Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 146 The gift before parting

"Why did you do this? Don't you know what the consequences of doing this are?" This was the tenth time Zhao Jing asked this question along the way, but Wang Yan never answered. He just carefully controlled the horse under his crotch, He tried his best to run towards the northeast of Yecheng.The Habayashi Army who were chasing them had already been thrown far away at this time, and their whereabouts were unknown.

"Miss Zhao, are you cold?" Wang Yan frowned, sighed silently, and finally asked with concern.At this time, the black clothes on his body had been replaced by tight blue clothes, and a large coat was covered outside, which was blown by the cold wind.

Zhao Jing didn't answer, but shrugged and asked seriously: "Mr. Wang Yan, answer my question!"

"Jing'er, don't you understand?" Wang Yan looked at the world covered in silver, with a touch of sentimentality and loneliness in his tone.

Silence, silent silence, except for the sound of galloping horses and the roar of the north wind, Wang Yan and Zhao Jing fell into silence at the same time.

How could Zhao Jing not know the purpose of Wang Yan's doing this, but she was born in a wealthy family and knew better what the consequences of such reckless behavior would be.Once Wang Yanhe's happy deeds are discovered, then Wang Lin and Gao Changgong will bear the wrath of the tyrant Gao Wei, and the happy ending of the instigator is even more unimaginable to her.

Marrying into Turkic was not Zhao Jing's wish, but because of this, Wang Yanhe's happy future would be greatly lost, and Zhao Jing's life would be in danger, which made Zhao Jing feel ashamed and blamed herself. That's why she asked this question that she knew the answer to.

"My lord, let me go and run for your life alone!" After a long silence, Zhao Jing said, although his tone was firm, there was a touch of sadness and helplessness in it.

"Can I go back?" Wang Yan sighed, seeming to answer or talking to himself.

"Is it possible to go back? Is it useful to go back?"

Zhao Jing tugged at the corners of his mouth, a gust of cold wind squeezed into his mouth from between his teeth, the lungs that had already been numb due to the cold did not feel so uncomfortable at this moment.Now, the luxurious wedding dress on her body has long been replaced. She is wearing a black man's shirt inside and a thick mink fur coat on the outside.

"Jing'er, hold on, we can enter the city after a short walk, so we can rest for a night before we go on our way." Wang Yan tightened the sable fur on Zhao Jing's body, and said in a relaxed tone.

"Where are you going?" Zhao Jing asked.Although she is smart and talented, but now that things have come to this point, she has no direction for this confused road ahead and unknown future.

"Yingzhou." Wang Yan replied.

"Yingzhou?" Zhao Jing was taken aback for a moment, but soon a look of relief appeared on his face, and there was an imperceptible joy in his eyes.

Wang Yan's final destination was Yingzhou, Yingzhou bordering Khitan and Kumoxi, the nominal jurisdiction of Gaoxing.

When he got the news that Zhao Jing had returned safely, Wang Yan was so excited that he didn't fall asleep all night.However, after one night, he was thrown into hell abruptly.

Although Gao Wei decided to marry Zhao Jing as Zuo Zhaoyi when he was in Jinyang, this news was only known to the dignitaries of the dynasty, but not to the common people.But on the second day after Zhao Jing was rescued by Gao Xing, Zhao Jing was suddenly conferred the title of Princess Dayi, and betrothed to Ashinaku Hezhen, the son of Turkic Tabo Khan, as the most important political bargaining chip for the marriage between the two countries.

This news was like a bolt from the blue to Wang Yan, and it broke him down almost instantly.Zhao Jing marries the innocent Gao Wei, and he still has a chance to meet her, but if Zhao Jing goes to Turkic, thousands of miles away, it will be impossible for him to meet again in this life, this is absolutely unacceptable to Wang Yan.

Although Wang Yan is also famous for his flirtatiousness in Yecheng, he is by no means a dude like Gao Ajunfeng. He is kind-hearted, out-tempered, and the most important thing is that he attaches great importance to friendship, and he is stubborn and principled in his work.

Yesterday evening, Wang Yanyue happily went to Zuiyue Tower.Unexpectedly, there was no trace of pain and loss of losing Zhao Jing on Wang Yan's face. Although he was not in good spirits, he was full of smiles, and there seemed to be some relief on his face.

The reason why Wang Yan invited Xing Xing to drink was because Xing Xing was about to go to Chang'an to become the son-in-law of the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

Gao Wei is cowardly by nature, and naturally lacks the strong sense of aggression of his ancestors in his bones. He used to live for pleasure, but now everything he does is for pleasure.

Although the Northern Zhou Dynasty was rising rapidly, Gao Wei was actually not afraid of it. First, because the Northern Zhou Dynasty had attacked the Northern Qi Dynasty several times, but they all returned without success. Second, the Turks have now become their solid allies. Northern Zhou's plan to attack Northern Qi naturally required careful consideration.

Since it is possible to have a good marriage with the Turks, why can't it be a good marriage with the Northern Zhou Dynasty?As long as you give yourself enough time, after the "Secret of Longevity" achieves Taoism and immortality, won't Yu Wenyong, Chen Xu and others all bow their heads and bow down?

Therefore, when Gao Anagong proposed to let Gao Xing go to Northern Zhou on behalf of Northern Qi, firstly to congratulate the Northern Zhou prince Yu Wenyun and Yang Lihua on their marriage, and secondly to propose marriage to Northern Zhou to promote the relationship between the two countries, Gao Wei made the decision without any hesitation. It was decided.

Although Wang Yan laughed freely for two whole hours without showing the slightest sadness, but he knew very well that Wang Yan's happiness as a human being felt a little abnormal.There must be a demon in every abnormality, and sure enough, after making insinuations, I was happy to vaguely know that this meal was Wang Yanbai's farewell wine.

Wang Yan decided to block the wedding party halfway, and took Zhao Jing away to fly high.

Fantasy is beautiful, but reality is extremely cruel.Gao Xing knew very well that with Wang Yan's kung fu that was inferior to a three-legged cat, it was undoubtedly a dream to snatch Zhao Jing away from hundreds of Yulin soldiers and three hundred Turkic warriors.

Gao Xing didn't dissuade Wang Yan, because he knew that the stubborn Wang Yan's decision could not be changed.So he pretended not to know how to accompany Wang Yan to exchange cups, and sincerely promised Wang Yan to take care of his family.But in his heart, he decided to help Wang Yan snatch the marriage, whether it was for his brother Wang Yan or for Zhao Jing's deep affection.

"Why did you do this? Don't you know the consequences of doing this?" When Zhao Jing asked this sentence for the first time, Wu Shun also asked happily.

"I know, but there are some things that must be done." Gao Xing quickly took off his blood-stained clothes, not caring because Wu Shun was by his side.

"Do you know that you will be in danger of your life if you do this?" Although Wu Shun felt shy when he saw Gao Xing take off his clothes, the worries in his heart at this time far exceeded these.She stared nervously at Gao Xing, her tone was full of reproach and worry, and she glanced outside the forest from time to time, fearing that those tyrannical Turkic people would come in.

After a few breaths, he changed into a brand new white suit and turned to look at Wushun with a gentle smile on his face, unrestrained and calm, "Is it cold? Put on this mink coat!" He said, Xing Xing took out a white coat from the package at his feet and handed it to Wu Shun.

Wu Shun hesitated for a while, and wanted to say something, but seeing Gao Xing's expression of indifference, his mouth grew open, and he wanted to say something but didn't know what to say, finally he took the coat with a low sigh and put it on on the body.But she still had a sad expression on her face, obviously still worried about being happy.

"Oh, it's a pity that there is such a good horse!" Gao Xing gently stroked the mane of the horse he had snatched from the Turks, while sighing, the helplessness on his face was fleeting.

Just when Wu Shun was puzzled, he let out a light drink when he was happy, and his right fist had already struck the horse's Adam's apple like lightning. After a crisp sound accompanied by the horse's painful neighing, the previously alive and well-behaved horse went "bang!" " fell to the ground with a bang, his pupils were dilated, his mouth and nose were bleeding, and he quickly lost his vitality.

Wu Shun stared at Xing Xing dumbfounded, unable to say a word for a while.She really couldn't imagine why this seemingly harmless young man would kill this innocent horse so ruthlessly.

"We should go!" Gao Xing grasped Wushun's cold little hand, and walked towards Yecheng without stopping.

When Gao Xing took Wu Shun into Ye City through the wind and snow, it was almost evening.The news of Zhao Jing's disappearance had already been sent back to Yecheng, and Gao Wei was shocked and angry at once. Yecheng, which was originally tense because of the loss of "The Secret of Longevity", was even more depressed at this time.

"Who?" As soon as Gao Xing and Wu Shun landed on the ground, the vigilant Hong Bing and five special forces surrounded him, holding a shining steel knife in his hand, looking at the two vigilantly, full of murderous intent, So scared that Wushun couldn't help leaning towards Happy.

"It's me, Hong Bing!" Gao Xing touched his face with his sleeve a few times, revealing his originally fair and handsome face.

"My lord!" Hong Bing immediately put away his weapon and saluted Gao Xing.

Gao Xing nodded and said: "Go down and rest well, there is a task tonight!"

As soon as Hong Bing heard this, his eyes lit up, his back straightened, and after he answered yes loudly, he left with a group of excited subordinates, not showing the slightest curiosity about the sudden visit of the beautiful and extraordinary Wu Shun.

Xing Xing brought Wu Shun to the study, invited her to sit on the chair near the brazier, and filled a cup of hot tea for her before sitting down opposite.

"Drink some hot tea to warm up your body, it's really too cold!" Gao Xing looked at Wu Shun gently, with a hint of concern on his face.

Wu Shun held the teacup in both hands and took a big sip. The warm tea dispelled the cold air in his body a lot.Wu Shun's movements are very elegant, coupled with her beautiful appearance, it is very pleasing to the eye.

"Is it better?" Waiting for Wushun to drink a cup of tea, Gao Xing asked while storing tea for her.

Wu Shun nodded, then took a deep breath, stared at Gao Xing closely and asked, "Who are you, can you tell me, why did you bring me back to Yecheng?"

"I am happy, the son of Gao Changgong, the governor of Huaizhou." Gao Xing paused with an apologetic smile on his face, and then continued: "How can you, a weak woman, go there to suffer in the bitter cold of the northern grassland? You helped me in the palace, so let me help you this time!"

After happily speaking, he stood up without waiting for Wu Shun to speak, and said, "You have been freezing for a long time, I ordered the maid to prepare fragrant soup for you, to drive away the cold!" After speaking, he walked out happily.

Not long after, Fenhe took Wushun to take a bath and change clothes according to Gao Xing's instructions, and then brought hot food.But what surprised Wushun was that he didn't appear again when he knew it was dark, which made Wushun feel a little scared and even more worried.

"General, where are we going?" Hong Bing asked in a low voice to Gao Xing who was wearing night clothes.

"Go give some gifts to the old man, a gift before parting!" Gao Xing chuckled, his deep eyes flickering coldly in the night sky, causing Hong Bing who was closely behind him to shiver involuntarily.

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