Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 134 frame the blame

"Fen He, is your son back today?" Wang Yan came to the Happy Mansion early in the morning, and asked Fen He as soon as he entered the door.

Fen He was really startled by his dejected and tired look, first nodded and then quickly shook his head.

Wang Yan was very puzzled, but he didn't have the heart to guess, and asked irritably: "What do you mean, is he there?"

Seeing Wang Yan's impatient face, Fen He couldn't help being a little afraid, and hesitated in a low voice: "Young master is at home, it's just..."

"Just what? Human life is at stake, take me to see him!" Wang Yan glared, scolded, and strode towards the happy yard.

"My lord, my lord is resting, I'm afraid it's inconvenient!" Wang Yan was very fast, and Fen He didn't catch up with him until he reached the gate of Happy's small courtyard, and quickly grabbed his sleeve to stop him.

"What time is it, he actually wants to sleep, what does it matter if he doesn't sleep for a while?" Wang Yan couldn't help roaring at Fen He angrily, then threw Fen He away and rushed towards Wang Yan's bedroom angrily. go.

Just when Wang Yan raised his hand to knock on the door, the door opened from the inside first, and Xing Xing appeared at the door in a white Confucian shirt, with a gentle and indifferent smile on his face.

"Brother Wang, why did you come so early today?" Gao Xing bowed his hands and walked out from the door, looked at Fen He gently, and then glanced at the study room seemingly inadvertently.

Fen He could not help secretly heaving a sigh of relief seeing his young master's radiant look from afar, recalling how he looked when he was happy last night, Fen He still felt trembling.

Gao Xing hangs out with Wang Yansi, goes in and out of restaurants and brothels, and often stays out at night, Fen He has long been used to it.But Gao Xing has a good habit, that is, he has never been home for a whole day.When Wang Yan came to look for happiness yesterday, Fen He couldn't help but start to worry.From her understanding, Gao Xing didn't seem to have any friends in Ye City except Wang Yan.

When Fen He told Hong Bing, the guard in charge of the security of the mansion, the worry in his heart, the latter told him that the young master would be safe and sound with a face of indifference.

Seeing Hong Bing's determined and confident face, Fen He couldn't help feeling a little more at ease.

But when the night fell, the happy figure still did not appear. At this moment, a fire was ignited in the direction of the palace, and Fen He suddenly felt a burst of fear.Intuition tells Fen He that being happy is dangerous.

A woman's sixth sense has always been very accurate. Last night at that time, Gao Xing did encounter danger.

"Who is it? Stop!" Gao Xing ran naked in women's attire, and immediately attracted the attention of the patrolling soldiers under the palace wall.

"Master Jun, there is news about the culprit!" Gao Xing looked at the dozen or so Habayashi soldiers in front of him with a face of fear, his chest heaving up and down violently, and his body was still trembling slightly.

The little leader, whose eyes were shining because of Gao Xing's beauty, immediately woke up when he heard the news of the thief, stared at Xing Xing closely and asked, "Are you sure? Where are you? Take us there!"

Gao Xing casually pointed to the direction he had come from, the little boss glanced at it, waved his hand, said in a low voice, "Go and have a look," and then led his soldiers to the direction X X pointed out.

"Where is it? Why haven't you arrived yet?" Yue Mo was a hundred meters away from the city wall, but he still didn't find any trace of the thief. The little boss couldn't help asking anxiously.It's not that he suspects that Gao Xing's words are false, but he is really eager to make contributions.

During the day, Wu Zhengzhong, the commander of the left, said that if anyone captures a thief, he will be rewarded with a reward of 30 yuan, and the official will be awarded a second grade.If the official plus four ranks, if the leader of the ten-man team is added to the fourth rank, then he is only one rank lower than Wu Zhengzhong!

So when he heard the news of the thief, in the eyes of the little boss, the woman Gao Xing pretended to be was just a pink skeleton. As long as he caught the thief, what kind of woman would he want?Based on this, he was even more anxious.

It is rumored that the two thieves are very skilled, they can fly over the walls and walk through the sky, but is this possible?

There is a saying that beat the master to death with random punches, we have ten thick spears in our hands, what are we afraid of?

The little boss couldn't help not being intimidated by the rumors, but became even more excited. He kept fantasizing about how he would get promoted and make a fortune, but he didn't know that the god of death had already raised the sickle to him.

Gao Xing brought ten Habayashi soldiers to the flower bush where he changed clothes. When everyone saw the eunuch uniforms on the ground, their eyes lit up, and their excitement was beyond words.During the day, the Yulin Army searched all the eunuchs in the palace just to find this dress, but unexpectedly it was here.

Gao Xing has arrived behind the Yu Linjun at some point, his eyes are glowing with cold light, colder than the still howling cold wind, a pitiful smile is drawn from the corner of his mouth, it is so close and distracting .

A soldier turned his head inadvertently, just happened to see the happy smile, and couldn't help being slightly stunned. He didn't wake up until Gao Xing's slender, white right hand was pressed against his neck, but it was too late, and the soldier couldn't help but feel happy. Without even uttering a cry, he died full of horror and confusion.

The happy body suddenly danced in the cold wind, like a phantom, erratic, and very mysterious. In just three breaths, the ten Habayashi soldiers who were alive before fell to the ground forever, without a trace of pain on their faces. All that is left is confusion and inconceivability.

Gao Xing quickly put on the clothes of one of the soldiers who were similar in stature to himself, and put the eunuch's clothes on the ground on the soldier.

After finishing all this, Gao Xing took a deep look at the ten people who fell on the ground and stopped staying. He turned around and left with big strides. A vague voice came from the wind: "Rest in peace!"

With the clothes and waist badge of the Habayashi Army, Gao Xing easily deceived all his "colleagues" to touch the tall wall of the palace, and slipped out of the palace from the wall when his companions were not paying attention.

After leaving the palace, he was happy not to go back to the mansion, but ran towards the Huaiyin Palace not far from the palace.

Happily familiar with the journey, Qian entered the Huaiyin Palace, then found a remote room, took off the clothes of the Habayashi Army on his body, and hid them in a ball in a corner.After finishing all this, Gao Xing smiled coldly, and said to himself: "Gao Ajunfeng, today I will give you some eye drops again, lest you don't know the power of heaven and earth, and just come to trouble me!"

After finishing speaking, he went out of the room happily, turned around and closed the door behind him.Before Gao Xing's hand left the door, he heard a strong wind blowing from behind, and at the same time, a gloomy and hoarse voice clearly entered Gao Xing's ears.

"Sneaky, what's your plan?"

Gao Xing was startled, without looking back, his feet suddenly exerted strength, and his body shot forward like a shell, smashed open the door and rushed into the house.As soon as his feet touched the ground, he tapped the ground lightly when he was happy, and his body slid a foot to the left, just in time to avoid the attack from behind.With the faint light on the snow, Gao Xing also saw the attacker's face clearly.

Judging from his thin body and dry, wrinkled face, he is by no means young.It's just that the hair and beard are still jet-black, with a strange luster.Looking carefully, there seems to be a tinge of greenness on his face, and his eyes are full of viciousness and hotness.The most eye-catching thing is his pair of hands protruding from the wide black robe, the palms are as thin as sticks, through the strange transparent black skin on his hands, it seems that every bone in his palm can be seen.There are still inch-long sharp nails on the fingers of his hands.

Seeing the old man's blue-blue luster nails, I was so happy that I couldn't help but tremble, my muscles tensed instantly, and the longevity formula in my body was also functioning to the extreme, but my face was indifferent, and I asked in a deep voice: " Who are you?"

"Quack, little girl, for so many years, this is the first time someone has been so calm in front of my Poison King Yinchi!" Poison King Yinchi's pair of triangular eyes shone with obscenity, and those eyes seemed to want to tear up the clothes on Gao Xing's body, tsk tsk in his mouth Sighing loudly, the hoarse voice was more penetrating than the night owl neighing in the middle of the night.

"Tsk tsk, what a good-looking person, hippie and fleshy, willow waist and plump buttocks, I like it! Little girl, hurry up and take off your clothes. If you serve me comfortably, I will give you a good time!"

"Old man, are you Gao Ana's lackey?" Gao Xing's eyes twitched violently twice, and his eyes became colder.

Yin Chi was furious when he heard the words, and said viciously: "Hey! This old man is a dignified poison king, a person who looks like a fairy, how could he be driven by a small mortal? If it weren't for the sake of Gao Ana's filial piety, this old man Let him live or die?"

Gao Xing sneered, and said disdainfully: "If it's not a running dog, what is it?"

"Boy is looking for death!" Yin Chi's eyes widened suddenly, looking at Gao Xing's eyes like a poisonous snake, sharp and vicious, his eyes were bloodshot because of the surging murderous aura.Yinchi opened his hands in the shape of claws, every muscle and bone were clearly exposed, and the nails even exuded a cold light.


Gao Xing snorted, did not speak, but expressed his disdain.

"Ho ho, how courageous! The old man has decided that he will give birth to you today, so that you will know the price of provoking the old man!" Yin Chi smiled sadly, cruel and cold, "Seeing that you are so beautiful, I think your family will be so handsome!" The old lady is more charming, that's the old man's favorite! Quack..."


Gao Xing raised his head and let out a roar, a shocking aura suddenly erupted from his body, his clothes were calm and unmoving, his eyes that had always been calm and deep suddenly turned scarlet like blood at this moment, full of mad killing intent and destruction of everything desire.

The dragon has reversed scales, and if you touch it, you will die.In Happy's heart, the most important thing is his parents. He lost his parents due to injustice in his previous life.Now, Mrs. Zheng and Gao Changgong have been deeply imprinted in his heart, making him cherish them even more and not allowing others to insult them.Yin Chi's delusional attempt to tarnish Zheng's words undoubtedly touched the bottom line of happiness and made him go crazy all of a sudden, the bloodthirsty killing in his heart filled his mind again.

"Damn it, damn it, ah!" Gao Xing gritted his teeth and stared at Yin Chi, the veins on his neck swelled like a coiled snake, and the murderous aura on his body that was as thick as a substance made the temperature in the room drop instantly.

The sudden change of Gao Xing made Yin Chi stunned, and the cold murderous aura on Gao Xing made his laughter stop abruptly. A pair of sinister eyes fixed on Xing Xing, watching Xing Xing's every move vigilantly.

"Kill!" Gao Xing let out a low growl, his body and face were like a crazy beast, rushing towards Yinchi with unparalleled momentum.

"Hey!" Yin Chi let out a low cry, bowed his waist and pricked his horse, drew an arc with his arms in front of his chest, and then pushed out flatly.


Yin Chi's palm collided with Gao Xing's fist, the latter lost its momentum, but the former stepped back three steps in a row, a blush glowed on his blue-gray face.

"What a lot of strength!" Yin Chi's eyes were fixed, and he just exclaimed in his heart, but there was another strong wind blowing against his chest.

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