Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 148 Goodbye Poison King

The bright moon shines on the snow, and the wind is strong and mournful.

Gao Xing stood quietly at the edge of the woods, with the white and open field in front of him, he pursed his lips lightly, looking at the empty and desolate land under the bright moonlight, he couldn't help feeling a little sad and longing in his heart.A wanderer who travels far away misses his family, or misses his separated lover.

The full moon on the [-]th will always make people feel a little sad, and miss their families even more.Walking in the snow in winter is really hard work. From Yecheng to the dark sky, I was happy to travel only [-] miles.Gao Xing estimates that it may take half a month to reach Chang'an in the Northern Zhou at this speed.

Beside Gao Xing, the hunched Zhao Yanshen also stood quietly, facing northeast, letting the cold night wind blow his pale hair tousled.There were ravines on his face, and his cloudy eyes were full of sadness and helplessness, as well as deep resentment and worry.

Unable to change Zhao Jingyuan's fate of marrying Turkic, Zhao Yanshen was extremely helpless and grieved, but now Zhao Jing has disappeared again, which made him worry even more. A breath of desolation and decadence.

"Cough cough", a gust of cold wind swirls and blows the snow flakes on the ground, Zhao Yanshen can't help arching his waist and coughing.

"My lord, are you alright!" Gao Xing asked with concern as he patted Zhao Yanshen's back lightly.

"Hehe, I'm old and useless!" Zhao Yan waved his hands, took some withered hands away from his mouth and retracted them into his sleeves, and said self-deprecatingly, his tone was full of endless loneliness and sadness.

Gao Xing was stunned, and comforted him: "Your Excellency is joking, you will grow stronger and stronger, serving the country and the people, beyond my generation's ability!"

Zhao Yan shook his head deeply, looked at Gao Xing with burning eyes and asked: "Gao Cishi, who do you think will snatch Jing'er?"

There was a hint of sadness on Gao Xing's face, and he looked at Zhao Yanshen with clear eyes and calmly said: "My lord, forgive me, I don't know."

A look of disappointment appeared on Zhao Yanshen's face, his eyes were gloomy and sad, his thin body seemed to be crumbling in the fierce cold wind, which made Gao Xing feel worried.

"My lord, Miss Zhao is kind-hearted, and she often eats vegetarian food and recites Buddha's name. I believe that the gods and Buddhas in the sky will keep her safe and sound, so you don't have to worry about her anymore." Looking at Zhao Yanshen's eyes with a strange look, he said firmly said.

Seeing Gao Xing's determined face, Zhao Yan was taken aback for a moment, his heart moved, his eyes suddenly shone with strange brilliance, he looked straight at Gao Xing and asked, "Will the gods know?"

"Yes!" Gao Xing smiled with squinted eyes, and then said, "My lord, it's cold and windy outside, you'd better go back to rest in the tent!"

Zhao Yanshen's mouth trembled, and he finally said hello, then tremblingly walked towards the tent not far away from the wind, his steps were much lighter.

Although Er Zhu Mingfeng was full of anger, he still dutifully chose a forest land in the lee, cut down some surrounding trees, and set up a camp to ensure the safety of Zhao Yanshen, Gao Xing and other envoys.

"Sigh, marrying a woman I have never met before is really a headache for me from modern times!" Gao Xing sighed softly.

Although Gao Xing has a very close relationship with Zhang Rong, he asked himself whether his feelings for Zhang Rong were pure love, or responsibility, gratitude and pity.

The word "marriage", no matter in the previous life or in this life, I have never seriously thought about it, but at this moment, this word that he once missed and now feels a little fearful and conflicting is placed in front of him, but he can't refuse it. You can only accept the arrangement of fate.

No one likes their own destiny to be dominated by others, let alone the Laughing Buddha, who has always been a loner, is happy.But just like what is said in martial arts novels, "People are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves".Many times, fate is out of control.

A person who sticks to his dream may not be successful or great, but a person who has no dream and persistence is obviously sad.

During the few months in Yecheng, although on the surface they seemed to be happy and cheerful, they were actually walking on thin ice and cautiously.Perhaps, he could easily kill the Sangui of the Northern Qi Dynasty, and perhaps Gao Wei, but whether it was for the safety of Gao Changgong and the Gao family, or to prevent innocent people from being implicated, Gao Xing always forbeared, using superficial indifference and Don't hide everything in your heart.

Gao Xing didn't like things like cockfights, walking dogs, gambling and whoring, and he doesn't like them now, but during the few months in Yecheng, these activities were his whole life.For so many nights, he endured the disgust in his heart, tried his best to fight with women in the world, showed his incompetence and dandyism in front of outsiders, and declared to the world that he was happy as a veritable father and son, enduring the abuse of others Eyes and gossip.

However, this time, he had no choice but to accept Gao Wei's order to go to the Northern Zhou Dynasty to get married and win a respite for the Northern Qi Dynasty.

The flip side of politics may always be compromise.Happy heart so sigh.

"Inspector Gao, it's getting late, and you have to hurry tomorrow morning, you'd better rest early!" Erzhu Mingfeng said when the moon was in the sky, striding over the snow and walking behind Gao Xing.

Marriage and divorce are just a matter of a piece of paper, so why bother?

"Huh—" Gao Xing let out a breath of white air from his chest, and the uncomfortable feeling in his heart was much less, Chonger Zhu Mingfeng said with a smile: "Understood, General, thank you for your hard work, I will go back soon!"

Er Zhu Mingfeng smiled, happy politeness and respect made him feel good, seeing happy turned around, he left and went to inspect the surroundings of the camp.

Just when the happy feet were about to step into the gate of the camp, a phantom suddenly flashed in the corner of his eyes. When he turned his head to look, he saw only the mottled shadows cast by the bare trees under the moonlight.Gao Xing frowned, but kept walking, and went straight back to the tent. Instead of practicing, he lay down with his clothes on and rested.

Early the next morning, Gao Xing and his party ate their meal and set off to continue heading southwest to Chang'an.Fortunately, the weather is beautiful and the bright sunshine hangs high, making the journey of Xing Xing and his party a little less difficult.

Six days later, Gao Xing and his party entered the territory of Luozhou. In the evening, they finally entered Luoyang City, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.In the north in November, the weather is cold, the snow is thick, the roads are sparsely populated, and the weather is windy, eating and sleeping in the open. Whether it is happy to wait for a group of high-ranking officials or nobles, or soldiers with guards on their shoulders, they have suffered a lot.

After entering Luoyang City, everyone can finally take a good rest, eat hot food and drink some warm wine, which is really a good thing.

As soon as Zhao Yanshen arrived in Luozhou, Dugu Yongye, governor of Luozhou, received the news and waited outside Luoyang city very early.After some warm greetings, Dugu Yongye invited Zhao Yanshen and Gao Xing into the Governor's Mansion in Luoyang City.

Dugu Yongye, courtesy name Shiji, originally surnamed Liu, lost his father when he was young, and his mother remarried into the Dugu family, so he was brought up by the Dugu family and changed his surname to Dugu.Dugu Yongye grew up in the army when he was young, so he is skilled in bow and horse, familiar with military affairs, talented and far-sighted.

Dugu Yongye is famous for being brave in battle, upright and not making friends with the powerful.In every battle, he would lead his [-] personal guards to charge on the front line. He was so brave that Zhou Jun was afraid.Hu Luguang once asked Dugu Yongye for two maidservants, but he refused, so he was slandered and demoted, and Qihe Fugui replaced him to guard Henan.

But in recent years, the Zhou army was aggressive, and the people in Henan missed Dugu Yongye more. In order to stabilize the frontier, Gao Wei sent Dugu Yongye to station in Henan again, serving as the governor of Luozhou and the servant of Heyang Road.

Dugu Yongye did not show too much enthusiasm towards Zhao Yanshen, but entertained Zhao Yanshen and Gao Xing according to the etiquette in the governor's mansion, arranged their residence, and then left.In this regard, Gao Xing is not dissatisfied at all, but appreciates this person even more.

After greeting Zhao Yanshen, he happily left the Governor's Mansion and wandered the streets of Luoyang.

Luoyang, Chuhetu Luoshu educated the three emperors and five emperors, it is "in the middle of the world" in terms of geographical location, which is the psychological identification of the Chinese nation with the ancestral land.Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, the three most representative schools of Chinese culture, are here to demonstrate their brilliance.The Heluo region in China, centered on Luoyang, is an important birthplace of Chinese civilization, and Heluo culture is also the root culture of the Chinese nation.

Although Luoyang at this time has experienced hundreds of years of disputes, it is far from the prosperity of the Sui Dynasty, but the large-scale city, the desolate and heavy heritage, and the charm full of Chinese culture still make Gao Xing feel an invisible shock, a kind of Unexplainable pride.

Compared to the tension in Xuyi and the glitz in Yecheng, Luoyang at this time is relatively peaceful, and there are still many pedestrians passing by on the streets, looking for something to do.After all, the war is still far away from here. Luoyang, which is located on the bank of the Yellow River, has fertile land. Without natural disasters and man-made disasters, the people's life is still barely passable.

I am happy to let the horse go, without any purpose, I walked into a secluded alley unknowingly.Looking at the dark and quiet alley under the moonlight, he smiled happily, rubbed his hands on his face that was a little cold from the wind, then turned around and prepared to go back to the governor's mansion.

At this moment, Gao Xing suddenly saw a black shadow flashing past him, running towards the alley.Gao Xing stopped, suddenly dodged, and hid his figure in the dark under the wall, looking up.I saw a man in black clothes jumping off a high wall, but he staggered a few steps when he landed in the alley, and stood still while leaning on the wall.As soon as the man in black stood still, a man in gray followed him from the roof and fell to the ground.

Borrowing the moonlight, Gao Xing suddenly saw the face of the man in gray clearly, and couldn't help being shocked.Gao Xing didn't move, restrained his breath, and stared at the gray-clothed man closely, the longevity zhenqi in his body immediately circulated rapidly, and the muscles in all parts of his body gradually tightened.

All this is because the man in gray is a happy old acquaintance, the poisonous king Yinchi.

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