Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 144 I'm Happy

"Since you want to die, then Ben Khan will fulfill you!" Ashina Kuhezhen's anger swelled, his distorted face was hideous and terrifying, and a fierce and wild breath radiated from him with a strong murderous aura.With a roar, he pulled out his scimitar with a "clang", and he rushed towards the masked man in black like a gust of wind.

"Turkic thief, die!"

Just when the masked man in black was about to die, and Zhao Jing was horrified and worried, a sound like thunder came from afar, and the earth-shattering shout was deafening. Suddenly, the movements of his hands could not help but slow down.

"Hoo!" A shrill scream sounded almost at the same time as the shouting, and a black light quickly tore apart the snowflakes falling in the sky, and in an instant, it traveled a distance of nearly [-] meters to the front of Ashina Cave Hezhen .

"Dang!" There was a clear sound of gold and iron clashing, and Ashina Kuhezhen's scimitar swung to one side, and his figure involuntarily fell back two steps. .

Ashina Kuhezhen shook his head vigorously to get rid of the dizziness in his head, ignored the arrows that were trembling until the tail feathers, but looked at the masked man in black and Zhao with vigilance and shock. behind Crystal.

"Dedede" The galloping hooves of the galloping horse came from far to near, and soon came to the front, and everyone couldn't help but look up.

The visitor was dressed in fluttering white clothes and covered his face with a white scarf, making it difficult to see his face clearly, but from his smooth forehead, heroic eyebrows and his loose black hair, it can be seen that he is still very young.This person is riding a maroon red, strong and tall horse, holding a longbow in his right hand.Obviously, it was really him who used the bow and arrow to stop Ashina Kuhe earlier.Beside him, there is also a tall, fat and healthy horse.The Turkic people who knew horses recognized at a glance that these two horses were good breeds from the grasslands, not only possessing strong explosive power, but also amazing endurance.

Three hundred Turkic men immediately surrounded him and protected Ashina Cave Hezhen in a semi-arc shape. Shoot into a hedgehog.

When the white-clothed man appeared in front of everyone, Wu Shun, who was behind the team, suddenly trembled, his eyes burst out with inconceivable and excited brilliance.She had already recognized that the man in white was the "thief" who undoubtedly broke into her room that day, the boy with a face that made her even a little jealous.

Besides Wu Shun, there was another person present who recognized the identity of the man in white, and that was the masked man in black.When joy appeared, he was stunned for a while, and then a strange brilliance appeared in his eyes.

That's right, the masked man in white is just happy, and the masked man in black is Wang Yan.

Facing the tens of meters of densely packed arrows that may leave the string at any time, he is happy but not afraid. He also holds a bow and arrow in his hand, but the target is not the truth of Ashina Cave, but the weak and happy body. Zhao Jing who is obedient.

"Who are you? Are you also here to die?" Seeing Gao Xing's arrow pointing at Zhao Jing and Wang Yan standing in front of him again, Ashina Kuhexin couldn't help feeling a little worried.He took a step forward, revealing his aggressive aura.He stared at Gao Xing closely, not daring to relax in the slightest.He was very shocked by the strength of Gao Xing's arrow, so he had to cheer up to deal with it.

He was happy but didn't even look at Ashina Kuhezhen. He nodded at Wang Yan and said in a hoarse voice, "Brother, bring Ms. Zhao over here!"

"Why are you here?" Wang Yan didn't move, but asked in surprise.

"You are my elder brother, my brother, so I am here!" Although the happy tone was very light, it was very firm.

Wang Yan was startled, the red light in his eyes faded a little, and he looked at his happy eyes shining brightly, "Okay, good brother, it's not in vain to have you and me to know each other, even if we die today, I will No more regrets!" After Wang Yan finished speaking, he looked up to the sky and laughed, a heroic spirit that looked down on death soared into the sky.

"Gu Duo, capture this man for Ben Khan!" Seeing that Wang Yan and Gao Xing turned a blind eye to him and talked to him like no one else, Ashina Kuhezhen couldn't help being very angry, so he no longer cared about Gao Xing's origin and ordered The reckless man Guduo under his hand made a move.

"Han dog, watch grandpa tear you apart, roar!" Gu Duo agreed, roaring like a hungry wild wolf, turning into a gust of wind, rushing towards Gao Xing with fierce momentum.

"Shoot the arrow!" After Guduo ran three meters away, Ashina Kuhezhen gave the order decisively.

"Boom, boom, boom!" There was a sound of trembling bowstrings, and at the same time, nearly [-] feathered arrows shot towards Gao Xing like rain.

"Be careful!" Wang Yan exclaimed, turning the long knife in his hand, trying to stop Gu Duo.However, for a dandy who is not working hard, with his strength and speed, how can he stop Guduo, he can only look at the afterimage left by Guduo and sound a warning to Gao Xing.

"Good come!"

At the moment when Gu Duo moved, Gao Xing let out a low growl, and slammed his body onto the horse's back. At the same time, he slammed his legs on the horse's belly. Then, the happy body shot out three meters away like an arrow from Li Xuan. "Puff puff puff", the feathered arrow flew over Gao Xing's head, just hitting the place where Gao Xing had previously stood.

After dodging a round of arrow rain, Gao Xing suddenly took the reins of the horse, and the horse suddenly jumped over the roadblock Wang Yan placed on the road. At this time, Gu Duo just rushed in front of him.Gao Xing smiled coldly, and a bright light flashed.The next moment, Guduo screamed, and at the same time as a thick arm flew in the air, his body also fell and flew out from the collision of the horse, and slid seven or eight meters away on the snow.

"Guduo!" Ashina Kuhezhen and a group of Turkic people exclaimed at the same time, their faces were shocked besides shock.As the personal bodyguard of Ashina Kuhezhen, Gu Duo is naturally capable, but at this moment, when he met him, his right arm was cut off by joy.And the most frightening thing is that no one in the arena saw the happy movement, only the extra long sword with blood in his hand showed the world what happened before.

Gao Xing bumped Fei Guduo to Wang Yan's side, and while everyone was shocked, he put the blood-dripping long sword on Zhao Jing's neck.

"What are you doing? Let Her Royal Highness go!" Ashina Kuhezhen shouted angrily, his eyes tearing open.Gu Duo was very angry when Gao Xing's arm was cut off, which made him very angry, but at this time Gao Xing actually put the sharp weapon on Zhao Jing's neck, which made him frightened for no reason in addition to anger.

As soon as Gao Xing raised his legs, his body floated lightly from the horse's back to the ground. This action made everyone tremble with fear, fearing that he would accidentally cut Zhao Jing's slender and fair skin with that sharp long sword. neck.But their worries were obviously superfluous. From beginning to end, Gao Xing's right hand holding the sword was as stable as Mount Tai, motionless, and did not hurt Zhao Jing at all.

"Get on the horse!" Gao Xing ordered Zhao Jing coldly with a slight force on his right hand.

Zhao Jing was stunned for a moment, and remained motionless in a daze.

At this time, Zhao Jing also recognized Gao Xing's identity.In the past few days, this white figure has appeared in my heart many times, but I didn't see him until I left Yecheng. At this time, he suddenly appeared, and Zhao Jing's mind was blank for a while, full of joy, Grievances, grievances, mixed flavors, and so on.

I was happy to glance at Wang Yan, who immediately understood.At this moment, Wang Yan didn't care about the etiquette of giving or receiving a kiss, so Wang Yan supported Zhao Jing's waist with one hand and her calf with the other, and helped her onto the horse's back.

Zhao Jing came to her senses, her body was ashamed and a little annoyed by being touched by the opposite sex, and she wanted to break free, but seeing Gao Xing's cold commanding eyes, she couldn't help but give up resistance, and let Wang Yan help her onto the horseback, but in her heart, Pain for no reason.

Gao Xing shook his head slightly at Wang Yan, Wang Yan hesitated, and finally rode on the same horse with Zhao Jing according to Xing Xing's intention, and with a nervous and excited mood, Wang Yan lightly passed Zhao Jing's armpit with both arms , gripped the reins tightly.

Seeing Wang Yan holding his bride in his arms, Ashina Kuhe felt great hatred from his heart.His eyes were spewing fire, his clenched fists were full of veins, his teeth were clenched, but he didn't dare to act rashly when he saw the shining long sword in Gao Xing's hand that was always sticking to Zhao Jing's vital parts, he could only helplessly Panting violently, she watched Zhao Jing being taken advantage of by Wang Yan.

"Your Excellency, do you know what you are doing?" Qi Hesong looked at Gao Xing indifferently, and said in a deep voice.

"Get out of the way!" Gao Xing put the tip of his sword on Zhao Jing's waist and said coldly.

Unmoved, Qi Hesong stared at Gao Xing closely, squinted his eyes, and said slyly: "Your Excellency, do you really want to hurt Princess Dayi? If so, kill her!"

According to Wang Yan's previous conversation with Zhao Jing, Qi Hesong intuited that Zhao Jing knew the masked man in black, and they even had a very close relationship.So he concluded that Gao Xing just wanted to use Zhao Jing to coerce himself, but he would never hurt Zhao Jing.

However, Qi Hesong made a mistake. As soon as his words fell, he narrowed his eyes when he was happy, sneered, and said "yes" disdainfully. Send it forward hard. There was a soft sound of "噗哧" accompanied by Zhao Jing's hatred, both Qihesong and Ashina Kuhezhen couldn't help but widen their eyes, watching Zhao Jing's clothes around the waist quickly become wet.

There was a playful smile in Gao Xing’s eyes, he looked at Qi Hesong and said, “Can we get out of the way? She is the princess of Daqi, but not the princess of our country. In my eyes, she is just a flag, a relatively valuable flag. Only captives!"

"You!" Qi Hesong's face darkened, and he stared closely at the happy eyes, trying to see something from them, but the happy eyes were indifferent, and there was no wave at all.

"Do you still need proof?" Gao Xing said coldly.

Qi Hesong pursed his lips tightly, feeling at a loss for a while.Although he still believed in his heart that Xing Xing would not really hurt Zhao Jing, but if his guess was wrong, once Xing Xing was hurt more or died, the consequences would be very serious.

"Tell me your conditions!" Ashina Kuhe really held back the anger that burst his chest, and said through gritted teeth.

"Give way!" The happy answer was very simple.

"No, Her Royal Highness is Ben Khan's wife, how can you be allowed to take her away!" Ashina Kuhezhen flatly objected.

"Since that's the case, let's take the move!" Gao Xing said, the long sword in his hand turned suddenly, and the flood dragon with a horse-like radiance as if sailing out of the sea swiftly went straight to the door of Hezhen in Ashina Cave.

Ashina Kuhezhen lost his due vigilance because of the anger in his heart. At this time, his joy suddenly exploded, which caught him off guard, and he backed away in a panic.

But he didn't want to be happy that this move was a false move. While Ashina Kuga was really backing away, Gao Xing moved his feet and slid a step to the side, and came in front of Qi Hesong. The long sword in his hand drew an arc , from bottom to top, to between Qi Hesong's legs.

Feeling the soaring murderous aura on Gao Xing's long sword and the chilly lower body, Qi Hesong's heart trembled, the hairs all over his body suddenly sprang up, his feet turned hard, and his body suddenly turned to the side, just getting out of the way in front of the horse .

"Crack!" At the same time as he was moving happily, Wang Yan mustered all his strength, and the long knife in his hand suddenly slapped the horse's buttocks.

"Xijinjin", the steed neighed for a long time, and then carried Wang Yan and Zhao Jing and rushed forward suddenly, with four hooves flying, bringing up a cloud of snow dust, and ran nearly ten meters in an instant.

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I'm not feeling well today, there's only one chapter left, I'll make up another chapter for everyone this weekend, sorry!

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