Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 132 The Angry Gao Wei

November [-]th was a good day for the people of Yecheng, because the cloudy sky cleared up, the heavy snow that had been falling for a whole day and night had completely stopped, and even the roaring north wind had disappeared.

There was no cloud in the sky, and the red sun rose above the treetops early in the morning, passing its warmth to the suffering people.The children who had been holding back all day ran out, in groups of three, in groups of five, or making snowmen, or having snowball fights. Yecheng, which was desolate in the late twilight, has some vitality.

Although the warm sunshine can melt the snow and ice on the mountains and rivers, it can't dispel the chill in the hearts of everyone in the Northern Qi Palace, let alone the anger in Gao Wei's heart.

Last night, in the Longji Hall, when Gao Wei hugged Feng Shufei Xiao Lian's soft and hot body to go to Wushan, the palace in the south suddenly burst into flames, which undoubtedly greatly spoiled Gao Wei's interest.The loud voices shouting for firefighters everywhere made Gao Wei even more inattentive to sleep. Thanks to Feng Xiaolian's soft voice and that brilliant massage technique, Gao Wei managed to fall asleep at dawn.

But not long after Gao Wei fell asleep, there was a sudden mournful cry outside the door of Longji Hall, which woke Gao Wei up at once.Anyone who is awakened from a sound sleep will not be in a good mood, let alone Gao Wei, the emperor who is not very gentle and has an extremely noble status.

Gao Wei, who was so angry in his heart, didn't even put on his shoes, so he yelled at his personal guards to escort the crying people in.

Just when Gao Wei was thinking about whether to saw the daring lunatic who disturbed his sleep to death or cook him to death in the hall, the crying people outside were invited in by the guards.Contrary to Gao Wei's expectations, this daring lunatic turned out to be his queen, Mu Huanghua.

Gao Wei had three queens in his life, and Mu Huanghua was the third.Gao Wei's first queen was named Hu Lu Wanyi, who was the wife of Hu Luguang, a famous general in the Northern Qi Dynasty.Hu Luguang was the powerful minister at that time, and Gao Wei married Hu Lu Wanyi as the crown prince and concubine for the stability of his regime, and later became the queen.

Carefully interpreting the history of the Northern Qi Dynasty, we have to lament the good luck of the Gao family.This family full of perverted genes has been able to rule the Northern Qi Dynasty for decades, and even defeated Yuwen's Northern Zhou Dynasty at one time.The achievements of these two people cannot be ignored, but their ending is even more lamentable.

This No.1 is Yang Min.Yang Min, courtesy name Zunyan, nicknamed King Qin.

During the reign of Emperor Xiaozhuang of the Eastern Wei Dynasty, Er Zhurong, who held military power at the time, launched a rebellion, but unfortunately he failed in the end.Yang Min's family was convicted because one of them participated in the conspiracy, and Yang Min, who was away from home, escaped the catastrophe by coincidence.

In order to avenge his hatred, Yang Min joined Gao Huan's camp, advised the Gao Group, and finally wanted to destroy the Erzhu Group and help Gao Huan become the only official in the Eastern Wei Dynasty.After Gao Huan's death, Gao Yang replaced the Eastern Wei Dynasty and established the Northern Qi Dynasty, with Yang Min as prime minister.

Gao Huan avenged Yang Min's family, and Gao Yang's trust in Yang Min made Yang Min so grateful that he devoted all his heart and soul to maintaining the Gao regime.Although Gao Yang was very perverted and brutal, under Yang Min's proper management, Northern Qi's national power was still strong, which made Northern Zhou dare not act rashly.

After Gao Yang's death, Prince Gao Yin was weak. Although Yang Min tried his best, he still failed to keep Gao Yin, let alone his own life.In 560 A.D., Yang Min was killed by Gao Yan and Gao Zhan at the age of 49. The Bei Gao family, the giants supporting the Northern Qi Dynasty, dug up one by themselves.

The second person is Hu Luguang.Hu Luguang, whose name is Yueming, was born in Gaoche, born in Jiangmen, the son of Hu Lujin.

If Yang Min's tragic death was the result of the failure of the power struggle among the Northern Qi royal families, and it was the dark side of the treacherous politics, then Hu Lujin's tragedy is the direct expression of the incompetent Gao Wei digging his own grave. It is the revelation of Northern Zhou's ambition and decision to annex Northern Qi.

Since the Northern Wei Dynasty split into Eastern and Western Wei, Yuwen and Gao never gave up the idea of ​​annexing each other.But for decades, Yuwen's has always been at a disadvantage.But after Gao Yan succeeded to the throne, the gap between the two parties was greatly reduced.When Gao Wei became the lord of the Northern Qi Dynasty and Yu Wenyong became the Great Treasure of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, the situation between the two countries suddenly changed.But the Northern Zhou Dynasty did not have the confidence to win the Northern Qi Dynasty, because the Northern Qi Dynasty had hundreds of thousands of soldiers who started from Gao Huan, and even the famous general Hu Luguang who made the Zhou people fearful.

However, in the 20-year war with the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Hu Luguang's undefeated victories made Zhou people fearful, and Qi people admired them, but also made Qi's monarchs feel fear, as the saying goes.

Emperor Wu of Zhou, Yuwen Yongxiong, had a general plan and made active preparations for attacking the Northern Qi Dynasty as soon as he ascended the throne.The Northern Zhou Dynasty knew the delicate relationship between Gaowei and Huluguang, so the general Wei Xiaokuan of the Northern Zhou Dynasty wrote a nursery rhyme "A hundred liters fly to the sky, the bright moon shines on Chang'an, the mountains will collapse without being pushed, and the oak tree will stand without support", and let the spies in Yecheng spread everywhere.

Baisheng is Hu, and Mingyue alludes to Hu Luguang's character, so it is not difficult to guess that this nursery rhyme implies that Hu Lu will replace Gao.

In 572 A.D., Zu Ting, the blind prime minister, had not yet been identified in Yecheng. He wanted to become the most powerful person in Northern Qi. A sentence, that is, "The blind husband carries a big axe on his back, and the garrulous old mother can't speak."

Lu Lingxuan thought that rapping was reprimanding herself, so she held a grudge, and conspired with Zu Ting to sue Gao Wei. In the end, under the collusion of these treacherous villains, a generation of famous generals fell, and another mountain that supported the Northern Qi collapsed. The Eastern Expedition of the Northern Zhou Dynasty had a little more chance of winning.

Because Hu Luguang lost power, the entire Hu Lu family fell into a slump, and Hu Lu Wanyi's queen position was naturally also deprived.

Gao Wei's second queen was the Hu family, who was the natal family of Gao Wei's mother, Queen Mother Hu.Empress Dowager Hu herself was a bit too open-minded, and she had an affair with a minister, which displeased Gao Wei.Coupled with the fact that Gao Wei had been close to his wet nurse Lu Lingxuan since he was a child, Empress Dowager Hu only had the reputation of being a queen mother, and she didn't have much power in the palace, so she couldn't compete with Lu Lingxuan at all.

In order to please her son, Empress Dowager Hu gave Gao Wei the Hu family from her natal family, and after several operations, she became Gao Wei's second queen.

Just when Empress Dowager Hu was delighted, Lu Lingxuan said to her, "Empress Hu said that you have a bad style." .

At this time, Mu Huanghua, who was being favored by Gao Wei, became Gao Wei's third queen with the support of Lu Lingxuan.

It's a pity that Gao Wei, who is devoted to the pursuit of excitement and novelty, is doomed to be unable to put his mind on a woman.When Feng Xiaolian appeared, Mu Huanghua had no choice but to let go of the past and guard the empty boudoir alone.

How sad it is for a woman to lose her husband's favor, and how sad it is for a woman who loves vanity to lose Qionglou Yuyu?

Before Gao Wei could speak, Mu Huanghua hugged Gao Wei and began to cry. The miserable voice made Gao Wei feel sad for a while, and he temporarily suppressed the anger in his heart. He asked the reason softly, only then did he know where the fire happened at night. It is Mu Huanghua's bedroom.

After such a big event happened, Gao Wei didn't take half a step out of Longji Hall, how could this not make Mu Huanghua sad and heartbroken.

Just when Gao Wei was patient and coaxing Mu Huanghua under Feng Xiaolian's resentful eyes, Wu Zhengzhong, the left commander of the Yulin Army, came to report that the imperial study had been stolen.

Although Gao Wei did not go to the Imperial Study Room for ten days and a half months, that place has a very special meaning in Gao Wei's heart.

Gao Wei pushed Mu Huanghua away, and under the astonished eyes of the latter, he rushed to the imperial study with Wu Zhengzhong.

Although Gao Wei was barefoot, he walked like flying all the way from Longji Hall to the Imperial Study Room, as if he didn't feel the cold ground at all.

When Wu Zhengzhong was wondering when his master's body, which had been hollowed out by wine, became as strong as a cow, everyone came to the door of the imperial study.After asking Wu Zhengzhong and a group of Habayashi soldiers and personal guards to guard the door, Gao Wei rushed into the imperial study room alone.

"Damn, damn, you all should die, ah!"

Gao Wei had not been in the imperial study for a long time, when there was an earth-shattering roar from the imperial study.

Wu Zhengzhong's expression changed drastically, and before he had time to think about it, he rushed into the imperial study room first.When he saw Gao Wei with disheveled hair and roaring mournfully in front of a bookcase in a corner, Wu Zhengzhong couldn't help being taken aback, and hurried forward and asked with concern, "Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?"

"It's you, it's you, ah, die, damn it!" Gao Wei suddenly raised his head, revealing his ferocious face, the murderous intent in his scarlet eyes made Wu Zhengzhong, a general who had been on the battlefield, tremble in his heart .

Wu Zhengzhong came to Gao Wei and asked worriedly, "Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?"

Gao Wei smiled "hoho" with a hoarse voice, opened his bloody mouth, and shouted "Kill". Under Wu Zhengzhong's surprised eyes, Gao Wei pulled out the saber from Wu Zhengzhong's waist, and then In the latter's unbelievable eyes, he suddenly slashed at him.


Wu Zhengzhong screamed, from his left shoulder down to his lower abdomen, Gao Wei cut a foot-long gash on his body, and Yin Hong's blood spattered out, covering Gao Wei's head and face.

"Good kill, good kill!" Gao Wei stretched out his scarlet tongue, and lightly licked a drop of blood from the corner of his mouth. With a strange smile, he raised his bright steel knife and pointed it at the shocked Habayashi army. run.

"Your Majesty, spare me, Your Majesty, spare me!" Seeing Shang's bloodshot steel knife approaching his head, all the Yulin soldiers wanted to avoid it, but they didn't dare, so they could only kneel down on the ground, begging like garlic , hoping to wake up the crazy Gao Wei.

However, they are doomed to be disappointed. To put it bluntly, Gao Wei has been filled with anger at this time, and he has completely lost his mind. All that remains in his heart is the desire to kill and destroy. Even if Gao Wei is awake, in his eyes, killing people No more hassle than chopping vegetables.


"Forgive me, forgive me, Your Majesty!"


The shrill screams and calls for help came from far away from the royal study, causing the Habayashi soldiers who were about to rush in outside the house to stop suddenly, and each of them looked at the open door with pale faces, as if they were staring at a person. It was a ferocious beast, and at the same time, there was a lingering fluke in his heart.

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