeling a little strange about the latter's reaction.

Wu Shun raised his head, sighed, the blush on his face faded a lot, and said sadly, "I've only been in the palace for more than a month, and I'm just doing some chores like cleaning for the time being."

"Sister is so beautiful, she will be favored by His Majesty in this palace, even if she can't be a wife and concubine, she is more than enough to be a Jieyu, and she will have inexhaustible glory and wealth!" Gao Xing was a little surprised, in this world, Being able to enter the palace and be favored by the emperor is not just something that many women dream of, but they don't like Wu Shun's appearance very much, on the contrary they are somewhat disgusted.

Wu Shun shook his head lightly, the blush on his face completely disappeared, he sighed calmly and asked back: "Is it good to be favored by His Majesty?"

Happy's tone stagnated, sighed, and said nothing.

In the Tang Dynasty, there is a poem "Gift to the Maid": The prince and grandson follow in the footsteps, and the green beads drop tears and scarves.

As soon as Hou Men entered as deep as the sea, Xiao Lang was a passerby ever since.

The aunt of Xiucai Cuijiao had a maid named Chunhong who was very beautiful and fell in love with Cuijiao.But when Cui Jiao's aunt finds out, she sells Chunhong to the noble Yu Di's family, and she and Cui Jiao never see each other again.Cui Jiao never forgets Chunhong and longs for her.A spring red outing met Cui Jiao, and Cui Jiao wrote this poem as a gift with mixed feelings.Later, Yu Di was moved by this poem, so he gave the spring red to Cuijiao, and it has been a good story ever since.

The last two lines of this poem by Cui Jiao can actually be modified as follows: Once you enter the palace gate, it is as deep as the sea, and your conscience is a passerby from then on.

The treacherous Yun in the harem is no less than politically insidious and deceitful, and if one is not careful, there is a danger of eternal doom.For any innocent woman, as long as she devotes herself to the palace and is influenced by her ears and eyes, how many people can finally maintain a pure and kind heart.In order to survive, can they still have their own conscience?

Think about the number one royal lady in history, Empress Wu Zetian, the vicious woman who strangled her own daughter to death in order to gain power, and brutally killed the queen who first regarded her as her own sister, even her own sister was forced to commit suicide by her .Was Wu Zetian born with such vicious means and cruel heart?

The environment shapes people, or all of this can be explained by "involuntary".Through these superficial things, only naked interest entanglements are left in front of us.

Empress Mu Mu Huanghua, who was once the mother of the world, was so beautiful that she was deeply loved by Gao Xing.But now?Gao Wei's favorite is Feng Xiaolian, Mu Huanghua's former maid.After Mu Huanghua became the queen, she even refused to recognize her own mother, Mu Qingxiao. How could Feng Xiaolian recognize her as the master? She wished that Mu Huanghua would die soon and sit on the queen's throne by herself!

Although Wu Shun was only in the palace for a month, the conversations of other court ladies around her also let her know many dark things in the palace.Every time he thinks of the machinations and tricks used by the women in the palace to compete for the emperor's favor, Wu Shun feels terrified.

Gao Xing sighed again, took a look at Wu Shun, then sat down in front of the dressing table, picked up the grate on the table, and began to comb her long flowing hair that almost reached her waist in front of the bronze mirror.He was happy to murder and set fire, and fight with ease, but he felt uncomfortable when combing his long hair, and his movements were jerky and sluggish.

No way, who made him have a standard cropped hair in his previous life, and his mother Zheng Shi and Fen He did the work of combing his hair after time travel. He really has no experience in this area.

Seeing Gao Xing's clumsy movements, Wu Shun smiled silently, the sense of sadness in her heart faded a bit, she got off the bed, moved lightly with lotus steps, came behind Gao Xing, took the grate in Gao Xing's hand naturally, softly said, "I'll come!"

"Thank you." After Gao Xing said thank you, he let Wu Shun do his best, looking at the two different handsome faces in the bronze mirror.

Wu Shun's movements are very skillful and gentle, she seems to have forgotten that Gao Xing is a man, the man who once threatened her life is as gentle and careful as a sister combing her sister's hair, his face is full of maternal brilliance.

Wu Shun's gentleness made Gao Xing's heart feel warm, and he closed his eyes involuntarily.Gao Xing once again experienced the warmth of home that fascinated him, completely different from Zhang Rong's love between men and women, similar to Zheng's maternal love, but somewhat different.

Suddenly, Gao Xing felt a chill on his face, he suddenly opened his eyes, and saw from the bronze mirror that Wu Shun's face behind him was covered with tears for some reason.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?" Gao Xing quickly stood up, turned around and looked at Wu Shun pityingly, and asked with concern.

Wu Shun shook his head lightly, flung the teardrops from the corners of his eyes, and then said with a light smile, "It's nothing, I just thought of my sister at home."

"Why did sister come to the palace?" Gao Xing asked while taking out his handkerchief and handing it to Wu Shun.

Wu Shun smiled helplessly, let Gao Xing sit down again, sighed in a low voice, and then spoke to Gao Xing.

Palace ladies used to be slaves or captives. Later, the courts of all dynasties began to choose from folk "beauty pageants" and "picking girls". Their role was not only to be responsible for the chores in the palace, to take care of the monarch's daily life and food, but also to provide the monarchs with their sensual enjoyment. .

Wu Shun is one of the members who came to the palace this year, but because of her beauty, she naturally suffered from the jealousy of others, such as Empress Mu who has fallen out of favor now.So poor Wu was dispatched to the corner of the palace by the way, the place farthest from the emperor to work as a handyman.

But Wu Shun didn't mind about it, she was very content to be able to stay in a quiet place, stay away from disputes, and save her life.

Wushun has a younger sister who is five years younger than her. She is naughty by nature and looks like a boy, but she is extremely smart and eager to learn.When Wu Shun was at home, he often took care of his younger sister, dressing her up and acting as a half-mother.Earlier, when Wu Shun combed his hair for the well-behaved and happy, he couldn't help thinking of his sister and parents at home, so he burst into tears.

"Sister, I'm leaving!" After Wu Shun tied Wei Xing's bun, Xing Xing stood up and said.

Wu Shun was taken aback, feeling somewhat lost for no reason.

Gao Xing came to the box, took out all the eunuch Li Fugui's clothes and his own clothes inside, put them in a basket, and then opened the door to leave.

Seeing that he was about to leave when he was happy, Wu Shun couldn't help blurting out: "Will you still come to see me?"

Gao Xing paused when he was about to open the door, turned his head, and met Wu Shun's expectant and lonely eyes, and replied with certainty: "Yes." Usually jump out of the house.

With a sound of "bang", the door of the room was locked, and the happy figure was cut off.If it weren't for the familiar breath coming from the brocade handkerchief in his hand, Wu Shun would feel that everything suddenly seemed like a dream, so unreal.

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