Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 151 The Empress Dowager Passes Away

Gao Xing and others entered Chang'an City and were arranged to live in the Yecheng Pavilion not too far from the imperial palace.

At first, the state hotel in the Central Plains that received foreign envoys was called the "Barbarian Pavilion".As the name suggests, this place is prepared for the envoys of the surrounding minority regimes. It has a meaning of satirizing the cultural backwardness and uncivilization of these countries, and it is more to show the majesty of the great power of the Celestial Dynasty.During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the barbarian hall was renamed Siyi hall, and the hall was divided into different houses according to different countries.For example, the Rouran Pavilion is for Rouran, and the Yecheng Pavilion is for Beiqi.

After sending Gao Xing and his party to the Yecheng Pavilion, Yu Wenyun said goodbye and left with no humility at all on his face, and he was very polite.Although Zhao Yanshen was dissatisfied with this, there was nothing he could do.Gao Xing didn't care about it. In his eyes, Yu Wenyun was just a dead person, and it was a bit out of place to care about the dead.

For the marriage, Gao Xing has no enthusiasm at all, so even though Yu Wenyong did not meet himself and others, Xing Xing is not in a hurry, and goes back to his room to lie down on the soft bed to rest.

When dawn breaks in the east, I am happy to wake up from my deep sleep.Although the matter of getting married made him very angry and conflicted, it was a great blessing to leave the dangerous place of Yecheng and eat and drink in Chang'an City.From happy time travel to now, in half a year, the time he spends on sleeping is really a handful, but now he can relax.

He was happy to get his couch, put on an elegant white shirt, greeted Zhao Yanshen, and was accompanied by the officials in charge of reception in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and took advantage of the fresh air in the early morning to visit Chang'an City.

Compared to Yecheng, Chang'an was indeed much more prosperous. Even though it was deep winter, the streets were still full of traffic and very lively.Although Chang'an has a history of nearly a thousand years, it is still full of vigor and vitality, and it is far from the sense of vicissitudes and vicissitudes of Yecheng.Looking at the smiles from the heart on the faces of the people on the road, I was happy and my heart was peaceful, and I couldn't help sighing while admiring Yu Wenyong, Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

In the vast history of Chinese civilization, the Great Sui Dynasty is undoubtedly the brightest pearl. The name of Sui Wendi Yang Jian has been passed down through the ages, and is called the greatest emperor by Westerners.However, people have ignored the name Yu Wenyong. It was because of him that Yang Jian was able to end hundreds of years of war and establish a unified prosperous China.

It's a pity that God gave Yu Wenyong the talent of the world, but did not give him a tenacious life.After Yu Wenyong killed the power minister Yu Wenhu in 572 AD, he began to really take control of the Northern Zhou regime.After several years of preparations, he finally annexed his old rival Gao's Northern Qi. However, when he was ambitious to destroy Nanchen, the heavens deprived him of his life.However, his successor, Yu Wenyun, was even worse than Adou. He destroyed the great country and almost gave it to Yang Jian.

Maybe, God will give Yu Wenyong five more years of life, and history will go on another track, but fate is like a Rubik's cube, you can't predict what he will look like in the next moment.

Will Yu Wenyong die so early?

Gao Xing looked at the scenery of Chang'an with great interest, while thinking secretly.Unknowingly, I was so happy that I came to the gate of a large-scale Buddhist temple.

On the lintel of the monastery, there are four large and antique characters of "Fuying Chanyuan". The white walls and green tiles exude a solemn and solemn atmosphere, and faintly, there are loud and clear bells accompanied by the monks' chanting in the morning class.Gao Xing felt that the Buddha statue pendant on his chest suddenly felt a little hot, and the Longevity Qi in his body involuntarily accelerated the speed of operation, but Xing Xing felt calm and peaceful in his heart, and the hostility in his heart suddenly weakened a little.

Although many people from Chang'an came in and out, these people all looked devout and did not make any noise, as if they were afraid of disturbing the Bodhisattvas in the temple, so that Fuying Temple remained quiet and peaceful.

"My lord, I would like to go to this Buddhist treasure to buy a stick of incense. Is it possible?" asked the officials beside him happily and gently.

"Please, Mr. Gao!"

After thanking him happily, he also entered the monastery with a solemn face, walking slowly, no different from an ordinary pilgrim.

Fuying Temple was first built in the period of Emperor Ling of Han Dynasty, and has a history of 400 years. The more you go deep, the more happy you will feel the peace of mind.The strong Buddha spirit seems to have a strange power, which can cleanse people's hearts, make people involuntarily awe, let people let go of the burden in their hearts, and temporarily escape from the world of mortals.

In front of the main hall of Fuying Temple is a wide square, which is paved with bluestone floors and cleaned spotlessly by monks.The white air wafting from the censer on the square makes people feel refreshed.Happy to climb up the steps, step by step, with calm and clear eyes.

"Huh?" Just as Gao Xing was about to enter the main hall, two monks suddenly walked out from the side of the main hall. One of them was very rich, comparable to Maitreya Buddha, while the other was quite thin, with white beard and hair , obviously not young, but his face is flushed and his eyes are piercing.The fat-faced monk couldn't help but let out a little gasp when he saw that he was happy.

Xing Xing looked at the reputation, couldn't help but was stunned, and was about to speak, but the fat-faced monk clasped his hands together and shouted the Buddha's name, and said: "Gao Benefactor, we meet again!"

There was a smile on Gao Xing's face, and he also returned a Buddhist etiquette and said: "So it's Master Huilun, what a pleasure to meet you!" Gao Xing paused, and then said: "Didn't Master Huilun go to Yecheng? Sheng suddenly came to Chang'an again?"

"Hehe, to be honest with the benefactor, the poor monk was originally a monk in this Fuying Temple, and he just returned from his practice yesterday." Hui Lun said with a smile, with a peaceful expression on his face, very much like an eminent monk.

really?I'm afraid your intentions are not pure!Maybe you went to Yecheng also for the "Secret of Longevity"!

"Haven't you asked this master's dharma name?" Gao Xing thought in his heart, but his face remained calm, and he looked at the old man beside Hui Lun and asked suspiciously.

Hui Lun replied with a smile: "Master Gao, this is the teacher of the family. His dharma name is Zhixuan, and he is the abbot of this Fuying Temple."

"So it's Master Zhixuan, I'm so happy that I don't know Mount Tai, I'm disrespectful and disrespectful!" Gao Xing hurriedly bowed respectfully.

Gao Xing bowed his body, but Zhixuan and Huilun couldn't see the shock in his eyes.

Such a major event happened in the Northern Zhou Dynasty in 574 AD, that is, Zhou Wu exterminated Buddha.

Emperor Wu of Zhou, Yu Wenyong, was a man of great talent. Although he believed in Buddhism, he was more aware of Confucianism in governing the country. Only in this way could the Northern Zhou Dynasty rise completely and defeat the Northern Qi Dynasty, thus unifying the world.

Because of the troubled times of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the people lived in the heat of the water, and it can be said that they completely lost hope in life. Buddhism, which guides people to be good, emphasizes karma, suffers in this life, and enjoys the next life, has become the spiritual pillar of many people. .Coupled with the fact that the ethnic minorities in the current dynasty wanted to stabilize the political power, with the strong support, Buddhism has flourished.

However, in this way, there are also great disadvantages.Because the status of Buddhism has risen wildly and the government supports it, the monks enjoy great privileges. They do not need to perform labor, military service, and do not need to pay taxes. The living expenses are paid by the people and provided by the government. They can live comfortably.Therefore, many people who live in poverty join the monks just to survive.And Buddhism grew like a snowball. They not only occupied countless fertile farms and houses, but more importantly, labor.

In troubled times, in addition to food, the ultimate need is naturally population.Yu Wenyong's desire to develop the Northern Zhou Dynasty naturally required a lot of labor, and even more fertile land, and Buddhism, which possessed these precious resources, made Yu Wenyong a little sleepless.

There is such a man named Wei Yuansong who once became a monk in Shu.However, this person can't bear loneliness by nature, and even more can't bear the excuse of the recluse to cut off his seven emotions and six desires, so he finally betrayed the recluse and returned to the vulgarity.

Wei Yuansong didn't like Buddhism, and saw that Yu Wenyong wanted to punish Buddhism, so he said: "The government of the country is not in Futu, Tang Yu has no Futu and the country is safe." This sentence naturally won Zhou Wu's heart, so Wei Yuansong asked The proposal to abolish Buddhist temples and reduce expenditures in this area was put on the agenda by Zhou Wu Emperor Yu Wenyong.

However, after hundreds of years of development, Buddhism has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. From the civil and military ministers to the common people, all believe in this foreign sect. This has greatly hindered Yu Wenyong's plan.

In 569 A.D., Zhou Wu asked the three schools of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism to debate, but it was Buddhism that won in the end. For a while, Emperor Wu of Zhou had to shelve this matter.

Buddhism and Taoism have been fighting for a long time, and Taoist Zhang Bin saw Zhou Wu's intentions, so he repeatedly spoke out, which deepened Yu Wenyong's contempt for Buddhism and strengthened his confidence in fighting Buddhism.

In history, Zhou Wu asked Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism to debate several times, but the final winner was all Buddhism without exception.In order to allow the Northern Zhou Dynasty to rise as quickly as possible and complete his ambition to unify the world, Yu Wenyong finally used the emperor's authority to force Zhixuan, the representative of Buddhism at that time, to implement the plan to destroy Buddhism in 574 AD.Because Taoism also lost in the debate, Emperor Wu of Zhou, in order to show fairness, reduced the conflict of Buddhism. Yu Wenyong issued a decree to ban Buddhism and Taoism. All obscene sacrifices, those not recorded in the rites will be eradicated."

Because of this, the Northern Zhou Dynasty liberated countless labor forces and gained countless soldiers, creating a solid foundation for the conquest of the Northern Qi Dynasty.

"Gao Shi is absurdly praised. The old monk has little talent and little learning. Adding him as the host can't be called a master!" Monk Zhixuan was kind and kind, and he returned the salute to Happy, with a hint of majesty on his body.

"Master's Buddhism is superb. He once defeated Taoism and Confucianism. He has long been famous all over the world. I am happy to admire him for a long time!" Happy looked at Zhixuan with sincerity.

Although Gao Xing doesn't have much faith in Buddhism, he still admires Zhi Xuan very much.How can a person who can refute Taoism and Confucianism to the point of being unable to retaliate, be an ordinary person.Moreover, after a brief observation, Happiness is even more certain that Zhixuan is a person with unique skills, which makes him unable to see through.

Just as Zhixuan was about to speak, he heard a loud bell ringing, and the direction of the sound was the palace of Chang'an.Everyone couldn't help being stunned, and turned their eyes to that place, and then heard mournful shouts from the street: "The Empress Dowager is dead, the Empress Dowager is dead!"

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