Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 137 Your Majesty, Please Save My Minister

As long as it is a human being, no one does not like the days of "sleeping until he wakes up naturally", and the Son of Heaven is no exception.

Opening his eyes, he glanced at the golden sky outside the west window. Gao Wei stretched comfortably, with a look of laziness and confusion after a sound sleep appeared on his face.For today's life, Gao Wei is not satisfied.

For a person who only thinks about having fun all day long, it is unrealistic for you to want him to shoulder the heavy responsibility of nation building, and it is also a cruel torture for this person.Gao Wei is like this now, he is really tired of tedious political affairs.

Whenever he sees his sons who are still toddlers and babble, Gao Wei always laments that time passes too slowly and children grow too slowly.How much he wanted to follow the example of Wucheng Emperor Gao Zhan, throw the throne to his son, and be the Supreme Emperor himself at ease!

Wine and song, life geometry?For example, the dew in the morning has a lot of bitterness in the past day.Cao Cao Cao Aman sighed so much, because time waited for him, and he could not complete his grand plan of dominance in his life.Gao Wei also often lamented that time is short, so he always pursues the idea of ​​having fun in time. For him, the country, the country, the grand plan, and the hegemony are nothing but floating clouds.The reason why he clings to the power of the emperor is to serve for pleasure.

But now, Gao Wei is no longer so emotional.This is not because his thoughts have been sublimated and he has transcended the world, but because he no longer has to worry about the short life.As long as the "Secret of Longevity" is in hand, isn't the endless vitality unleashed?

Thinking of "The Secret of Longevity", Gao Wei couldn't help but want to laugh out loud, and there was an intriguing playfulness on the corner of his mouth.

This treasure originally came from Xuyi City, but his cousin Gao Changgong could only present it to himself respectfully, which greatly satisfied Gao Wei's vanity.

Think about it, in a group of brutal and incompetent people who are comparable to animals, suddenly a humble and generous gentleman appears, then this person is definitely a strange and unwelcome existence.Gao Changgong is obviously that outlier in this generation of Gao's royal family. He is handsome, intelligent, brave and good at fighting. He will undoubtedly be envied, envied and hated by Gao Wei.Therefore, whether it is Gao Changgong in history or today, the fate is so sad.

There is another important reason for Gao Wei to laugh, and that is that what is contained in the "Longevity Formula" is by no means false, but very possible.Although Gao Wei has only practiced for just over two months, and there is still a long way to go before reaching the second level of cultivation, his whole body is full of vigor, and Gao Wei is very excited.Not to mention anything else, just saying that his body, which was hollowed out by beauty, has been greatly improved now, even if he fought Feng Xiaolian until dawn, his body is not very tired, Gao Wei is very happy.

It has such an effect at the first level, so what about the No.18 level?Flying into the sky and escaping from the ground, I am afraid that immortality is not a problem!

Just when Gao Wei was looking forward to the scene in Megatron, the court lady came to report, Changli King Han Changluan asked to see him.

After waking up from sleep, Gao Wei felt refreshed, and he didn't blame the maid for disturbing his lust, and told her to invite Han Changluan in.

Under the leadership of the court lady, Han Changluan stepped on small steps all the way, lowered his head slightly, and came to the place five meters in front of Gaowei's bed in a well-mannered manner, prostrated himself on the ground, and shouted loudly, "My minister sees Your Majesty, long live long live Long live".

Long live?In the future, I will surely be able to shine with the sun and the moon, and live the same life as the heaven and the earth!

A gentle smile appeared on Gao Wei's face, he slightly raised his hand, and said, "Changluan Aiqing, let's go down, you came to look for me at this time, but there are traces of thieves?"

Han Changluan thanked him, then stood up slowly, bowed his waist respectfully, and glanced around hesitantly.

Gao Wei understood, and with a wave of his hand, the maids and eunuchs standing around quickly exited the hall and closed the door without a sound.

"Tell me, what have you found?"

"Your Majesty, according to investigations, there were two people who sneaked into the palace the night before yesterday. One was dressed in white, and the other was masked in black. These two have been hiding near the imperial study, but for some reason, in the early morning, the two There was a conflict between them, and thus their identities were exposed. The sudden fire last night, in my estimation, must have been caused by those two thieves."

Gao Wei nodded, motioning for Han Changluan to continue.

"Last night, those two clashed again on the roof of the imperial study. One of the disguised people was scared away by the Habayashi army on the spot, but the other disappeared. This morning, ten corpses and A set of eunuch uniforms, moreover, the clothes and belt badges of one of the ten people are gone."

"It is inferred that the villain in white first disguised himself as a eunuch to avoid the Habayashi Army's interrogation during the day, and then disguised himself as a Habayashi Army and escaped from the palace at night. The clothes he was wearing when he escaped have been found by the minister."

"Oh? So fast, who is that person, who dared to steal from the palace so boldly?" Hearing this, Gao Wei straightened up, his eyes sparkled with excitement and bloodthirsty.

"This..." Han Changluan glanced at Gao Wei with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"What's wrong?" Gao Wei asked in surprise.

Han Changluan asked instead: "Your Majesty, what do you think of Huaiyin King Gao Anagong?"

"Gao Anagong, he is very loyal!" Gao Wei couldn't help frowning, and asked uncertainly: "You don't mean to tell me that you found that dress from Gao Anagong's house, do you?"

"Your Majesty, the clothes were indeed found in the Huaiyin Palace!" Han Changluan bowed down.

Gao Wei's face did not show joy, but his brows were frowned even more, his face was cloudy and uncertain.

Han Changluan lowered his head, looked at his nose with his eyes, his mouth with his nose, and his heart with his mouth, and stood quietly on the spot without saying a word.As a person who is good at drilling camps, flattering people, and watching people's words, Han Changluan knows how to fulfill his duties as a courtier.So he just stated the results of the investigation without saying a word of nonsense.

"How does Gao Anagong say?" Gao Wei asked lightly.

Han Changluan replied: "King Huaiyin said, 'He is always waiting for His Majesty's summons'."

"Okay, is there anything else?" Gao Wei glanced at Han Changluan lightly.

Han Changluan hurriedly bowed and replied, "I have one more matter, which is about the Turkic envoys."

Gao Wei raised his eyebrows, "Say."

"Yes." Han Changluan replied yes, and then said: "Turkic Tabo Khan sent his seventh son, Ashina Kugazhen, to our Daqi to ask for employment (diplomatic visit). Discussing the strategy of resisting Zhou, but the Turks want to make peace with me."

"Marriage? It's simple. Choose a princess from the royal family who is still in the pavilion and has not betrothed anyone else. Canonize as a princess and marry Turkic. In this way, the alliance between Daqi and Turkic will definitely make Yu Wenyong restless, haha Haha, good thing, good thing!" Gao Wei couldn't help but smile when he heard this.

Gao Wei laughed for a while, but found that Han Changluan did not agree with the compliment as usual, and couldn't help but feel very surprised, "Aiqing, what do you think of this matter?"

"Your Majesty, it is a good thing to unite with the Turks to fight against Zhou, but..." Han Changluan glanced at Gao Wei quickly, it was really hard to say.

Gao Wei's face darkened, and he asked in a deep voice, "Just what?"

"It's just that Ashina Kuhe really wants to marry not the princess, but Zhao Zhongjiang's daughter." In the first sentence, Han Changluan's voice was quite loud, but the latter sentence was much weaker, almost inaudible true.

"Zhao Zhongjiang?" Gao Wei couldn't help but frowned and thought about it. Suddenly, his expression changed and he asked, "The son of Zhao Yanshen, king of Yiyang?" His soon-to-be Gao Wei Zuo Zhaoyi's daughter, Zhao Jing.

"Yes." Han Changluan replied in a low voice.


Gao Wei slapped the couch under him with a muffled sound, and he suddenly stood up from the couch, his wide-open eyes were full of anger, and the veins on his clenched fists were exposed.

Hearing Gao Wei's violent and rapid panting, Han Changluan didn't dare to let out his breath, and stood aside with his head bowed respectfully.

Gao Wei gritted his teeth and said angrily: "How dare you, you have attracted the attention of my women! Didn't you tell them the identity of Zhao Jing?"

"I will never dare to be negligent!" Han Changluan said with trepidation, "I had previously resolutely rejected the marriage proposal of Ashina Kuga, and told them clearly that Miss Zhao Jing is Your Majesty's Zuo Zhaoyi, but Turkic People don't want to give up."

"What is he thinking? Does he want to snatch it? It's unreasonable, it's unreasonable! Someone, tie up that Turkic barbarian from Ashina for me. I want to cut open his stomach to see if he has a bear. How dare you touch my woman!"

Gao Wei was furious, roaring loudly, the corners of his eyes were trembling, his face was ferocious and terrifying, and a cold and cruel smile flickered at the corner of his mouth.


Dozens of strong and powerful men rushed in and looked at Han Changluan with murderous eyes, which made the latter tremble unconsciously.

"Your Majesty, calm down, don't be so angry because of the Turkic barbarians!" Han Changluan hurriedly comforted Gao Wei. Seeing that the anger on Gao Wei's face had lessened, he waved his hand back and let the personal guards go out before asking: "Your Majesty , Is beauty important or country important?"

"Of course the country is important!" Gao Wei looked at Han Changluan strangely.

"Your Majesty is wise!" Han Changluan flattered, and then analyzed: "Your Majesty, as long as you have thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, you can enjoy all the beauties in the world! Ashina Guhezhen promises that he is willing to be entrusted to His Majesty and lead the One hundred thousand Turkic iron cavalry will fight against Zhou with us!"

"Oh?" Gao Wei couldn't help pondering when he heard the words. Although Zhao Jing's talents and looks are impressive, he still seems to be far behind all the beauties in the world.As long as there is Turkic help, what is there to be afraid of Zhou Guo, and what is there to be afraid of Chen Xu, a child of Soochow?

Just when Gao Wei was weighing the weight of Zhao Jing and Jiang Shan, someone outside the door reported: "The King of Yiyang, Zhao Yanshen, is begging to see you!"

Gao Wei and Han Changluan looked at each other, not understanding why Zhao Yanshen, the tumbler in the officialdom, came here.

After Zhao Yanshen came in, he first saluted Gao Wei respectfully, and then slightly bowed his hands to Han Changluan. Although Han Changluan didn't like to see Zhao Yanshen very much, he still gave the salute slightly.

"Zhao Aiqing, why did you come to see me?" Gao Wei was already sitting on the bed at this time, his face regained his peace.

"Your Majesty, please save this humble minister!" Zhao Yanshen suddenly prostrated himself on the ground, crying out sadly.

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